Nine Star Burden

Chapter 857: Bitch can teach

The next morning, in the courtyard of Sledgehammer.

Sledgehammer got up early to prepare meals.

When the crowd got up, the sledgehammer had already set the table in the yard, accompanied by the rising sun, and gave everyone a "iron pot stew"

The trio was enthusiastically entertained by sledgehammers, drinking a broth made of unknown meat, and eating a lot of vegetables and fruits with special taste.

Everything here tastes so weird, just like yesterday's grass fruit wine.

"What is this?" Jiang Xiao couldn't help eating and eating. He chopsticks picked up a piece of "ribs" in the broth. The bones were very hard and the meat on them was poor. Eat It's particularly muscular.

To be precise, it's a bit tough and chewy.

Jiang Xiao is a bait, of course, you can skip meals, but he still has an exploration spirit for magical food.

The sledgehammer wiped the sweat from the big bald head, and Haha laughed: "Haha, this is the ribs of Ruishou, good thing."

Jiang Xiao froze, and said, "Sui Beast? Is that the Rui Beast I imagined?"

As the sledgehammer tore the pork ribs, he said vaguely, "Have you never seen the earth beast in the different dimensions of the night city?"

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "My family is from Beijiang. Later, I went to school in the imperial capital. The troops were stationed in northwestern China. I really haven't been to the night city dimensional space in the Central Plains."

The sledgehammer nodded and said, "So it is. Then, tonight, I will simmer you again, a creature in the night city. I guess you haven't eaten it."

Jiang Xiao: "Steel wok stew?"

"Fast, eat! Fight, fight!" At the table, a golden lover stood proudly like a contractor, carrying his hands on his back, constantly urging Jiang Xiao to eat quickly, and then went to fight.

Jiang Xiao was happy, looking up at Jin Lu's dark grimace and saying, "Is it so anxious to lose?"

Jin Lu's complexion was dark, of course, his complexion was already very dark, so there seemed to be no change.

Jiang Xiao lifted the clean ribs in his hand, held the bones, and leaned towards Jin Lv, saying, "Aren't you going to eat something?"

"Don't eat, fight! Fight!" Jin Lu's body trembled, as if to be stabbed, and the husky voice became more gloomy and trembling, living a state of perverted murder.

Talking, Jin Lu actually squatted down.

It took off its own bucket, and a pair of dark claws grabbed its **** head. Its expression was very weird, and his mouth murmured: "Kill! Fight! Fight hehe"

"Uh," Jiang Xiao passed the bones carefully, and said, "You still have something to eat, how can you always be hungry."

"Woohoo ~ I'm going to fight, fight, woo" Jin's mood was almost on a roller coaster, and his voice suddenly choked, it whimpered softly, looking like an unthinkable.

That pitiful little appearance, it would be distressing to put on a normal creature, but this ugly and spooky monk

"Well, let's eat." Jiang Xiao stuffed the bones into Jin Lu's big mouth, and patted the **** head gently. "The psychology is very abnormal, and the body must be healthy!"

"噗" The sledgehammer turned his head sharply and spit out a broth. "Cough, cough, ha ha ha ha ha"

He Yun also smiled lightly and said, "Do n’t you kid here, and fight later, you have to be careful. These guys are all platinum masters.

Regardless of the ranks and star skills, we only talk about their fighting skills, even if they look at the world, they are likely to be first-class existence! "

Jiang Xiao grinned, ate a sweet and sour green fruit, and said, "He is afraid that he hasn't seen my knife?"

The trio acted together for several months. How could He Yun never see Jiang Xiao's knife?

But apparently, He Yun didn't see enough.

What else did He Yun want to say, Jiang Xiao just leaned on the broth and said loudly: "Okay! Today, I will give a lesson to the elderly! Let me tell you what is terrible!"

He Yun :? ? ?

Jin Lu suddenly stood up. On the majestic body of nearly three meters, a violent breath spread out and rolled up dust in the courtyard.

Dusty, the blind girl silently put down her tableware.

next moment,

Jin Lu picked up Jiang Xiao, and it was a 100-meter sprint!

"Yeah," Jiang Xiao's voice was getting weaker and quieter, and Jin Lv went directly to the roof, carrying Jiang Xiao flying at a rapid speed in the ancient tower city.

Ten seconds later, under the gazing eyes of everyone, Jin Lv ran Jiang Xiao back again!

I saw that Jin Jin plunged into Jiang Xiao's bedroom with one hand, holding the handles of two giant blades, and holding Jiang Xiao's body with one hand, still resisting on his shoulders, ran out again, and then left .

Everyone in the courtyard: ""

"I'm going" Jiang Xiao was like a pig, and was carried by Jin Lv around his neck. In the general journey of Jin Lv flying wildly, Jiang Xiao's body was shaking left and right, which was a stimulus.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, fight! Fight!" Jin Lu yelled excitedly and laughed wildly as she ran.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, the whole ancient tower city is boiling!

They love fighting the most!

However, there are too many rules in Guta City. You must go to Yantai each time you fight, and you must apply in advance.

If you fight privately, it will shorten the time to enter the ancient tower and bathe the beam of light, so the monstrous faces of the monks are very angry every day!

Grimace monks possess the best combat skills and good wisdom. Why didn't they dominate the Central Plains?

Of course, because they put more experience in internal fighting.

They are eager for rivals of comparable strength, which is why the forces at the top of other ancient towers have been chaotic and unable to develop.

The other ghost-faced monks on top of the ancient tower are fighting all the time. Only when the ancient tower is invaded and someone comes to steal the beam of light, they will temporarily cease fighting and fight against the enemy.

Jiang Xiao felt only a cloud of fog driving, and was finally thrown on a stone platform.

"Cang ~ Cang ~" Two beeps, two huge blades were thrown in front of Jiang Xiao.

"His, huh"

"Cuckoo!" A group of grimace monks gathered around, talking in a mess, like ghosts crying, it was really a scene of magic dancing.

Jin Lu growled loudly to the audience, Jiang Xiao couldn't understand what it was shouting, but then a half-moon machete was thrown up.

Among the half-moon scimitars on the ground, the golden couple randomly picked two hoees in their hands, and a pair of golden eyes stared at Jiang Xiao, ready to go: "fight! Fight!"

"Hoohoo !!!"

"Well," a cry of ghosts and wolves came again.

Jiang Xiao picked up the two huge blades on the ground, slowly stood up, and looked around.

This is a square platform about one meter high, which is big enough for two people to toss.

There are no protective measures such as a fence, but a stone pillar is set up at each of the four corners.

Jiang Xiao looked at the Yantai, and also at the grimace monks below.

This city is very huge and was built on the basis of three ancient towers. Therefore, the living areas of the grimace monks are mostly around the ancient towers.

The other two grimace monks living around the ancient pagoda are still here, and the grimace monks around the ancient pagoda have already surrounded the pit.

Under the group of devil dancing, one after the other, the buckets were crowded out, and their frenetic expressions were also revealed.

They really love fighting!


Jiang Xiao thought secretly that he admired fighting and martial arts so much that Jiang Xiao could use this competition to build his prestige.

In this way, Jiang Xiao's position in the ancient tower will be infinitely elevated in the future, and he can better lead this group of enthusiastic militants.

Such things as kitchen knives are in the hands of chefs, which are the tools for making delicious dishes, but if they are in the hands of gangsters, they are the weapon of killing more people.

Therefore, the kitchen knife itself has no good or evil, the difference lies in the people who use that kitchen knife.

What a huge force these nearly a thousand combat masters will be? In the future, if Jiang Xiao can really earn them, even if it is to establish friendly cooperative relations, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Jiang Xiao threw a knife flower at random, staring at the grimace monk on the opposite side.

This battle can only win! Don't lose!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jin Shiqi (Jin Lv) shivered in excitement, a look of imminent ascension.

Let Jiang Xiao look at you secretly, I haven't blessed you yet, are you alright?

Of course, the bait Jiang Xiao didn't have a blessing either. At this time, his star skills are doomed double star skills, shadow crow three star skills, white ghost double star skills, and ghost tiger's sharp and perceptive star skills.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~"

"Oh, oh!" If you don't fight on the stage, there will be a riot in the audience, but the voices of the demons and ghosts, Jiang Xiao, are upset.

He suddenly picked up the knife and pointed down the stage.

For a moment, the area pointed by the giant blade stopped for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the monks faced each other as if provoked by a great deal of provocation, and if they were not pulled by the guards of the silver monks coming, they would have already come up.

Just now, Li Haoge and Yue Yuchen of the Yingdi team rushed to the scene with a team of silver men who maintained order.

At this moment, the hearts of the two were crying secretly. What was this deputy head of the Zhuguang Mission doing? Want to stir up a riot in the city?

After all, there was a ring match, and more and more monks came, and the scene became more and more difficult to control. Jiang Xiao was so provocative. I am afraid that those who are supposed to maintain order must jump She's dry!

Jiang Xiao turned around, pointed at the grim-faced monks around the ring, and suddenly yelled, "Every **** can speak Chinese !?"

In the hot atmosphere, Jiang Xiao was also imposing, and his swear words burst out.

The sound around the ring stopped suddenly.

Jiang Xiao shouted, "Your cheering support sound is too bad. Today, I will teach you a vocabulary," lie down! "

Yue Yuchen and Li Haoge :? ? ?

Grimace monks are also aggressive

"Expressing surprise and admiration!" Jiang Xiao loudly said, "After seeing any Sao operation in a while, say these two words" lie "! Remember? Come on, tell me again:" lie! "

Yue Yuchen and Li Haoge: ""

A grass companion suddenly said, "Vortex?"

One, two, three

For a while, the sound of "sleeping" continued.

"Yeah! Good!" Jiang Xiao nodded heavily, there is nothing more grounded than these two words.

In the mouths of these grimace monks, there is no wonderful rainbow fart, just these two words are enough!

If there is no rainbow fart in this purest fighting technique, wouldn't it be a half of fun?

Not far away, the sledgehammer led He Yun and the blind girl also rushed to the scene, but they heard a sound of "lying".

He Yun and the blind girl are both stupid. What is the situation?

It turns out that learning is not easy, and learning bad is definitely a slip.

On the stage, Teacher Jiang looked relieved and nodded constantly, admiring the grimace monks below: "Well, **** can teach, **** can teach!"

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