Nine Star Burden

Chapter 859: Seven apprentices?

"His ... Cuck!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" After a brief silence, the ancient Gucheng city exploded completely!

Grimace monks uttered words that Jiang Xiao couldn't understand, yelled loudly, and were so imposing that their sense of substitution was terrible, as if they had just experienced a hearty battle. At this time, they were presumptuous Celebrating.

For this new Chinese, the family of grimace monks can be described as eye-catching.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Xiao not only glorified the Huaxia people, but also glorified the entire human race.

Because before the meeting with Jiang Xiao, the grimace monk despised humanity from the bottom of his heart. Not a kid with a cannon?

Hit the iron, you have to be hard!

This is a very interesting chain of contempt. The grimace monk regards the astrology possessed by humans as "equipment". In other words, it is a "technology".

For the grimace monk, what is really powerful is always his skill and tactical accomplishment.

Today, although Jiang Xiao is also wearing "equipment", his own skills are presented in front of the crowd in a crushing posture. This alone touches the hearts of the monk family.

And Jiang Xiao, who was standing on the stage at this time, secretly wondered: Just now that his sword is playing well, why is there no "familiar sword mastery"?


In the past, when Jiang Xiao practiced Fangtian painting halberds, he seemed to have played a bit, but also did not start the corresponding basic skills. If you think about it, you should receive systematic training, at least to practice the most basic sword skills Will "Sword Mastery" Appear?

Jiang Xiao feels that he can also gain a higher level of respect.

These monks are known as masters of weapons?

Oh, Jiang Xiao can also be a weapon master.

Any cold weapon on Jiang Xiao's side can be promoted to silver skill with 9 points, and gold skill can be promoted with 100 points. As for the higher level of platinum ... Jiang Xiao didn't plan to order it, it was pure waste.

The technique of cold weapons in the golden ranks may not be enough compared with the ghost-faced monks who study a certain skill, but it is already very good.

At this time, Jiang Xiao was carrying "a huge sum of money" in his pocket, and the full moon feats he obtained last time gave him 30,000 points.

calm! calm!

In the roar of all directions, Jiang Xiao secretly stabilized his mind and couldn't make a decision just by tapping his head. The idea of ​​becoming a "weapon master" also needs to be carefully considered.

The door is worse than the door.

In the end, Jiang Xiao still used giant blades, and he didn't want to learn these cold weapons to pretend to force them. He just got better recognition and respect from the grimace monks.

If you get great gains at a small price, why not?

On the other side of the earth, the World Cup is about to begin. It is conceivable that it is another big wave of skill points.

"Huh." Jiang Xiaolian nodded again and again, this idea seems to have some feasibility. Then observe and observe the preferences of the grimace monks, and see if the "master of weapons" profession is a bonus.

Having said that, the real plus point has always been in front of Jiang Xiao, and that is the sledgehammer!

You know, the sledgehammer has been recognized by the grimace monks for relying on the forging skills of pure fire.

However, Jiang Xiao is not sure if he will start the basic skills of forging.

After all, Jiang Xiao has also learned to swim, but he has n’t mastered swimming. Jiang Xiao has also learned the language of many countries, but he has n’t mastered the language. Of course, Jiang Xiao also drives, but he has n’t mastered driving. ....

The basic skill section in the star chart seems to be only for basic combat skills.


A grass companion rushed out of the siege, jumped directly onto the platform, picked up a tomahawk on the ground, and yelled at Jiang Xiao angrily: "I'm coming!"

Jiang Xiao was startled, looking at the hot eyes of the other person. Under this chaotic and impulsive mood, the other person could still take care of the Chinese battle? It's hard for you.

Jiang Xiao smiled, and pointed to the bucket on his head, with green threads flowing, as if to inform the world about what happened in his house.

Grass companion: "Ah?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "The hat is good."

The grass companion threw the bucket dipper to Jiang Xiao, and said, "Sent you! Let's fight!"

Jiang Xiao took the green straw hat, it was almost like a hot hand, and threw it back in a hurry: "Thank you, I don't want to, you keep it, you look better than me."

Huh! Huh!

Another two grimace monks jumped up, one was a gold-red line with flowing gold-red lines on the robe, and another was a gold-gold line with pure-gold lines flowing on the robe.

Two grimace monks issued invitations to battle against Jiang Xiao.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and one ghost monk after another jumped up, Jiang Xiao was dumb.

This this......

Jiang Xiao looked at the fierce monsters who were fighting fiercely. He was a little helpless. How could this be good?

Within a few seconds, the grimacing monks scrambled around Jiang Xiao regiment.

Standing about three meters tall and strong, the grimace monks started a crazy "selling" around Jiang Xiao. Jiang Xiao was not short. He was already one meter eighty-two. He could already look into Xia Yan's eyes. Yes, but for these mighty and grim monks, Jiang Xiao is just the weak chicken among the weak chickens ...

People always use others as their own.

Grimace monks are eager for powerful opponents, so they are bragging wildly when selling themselves. They naturally think that Jiang Xiao also wants to play against powerful opponents.

"Mine, Yi Xun! My silver gun, great, let's fight!"

"Sword! My sword! I Cao Jiu ..."

"I ... I! I have a big axe, but I can ... I can kill Huaxiong!"

Under the squeeze of madness, Jiang Xiao finally made a classic action: hold his head and squat to defend!

The gap between teleportation and high-speed movement is finally revealed! Jiang Xiao didn't even know where to go.

However, squatting against the head was useless at all, and Jiang Xiao was directly stacked by Luo Han and pressed to the bottom.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao's heart collapsed ...

Big head!

Male plus male!

Having said that, what kind of ghost is "I have a big axe but can cut Huaxiong"?

How did the two eagle owls export Chinese culture to the group of grimace monks? When they're idle, they are still talking here?

Jiang Xiao's guess is correct. The grimace monks are especially belligerent. For a long time, the Chinese people here can't suppress this hot private scene.

Private fight in the city! No matter where you go, there are bound to be grimace monks fighting!

And 24 hours a day, endless private fight! Do you believe it?

However, the grimace monk is such a kind of creature, one of the few that can calm them down and sit well, just listen to the book ...

The only thing Jiang Xiao guessed was that it wasn't the two brothers Yingying telling the story, but the sledgehammer telling the ghost-faced monks.

The sledgehammer wouldn't say Hong Lou Meng, but he would say the Journey to the West. Only a few minutes later, the grimace monks under the stage started to fight.

In desperation, the sledgehammer began to talk about the leech, and this time, it was a complete grasp of the hearts of the grimace monks!

After the leeches, the sledgehammer talked about the Three Kingdoms again, and the response of the masses was better ...

"Everything is silent! Please give me some silence!" The sledgehammer leaped high and jumped onto the ring. The shouting of the gong-broken voice was no different from the wailing voices of the grimace monks.

It is also because of this grumbling voice that the grimace monks love to listen ...

Nothing else, just two words:? Kind!

The sledgehammer opened his mouth and hissed out, "Take me quietly! Today, I'll tell you once more about the three prisons and the three battles against Lu Bu!"

To the surprise of He Yun and the blind girl, this picture of the city's riots really gradually became quiet.

What is a trick to eat all over the world?

The sledgehammer has spoken thousands of times to "three tigers and three British wars against Lu Bu"!

This job is called a porcelain!

Speaking thousands of times, the monks should be tired of hearing? It turns out it didn't!

The grimace monks said: You don't get tired of listening to it 10,000 times!

Sledgehammer looked at the hungry eyes below with a satisfaction, and nodded, and said, "Everyone stepped down, stand still! Be quiet, if you are doing well, I will make more ... Uh, talk more Details of the British battle Lu Bu! "

Jiang Xiao grinned, sledgehammer, sledgehammer, you exposed ...

Although there was a lot of quiet under the ring, the grimace monks surrounding Jiang Xiao were still selling themselves.

Jiang Xiao promised their invitations while persuading the surrounding grimace monks to leave and coaxed them to step down to listen to the story.

With the help of the two Yingying brothers and the Silver Guard, the surrounding grimace monks turned around one step at a time, but in the end they left, and Jiang Xiao hurried off the ring.

And Jiang Xiao also found a detail, from beginning to end, in this chaotic picture, no silver couple appeared!

Does the internal classification of Grimace monks have their own biological characteristics?

The other three species of grimace monks have come to power. Only the silver monks are maintaining order, and no one has come to the stage to fight.

Jiang Xiao's heart was secretly thinking, bending over, slipping past the mighty grimace monks, and came to He Yun and the blind woman.

"Haha." He Yun just healed the golden seventeen, Haha laughed and stood up, smiled with a wrinkle on his face, patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder, and said, "You're a swordman, it's a real sight bright."

"Then take a look." Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "It's too early for you to come to a different ball. Since the 2017 World Cup, no one on the planet has rejected my sword."

While talking, Jiang Xiao saw where the blind woman stood, and there were two dark ink marks, one under each of her left and right hands.

It seems that she was ready to kill a **** road before?

Between thoughts, the Jinlu aside stood up, a finger came over, and that pointed fingernail gently lightened Jiang Xiao's shoulder.

"Why, disagree?" Jiang Xiao looked up curiously.

With a husky throat, Jin Shiqi said, "Teach, teach me! Teach me!"

"Well?" Jiang Xiao blinked, looking at the weapon master in front of him, and said, "Me? Teach you?"

"Yes! Teach me!" Jin Shiqi suddenly kneeled on both knees, alas! Boom! Boom!

Three buzzers in a row, the shrill one is called crisp!

This guy does n’t speak much Chinese, but he does n’t know much about etiquette ...

While talking, the sledgehammer broke the voice of the sledgehammer: "I saw that Lu Bu's hand held the Fang Tianhua halberd, and he picked it fiercely, and a golden air wave rose into the air! His Majesty Red Rabbit and his horse hissed, fiery red The airwaves are soaring!

Look at that behind Wen Hou, a huge figure emerges, as if the overlord came to life ... "

Jiang Xiao was taken aback. What is this version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

He Yun suddenly motioned behind Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao turned his head, but saw a few tall and majestic grimace monks squeezed out of the crowd. One of them had Jiang Xiao's two huge blades in his hand. He wanted to come back. .

I saw the six grimace monks holding their fists and gestured to Jiang Xiao.

Under the bucket, those golden eyes, flashing the same fiery color, said:

"Gold Five!"

"Gold Twelve!"

"Gold Fourteen!"

"Gold Twenty-One!"

"Gold twenty-five!"

"Jin fifty-nine ... see you, sir!"

Jiang Xiao scratched his head and looked at one of the golden couples, and said, "You are the Golden Twelve who broke the ancient tower?"

Jiang Xiao looked at several golden couples, but also found similarities. The weapons carried by these golden couples were all knives, but they had a long-bar knife and a foot-pumping sword.

Are they all here to learn the sword?

So, is this another hidden feature?

Why are there only golden couples to worship? Other ghost-faced monks also use knives. Why didn't they come?

Isn't that fragrant?

Jin Shixi was anxious, and said, "Don't, don't teach them, teach me! I'm done!"

Jiang Xiao: "..."


There is a little egg in this chapter. I wonder if everyone found it? Quiet reminder: digital ranking.

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