Nine Star Burden

Chapter 873: Fairy forest

"There are two guys fighting over there." Xia Yan's flying speed slowed slightly, and her body changed from a horizontal flying posture to standing in midair.

With the help of the cape, Han Jiangxue also stopped, stood in the air, and asked, "The specific situation."

"It should be a little Red Riding Hood, this speed ..." Xia Yan murmured secretly, "It should be a Little Red Riding Hood playing a big stone hat, I'm not sure."

Han Jiangxue opened the broken air at will, and scooped out the corpses of two little blue hats from the inside. The monster's amazing purple eyes were not very strong in defense.

At the suggestion of Han Jiangxue, Gu Shi'an used the bauhinia knife and quickly took out two of the star beads.

Although everyone knows that the creatures here are all alien dimensional beasts.

But if the little blue hat is a normal human figure, everyone will probably have some psychological burden. Fortunately, the structure of the little blue hat's head and the five senses is extremely scary. In the eyes of human beings, it is a "ghost monster".

Han Jiangxue said, "Jiang Xiao, control Little Red Riding Hood first, it's too fast. Gu Shi'an, you stand in front of us. The brutal collision of the big stone hat is very tricky, pay attention and resist."

Jiang Xiao nodded, and in his mind was watching an intermittent picture.

No way, the forest here is too dense. Jiang Xiao can not clearly describe the outline of the enemy ’s body through the tears and rain of the field. Occasionally some rain can drip on the enemy and pass on some information to Jiang Xiao.

In most cases, Jiang Xiao used his enemies to step on wet ground, judged the opponent's trajectory according to the tears on the ground, and then guessed the opponent's breed.

This is why Xia Yan said she was not sure about the other breed.

"Okay." Gu Shi'an first handed the two little blue hat stars to Han Jiangxue, and didn't put them in his own pocket. Then he walked to the front of the team.

Han Jiangxue threw the star beads to Jiang Xiao, and he lit a white firework in his hand, and threw it at the bodies of two little monsters on the ground.

In the drizzle of Xia Lili, Xia Yan froze for a moment, then turned her head and looked at: "Death?"

Han Jiangxue nodded and said, "We don't know what we will face after going out. It is always right to make the worst plan."

While the team members were still thinking about the hunting task in front of them, Han Jiangxue, who was calm and attentive, was already considering what might happen after going out.

Jiang Xiao said, "You don't have to spend so much trouble, there are many guys who can eat."

Then, Jiang Xiao gestured to Han Jiangxue's cloak.

The IQ of the Sea-Eating Soul is very high. He also used the erected collar “little hand” to gently slap Han Jiangxue's face, as if he was trying to please and ask for something.

"Yes, I will leave it to you in the future." Han Jiangxue said, directing the team to move forward quickly and continue hunting.

That blazing white firework was left behind.

Jiang Xiao and others did not worry that this white firework could not complete the task. After all, the characteristics of the white firework are here. Han Jiangxue gave it a target, so it will not go out until the target is completely burnt.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao also took a moment to glance at the information in the star map:

"Little Blue Hat Star Beads (Platinum Quality)

Own Star Technique:

1. Virtual and Real Hammer: Condensing star power, summoning a long bar heavy hammer. The closer the long hammer is to the entity, the heavier it becomes, and the more illusory it becomes, the lighter it becomes. False and true, freely controlled by users. (Gold Quality)

2, the gods fall: throw the hammer of reality and reality into the air, fixed and hung at a certain height.

The virtual and real hammers hanging in the air will sprinkle a large number of unreal hammer images, and carry out indiscriminate bombardment in a certain area. The virtual hammer's offensive position is freely controlled by the user. (Platinum quality.)

3. Dusks of the gods: summon a huge false hammer, descend from the sky, and violently bombard an area. (Platinum quality) "

Little Blue Hat's star bead star skills, see Jiang Xiao's heart moved slightly.

These two platinum-quality star skills with the word "god" are indeed a bit powerful, and Jiang Xiao himself has experienced these two star skills.

There is no doubt that the specific powers of these two platinum star technologies were not really reflected in the introduction.

The power of this astrology is far more terrifying than the introduction.

And the first star technique of this little blue hat star bead is the basis of the latter two star techniques. If there is no so-called "Virtual Hammer", then whether the gods fall or the gods dusk, Can't use it.

So ... this is a bundled star technique?

Jiang Xiao's heart sighed slightly. If that was the case, Gu Shi'an would be a little uncomfortable.

Gu Shi'an already has the Bauhinia Star Technique and the Shadow Hammer Star Technique of Throwing. Whether it is a weapon in his hand or a weapon thrown out by his long hand, he is fully equipped.

If this is a virtual hammer again ...

To be honest, it is a waste of star trough.

After you go out, look at how Shi'an chooses, hunting matters now.

Jiang Xiao came back to God, looked at the people in front, and saw Han Jiangxue in flight. He couldn't help but admire the carefulness of Han Jiangxue.

No accident, the military and police forces of the Will State will soon enter here. This fairytale forest is driving in the city, so it is likely to be destroyed.

Then, during the search by the Willow Party military police, if so many alien corpses whose stars have been taken away are found, they will know what this Chinese team has done.

It may even be possible to count the harvest of this team in the fairy tale forest.

At this time, Han Jiangxue was also thinking about Jiang Xiao's proposal and felt very reliable.

The old deeds of the sea-eating soul are to melt and devour the body of the creatures, but after following the master, they are more obedient to the command of the master, so they have not eaten and eaten for a long time, and have been maintaining their lives by absorbing star power .

As for Jiang Xiao ’s diamond and sea-eating soul, he has been in the training space of Wage Shadows. Under the rich star power environment, he lives with his mouth open for meals and has no need for the physical body.

"Woo ... hmm, hee hee ~" A silver bell-like laughter came from the forest in the distance, and that laughter was mixed with cold hum, full of strong ridicule and disdain.


After a muffled sound, click ... click ...

In the sight of everyone, the trunk of a big tree was broken, slowly planted the next two.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Another rough voice, with endless anger, hissing and roaring, the scene was lively.

Everyone squatted down, carefully touched them, hidden behind the grass and giant wood, and finally saw a large, a small, two "green bean fly" heads.

Little Red Riding Hood is about 80cm tall and looks very thin, but the speed is ridiculous, with a dark red star entwined in her body, leaving a faint red afterimage in her trajectory, like an extremely A little monster was making waves.

And the guy turned around by it, by comparison, his body is very huge, the big stone hat is also humanoid, about two meters tall, and the upper body is extremely sturdy.

People often use the "inverted triangle" to describe a person's good figure.

But the "inverted triangle" of this big stone hat is a bit scary. Its upper body is really too big and too big. Its two strong arms are even thicker than its legs.

Under this weird proportion, it makes people a little worried whether their two legs can support such a majestic upper body.

"Hey!" The big stone hat was full of meat, and there was a stone hat on the huge head, like a stone bowl clasped on the head.

"Wow, yeah!" The big stone hat banged on his chest and growled skyward.

Then, the large stone hat was held in emptiness with one hand, and a large dark golden kite shield suddenly appeared, and in the other hand, a dark golden long bar hammer was also put together.

I saw the big stone hat stepping on the ground and tearing the ground. It suddenly stood the big dark golden kite shield in front of it. The heavy body suddenly accelerated and slammed into the afterimage.


Jiang Xiao's eyes were frozen!

The big stone hat has been being played by Little Red Riding Hood. The rampaging body can't catch the little Red Riding Hood's clothing at all, but this "ramming" makes the Big Stone Hat approach the body of the Little Red Hat infinitely.

"Hehe." Little Red Riding Hood sneered, but suddenly there was no sound.

Whether it was a little red hood or a big stone hat, blood was flowing from the corners of their mouths.

Diamond Silence!

Jiang Xiao raised his hand as a blessing, and the hunt continued!

What about platinum **** pets?

When I met my poisoned milk king, I turned you into kittens!

"Go! Gu Shi'an!" Han Jiangxue began to command, and his movement was not slow.

But this time, Han Jiangxue didn't use the torch, she probed with her right hand, her long forefinger and **** picking slightly, and in time, a wild wind swept away.

I saw Han Jiangxue's right hand clenched into a fist suddenly, and yanked it back. Under the storm, Little Red Riding Hood was blown directly.

Han Jiangxue dragged his right hand backward, and turned his side, his left hand also leaned in front of him, and waved downward.

The layers of broken empty space opened again, and the dazzling little Red Riding Hood plunged into the broken empty space of Han Jiangxue.

chemical reaction! !! !!

This is the chemical reaction caused by the cooperation between the stars.

Just like the sturdy cannon formed by the players of the Russian Federation in the last game against the Russian Federation.

At this time, as long as the combination of Han Jiangxue and Jiang Xiao's star skills, they can directly determine the life and death of the other creatures that are smaller and need oxygen to survive.

Silence is controlled by hand, and then controlled by blessing. Han Jiangxue puts a prey into his own empty space with a torch or wild wind.

The siblings completely passed the "offensive" stage. Regardless of the opponent's defense, physical fitness, and combat effectiveness, that was not in their consideration.

Gu Shi'an's left and right hands waved repeatedly, facing the silenced large stone hat, one after another, the hammer of the shadow, with powerful soul damage, throwing at the large stone hat again and again.

Of course, Xia Yan was not idle, she held the deadly sword, and Yan Yan flung out, but she did not dare to go to melee.

Only a fool can find himself uncomfortable. Am I Xia Yan?

After Han Jiangxue "sealed" Little Red Riding Hood, he grabbed a dark blue scepter in his hand, and a large current fell from the sky, splitting the dense leaves, splitting layers of interlaced branches, and covering it with a large stone hat. Overhead.

Jiang Xiao was silent again, once again restraining the movement of the big stone hat, and also completely broke the idea of ​​the big stone hat calling for shield defense.

You ca n’t escape, you ca n’t prevent it. Under the perfect control of Jiang Xiao, under the bombardment of the three trio of imperial capitals, the large stone hat that did not increase its own defense power has been charged to death. .. Well, it's very aggrieved ...

Seeing such a scene, Gu Shi'an could not help secretly whispering.

Too fast, the efficiency of this weirdness is really too fast ...

Gu Shi'an was with this squad and participated in many battles, including even destroying Jindalai's 303 flower dimensional space.

However, Gu Shi'an was still a little snoring about this fairy tale forest where most platinum creatures are.

But ... but the scene in front, including the story that happened after entering the fairy tale forest, is really like a "fairy tale". Is this too dreamy?

And for Jiang Xiao ...

How dare you go to Liangshan without three or two?

Why the first reaction of others is retreat, and my first reaction is to come in and get the stars?

Fairy forest?

With Xiaojiang Xue, I can kill the Quartet in the Dragon Cave. What is this little fairy forest?

Hmm ... well, it's a little bit floating.

Jiang Xiao thought secretly: This dragon cave is still a bit dangerous, so be cautious ...

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