Nine Star Burden

Chapter 868: Chong Haiyan

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiao and Gu Shi'an were in their room.

Emperor Xingwu's foursome, led by team leader Chen Dapang and two coaching staff, is studying opponents and tomorrow's tactics.

Jiang Xiao was listening to the coach "Bara Balla" talking to the captain of the Russian Iron and Steel Corps. He heard a sore toothache. The coach was almost blowing the opponent into the sky, and he did not know whether he wanted to use this method to give The imperial capital Xingwu Quartet put some pressure on the alarm bell.

Until the time of dinner, the crowd left, and Jiang Xiao was not given any special treatment. On the individual side, Jiang Xiao was asked not to leave the room, and the meal was delivered.

It's good here, Jiang Xiaoneng can go to dinner with everyone.

As soon as the crowd left the room, Jiang Xiao took out a napkin from his pocket and handed it to Gu Shi'an: "Well."

Gu Shi'an took it curiously: "What?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "Send you a marriage."

Gu Shi'an :? ? ?

Jiang Xiao: "The younger sister of the country of Will, it's pretty, in her early twenties, with big eyes and double eyelids, the face of the seeds is quite in line with the oriental aesthetics."

Gu Shi'an looked at Jiang Xiao with a disgusted expression, and said, "Am I such a casual person?"

Jiang Xiao tucked the napkin directly into his pocket and said, "It's still early, when the night is quiet and you lay in your bed, you don't think so."

Gu Shi'an was unwilling at once, and said, "Did you not say that I was snoring? I deliberately waited for you to fall asleep before I slept. You said that I tossed and tossed around again and again? Your conscience let the dog eat?

"Look!" Jiang Xiao froze, pointed at Gu Shi'an's nose, and said, "Are you still a warm man? Bai blind you look like a scumbag!"

"What am I ..." Gu Shi'an stepped forward, gripping Jiang Xiao's neck with one arm, pressing the small round inch with one hand, and frantically froze.

Round-inch head is doing it again!

As long as my hair is short enough, you can't hold it down!

The door was suddenly opened. At the door, Han Jiangxue looked at the two expressionlessly, and the picture of the chicken flying dog jumping suddenly became harmonious.

Han Jiangxue's cold voice passed over, "We just left for 20 seconds."

Jiang Xiao: "I'll step him down. You see how dignified his face is. It's like the end of the world when he meets the Russian Federation. If nothing unexpected happens, he has to smoke another pack of cigarettes tonight.

Han Jiangxue frowned slightly and said, "I'm eating."

Jiang Xiao: "Oh."

Gu Shi'an poked his lips, released Jiang Xiao, and stepped out.

Next to Han Jiangxue, Xia Yan smiled to make way sideways and whispered quietly: "Does it feel good?"

Gu Shi'an: "Uh ..."

"Next time, don't frizz your hair and just flick his brain." Xia Yan was very happy to pass on Gu Shi'an's experience. "Come, Xiaopi, let's demonstrate."

Jiang Xiao's resentment: "I didn't hit you for a few days, and forgot I was your little brother?"

"Huh." Xia Yan proudly snorted, opened her long legs and walked to the elevator.

Jiang Xiao always felt that her reaction was not right, and it did not fit her temper.

Jiang Xiao followed up curiously, and came to her side: "What is it? Feeling so good?"

The group of four entered the elevator. Xia Yan turned her back to the camera, covered her mouth, and whispered, "I feel the imprisonment in the realm is loose."

Jiang Xiao was startled. After a few seconds, his face was overjoyed and he said, "Really?"

Xia Yan nodded again and again and smiled: "Of course, I work very hard."


The elevator reached the first floor, and the elevator doors opened slowly.

Jiang Xiao clenched his fists, it was great!

Xia Yan's level of hard work in the training space for disasters is obvious to all. Although she has not entered the training for a while, she has finally touched the threshold of the Xinghai period based on the basis of hard training in the past.

Jiang Xiao had already been the peak of Xinghe, even half a step Xinghe already, but he was all flowery and recklessly relied on his skills.

In the same way, Jiang Xiao can also use his skills to recklessly reach the peak of the Xinghai, and directly enter the half-step starry sky when he enters the Xinghai period, but what's the use? However, the data is beautiful and more star power. For the cultivation and understanding of the realm at that stage, Jiang Xiao is still a blank piece of paper.

Now that Xia Yan, who is not low in talent, has finally kept up with the rhythm, how can Jiang Xiao be unhappy?

Under the current situation, the Earth version has been "updated", and a variety of once-rare and rare different-dimensional space is also frequently opened at this time. Xia Yan enters the Xinghai period at this time, and eight extra star slots are added. That is absolutely Let her strength make a qualitative leap!

What's more, in terms of the current level of strength of Jiang Xiao's people and the level of the different dimensions of the space they are in contact with, the general star bead star skills really can't be looked at.

When Xia Yan truly entered the Xinghai period, absorb the star pet Jiang Xiao prepared for her. Then find a chance, configure the star skills in the Dragon Cave, and then find some other precious and rare star beads to fill the corners. Will the once mighty female war **** return?

Xia Yan walked side by side with Jiang Xiao happily, but suddenly thought of something, her beautiful face fell slightly.

Jiang Xiao asked in a hurry: "What's wrong?"

Xia Yan's cherry lips came to Jiang Xiao's ear and whispered, "Unfortunately, if I can always train in space, maybe I have already entered the Xinghai at this time."

The previous stage was the national team training, although some inconveniences, but Xia Yan's words were not accurate. In fact, during the national team training, Xia Yan did not go to Jiang Xiao's training space at night.

With the cover of Han Jiangxue and Jiang Xiao, coupled with the identity of the sister and brother, few people came to trouble.

The status of the siblings in the national team is indeed aloof.

"Don't think so." Jiang Xiao hurriedly comforted, whispered quietly, "continue to work hard, beautiful star pets and star skills are waiting for you, it is better to come earlier than it is by chance, your star trough is all reserved for me, I have big use."

Xia Yan blinked: "Hey?"

Jiang Xiao nodded heavily, blinking hard, thinking that the secret code had been sent out, but Xia Yan was elbowed on the ribs.

Xia Yan piqued her mouth and said, "I'm your teammate, not your star pet."

"Yes, yes, you are not a star favorite, you are a teammate, a teammate." Jiang Xiao reached out and gently rubbed Xia Yan's slightly curly maroon hair, eyes full of smile.

Yes or no, you ca n’t decide, Xia Erha ...

I am your auxiliary father!

I used to be a knife to take care of the team.

Now that you are all grown up, you can go to be swords, and it is time for me to retreat and go back to my old profession.

Xia Yan frowned, shook her head vigorously, broke Jiang Xiao's palm, and looked at his happy smile. Xia Yan did not send out a fire.

She could feel that Jiang Xiao was really happy for her.

As for the meaning behind this sincere smile, Xia Yan didn't feel it ...

Xia Yan pursed her lips and said, "I don't care, you come to my room tonight, I'm anxious."

"Okay." Jiang Xiao also pouted.

In fact, Jiang Xiao always dreamed that one day, he wouldn't need to charge forward any more, but instead he would plan or take a bunch of kitchen knives and chop people in the army.

Under the protection of each layer, Jiang Xiao looked at the battlefield from afar. It would be beautiful if he milked his teammates and his opponents.

This meal made Jiang Xiao more and more drunk. After returning to the room, Jiang Xiao slipped into Han Jiangxue's room.

Regardless of whether the World Cup participants are settled in the hotel here or not, no matter if there is no one to watch, even if there is, Han Jiangxue also has broken star skills, and space fluctuations can also cover up the past.

It would be perfect if Xia Yan's star power could be completely rushed through this World Cup battle!

Jiang Xiao dragged Xia Yan's hand, ran directly into the bathroom, took her into the world of her evil shadow, and flickered to find the gardener's hide.

"Repaired so soon?" Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan flickered and stood in front of a huge city.

This building looks like an ancient city, and the 15-meter-high wall rises from the ground. It is so majestic that it surprises Xia Yan. Only a few days later, this guy built another city?

Above the city wall, a tree vine that stretched out from the crack in the wall, rolled the body of the gardener's skin, and sent him down.

"Yigu Tower?" Xia Yan looked at the carved words above the gate of the city curiously, muttering softly in her mouth.

Jiang Xiao has never mentioned the name of the "Elderly Tower" to anyone, but from these words, it seems that Jiang Xiao's ambition can be seen ...

"Of course you have to work hard, maybe one day, there will be people living here, so be prepared." Jiang Xiao said with a smile, without explaining the specific origin of the name.

Xia Yan is a frequent visitor here, apparently knows more, and asks, "Where is this? Where is that tree house city?"

Jiang Xiao pointed in one direction, and said, "Forest Tree City is over there, probably more than a hundred kilometers."

Xia Yan nodded, and said, "I haven't been to the natural oxygen for a long time. By the way, how about it? Are they all well decorated?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "It's just an empty shell. Some courtyards and Yanwu venues have been built, but there must always be some people here to complete everything."

Speaking of which, the gardener's hide on the side has opened the door to the training space of Wouying, and walked in first.

Due to Xia Yan's arrival, the gardener's skin temporarily stopped the city-building plan, but accompanied Xia Yan into the training space as a messenger for the message.

Jiang Xiao also stayed in Han Jiangxue's room, watching TV with her, eating fruits and gossiping.

Gu Shi'an was a bit aggressive, he thought Jiang Xiao would come back to live at night, but at seven o'clock in the evening, he received a text message from Jiang Xiao, saying that he would not come back ...

Gu Shi'an was not sure whether Jiang Xiao sneaked away or stayed in Han Jiangxue's room.

This situation occasionally occurred when training in the national team once, but it happened at home, but abroad, and it was the real World Cup stage ...

Gu Shi'an looked at the TV on the bedside, his face frowning.

It was only seven o'clock in the evening, and it was not time to toss and turn, but Gu Shian accidentally touched the napkin in his pocket.

"Hmm ..." Gu Shi'an didn't hesitate, and threw the napkin into the trash bin, and again he pulled out what he really wanted from his pocket: fake snake.

You can sleep alone, you don't have to go to the toilet to smoke.

Gu Shi'an took advantage of the situation and took a cigarette in his mouth.

"Pha ~" The pulley of the metal lighter with the spattering ignition point ignited the flame and lit the cigarette.

You have your happiness

I have my loneliness,

Not bitter, even a little cool ~

"Hoo ~" Gu Shi'an exhaled a smoke, comfortable ...

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