Nine Star Burden

Chapter 864: Junior High School Calendar · Jiang Xiaopi

With the determination of Jiang Xiao's contestants, the layers of barrage on the Yangma network live broadcast platform are terrible:

"Heartache ~ How strong is hot, how beautiful is hot, and how hot is it? This world is not fair."

"Don't feel heartache in front, she will soon be swollen with blue eyes and skin!"

"The nose and face are swollen and not terrible. Well, there are always wins and loses in fights, and I am afraid that the little poisonous milk will not be seen by the angel's sister ~"

"I feel a lot better suddenly, ?? (????????`) than heart ~ "

"Alice tweeted, go and see, this archangel has no good intentions !!!"

In fact, Alice was already stunned the first time the array table appeared.

She sat in the small auditorium where her national team gathered, holding her forehead in one hand, looking at the screen in front, her beautiful big eyes filled with incredible ...

Winning lottery! ?

A total of 514 participants, even turned out to be 1/513?

The teammates beside him cheered Alice madly, and even the team teachers were inspired.

A white young man shouted, "Damn! Why didn't I pick him? Alice, here's your chance to become a god!"

A lot of teammates were also eloquent: "Kill him!"

"Yes, Alice, you have been playing against him for two years, kill him!"

"Damn, hell, I want to hit him!"

Alice's sweet face was a bit stiff, she barely squeezed a smile, and looked at her teammates with cold eyes.

When the opponents have not yet been determined, these people hold their breath and no one speaks. When the opponents come out, this group of people suddenly "live", all of them are so excited, they all fight to grab the fight. Poison milk ...

However, there is a saying that is true. The students who were present, want to win a place, or even want to impact the championship, as early as the end of the last World Cup, regarded Jiang Xiao as an imaginary enemy, and targeted suffering. Trained hard for two years.

Beside him, a young black man with glasses suddenly spoke. He sat far away and there were three vacancies from Alice. When he saw the result of this battle and then saw Alice's unnatural expression, the curly young man quietly Spoke.

"Alice." The young black man pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, looked at the large screen in front, and whispered.

"Huh?" Alice turned her head and saw the young proud star Black with the nickname "Big Hammer".

Blake whispered, "Say a word?"

Having said that, Black had got up and walked out from the other side, and told the leader that he was going to the toilet.

Alice groaned for a while, then got up again, greeted the leader, and walked out of the small auditorium.

At the bathroom door, she saw the 195cm tall black young man wearing red basketball clothes No. 27 and rimless glasses.

Alice went into the bathroom, came to the sink, and turned on the tap.

While washing her hands, she looked through the mirror and looked at Aoxin Black, who was leaning against the door behind and observing the corridor.

Blake whispered: "From small to large, we have been wrapped in good-faith lies. Our country, our society, and everyone around us are constantly telling us that if we want, we can be anyone and do Do anything. "

Then, Blake turned to look at Alice and continued: "It turns out that we can hardly be anyone and we can't do everything."

Alice frowned slightly, and there was such an expression on that beautiful and charming face that one couldn't help but want to reach out and smooth her wrinkled brow.

Black said: "This sentence is for you."

Alice's brows frowned even tighter.

Black pushed his glasses and whispered quietly: "When I settled in the hotel before, the captain had a conflict with him. In the last session, Jiang and George Star fought. I believe you have watched it countless times. May have any good feelings. "

Alice stumbled slightly, he meant ...?

Blake: "To survive, there is a future, especially in the current environment. Losing everyone, especially Star Warriors like you, is a huge loss for us.

Your opponent has been identified. Now, I suggest you adjust your goals, put the victory back, and live first. "

Alice's complexion gradually eased, a faint smile appeared on her face, and she looked at Blake in the mirror and said, "You know, if you say this to others, you will be kicked fiercely."

Black shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you really study him for so long, you will know that the kid is soft and hard. Don't let you pay for what others do."

The smile on Alice's face was even greater, and she said, "I know your hidden identity, and I also know why you entered the national team. You have been choosing your favorite players, haven't you? But the assessment is from both sides, you know When you say this to me, will it increase or decrease in my mind? "

Black: "You are not the same as them. I like your humility. This is a rare quality in the entire team. I also like players who have long-term vision, wisdom and can recognize the situation."

The words fell, and Black turned away.

Alice turned off the faucet silently, leaned towards the wall, pulled out a few sheets of paper in the drawer, and wiped her hands.

Ten seconds later, she took her cell phone out of her pocket and sent a tweet: "This is the biggest crisis and the most difficult challenge in my life. God bless me."

At the same time, in the small auditorium, Aoxing Black looked at the tweets on his mobile phone and nodded with satisfaction.

Since it is the assessment by both parties, then Alice's approach can be considered affirmation to him.

When Black saw Alice's tweet, his smile became even more pronounced.

I thought she would send out the words she had just sent her, but she did not expect that Alice's words seemed more euphemistic. It doesn't matter, it works.

Unsurprisingly, below the tweet are a group of people "@ 江 小 皮皮 不 皮".

Such information should be able to be transmitted. Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't pass it. There are pre-match interviews and garbage talk during the match. The most important thing is that Black needs Alice to correct her mind and recognize the situation.

This archangel, who can turn stars into martial arts at the peak of Xinghe, has been watching for a long time, and has been eager to bring her down.

No doubt, in a few years, this is a Xinghai overlord.


The list of individual matches has been released, but in the small auditorium of the Huaxia team, people did not leave, but continued to watch the team draw ceremony.

This is the highlight. Everyone did not leave immediately. On the one hand, they were concerned about the situation of the players in the next country. On the other hand, among the team members in the individual competition, there was another student who was also a team competition.

Once in the World Cup, to participate in two events, Jiang Xiao can be considered a precedent.

Not only are there no ancients, there may even be no later, after all ... people say that this is the doomsday World Cup.

"Come here! Who's taking the makeup photos, is it so cool?"

"I'm going, this Gu Shi'an, with a crooked neck, is this a pillow?"

There was a burst of discussion, and Jiang Xiao could not help but be able to bear it.

In the figure of the team match, Gu Shi'an made his debut in c position, standing in the forefront with a crooked head and a sullen smile on his face. It was a good match with Zheng Xiyou here, so he sent a straw in his mouth.

Jiang Xiao is sure, if allowed, Gu Shi'an wants to smoke a cigarette ...

Behind Gu Shi'an, and also above, Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan stood to the left and right.

In the team's makeup photos, Jiang Xiao did not smile like a sunny silly child in order to match the team's temperament. Like Xia Yan, he pouted and smiled, and even a little fit.

In the last row, and also at the top, Han Jiangxue stood against her shoulders, wearing a gold, red and white color national team uniform, adding a lot of warm colors to her cold temperament.

"Russia! United! State!" Liu Yang slaps on Jiang Xiao's shoulder with a slap on his face, as if he is annoyed than Jiang Xiao himself, "Did you go out without seeing the yellow calendar? The individual match encountered the Great Angel of the Rice, the team The Iron Legion of the Russian Federation? "

Jiang Xiao grinned for a while, shook off the palm of his shoulder, looked at Liu Yang with a disgusted look, and said, "What is the yellow calendar? I think this matchup is normal, don't you believe it, or you should go over My checklist for the last World Cup? "

Liu Yang: "Uh ..."

For a while, people thought of Jiang Xiao's terrible opponents of the previous term, all kinds of captains and all kinds of gods!

In the nine rounds against nine opponents, only one host sent a warmth, and when Jiang Xiao picked up "warmth", he was still trembling ...

Jiang Xiao broke through the whole World Cup.

The young man from Cainan, the puppet of the Nicho tribe, said, "I think the Russian Federation should be more annoyed, and the seed team was encountered in the first round."

Zheng Xiyou hid his mouth and smiled, "Phiskin come on! Send a gift to our guests from afar, a round trip on the last day ~"

Jiang Xiao: "..."

The general leader complimented Ren to step on the stage and said, "Dissolve. Within ten minutes, return to their respective rooms and wait. We will assign coaches to your room for special counselling and work with you to study this round of opponents. Now ! Return to their respective rooms immediately! "

Everyone greeted and left the small auditorium.

When it dispersed, Yi Qingchen's tiny voice sounded behind Jiang Xiao: "Come on, Pippi."

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Is this familiar with me? A few days ago called me skinny? Am I downgraded?

Jiang Xiao grinned, thinking that he should be a little more dignified, at least pretend to be a little bit, so that he would be like a younger brother wherever he went in the future.

Back in his room, Jiang Xiao contacted his teammates in the team match and waited patiently for the arrival of the coaching team. As a result, half an hour passed and nobody came. Jiang Xiao felt like he was being Abandoned ...

The coaching staff has less than 20 members, and is assigned to special coaching. Of course, there are front and back, Jiang Xiao feels that he should be enough, so ...

So these coaches are particularly assured of me? No need for guidance?

In boredom, Jiang Xiao turned up Weibo and ignored a large number of @. With the opening of the World Cup, the heat has continued to increase, Jiang Xiao has been crazy @@ every day, even if there is no World Cup, Jiang Xiao ’s popularity is also Here it is every day.

However, in the list of special concerns, Ye Xunyang asked Jiang Xiao. Jiang Xiao also went in smoothly.

This particular concern was also sought by Ye Xunyang through various channels last night.

She made it clear that she would broadcast Jiang Xiao's every match in the World Cup, whether it is individual or team, she will accompany him through this journey.

Ye Xunyang also indicated that Jiang Xiao could not answer her question, but if interested, she could consider replying to two sentences.

Jiang Xiao didn't hesitate too much. For the sister of the young mother, Jiang Xiao felt that she should still have a good relationship.

Ye Xunyang is no longer a "new" sister. In the past two or three years, she has secured her position.

As a highly influential media person, she is also the official facade. If she can give Jiang Xiao a lot of good words, it will be of great benefit to him.

In addition, Ye Xunyang live broadcasted Jiang Xiao ’s game from high school, followed the university and the World Cup all the way, and even had a one-on-one interview with Jiang Xiao. Claim.

In Ye Xunyang's question, Jiang Xiao finally saw Alice's tweets that Ye Xunyang recounted. It seems that Alice's new tweet after the match came out?

Ye Xunyang: Humility or weakness? Alice begged God to bless and seemed to be in the hands of God. @ 江 小 皮皮 不 皮, what do you think about this? In the upcoming game, do you think God will care for Alice players?

Jiang Xiao pondered for a moment, scratched his head, and tapped on the phone screen gently:

"I don't know if God will care for him. That is their belief. We Chinese don't want to give fate to fate.

Our ideas are different.

In their beliefs and mythological systems, Tinder seems to have been stolen from God. And in our myth, we fetched it by hitting stones with stones and drilling wood.

Not only is this the case with Tinder.

The world was chaotic, so it was split with an axe.

When the sun is much, shoot it down with an arrow.

The mountain obstructs the mountain, and the sea obstructs the mountain.

Rather than waiting for care and compassion, we are more willing to believe in ourselves and to control our destiny in our own hands. See you on the court. "

Beneath this answer, the message is going crazy at a rate that is visible to the naked eye:

"It's worthy of being a talented student of Emperor Xingwu! What that said is so **** comfortable!"

"Leather! God! Power! Martial!"

"Don't blow it up. This boy jumped directly into the third year of high school. He didn't have a college entrance examination. He was directly sent to Emperor Xingwu. He didn't read a few books at all. He is now a junior high school diploma."

Turning to this message, Jiang Xiao looked dumbfounded:? ? ?

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