Nine Star Burden

Chapter 858: Grandmaster? Playing is a master!

"Wow, yeah!" Jin Lu couldn't take it anymore, holding two half-moon scimitars, her figure shuttled like ghosts, her physical qualities exploded, and she came to Jiang Xiao in a blink of an eye.

The dark ghost held a bright half-moon scimitar in his hand and chopped it down fiercely. Jiang Xiao subconsciously raised the knife to block it. Each of his left and right hands held a giant blade, placing an "x" shape above his forehead. It was dangerous to block this fierce blow.

"Oh!" The next moment, a huge force came, and Jiang Xiao was blasted out!

Grimace monk in platinum, this power is terrible!

Moreover, this is also the "Hateful Strike" that Jin Lu struck for a night and chopped it out with great strength.

Jiang Xiao flew out directly and planted himself in the group of grimace monks under the stage.

"Shh ~~~"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo of boos," Jiang Xiao's performance unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Well, the derogatory kind.

Just now, I still have a spirited look. I still teach people how to cheer. Now?

One round? Was he cut off directly?

Below the ring platform, Jiang Xiao only felt a powerful palm holding Jiang Xiao's body, and threw Jiang Xiao on the ring platform again.

Yeah! ?

Jiang Xiao just felt a cloud of fog driving, what is the meaning of no road to heaven and no door to the ground?

Flying off the field? It's okay, we'll throw it back for you!

In the strict sense, Jiang Xiao has become a "tool man" at this time, and must provide a battle for the grimace monks to meet the combative nature and appetite of the grimace monks. Otherwise, Jiang Xiao is afraid of being attacked by this. The audience broke up ...

The blind girl stood in the distance, frowning slightly, and crooked her head. She seemed to feel the situation on the court carefully, and said softly, "Be careful to use the bell."

"Huh?" He Yun was slightly surprised, he turned to look at the blind girl.

Why does this blind woman who doesn't care about anything suddenly say such a thing?

You know, before the trio came to the Central Plains, they walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, especially when they went through the bushes and jungles in Damon Province. At that time, the blind girl never cared. Cross Jiang Xiao ...

Is it because the two have established their identities?

He Yun thought secretly that if he had the chance, he still had to ask Jiang Xiao about the blind girl's information and her origin, which has always been a mystery here.

On the ring platform, Jin Lv could no matter how many, holding the huge half-moon scimitar, rushed to kill again.

Flutter ...

In the air, with nowhere to borrow, Jiang Xiao's body turned into a crow, a light dodge, the left wings quickly closed, and the dazzling blade wiped his dark feathers and chopped down.

Flutter ~ flutter ~ flutter ~

Immediately, a shadow crow flew down and rushed toward Jin Shiqi's huge body.

Obviously, Jin Shiqi hasn't seen this kind of star technique, but it has no fear, and fights back, each time a knife is swiped, a little shadow crow is chopped and broken, turning into a little star power, and dissipating in the air.

Banging ~

The remaining Shadow Ravens finally explode! Shadow Raven's Second Star Technique • Raven!

The grimace monk jumped abruptly, with a terrible reaction, rubbing the blast of air and jumping out of the bombing circle.

In the sky, Jin Lv did a light backflip.

The half-moon scimitar in his left hand did not know where he was thrown, and saw his left hand pinching his eaves hat, slightly pressed it, and blocked it in front of his face. The broad robe was blown by the waves of waves, like a wave. Chic ranger.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Woohoo ~!" The audience in the audience was boiling, finally came the scene of ignition explosion, for the "hungry" crowd below, their emotions finally found a vent point.

"Hey ... hey ~" Jin Shiqi lowered his brim with one hand and held the knife with one hand, pointing at Jiang Xiao, a transcendent adult, and said, "Useless, useless!"

Jiang Xiao wasn't quite sure whether the other person was talking about his own star skills or himself.

No matter what the other party said, Jiang Xiao said he was comfortable! Such a battle can arouse Jiang Xiao's desire to fight!

Jiang Xiaomai opened his legs and rushed forward: "Come again!"

"Hey, haha, hahahaha!" The grimace monk raised his brim with his fingers and sneered, and as he leaned forward, he picked up a sword on the ground.

Before the battle began, Jin Lu asked the audience for weapons, and the broken audience threw the weapons in their hands.

Therefore, at this time, the stand on which the two stood was full of weapons, and there were strange things.

The picture was quite shocking, as if the two were fighting in a weapon pile.


The one-eight-two silhouette collided with the three-meter ghost again!

The physiques of the two sides are completely mismatched. Of course, the strength attribute is the same, not only the strength attribute. Jiang Xiao is almost completely crushed by Jin Shiqi in terms of physical fitness. This is not only a superior position, but also an racial advantage. !!

The expected huge noise did not appear, and Jiang Xiao did not fly out again. Under the circulation of the green awns, Jiang Xiao ’s giant blade was covered with rich green awns, but even if there were green awns nearby, Jiang Xiao Is still using the force of play, and did not really go against the hard.

Jiang Xiao held the giant blade in his right hand, a clever recuperation force, but backed away by hitting the grimace monk.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao's left hand behind the beam violently flung out, a sharply rotating giant blade, killing the golden seventeen that retreated back and forth!

Under the repulsion effect of Qingmang, Jin Shili receded eight meters away, and those golden eyes were dazzling, and his gaze looked fiercely at the spinning giant blade. What does it mean! ?


Jin Qiqi raised his hand and blocked the flying giant blade. At the next moment, the grin on his face was a little stiff, because another giant blade that was rotating at a high speed came almost without the giant blade just now. Seam connection.

The timing of that giant blade's arrival was so ingenious that it was so clever that Jin Shixi could not avoid it, but could only block it.

Jin Seventeen is very clear that it can block, and it relies on its strong physical fitness and reaction ability, but whenever it is replaced with other species ...

Golden Seventeen blocked again, and the sharply rotating giant blade collapsed again, and then another giant blade struck again.

Golden Seventeen :? ? ?

"This kid ... this kid isn't greedy for my sword !?" Sledgehammer patted his big bald head with one hand, and looked at the godlike picture on the stage stupidly. what?"

Above the ring, a blade of light flickered and the waves were overflowing.

The tall and majestic Golden Seventeen was already stretched out at this time. He was stubbornly defeated by the giant blade that seamlessly connected and spun quickly, and stepped back!

Sledgehammer: "This ... what is this?"

He Yun frowned slightly: "This is not scientific ..."

If you hit the target, you may be able to bounce the knife back, but you are hitting a creature that moves, resists, conscious, and has power. How did Jiang Xiao control the strength and angle and retract the giant blade that popped up? ?

This kind of peaking skill is not self-entertainment at all. You have to count the reaction and strength of the other party to show such a picture!

If He Yun didn't know the characteristics of these grimace monks, he even thought that Jin Shiqi was acting with Jiang Xiao!

"Sleep !!!"

"Sleep !!!"

"Look down ...?" The sound of amazement sounded, extremely surprised.

At first, the grimace monks also thought that Jiang Xiao was using the giant blade as a flying blade and wanted to be surprised, but never expected that this flying blade was recyclable?

Seeing these martial arts, the grimace monks who were surrounded by the Yantai River could not help but look at them, as if they were going to swallow Jiang Xiaohuo!

Believe it or not, the diamond-quality giant blade technique is so overbearing!

Jiang Xiao opened his bow from left to right, and went to the ground, picked up the knife, and used the delicate operation to the extreme, slamming the ghost in front of him crazy.

Jin Shiqi stepped back and stretched his head. He never thought that he, who was good at his skills, was defeated by a human who knew only the use of star skills.

Yes, it's not just the golden seventeen, but in the hearts of all the grimace monks, human beings are waste that can only use astrology!

Jiang Xiao perfectly explained what is called step by step, step by step.

Since that round of revolving blades were thrown out, the snowball rolled up again and again, until one round was out of control!

Jin Shiqi ’s fighting intelligence quotient did not say, it knew that it could not continue this way.

Jin Jin, who has always mocked humans who can only rely on star skills, has finally used his own destiny star skill, the golden stick (a stick in the head, dispels the haze, and is exciting)!

Obviously, Jinlu also has the potential to be a poisoned milk.

Obviously an auxiliary star-like technique, it will be used as the output star technique!

At the moment Jin Qi held up his hand to block, the accompanying movement had been formed. An imaginary stick suddenly appeared above Jiang Xiao's head and smashed it fiercely.

Jin Qixi didn't care about his own stick, whether Jiang Xiao's head was smashed, whether Jiang Xiao would be blessed, but as long as Jiang Xiao was under this stick, there was a half-second "stiff "Status, it is enough!

The rhythm must be disrupted!

Jiang Xiao, who frantically drew his sword and approached step by step, suddenly stepped down and bowed back suddenly.

Perceived, of course he knew what was happening above his head, apparently, he was dodging the huge stick.

Jin Lu's eyes fixed! opportunity!

Every time Jiang Xiao's body made a bit of a misplacement, but every time he was disrupted, his rhythm was completely gone. Not only could he not get a bounced knife, but he could no longer suppress the golden lover.

Jiang Xiao bouncing backwards, almost lying on the ground and flying backwards.

He did not pick up the sword, but he had a blood-red giant blade in his hand!

The crimson rimmed giant blade was thrown out immediately when Jiang Xiao lay back.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao, who was lying backwards, picked up the blades scattered on the ground, and her body disappeared!

Destiny Core-Destiny Blade!

And the sword that Jiang Xiao picked up turned out to be a sword?

Jiang Xiao had no time to observe the weapon, but whenever he could look twice, I was afraid that he would name the sword "fish intestine".

Above the three-foot green peak, the full-blade pattern is like a fish intestine. If you want to come, it must be an antique work by Master Hammer.

Under the doomed blade, Jiang Xiao's figure is much faster than the flower blade that he flew out before.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiao, holding the figure of the fish intestine, had chased and surpassed the flower blade that came out of the rotation.

Under the speed, Jiang Xiao's figure appeared almost in a teleportation posture, and appeared directly in front of Jin Xishi's body. From bottom to top, a sword stabbed at Jin Qi's lower abdomen and stabbed at the large coat .

"Hey!" Jin Shichi didn't have time to think at all. It could respond physically and was already the greatest resistance.

This is a fast-moving "Desperate Blade" star technique!

One second ago, Jin Shiqi was still lying behind and hiding after watching Jiang Xiao. One second later, Jiang Xiao had already killed him.

Under the huge crisis, the natural reaction of the body allowed Jin Shiqi to block while using the "moving" star technique. (Loss of action ability, increase certain defense power, immunity against knockback and dizziness.)

This is the defensive star technique of the Grimace Monk and Jinlu family, which is the most likely product of natural reaction.

And for Jiang Xiao ... not moving! ?

What I want is your immobility!

Jiang Xiao's sword was covered with green awns, and the sharp long sword pierced the thick coat of clothing, pierced the hard skin of Jin Shiqi, and penetrated deeply into Jin Qishi's abdomen!

After the "knock-down" effect of the gold pin Qingmang was immune to the "immobile" star technique, only the powerful strike effect remained, and under the huge charge of the blade of death, the output damage simply exploded!


Jian Feng into the flesh!

Golden Seventeen's immobile star technique was cancelled instantly!

Jin Lu's fighting intelligence quotient and fierce energy are not a joke, it relies on the physical strength advantage to endure this sword.

After canceling the fixed star technique, it resumed its free body again, and its sharp claw quickly ripped towards Jiang Xiao.


Jiang Xiao leaned sideways, and in the eyes of Jin Shiqi, only a piece of blood remained.

The flower blade that Jiang Xiao had played before was killed on time and in front of the two!

Under the perception of star skills, Jiang Xiao seemed to have long eyes behind his head, a simple sideways side, a blood-stained giant blade, spinning sharply vertically, rubbing Jiang Xiao's nose, and stabbed directly into Jin Qixi Leaning down in the chest!

When Jiang Xiao threw the flower blade before, because he didn't have to be afraid that the weapon could not withstand the star skills, the green awn in his hand was adjusted to the platinum quality when it fluttered.

Uh ...

Under the huge impulse, Jin Qiqi was directly taken away by the huge and extremely sharp blade, taken out of the ring, over the heads of the audience in front, and smashed into the equally crowded auditorium in the distance. In a moment, a group of people turned over ...

He Yun couldn't help but smashed Huayazi: "The young man in the trough, the young man in the trough ..."

The sledgehammer slapped his big bald head, and there seemed to be no other words in his mouth. He repeated the words just now: "This ... what is this?"

Aside, the blind girl stood silently, and the ink flower that was quietly blooming in the hands of her slim white jade hiding under the wide white robe slowly withered, and the dark ink dripped down the long fingertips. On the land.

Li Haoge and Yue Yuchen looked at each other with a look of shock. The two brothers relied on the powerful star skills to barely tame the family of ghost-faced monks, but the deputy head of the tail feather group ... this skill?

You said he didn't use star skills? In fact, it is not. In this battle, the star technique runs through and plays a vital role.

But you have to say that he is crushed purely by star skills, and that's not right, the winning hand is above the terrible dagger.

It was the cool-to-the-best, magical dagger skills that defeated the golden seventeen.

It's just like crazy dog ​​suppression!

What kind of deputy regiment is Yangtze River, it is Jiang crazy dog ​​...

How can human beings really combine their star skills with their own skills?

No, it's not just star skills and craftsmanship. What's more terrible is the battle intelligence quotient, the subtle layout.

Jiang Xiao turned and looked at the grimace monks under the ring. He put his right hand behind his ear and made a listening gesture.

After a few seconds, Jiang Xiao was uncomfortable.

It's a pity that there is no rainbow fart, only a deadly silence.

Jiang Xiao poked his lips, what did all these ghosts do? I carefully taught just now, have you all forgotten?

Shout for me!

I will come first!

Lying down!


Four thousand and four hundred words, I hope you have a good time.

Please pass the monthly ticket to the poisonous milk, thank you!

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