Nine Star Burden

Chapter 875: Ask for rice crackers

Add more for kazach leader.


Muhei City, the national team team match settled in the hotel.

At this time, in the hallway outside the small auditorium, the leader led the team to the left, and was taking several national team staff members to communicate with the four imperial Xingwu practitioners.

Zuo Yizhang looked at the four and said, "Regardless of whether you have been treated unfairly or what you have done in the fairy tale forest, I hope that this matter will pass and no one will bring it up in the future."

The little blue hat that Han Jiangxue finally arrested was exchanged to the other party under the negotiation between the national team and the will.

The other party expressed gratitude to the Huaxia team for helping guard the space gate before the military arrived. However, while expressing his gratitude, he also thoroughly searched Han Jiangxue's empty space.

Zuo Yizhang looked at the four people in front of him in silence, and once again persuaded, "Your approach is worthy of course. Of course, I hope that this kind of thing will happen again next time, especially for the special alien dimension of their country. I I hope you will leave the matter to the military and police of the Will State.

The four of you are wastelanders. You should be more aware of the changing trend in the world than this one. This World Cup is bound to be the Doomsday World Cup. I hope you can make clear your goals and know what your first task here is. "

Han Jiangxue finally spoke, and said lightly, "I see."

Although there were only three words, it ended the exchange.

Zuo Yizheng's position is very high, maybe you can be polite to other students, but for these four people ... these four guys are real wastelanders! There was even a vigil army and the deputy head of the Zhuguang regiment!

The deputy head of the chase mission with a number! This status is not a joke, and Zuo Yizhen also does not want to have any contradiction with these four people.

Fortunately, all four of them are of high quality and "respect teachers". They are willing to use the status of "University Participants" to communicate with the leader of the team.

"The three of you go in and watch the lottery, Jiang Xiaopi, we will take you to the airport now, and you will return to Bailin City immediately." Zuo Yizhang said to the team.

Jiang Xiao nodded to several people, and the trio turned back to the small auditorium.

Among them, Gu Shi'an inevitably had some concerns. All the captured stars were in Jiang Xiao, and Jiang Xiao was going to the airport now?

The trio sat in the last row of the small auditorium, and the lottery ceremony had not yet started.

Although the Emperor Xingwu team has gained a lot in the fairy tale forest, it didn't take much time in the world, and when the volition party arrived, several people returned, and their attitudes and practices were not picky.

Xia Yan sat on the chair with her buttocks. In fact, she didn't even want to hand over the little blue hat star bead. The team really guarded the door of the space on an objective level and prevented the creatures from flowing out. Xia Yan felt that it was What they deserve.

However, the different-dimensional space of fairy tale forests is in a special position in Willpower.

Xia Yan was not very satisfied. She also saw Gu Shian who was worried. She couldn't help but pinch Gu An's arm with her arm. She said, "Ten thousand hearts. Although he is skinned, he is also the most reliable. Spectral. "

"Huh." Gu Shi'an nodded quite in agreement. Gu Shi'an was 100% approved of Xia Yan's evaluation.

"Unfortunately, I haven't encountered‘ long white robes ’in the fairy tale forest. That kind of creature seems to have a single halo-like star technique?” Xia Yan said quietly.

"Stop." Han Jiangxue looked sternly and looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's mouth was grieved, and she stopped speaking, obediently, and turned to look at the large screen ahead. The lottery ceremony was also played on time.

The dark red beret unit of Willpower is indeed something.

In the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, the different dimensional space of the fairy tale forest is still open, but all the floors in the hotel except the restaurant, the so-called functional areas, are operating normally.

Participants in these countries are also daring artists, and I do n’t know if anyone complains, anyway, no one is leaving, and they are still in the hotel.


The expected trouble did not occur, Jiang Xiao passed the security check smoothly and got on the plane.

The flight time from Muhei City to Bailin City is only an hour, but this hour can delay a lot of things.

Fortunately, there is wifi on the plane. Jiang Xiao took the mobile phone and watched the lottery ceremony on the plane.

The first lottery was the competition of the individual players. When Jiang Xiao saw the classmates from Cainan Province and encountered the fire that was going on, he couldn't help smashing his lips.

Aside, a younger brother of Willpower also came over and stared at the screen quietly.

Jiang Xiao was so uncomfortable that he assigned a headset to the young man beside him.

Jiang Xiao was uncomfortable, of course, not because someone was watching with a cell phone, but because the fire method of the kingdom that day did not fall was very strong.

"Thank you, thank you." Willie's little brother thanked him again and again, took a headset and brought his head together, and looked intently at the screen of the phone.

A few minutes later, the young man of Willpower suddenly said, "If nothing else, this guy is the champion of this year."

In the first position, Jiang Xiao's figure with a scratching head and a grin appeared.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

At this time, Jiang Xiao, wearing a mask and peaked cap, did not dare to respond.

"Are you also a Huaxia person? Or a neon person? A kimchi person?" Young Will asked inquisitively, "You should know him? Poison King! I am looking forward to his character card."

Jiang Xiao was a little dazed: "Character card? What character card?"

Brother Will stunned and said, "" Xingwu World Cup 2017 "! It's about to be released soon.

Just yesterday, the game officially announced the character cards of more than 300 students who were eliminated in the first round of the individual World Cup and their combat value. "

Jiang Xiao froze and said, "Game? Game about Xingwu World Cup?"

Brother Wille: "Yeah! You don't even know it? Now it's warming up. The game official said that when the individual and team participants' ability values ​​have been announced, they will be on sale.

I think you look like an international student? Don't you know? What university are you attending? Don't you pay attention to these? "


Lao Tzu was in the team match yesterday, live-action pk, live beating the Russian Federation Steel Corps!

Who has the time to follow the game?

Star World Cup?

Is it so good? Go back and have a look.

Willie said, "That gaming company is a license from Xingwu World Cup.

It is estimated that the sale will start from this World Cup. It can be seen that the game company is very anxious. The news is indeed very sudden. It should be started as soon as the license is obtained.

I don't know why the Xingwu World Cup official suddenly loosened and authorized, it is estimated that it is very short of money.

You are an Oriental. Your thinking is different from ours. You gave me analysis. Why did the official suddenly slacken?

Is this related to the Doomsday World Cup? Do they want to make a lot of money before the end of the day, and still be able to spend it while they have money, what big action is required in private?

Hey ... I don't care about anything right now, I spend it when I have money. This time I went to Bailin City to watch the game. "

Speaking of this, Brother Willi pulled out a ticket from his pocket and said, "Look at this baby, it was bought at a high price, and I'm going to watch Jiang Xiaopi's game.

Yesterday, the game's mechanics have come out, and Minzhan is the most test for player operation.

According to the official reports, although Jiang Xiaopi is an assistant, it is more difficult to get started than Minzhan occupation. It is the most tested character in the 2017 version!

I am going to start with "Jiang Xiaopi" for the first time, ten consecutive draws, one hundred draws! How many times you have to draw him out!

The official said that the characters do not have a fixed segment, and they can fight as they please. When I went to the scene this time, I just wanted to observe Jiang Xiaopi up close and well. "

Jiang Xiao twitched his mouth awkwardly, even for a while?

You do n’t cheer for the players in your country, do you come to observe my company?

What the **** ...

When a person, telling you face to face, I am going to start with "you" and use "you" well, it feels ...

Jiang Xiao always feels that he has awakened a wonderful attribute in his body ...

But at this time, Jiang Xiao didn't have time to think about it anymore, because his opponent has been out for a long time, and if he doesn't look at it, it is the next group draw.

The opponent, however, made Jiang Xiao a little surprised, this person looks like a Chinese.

When the national flag of that country was hung in the upper right corner of the figure, Jiang Xiao didn't even know it.

The national flag of red, blue and red colors, the red area on the far left, there is a pattern on it, with many elements: fire, sun, moon, tai chi, arrows ...

"The Great Mongolian Empire." Jiang Xiao couldn't help but whispered in exclaim.

On the one hand, I was surprised, and on the other, I was ashamed of my ignorance.

Damon Empire!

The neighbor in front of his house, Jiang Xiao didn't even recognize it.

No wonder this face is so kind, Jiang Xiao looked at the strong man in the picture, and he also realized that some hit in this game ...

It was also at the moment when the opponent was determined that Jiang Xiao's Weibo rushed into a lot of comments:

"Phi God, win!"

"Although all the players who can participate in the World Cup are strong, you always seem to get the most special one?"

"Damon Bow God? The showdown of the pinnacle of skills?"

"Pippi, let's get to the bottom of it, how far are you going?" You hit Hai Rigu in the second round, and my heart was panicking ... "

"Use bows and arrows! Pishen! Ask for bows and arrows! Give us a great lesson from Dameng Bow God next door!"


Jiang Xiao only saw these messages after getting off the plane, and he was almost ridiculed.

Bow and arrow? What a joke ...

I do have bow and arrow skills, but I do n’t have bow and arrow skills.

Have to use the enemy's best means to defeat the enemy? You are asking too much of me ...

Jiang Xiao ’s name of “Attack Kaleidoscope” is regarded as a national certification, and the expectations of the Chinese people are indeed much higher.

Not to mention the Huaxia people, even the younger brother of Will, who was just addicted to the game, is looking forward to watching Jiang Xiao up close, and then developing his own segment in the game.

Jiang Xiao's heart was quite helpless. He stepped out of the airport and met the national team to meet him. He took the leader's car and returned to the hotel.

The first time he returned to the hotel, he hurriedly connected to wifi with his mobile phone and sent a Weibo:

"Jiang Xiaopi is not skinny

Just from Warwick p10plus

I heard that when I was fighting with the Iron Legion yesterday, a new game came out?

I heard that there is me in there?

Weakly asked, why didn't anyone notify me? I am a regular registered student of the Xingwu World Cup. I use my image as a game character? Am I profitable?

Nipples, just took the plane, and there was a younger brother next to Will, who told me in person that he wanted to pump me. I did n’t know what to do, and I did n’t dare ask. He also said that I must start with me, what am I ...

I do n’t have a meal! I didn't receive any ads, I just asked. "

The number of comments below is skyrocketing:

"Yes, you didn't order dinner. You are asking for dinner!"

"Nothing breaks the game company. There is no sign at all. Yesterday I suddenly sent a message. The brainpower of more than 300 individual players was thrown out. I didn't even have a notice. I already smelled the money. Where can I go to make a game? Whose game is not announced months or even years in advance? "

"It is estimated that it has a lot to do with the Xingwu World Cup official. I think the game has been made long ago, but I have been afraid to bb, and the Xingwu World Cup official has loosened, so the company hurried out. The heat during the World Cup, sell it quickly. "

"You don't want to bb anymore, Zhao Wenlong's ability value is 79, you dare to believe? That's an opponent of the same level as Ming Ming. The result is 79 ??"

"Haha, everyone is not ranked except the top one hundred. I found Master Zhao without rank in the corners and corners, mixed into a group of brass cards with a super high power of 79 ... "

Juliet · m · l (Juliet M. Lowe): "Shut up."

Looking at the list of special attention characters, Juliet's noble and charming headshot suddenly appeared in her message, Jiang Xiao was startled.

Yes, in the last World Cup, the world-renowned botanical **** Juliet, who is said to be in the top eight, seems to have been carried away by Jiang Xiao in the second round ...

And below Juliet's message, it was called a laughter:

"Well ... hahahaha!"

"Don't worry, Lord Goddess. I didn't find you. It looks like you've entered three hundred."

"Delayed. Except for the top 100, everyone has no ranking. Guess the value of God's combat power. I bet 89."


Jiang Xiaopipi is not skinny: "Hehe, she was beaten like that by Pi Shen, and 59 can't be more."

juliet · m · l: "Did you forget to change the trumpet?"

Jiang Xiaopipipipi: "......"

juliet · m · l: "I'll watch your game tomorrow and wait for me."

"Don't this **** ask for Weibo? This is to lie to us first, and then stuff the dog food into our mouth ????"


There is a chapter at 20 pm.

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