Nine Star Burden

Chapter 867: Catch up

"Hurry up interview Jiang Xiaopi?"

"I want to hurry? Jiang Xiaopi?"

"Anxious team fight Jiang Xiaopi?"

Below Jiang Xiao's Weibo, the figure of the idiom king appeared again.

At this time, Jiang Xiao also gained 100 skill points. Looking at this huge sum on the star map, he suddenly felt a little itchy.

Under the leadership of the national team leader, Jiang Xiao got on the plane to Muhei.

The flight time from Bailin City to Muhei City is about a little over an hour. Anyway, idle is also idle.

Jiang Xiao, wearing a mask and hat, leaned on his seat and suddenly thought of a problem.

These star pets are all dependent on the black and white candle fire, and the star skills of the black and white candle fire are impact, cold and light.

All three star skills are of silver quality.

After the small candlelight relied on other star pets, the other star pets also added three black and white candlelights, all of which are of silver quality.

So now the question comes. Does every star pet need to use his skill points to increase his star skill level?

Or just click the three star skills of the black and white candle fire, and the other three star skills of the other pets will be upgraded together?

Jiang Xiao's heart came alive. Try it? Not expensive anyway

Then hit it first!

Well, there seems to be a pause here: bump, let's go.

Jiang Xiao threw the 100 skill points he just got into the game into the "strike" star technique of black and white candle fire.

"Crash upgrade! Gold quality lv.0!"

Immediately, Jiang Xiao was happy.

It is not only the impact of black and white candle fire that has become gold quality lv.0, including other star pets, sea eater, buzzing whale, and bear, their first "impact" star technology has been upgraded to gold quality lv. 0!

"Yi" Jiang Xiao secretly sighed.

If you look at it this way, you have to adjust the positioning of absorbing star pets in the future?

The impact is not just a head bump. Jiang Xiao and the urn have practiced together for so long. Of course, they know the ability of the impact. This is basically equivalent to a "head mallet". It can take the body of a star pet and smash forward. Away!

Jiang Xiao licked his lips excitedly. In this way, should he find that giant monster?

Find some creatures that are suitable for "impact" astrology, like a buzzing whale. The astrology level is one aspect, and the physical quality of the astral beast plays a decisive role.

Under the same quality of star technology, the head (face) of the small candlelight banged out, and the head of the buzzing whale banged out, could the effect be the same?

In Jiang Xiao's career, the biggest creatures he saw were the Dragons and the unique Humming Whale.

Want to choose a dragon as a star pet?

However, the Dragons are obviously not social creatures, and they are very proud and arrogant. It is too difficult for the small candles to rely on them safely.

Jinglong is a social creature, but

"Hello." A pleasant female voice came, Jiang Xiao turned his head and looked, but saw a stewardess holding a glass of juice.

She leaned down, not only handing over the juice, but also a napkin.

"Thank you." Jiang Xiao took it in a hurry, and was still a little puzzled in his heart.

On the napkin, Jiang Xiao saw a phone number.

"Uh," Jiang Xiao scratched his head, but scratched his cap.

I'm not yet an adult, well, wait, I seem to be an adult, okay!

Jiang Xiao looked at the beautiful and meaningful young lady with a smile on his face. He smiled and rolled up the napkin. After arriving at the hotel, he gave it to Gu Shi'an.

A thousand words turned into a sentence: What if?

In the context of the global crisis, many aspects of this World Cup are a bit "nervous". They are in the same situation as the students in the individual tournaments. In the team competition, there are also participants from 5 countries who are staying in the same hotel .

Unlike the individual competition, the Huaxia team is equivalent to "leading brother" in this hotel, and several other countries are not powerful.

Among them, there is only one Tianzhu country, which is considered to be upstream.

When Jiang Xiao got off the plane, the teacher was already waiting for him.

"Come back here! Haha, good Jiang Xiaopi!" Emperor led the team Chen Dabang, driving the rented car, hugged Jiang Xiao excitedly, and patted Jiang Xiao's back.

"That woman can be transformed into a star, but it made me sweat." Chen Dabang and the personal team leaders who escorted Jiang Xiao said goodbye and hurriedly called Jiang Xiao to get on the bus.

Jiang Xiao grinned as he threw the schoolbag into the car, saying, "Just as her semi-finished product becomes a star, it's nothing like Xiao Jiangxue. It's just a big name."

Chen Dapang got into the car with a smile and patted the steering wheel with one hand: "In this World Cup, I'm afraid that only you can say such things. How are you feeling? How is your health? Our team match is tomorrow morning , You don't have much rest time. "

"No problem, rest assured." Jiang Xiao responded casually.

"Persevere. The team in the team match is also much smaller than the last one. You can't go back and forth a few times." Chen Dabang said comfortingly and inspiringly.

In the last World Cup, a total of 113 countries and regions worldwide, a total of 260 teams participated in the competition.

This year, there are only 224 teams participating, compared with the previous session, there are a full 36 teams.

You know, some countries will only send one team to participate in the competition. For example, Huaxia sends three teams to participate in the competition, and most of them are strong countries.

The 36 teams missing in this session represent more than 20 countries that have not participated in this World Cup.

Jiang Xiao asked: "Tell me about the opponent team. I studied for a long time last night. This group of people is very hard?"

"Ah, what about the Iron Corps." Chen Dabang nodded and said, "Not only hard, but also double-assistant, you have to fight."

Jiang Xiao smashed his lips and said, "I saw the two auxiliary star skills. I have never seen them before, and I have never even heard them. It is very threatening."

"Um." Chen Dabang drove his car, nodded his face solemnly, and said, "Globally, a large-scale opening of different-dimensional space has opened up a group of star warriors.

The different-dimensional space that was once restricted by the state has become no longer precious and rare, and many very powerful star skills have also fallen into the hands of these elite students. "

Chen Dabang extended his arm, took out a stack of information from the co-pilot's glove box, threw it to the back row, and continued: "At present, in fact, the income is actually this wavelet, all are elites Elite in the middle. Most ordinary star warriors remain the same.

The bear pattern star technique is very tricky. Before I discussed it with Han Jiangxue, you must take the lead with the bear girl. The bear pattern star technique has a long life and can completely interrupt the rhythm of your team. "

Jiang Xiao opened the folder and looked at the star skills of the elite of the Russian Federation. In fact, he had seen it the night before.

"Vika Dante Veselov" Jiang Xiao read the name of Tongkou, even if it was translated into Chinese, it was also difficult to read. Forget it, call her Xiongmei.

Jiang Xiao's eyes also fell on her last star trough.

Star Technique · Bear Pattern (Platinum Quality): Reserve a star technique on others in the form of a mark, which can be controlled at any time, subject to distance and number of people. The mark lasts fifteen seconds and is not easy to destroy.

Jiang Xiao looked at Xiong Mei ’s face, but said with a smile: "The first time I looked at her star chart, I was so happy. How can you be sure that the star chart is a doll? Her star The picture has not been opened, and no one knows if there are any villains inside. "

Chen Dapang also laughed and said, "Have to give her a star map a name, it looks too much."

Jiang Xiao nodded and continued to look at the information, saying: "To be honest, compared to this guy's bear pattern star technique, we should pay more attention to their captain's star technique. As of now, you still can't provide all of his Starcraft? "

Jiang Xiao's palm is a photo of a mighty young man with short hair.

Yevgeny Andreyevich Lech (Everyone who posted in the Dragon Suite has a long snack! I've typed this name for a long time. (# `Д?)?)

From the 14th star trough to the 16th star trough, there are three star troughs. In the data given by the Chinese team, all are "?".

Chen Dapan sighed helplessly and said, "Can't give it, he hides well, he has never shown his star skills in front of the world, this is a student who knows forbearance very much, maybe he just wants to be here Soaring in the next World Cup. "


Ha ha

Jiang Xiao grinned, did you talk to me about forbearance?

Lao Tzu is no longer able to use "intolerance" to describe it. Who can "go" me?

Alright, Captain Yevgeny, this time, we're going to compare!

See who we are more dogs in the end!

The speed of the vehicle slowed down and slowly drove into the hotel's underground parking lot.

As soon as Jiang Xiao got out of the car, he heard a shout: "Jiang! Cut! Fart!"

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Jiang Xiao turned his head, but saw an East Asian race.

The other person's skin color and appearance are so distinctive that you can tell at a glance that this is a Tianzhu person.

"Haha, I finally saw you! I'm so excited! Sign me up soon." The young man said a very distinctive tune in English, and ran out of the car with a pen.

When Jiang Xiao saw that the other party was fully equipped, he realized afterwards that he was squatted.

Looking at the excited and excited Tianzhu youth, Jiang Xiao took the marker he handed over.

"Come, sign here! Here!" Tianzhu youth took off his coat and revealed a pure white t-shirt.

Jiang Xiao didn't hesitate and asked, "What's your name?"

Tianzhu Youth shook his head in excitement, a pair of big eyes full of surprise: "Astor! Astor Singh!"

"Good luck, Astor." Jiang Xiao, while signing in Chinese, secretly wondered. Tianzhuren should not have a good opinion of themselves?

In the last World Cup, Jiang Xiao couldn't take care of the life of the stinky war **** of war from Tian Zhu, and also smashed the opponent's chest with a knife.

What's the name of that bad-mouthed guy?

To compare? Zambi?

Hey, forget, just remember that he smells bad and has no quality

That ratio actually thought that Jiang Xiao's record was brushed out.

Real gold is not afraid of fire!

Jiang Xiao hopes that Than can check with his mind, not to expose his IQ for spraying.

Jiang Xiao pressed in confusion, and said, "How did you slip in, be careful when you go out, don't get caught."

Astor froze, and said the thick geranium tone: "I live here too."

Jiang Xiao blinked and looked at Astor.

Astor also blinked and said, "I am also a member of the team! I am participating on behalf of Tianzhu, do you not study your opponents?"

Jiang Xiao twitched awkwardly: ""

Research, I certainly research!

It's just that I'm different from you.

I will fight tomorrow and study tonight

As expected, Astor took the lead in saying: "Yes, you have to participate in two competitions. There is not enough time, it must be."

Jiang Xiao wrote his Chinese name on the t-shirt on his chest, and left the underground garage under the leadership of his team leader, Chen Dapang.

Behind him, Astor still shouted, "I'm glad to see you, Jiang cut farts! I wish you a good day!"

Jiang Xiao turned his head, smiled and waved to Astor, looking at the sincere and warm smile, Jiang Xiao could not help but sighed.

The same Tianzhu people, why is there such a big gap?

"He is it?" Jiang Xiao whispered standing in front of the elevator door.

"The captain of the Tianzhu 2 team, the shield battle, is very strong." Chen Dabang said, taking Jiang Xiao into the elevator, swiping the elevator card, and went directly to the 7th floor of the hotel.

"On the 7th floor is our Huaxia team." Chen Dabang said, and as the elevator door opened, Jiang Xiao saw a scene that surprised him.

I saw the team members of the national team and the coaches standing on the promenade in front of the elevator. When they saw Jiang Xiao's figure, applause rang.

"Boo ~" The applause and whistle were mixed with words of congratulation.

"The victory is over!"

"Victory! Triumph!"

"So handsome, I broke my skin! Why didn't I pull out my feathers as a memorial?"

Jiang Xiao nodded to thank everyone in a hurry, and clenched his fists: "Thank you, thank you, who organized it? It's too warm, too! Li Youyi, is it you?"

Lee only :? ? ?

Jiang Xiao thanked everyone and continued: "It's too good to move the public and be ashamed! You go back and prepare for tomorrow's game, thank you!"

With that said, Jiang Xiao scratched his head and hesitated: "In the future, such welcoming and celebration ceremonies should not be held. I still have to reach the individual finals all the way.

Once I come, you celebrate once, and once you welcome again, who can bear it? "

There was a sudden laugh in the corridor.

"Cut ~"

"Haha! That makes sense!"


The three brothers of the Chen Family in the South Hunan Army uniformed their movements, even their facial expressions were the same. They always felt that the little poisoned milk was a little bit floating, but could not find any reason to refute.

Well, uncomfortable

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