Nine Star Burden

Chapter 865: Jiang Elong

The lord smashes your chest for the hammer.

At 20:30, there is another chapter, which is being revised.

What Jiang Xiaowan didn't expect is that yesterday, he responded to Ye Xunyang's Weibo question and will appear on the next day's Yangma news.

Not only the news of the young mother who specially broadcasted the Xingwu World Cup, but also the morning news of the comprehensive channel.

Jiang Xiao's Weibo exploded once again. Whether he was really a "junior high school diploma" or not, this discourse was very, very hot.

The negative effects are of course a bit.

Many people don't like such sharp words, the cultural heritage and cultivation of the millennium, and the overall atmosphere of Chinese society, it makes people hope that this defending champion can hide his humility and be humble and low-key.

Jiang Xiao only stated the facts. He didn't want people to be arrogant, but also not to be arrogant.

At this time, at the Huaxia Beijiang · Fencheng base, the tail feather group and a group of base soldiers are in a conference hall, watching the big screen ahead, waiting for the first game of the Huaxia team.

Jiang Xiao is a member of the Tail Feathers Regiment. Due to his presence, the Fencheng base has organized off-duty and rested soldiers to watch the game, which can also be regarded as a relaxation adjustment.

When Jiang Xiao wore a national team sportswear, his face appeared in the camera, and there was no sound in the huge conference hall.

Ahead, there came the words of the chief executive: "What are you doing?"

Immediately, there was a burst of laughter in the conference hall, and the soldiers who were sitting at ease also relaxed a lot. With Jiang Xiao carrying the double giant blade and waving at the camera, the applause and whistle of the soldiers rang in the auditorium.

On the left side of the screen, Yang Ma's broadcast picture actually uttered what Jiang Xiao said yesterday.

"This boy, I'm here" Shadow Crow couldn't help but grin and grin, reading what Jiang Xiao said on the screen, and said, "I thought he was overbearing enough in our team. Now it seems that I'm still too Naive. "

Fu Heihaha gave him an elbow, and said, "He is fulfilling your expectations for him."

The night before Jiang Xiao's departure, the members of the Tail Feather Regiment comforted Jiang Xiao, and Li Yizheng said to Jiang Xiao: Zhong Ling can only cure a few people in the team, but the victory in the World Cup can inspire millions People's hearts.

Li Yizhen nodded and said, "He knows exactly what he is doing, and he has been doing it. This may be the purpose of his participation in the World Cup."

Tengu held his arms and said Shen: "If it is matched with a victory, this concept will be more convincing and more deeply rooted in people's hearts."

At the rear, a hoarse voice came: "He will win."

The words of the two tails were finalized, hoping that this was not just a beautiful wish.

On the television, the voice of the host Ye Xunyang came: "I believe that everyone is no stranger to Jiang Xiaopi. Two years later, the defending champion returns again. I hope he can successfully defend the title. Million, you can see that this year's Xiao Is there any difference in leather? "

Apparently, the host of the young mother changed.

Million, um is the name of a kinder colleague. Million is just a name, and his surname is Qian.

The name is very earthy, and may be pinned on the good wishes of his family.

Qian Million's voice was heated and very contagious: "With two swords, Jiang Xiaopi player picked up two swords.

We all know that the giant blade is a two-handed weapon. Does Jiang Xiaopi have dual-handed weapons? Or is he just using it as a spare weapon? "

Ye Xunyang nodded: "It's true. Unfortunately, we haven't got too many internal training videos for the national team. It's unclear what Jiang Xiaopi's current routine is.

However, we know a lot about that rice player. "

"That's it." Qian million looked down, looked at the information on the table, and said, "Alice Johnson, the legal system, the realm of star power is the peak of Xinghe.

Her star map is an archangel holding Xingyue, 29 star troughs. This is a very powerful opponent, an all-rounder who fights with his mind. "

Said, Qian million turned to Ye Xunyang and said: "The participants in the World Cup are all geniuses, but this Alice player is a genius among geniuses.

It is said that at the peak of Xinghe, she had already touched the threshold of turning stars into martial arts. Among the students participating in this individual competition, I am afraid that this is the only one.

Not to mention the students of this World Cup, let's just say that the Star Warriors of the world, how many people can touch the threshold of becoming a star at the peak of Xinghe?

Under the sea of ​​stars, who can master the mysterious ability of turning stars into martial arts? This is simply terrifying.

The transformation of stars into stars at the galaxy stage not only reflects her wisdom, but also shows her deep understanding of her own star map.

This player is not recognized as the number one in the United States team, ranking in the middle and upper reaches of the team, but it is believed that she has never exerted all efforts, just did not want to compete for the captain's position.

According to the data, she can summon the stars and the moon to judge the enemy. "

"Yeah." Ye Xunyang sighed softly. "At present, Jiang Xiaopi players still follow the rules of the last World Cup, and the players against them are very, very strong."

Qian Million felt something was wrong, and hurriedly dragged back, saying: "Of course, our defending champion Jiang Xiaopi is also a dragon and phoenix among people. With one hand of blessing and silence, he went out of the path of auxiliary kitchen knife flow.

Oh? The players from both sides have already entered the field. Let's listen to it. Is there a pre-match communication session? "

Pre-match communication, also known as pre-match garbage talk.

Whether the microphone is open or not, whether there is radio or not, there are no clear standards and rules in the rules.

"Hello, Jiang Xiaopi." Alice's mandarin was a well-spoken mantra, and Jiang Xiao heard it for a moment.

"Uh," Jiang Xiao scratched his head and said, "you are good, you are good."

Alice switched the language back to English again and said with a smile: "I only know this sentence. I have been practicing it for a long time to correct the pronunciation."

Jiang Xiao nodded and raised his hand instead of smiling. He said, "I heard that you are the only player in this session who can turn stars into martial arts. It seems I have won the prize."

Alice shrugged her shoulders and said, "Our ideas are the same on this point. I got you a lottery and I feel like I've won."

When it comes to the words "consistent ideas", Alice's pronunciation is very heavy, it seems that there is something in the words.

Jiang Xiao blinked and said, "Will you try me with your archangel?"

Alice nodded earnestly, and said, "Yes, the first time I find an opportunity."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "Then you have to be careful with it. I'm a dream-catcher who wears stars and moons, so the stars and the moon like me very much."

Alice smiled and looked at Jiang Xiao from a distance. "You? Will you silence me and bless me, right? Will you pierce my heart in the first place?"

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips and nodded silently.

Before the game, the junk talk session was always with the microphone on, and the words of the two people were also transmitted to the rest of the world, and the audience was a little embarrassed.

Although it may be a smoke bomb before the game, but the communication between the two people is too sincere?

Alice frowned at the blond hair on her ears, lowered her head and smiled, and said, "Good luck to us all, my opponent."

Jiang Xiao drew a huge blade from behind, dragged it on the lawn behind him, stepped forward, and looked at Alice in the distance.

"Are the trainees on both sides ready?" The referee held up a small flag and took a miniature microphone. His voice passed into the ears of the two sides through the huge sound on the green field auditorium.

Jiang Xiao's eyes were reddish, and dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the sky and adding a dignified breath to the stadium.

Alice glanced thoughtfully at the sky and nodded silently.

The referee looked at Jiang Xiao again, and asked again: "Huaxia 1, is it ready?"

Jiang Xiao felt that the clouds were almost there, and nodded gently.

The flag in the referee's hand quickly waved: "Beep! Beep!"


At the moment the whistle sounded, there was a drizzle in the sky, net tears + hurt tears + domain tears!

Three tears are mixed, and each type of rain has its own role, but what Jiang Xiao mainly needs is the purification effect of net tears.

Almost at the same time, Alice's body moved flexibly, apparently in a conscious dodge blessing, and white feathers floated around her body.

The white feathers were very wide, and each piece seemed to have been carefully carved and exquisite.

The players who can represent a strong country and participate in the individual competition are all self-contained, and this is beyond doubt.

Pieces of white feathers covered the entire half, and Alice's speed obviously took a qualitative leap. This white feather field seems to be the same as the cherry blossom field of the former neon country Saito Nobuyuki.

But in the hands of different people, the role is different. Alice did not mean to come forward. Instead, she only increased the speed, avoided attacks, and purified the polluted area through the addition of the white feather field.

This astrology has not appeared in the last World Cup. It seems that with the massive opening of the space of different dimensions, many star warriors have become beneficiaries.

At the same time, a dazzling star emerged quietly, lighting up the dark clouded arena, and a beam of light shone towards Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao suddenly raised his hand and threw out silently!

In the realm, Alice's movement is essentially high-speed movement, but just like a momentary movement, she directly avoids the silent realm.

At the same time, the star pattern on her body spread out, and a huge six-winged angel floated out, holding the star in his left hand and holding the moon in his right hand.

So is this an angel or a fly?

Obviously, Alice was consciously dodging Jiang Xiao's attack during the high-speed movement.

There was no law at all in the trajectory. It moved to the left, flashed to the right, and flew up and down, like a headless fly.

It seems that in the past two years, all opponents of Jiang Xiao have done painstaking research and knew exactly how to fight against Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao, who was in the field of tears, felt her trajectory, and couldn't help but applaud secretly.

Not bad!

You know, when Shadow Crow opened the blade of death, in such a state of rapid shuttle, with the help of Yu Yu, Jiang Xiao could intercept Shadow Crow stiffly and drag his ankle out of the tiger's mouth.

However, with regard to Alice, who had no law at all, Jiang Xiao did not act lightly, but increased the output of tears.


Jiang Xiao stepped back, dodging the beam of the stars, and the beam shone on the green grass, blowing up a mound.

Jiang Xiao kept silent for several times, watching the archangel dancing fast in the sky.

At this point, a translucent white defense cover had been opened on her body, and behind her, two long and wide wings had been stretched out.

Most people can't see her movements, or even her trajectory, but in the perception of the domain tears, Jiang Xiao felt her wet long hair and saw her shocked and angry face.

Once Jiang Xiao, like a warrior who challenged the evil dragon, hit the top of the world all the way.

At this time, Jiang Xiao has become that evil dragon!

This chapter is Canadian, and there is another chapter at 20:30, which is being revised.

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