Nine Star Burden

Chapter 874: conflict

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"Little Red Riding Hood Stars (Platinum Quality)

Own Star Technique:

1. Pale Red Star: Summon a light red star to provide lighting and warmth to an area. (Gold Quality)

2. Dark red star: summon a dark red star to make it rotate around the target, increasing the moving speed of the target unit. (Gold Quality)

3. Dark Star: Summon a dark star to make it rotate around the target and reduce the movement speed of the target unit. (Gold Quality)

4. Brilliant Star: Summon a star with a bright color and make it rotate around the target to purify the negative state of the target unit. (Gold Quality) "

What a magic trick!

Platinum star beads, gold four-star skills, each of them are extraordinary auxiliary star-like skills.

Most of the players who can participate in the World Cup individual game are self-contained. This little Red Riding Hood star is obviously the most important part of the will of the country ’s war system players to improve their system.

Jiang Xiao is still admiring the strength of Little Red Riding Hood's star skills. On the one hand, Han Jiangxue's sea-eating soul has finished, and he has completely melted away.

In the distance, Gu Shi'an also took the star beads from the big stone hat, and the spirit of sea eater flew to Han Jiangxue, turning around in circles.

"Well, go." Han Jiangxue said. The soul of the sea bitter got the permission of the owner, and happily flew to the corpse of the big stone hat in the distance.

Gu Shi'an also learned well this time and threw the star beads of the big stone hat directly to Jiang Xiao.

"Stone Cap Star Beads (Platinum Quality)

Own Star Technique:

1. Dark golden kite: Condensing star power, summoning a large dark golden kite shield, which has strong defensive ability and has a certain anti-shock effect. (Gold Quality) "

2. Dark gold hammer: Condensing star power, summoning a dark golden long bar heavy hammer, which has a strong output ability and has a certain impact effect. (Gold Quality)

3. Brutal charge: Inject special star power into the shield, and let the shield lead the user into a rampage, with a certain shock effect. (Platinum quality) "

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly with the astrological information given in the star map.

Need a shield for this savage crash?

Do I have to use a shield? Can't other offensive weapons? For example, weapons like swords and swords? What kind of ghost star technique is this?

Jiang Xiao always feels that this "barbaric charge" star technique is very similar to the doomed blade star technique. They both let the user carry the user forward, but the effect is different, and according to this introduction, the user's shield seems to be Will not break.

Between thoughts, Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan both had a special reaction. Jiang Xiao looked up at Xia Yan, and Xia Yan also looked down at Jiang Xiao in the air.

Han Jiangxue: "What's wrong?"

Xia Yan said: "The troops of the Will Country came in, one ... two ... three, 12 people."

Han Jiangxue thought for a while and said, "Find a little blue hat and throw it into my space, and then I will take you directly to the space gate, and we will unify the caliber, we are not far from the gate, guarding the gate Not letting the creatures out here harm the black market. "

Xia Yan said: "This opportunity is so rare, let's play some more stars."

Han Jiangxue shook his head decisively, and said, "Execute the order."

Obviously, Han Jiangxue considered more.

"Okay." Xia Yan pursed her lips, shrugged her shoulders at Gu Shi'an, and looked helpless.

Gu Shi'an didn't have too many ideas. It was enough for this team to venture into this place for him.

"That direction, about a kilometer." Xia Yan fell and said.

"Cloak." Han Jiangxue shouted to the distant sea-eating soul.

Sea Soul Eater's Soul Eater Starcraft is of platinum quality. The speed of melting the body is fast. Upon hearing the call of the master, the Sea Eater immediately flew back.

Han Jiangxue directly opened the black sky instant guard, and the foursome disappeared without a trace ...

After just 2 minutes, there was another dark corrugated transmission cover, which opened in front of the door of the different dimension space.

"# ¥ @ #?" A word came out that everyone couldn't understand. The voice was endlessly majestic, and the momentum swept across the group of four.

"English?" Jiang Xiao said.

A tall woman with extremely stiff facial lines, wearing the military uniform of the special forces of the Will State, stepped forward and said, "You are that Chinese team."

"Well." Jiang Xiao nodded, and said, "The first time this alien space opened, we came in here. We have been guarding the door to prevent the creatures from going out to harm the people."

The woman has short dark brown hair, and under the dark red beret, there are a pair of brown eyes with irony. Looking at Jiang Xiao in front of the team, it seems clear that Jiang Xiao and others are in this different dimension What has been done in China.

Regarding Jiang Xiao's words, she did not mean anything at all. She looked at Jiang Xiao and asked sharply, "How many stars have you harvested here?"

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly and said, "No, we just rushed out nearby creatures. Their position is too high and their strength is too strong. We try to avoid confrontation with these creatures.

We just want to guard the gate before the military comes here to prevent these alien creatures from going out. "

"Hehe." The woman of Yiguo sneered, glanced over Jiang Xiao's shoulder, looked at Han Jiangxue, and said, "Open your empty space, we need to check."

During the conversation, three teammates guarding the space gate behind her also came forward.

Han Jiangxue stared blankly at the Willow Country woman, and said, "You? Search me?"

The women of Will China stepped towards Han Jiangxue with an extremely tough attitude: "Yes."

Jiang Xiao's footsteps moved directly, blocking the woman's travel route directly. His discourse style and Han Jiangxue infinitely matched, saying: "Do you think you are qualified?"

"Here is our country. You must abide by our rules when you are in our country. You should not come in the different dimensions of the fairy tale forest." The woman was almost against Jiang Xiao's chest and looked down at Jiang Xiao, The voice was cold and stiff.

Feeling her hot breath, Jiang Xiao went back to her head and said, "We are helping you, helping your country, and helping your people. And this is your attitude towards us?"

Regarding shame, who can compare with our poisoned milk king?

I didn't blink when I lied ...

Of course, it is said that although Jiang Xiao's purpose of entering the different dimension space is not pure, but on the objective level, he really guards the space door and does not let any creatures flow out and make waves. Jiang Xiao is indeed qualified to say such things.

The dark red beret worn by the woman of the country of will will give them a lot of operating space. If it is a peaked cap, this posture cannot appear ...

She also came back with her forehead and said, "At least you have a little blue hat in the broken sky. This is what we know. According to the speed at which you slaughter the little blue hat, and this field of tears full of perception, It is not difficult to imagine what you have done here before we came! "

Hitting the forehead seems to be a particularly good provocative action. You don't need to take a hand or go to the last step, but you can express your attitude clearly.

It is a pity that this female officer of the country of will is half a head higher than Jiang Xiao.

Hmm ... wait, Jiang Xiao's heart moved, which seemed to be a good thing?

Jiang Xiaoyi headed back, but the target was not her forehead, but her tall nose bridge.

"Hmm ..." The female officer issued a slightly painful nasal sound, and she stepped back involuntarily, but stopped her subconsciously covering her nose.

Jiang Xiao grinned ...

Don't talk to you more than bb!

I'll just ask you if you're sour and you're done!

Fight with me?

Find another one meter eighty two!

"Destroyed the Earth · Eighteen Two" Haven't you heard of it?

Has the King of Fighters played?

"My brokenness is not something anyone can check." Han Jiangxue's cold voice fluttered, and his attitude was equally extremely tough.

"Hua Xia wasteland army!" The brown eyes of the female officer stared at Jiang Xiao, "I can understand that you are provoking the country of will, the dark red beret troops here, right? "

The phrase "open up army" seems to have completely changed the nature of all this.

From the words of the previous female officer, it is not difficult to conclude that she is very familiar with this team, whether it is the break of Han Jiangxue, the tears of Xia Yan, or the identity of several people in the group.

It seems that in this hotel, the identity information of each student is well known.

Jiang Xiao directly responded: "To be able to come here to participate, we represent the Huaxia National Team. It has nothing to do with the wasteland army. It is useless to search for our wasteland. It is useless for you to find our wasteland army leader. You have to go to our Huaxia Lead. "

"You, what's going on?" A voice suddenly came from the door.

Jiang Xiao tilted his head, glanced over the shoulder of the female officer, saw a man, and came in with several soldiers. They were all in camouflage combat uniforms, and their heads were also wearing dark red berets.

Reasonably, the color of this beret is a bit similar to a certain unit in the Kingdom of Everlasting? It seems that the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Thailand also have a beret army of this color?

In front of Jiang Xiao, the female officer shivered with anger and clenched her palms, making people worry about whether blood would flow from her palms. The extremely harsh voice also trembled: "They may hide a lot of fairy tales Star beads from forest creatures, most likely! "

Not far away, the voice of the male officer came: "I don't want to be possible, I want accurate results."

The female officer looked at Jiang Xiao fiercely and said, "At least there is a little blue hat."

"Well." The male officer said, "Huaxia contestants, come here, your national team leader is outside, we go out to negotiate."

"Go." Han Jiangxue said directly, the trio moved forward.

Jiang Xiao moved away from her footsteps, but was stopped by a female officer's hand in front of his chest. Her left shoulder was tightly against Jiang Xiao's right shoulder, but she was looking ahead and whispering, "You're lucky he came!"

"Oh." Jiang Xiao grinned, pushing his right shoulder slightly forward. "Soldier, it's you who are grateful. We are different. I can survive, but I'm not lucky. As for you ... .Ha ha."

Talking, Jiang Xiao rammed the female officer and walked forward.

The female officer adjusted her crooked body, stood in the same place, lowered her head, and extruded a sentence from her teeth: "Fuck ..."


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