Nine Star Burden

Chapter 866: Sword angel

For Alice, if she accidentally loses, she loses! Her expression was the best interpretation of her situation.

Jiang Xiao was still unhurried. He just pressed the bell against his chest with one hand, and avoided the bombardment of the stars beams again and again, like walking in a courtroom, he could dodge half a step, absolutely not taking a step.

He seems to be waiting for an opportunity.

There are more and more stars hanging in the air, and the light beams from the stars are getting denser. On the surface, Alice seems to have taken the initiative.

However, the tears reduced Alice's mood again and again, burning her physical strength every second.

"What is Jiang Xiaopi waiting for? What is he waiting for? The star beam is getting denser, what is Jiang Xiaopi ’s strategy?" Host Qian Qiang said anxiously.

As a qualified poisoned milk powder, Qian Million is in the same mood as thousands of poisoned milk powders, waiting for Jiang Xiao to fight back.

Even if it only opened for a dozen seconds, but seeing Jiang Xiao not panic and always dodging, Qian million was also anxious.

Ye Xunyang took the haste and seemed to be soothing people's emotions: "This is tears. If Alice consumes it like this, she will be eaten up by physical and emotional issues."

Qian Million stunned: "You can see from the slow-speed lens that Alice's body is covered with a defensive cover. Can the skin's tears penetrate into it? Shouldn't it be possible?"

Ye Xunyang hurriedly looked and saw a fixed frame. A girl with a wide and long, huge white wings was covered by a defensive cover, but the wings were exposed to the rain curtain.

Ye Xunyang turned her head sharply and said, "If the defensive cover can block, then why doesn't she retract the wings? Instead, let the wings be exposed to the rain curtain? Couldn't that wings be hurt by tears?"

Qian million yelled suddenly, interrupting the words of his colleagues very impolitely, but at this time, there was no time to worry about so much: "Judgment! The trial of the star and moon of the archangel! Alice players finally can't wait! In just twenty seconds! She showed off her unique star power! "

Ye Xunyang hurriedly looked up and looked at the arena. It was very rare to grab a conversation and even stood up excitedly: "Blessing! Appear! Blessing! Ah!"

With Ye Xunyang's exclaim, an imaginary giant angel image emerged from Alice's body.

It was also at the moment when Alice turned into a star, that she had to concentrate and pause for a while, and she was instantly enveloped by a blessed light.

Alice: "Ah"

An extremely slight pause, all this happened between the electric light and flint, but in Jiang Xiao's perception, everything was nothing!

Jiang Xiao slammed the giant blade, and the giant blade that spun at a high speed came out of hand. The next moment, Jiang Xiao's body appeared instantly in the high air of the enemy's half, and appeared in front of Alice!

The other huge blade that was carried on the back was already in his hand, chopped down, and under the thick green awns, the translucent defensive cover of Alice's body broke instantly, and Alice's body was like a cannonball, It just crashed and flew out.

Stars Qingmang!

Everything is broken!


A loud bang, accompanied by the fierce trembling of the artificial defense walls on all sides of the site, Alice, who had been blessed by the light, was dazzled with happiness and was photographed directly on the defense walls.

The back of her head hitting the defensive wall not only made her dizzy with happiness, but she also had dizziness with extreme pain.

Jiang Xiao also replaced Alice's previous position.

And right in front of Jiang Xiao, the huge unreal angel figure, hands down

Three stars in the left hand and one and a half months in the right hand entangled Jiang Xiao's body.

But Jiang Xiao simply ignored this noble and majestic angel, as if it was nothing.

When a person can look at Huaxing Chengwu as nothing, this picture is extremely shocking!

Jiang Xiao's actions were extremely coherent and clear-headed, and he threw a silence, and it was the last golden silence!

Alice's body has not yet trended down, and the silent realm wins on the defensive wall.

This silence was optional, but it was an insurance.

Jiang Xiao's body cannot make the mistake of underestimate the enemy.

In fact, everything that happened at this time was in an almost unconscious state, and the speed was too fast.

Jiang Xiao can silence with platinum or diamond, but Jiang Xiao chose the lowest level of gold silence because he wants to kill it!

Jiang Xiao, wrapped around Xingyue, threw her sideways while throwing silence!

Earlier, the spinning giant blade thrown in his own half, flew past Jiang Xiao's chest.


"Oh my God"

"The timing is right, it's wonderful!"

Such a magical scene aroused the exclamation of the audience outside.

In an instant, hey!

Ming's dangling blade penetrated the angel's chest that was photographed on the wall, as the two said before the game.

"Will you judge me with your archangel?"

"Will you smash my chest with a huge blade?"


A second knife followed.

I saw Jiang Xiaohun's body dancing with stars and moon dancing around him. The figure looked like a ghost, flashed directly on the wall in midair, and stabbed into Alice's abdomen again.

This represents the Xingyue of the trial, but it is very similar to Han Jiangxue's white fireworks. It can not be avoided by teleporting.

Jiang Xiaoshun held the handle of the giant blade, accompanied by the constant tearing of the blade tip and the defensive wall, with Alice's body sliding down from the sky

Qian million opened his eyes wide and said, "The knot is over? Is it over?"

Everyone thinks that this will be a war of attrition, but the situation on the field changes suddenly, and at this moment, it seems that the victory is lost?

Ye Xunyang trembled: "Small skin had to jump into the enemy's sphere into the military to attack, or did he deliberately jump in?"

Qian millions covered his head with both hands and said incredibly, "This is the only member who can turn stars into martial arts this year!"

Ye Xunyang: "If she doesn't choose to turn into a star, instead of revealing flaws, but choose to continue to walk, maybe the game is not over yet?"

"Beep! Beep! Stop the attack! Stop the attack!"

The referee's body was wrapped in water polo, and he floated away in a hurry. When he saw that something was wrong, he blew again: "Beep! Huaxia No. 1, win!"

Jiang Xiao wiped a wet face with his left hand, reached out with his right hand, and drew out the huge blade pierced into Alice's chest and belly in turn.

Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~

The crisp bell sounded and the jumping medical light wave shuttled back and forth between the two.

On Jiang Xiao's body, the three stars and one and a half months were still flying in disorder, chaotic and irregular.

They have been entangled with Jiang Xiao for so long, tearing Jiang Xiao's national team uniform out of the road, tattered, but failed to bring a little scar to Jiang Xiao's body.

They are like a clue of "parasites" who have no clue about Jiang Xiao and cannot escape.

The clouds in the sky dissipated, and Alice opened her eyes suddenly.

What made her wake up so quickly was not only the healing of the wound, but also the special emotional soothing effect of Zhong Ling.

Even with the effect of the bell bell, Alice's eyes still revealed a trace of horror.

In the confused eyes, a figure entangled with Xingyue slowly leaned down and reached out to her.

The voice was indistinct, as if coming from the sky: "It seems that I am not guilty."

Alice shook her head hard, trying to wake herself up.

Awake for a moment, she grabbed Jiang Xiao's palm with one hand, and slowly stood up. Then, the stars and moon flying randomly on Jiang Xiao's body rose to the sky and flew to the sky

Alice whispered softly: "It won't be like this until I really become a star."

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It won't make any difference. No matter what your star is in martial arts, as long as I don't have a wound, they won't be able to speak, will they?

It's like a fair and just trial. If I have no stains, you can't help me. "

Alice shook her head and smiled, looking at the departing medical team, and said, "It looks like I shouldn't use this trick on the domestic stage. If you don't have the exact information, at least you will be nervous."

Talking, Alice picked up Jiang Xiao's wrist and held it high.

The bursts of applause and cheers, mixed with disharmonious boos, sounded deafening.

The two wings behind Alice, wrapped in the shattered shirt in front of them, walked backwards out of the green field and made a mouthful to Jiang Xiao: Thank you, I owe you once.

Jiang Xiao waved his hands casually and said nothing.

In fact, I am very easy-going.

As long as you don't talk cheaply, don't do anything that people and gods are angry about, everything is easy to say.

I'm here to win, not to kill.

Jiang Xiao stooped to pick up the giant blade scattered on the ground, held it in his hands, raised his hands up, gestured to the audience in all directions, and slowly withdrew.

He just walked to the edge of the venue, and a Huaxia reporter who got the exclusive interview right came up: "Congratulations Jiang Xiaopi! I'm He Huan, a reporter interviewing you at this World Cup!

Congratulations on your victory!

We even saw a star-studded Chengwu student, which has never happened in history, but you still win!

How are you feeling Anything to tell people? "

Jiang Xiao: "I am very excited, but this is only the first game, and the next one, everyone is looking forward to it."

He Huan pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and he was a little surprised.

Wrong way to open it?

Is this still our little poisoned milk? Say something?

He Huan continued to ask: "So what do you want to say to your opponent after winning this victory as the defending champion?"

Jiang Xiao grinned and looked at the camera: "I heard that you have studied with me for two years. It is time to check your research results. I will not go anywhere, and I will wait for you on this site."

Said, Jiang Xiao is about to leave.

He Huan grabbed Jiang Xiao's arm subconsciously, but let out quickly, embarrassed and smiled: "Sorry, sorry, then you"

Jiang Xiao said uncomfortably, "How many questions do you have, the last question! I'm in a hurry to fly to Muhei, and there will be a team match tomorrow."

Crane Huan: ""

Keep getting stuck, I hope everyone enjoys watching, please vote for the little poisoned milk!

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