Nine Star Burden

Chapter 863: Enthusiastic little poisonous milk

In front of a fierce curly black man, Jiang Xiao's same fierce look.

But under that small inch, the fierce look of the small poisonous milk, the temperament, no matter how you look, it feels like a fierce milk ...

Jiang Xiaodao: "I'm blocking your way, what's the matter? Do you start?"

The black youth suddenly changed his style. He grinned and showed a big white tooth. "I don't just touch your teammates. Are you Chinese people so fragile? Do you find your mother complaining when you touch it?"

Jiang Xiao leaned forward against the black young man's forehead and said, "You try to know."

Although Jiang Xiao is a medical assistant, he is also a half step Xinghai. His physical fitness is above the standard line. Although he may not be comparable to the same level of combat system, he still takes the black youth back a step under the effort. .

And this black youth happens to be a legal system, so Jiang Xiao really doesn't suffer much in terms of strength.

The young black man sneered, and said, "You are provoking me. Can I understand this?"

"Yeah! I'm provoking you." Jiang Xiao said, "You can't go anymore, or you can explode, follow the steps of the predecessors, maybe it will cause me some trouble."

The predecessor, of course, was the last madman George Star.

Compared to the previous session, the members of the Rice team in this session have a good mental state. There is no such person.

"You shit." The young black man cursed fiercely, slamming a step against Jiang Xiao's forehead.

Jiang Xiao said, "Get started! Get started! I can't wait anymore! I need a reason!"

The two elites who can represent the country and stand on the World Cup are just like the elementary school students fighting with each other.

But ... no one is stupid, no one really does ...

After that, Jiang Xiao ’s words were like the advertising words of the rice country, constantly inspiring black youths and giving them black blood!

Jiang Xiao shouted, "doit! Doit! Justdoit!"

This sudden passion has even made black young people a little aggressive ...

The Chinese team leader pushed away the rice team members behind him and hurriedly pulled Jiang Xiao away. There, the rice team leader also rushed to get started. The original rice team leader was still indulging his team members. It seemed to be looking forward to what happened, but the Chinese team leader came and the rice team leader Worried about the loss of his team members, he hurried forward.

The trainees of the two sides quickly separated, and under continuous push, Jiang Xiao was pushed directly next to the Huaxia bus.

Not far away, the Huaxia photographer pulled a meal, but Liu Yang was too hard, and almost broke the camera.

"Brother, it's okay, it's almost." The photographer wailed, looking at Liu Yang in front of her.

"Well?" Liu Yang looked around and saw Jiang Xiao, who had left the crowd, and hurried over.

As the big face left the camera, there was another curse on the webcast of the webcast ...

"This brother is really good. Before going to on-demand foreign media videos, please allow me to say: Liu Yang, I'm drafting a grandpa!"

"I love you, Liu Yang! Can you give me your head off?"

Ye Xunyang was also speechless and took the photographer to follow him, but the Chinese team leader blocked it, and this interview was also left.

After entering the hotel, in Jiang Xiao's room, a crowd of people ...

6, 7 team leaders took turns to battle, persuading Jiang Xiao: "You are the defending champion, he is also a captain. You can play eight captains like this, what are you doing with him off the field?"

Jiang Xiao face was uncomfortable: "They obviously came at me. They crowded the crowd just to hit me, they were provocative. You asked me to persuade me? Is that my character?"

The leader of the individual competition respectfully looked crazy and shouted, "Don't you know the shame of this group of Westerners? Do you believe they disqualified you because you can breathe?"

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Respectfully, Ren hated iron and steel, and said, "Come and calm down for me! Reflect! Stay in the house, and we will give you dinner!"

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips: "Okay."

On this day, the general actions of the captains of Huaxia and Captain Miguo have spread throughout the world, adding a little flavor to the World Cup.

On Jiang Xiao's Weibo, the **** facts were also in front of everyone.

Jiang Xiao is indeed the public enemy of the world.

As early as when Jiang Xiao participated in the Elite Star Pet Master Invitational Tournament last year, the domestic Weibo has already faced the world and communicated with the world.

After the picture of the conflict between Jiang Xiao and Captain Tonado (tornado) was released, Jiang Xiao ’s Weibo was also captured. A large number of foreign netizens entered Jiang Xiao ’s Weibo and spit wildly.

"Isn't China China known as the land of etiquette?"

"Hit! You hit it! Only noisy waste."

"The world champion is like a kid, he is a clown."

It's time for crooked fruit netizens to feel the fear of being dominated by Chinese netizens!

"Wow, it's a big battle! And wait for me to finish this bun, come on!"

"The way they talk is so interesting. Is it my problem? Why do they say that Xiaopi ’s head is like a half-kid peeled kiwi? Hahahahaha ... It ’s so cute, I ca n’t bear it Scolded back. "

"So nervous, how can I master the scales for the first time? What should I say?

You ... hmm, which small cookie do you count? Yeah, is it too much for me, what if they are crying? "

Facts once again prove that once we were disconnected from the Internet, not to protect ourselves, but to protect netizens in other countries around the world ...

Huaxia's verbal confrontation with crooked fruit is not at all in one rank. These Chinese netizens seem to treat a group of children who have just learned to speak.

When I got up the next morning, Jiang Xiao opened Weibo and looked at his latest status. The message below directly reached 170,000, which scared Jiang Xiao ...

Jiang Xiao thought and thought, or did not turn off the comment function, anyway, is the Doomsday World Cup, then a doomsday carnival?

The doomsday party in Jiang Xiao's mind was staged on Weibo, and was also staged in reality.

On June 28, the highly anticipated lottery ceremony was finally held.

In the context of the world, this World Cup is not only one month later than the previous World Cup, but also fewer students participated in team and individual tournaments.

You know, in the last World Cup individual tournament, there were more than 652 players from 113 countries and regions.

In this individual World Cup, a total of 82 countries and regions have qualified for the competition, a total of 514 people, which is more than 100 people less than the previous World Cup.

Although the number of people has decreased, it does not mean that the level of excitement has decreased! On the contrary, it means that the level of participants is higher.

The rapid retreat of some small countries is the main reason for this.

The excitement of the game will not be reduced. On the contrary, most countries have the same purpose for this World Cup, which is to pass the victory again and again to pass on confidence to their own people and even the people of the world.

Even if the technique is not as good as people, the domestic people must see the glory and tenacity of the Star Warrior profession. In this strange world, the Star Warrior itself is a special weapon that can even affect the survival of a country.

Therefore, in this World Cup, there are a lot of students who come under their name.

Of course, no matter how famous the trainees of those countries are, they are not as big as Chinese poisonous milk.

Terminators of the gods! Legendary Assistance! Huaxia poisoned milk! Defending champion!

Take out a name casually, it was shocked.

"Here we come." In the small auditorium, Liu Yang sat on a chair and embraced Jiang Xiao's shoulders. He looked at the large screen in front of him. He was wearing gold, red and white sportswear, and carrying a giant blade. A small round inch with a grinning mouth and a bright smile appeared.

In the upper right corner of the figure, the red star flag is flying high.

"Ah." Jiang Xiao reconciled casually, and everyone in the small auditorium looked at Jiang Xiao, but Jiang Xiao didn't even look up.

It ’s not that Jiang Xiao is installing b, um ... well, maybe a little.

But in fact, at this time, Jiang Xiao was holding the sportswear that was just released and looked at the number on the sportswear: 1!

number 1!

what does this mean? This means that Jiang Xiao is ranked first in the national team's in-line qualifying competition, and it also represents that Jiang Xiao is the current national team captain.

This number 1 once belonged to Hou Mingming.

As soon as I thought about it, Jiang Xiao couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion. The arrogant pea elder sister had been turned into an excellent soldier by Erwei at this time, with strict discipline and prohibition.

At this point, she has entered the Xinghai period, and the withered bow that opened can even shoot the dragon!

The side effect is a little bit bigger. After shooting a big arrow, I sleep like a pig ...

"Hey ~ Jie's opponent is not bad!" Liu Yang patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder, and said, "The path of the enemy is narrow!"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiao took the number one sportswear in his hand and looked up, but he saw a beautiful Miss Guoguo on the right figure frame.

That long honey-gold hair fell off her shoulders, and her blue and white sportswear wrapped her proud body lines. A sweet smile appeared on the white and tender face, and a pair of blue eyes were full of smiles. .

And in the upper right corner of her figure, a pair of stars and stripes are flying high ...


This skin is indeed worthy of the name.

"It's a pity, not their captain." On the side, Wu Haoyang sighed, a look of regret.

"Skin of God, this is Angel Sister, you have to tap lightly, otherwise it will cause anger." On the other side of the aisle, a girl with a stature but a dangling man said.

Jiang Xiao turned his head, but saw a girl with pretty short hair, Zheng Xiyou, a female soldier of Xiangnan Military Academy!

Like Yi Qingchen, Zheng Xiyou is also an assistant. In this World Cup, the Huaxia national team has three medical assistants, which is a record high.

This female soldier king, um ... how do you say, she was obviously from the very strict Xiangnan Military Academy. She should be a trained senior with a straight waist, but she has n’t graduated yet. I feel awkward, no matter how I look, it's all out of tune.

She put aside her small mouth and sent a straw in her mouth, she looked free and easy.

In the national team, she can also say a few words with Jiang Xiao and Yi Qingchen, and does not care much about others.

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "I have long caused anger. Whoever sees me wants to step me down, dreaming of slaughtering God. I care about those?"

Zheng Xiyou couldn't help but laugh out loud, with a look of pride: "Hehe ..."

Jiang Xiao turned to look at the big screen and said: "I wanted to touch her wings very early. There was a teammate Gu Shi'an in my team game. One of the star skills was to use wings and feathers.

When I come to the stage and feel it carefully, if I feel good, I will find a way, import a few stars, and install two for Gu Shi'an. "

Zheng Xiyou: "..."

This is the legendary "Angel Sister", a famous figure in the rice team.

The origin of this code is because of her star skills.

Alice can really summon a pair of white wings, and it is not a natural genre such as ice and fire, but a genre that favors the Holy Light.

This girl's astrology is very similar to medical assistance, but the astral effect is that it does not touch the medical department at all, and the output is simply an explosion. It is a violent archangel.


Do n’t we all say that girls are angels with wings?

Why is her wings full?

Jiang Xiao touched his chin, thinking secretly: Or ... let's wish her a helping hand?

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