Nine Star Burden

Chapter 877: Ginger Horse

"It's started! Participants from both sides are here!" Qian Million said with a little excitement. "Sure enough, Jiang Xiaopi chose Fangtian Huaji! My God, Jiang Xiaopi even used Fangtian Huaji." ? "

Aside, Ye Xunyang shook his head with a confused look, and secretly speculated, "Maybe Xiaopi's new skills in the past two years? In order to restrain the enemy's spear, was Fangtian Huaji specially taken out?"

In the webcast room of Yangma, a large number of "?" Floated by, Jiang Xiaozhe looked at the appearance of Fang Tianhuaji, completely detonating the barrage.

"I rub it, and the offensive kaleidoscope comes to show again?"

"This kid has something. The honor guard uses something really dare to bring it on the table and hit it with a real knife?"

"Fart, why can't Fangtian Huaji, who was my first Feng Feng, get on the table?"

"What are you talking about? Can't you see the paint on the face of the Sun Goddess? The skin **** is too face-to-face?"

"It seems our Pippi not only conquered her people, but also her heart."

"Just for you, I want to borrow a copy from you. I want to see what the macho should look at, 嘤 嘤 嘤 ~ (* / w\ *)"

On the Olympic arena, the players from both sides stood. Hai Rigu held the spear behind him, holding the slightly angled bow that seemed to be made in one hand, holding the arrow in his other hand, and placing it on the bowstring, with both hands At the waist.

Hai Rigu ’s non-standard Chinese also came over: "Why not use arrows?"

Jiang Xiao held Fangtian's halberd in his arms, his left leg was upright, his right foot passed his left leg, and his toes were on the ground. His posture was so chic, he said, "Do you think I have so many star troughs? I didn't use arrows. Star skills. "

Hai Rigu shook his head, and said, "No, you don't need arrow-like star skills, you can solve the problem. Do you have a bow and arrow? I have a spare here."

Jiang Xiao: "Uh ..."

In the pre-match communication environment, the trainees of both sides were on the microphone. As the microphones were heard, the words of the two people were transmitted to millions of households.

Qian Million and Ye Xunyang face each other, and Million's brother responded quickly, never cold: "Hairigu is really a respectable opponent and even offered to lend bows and arrows to Jiang Xiaopi. It seems that Hai Japanese and Japanese players are looking for a wonderful showdown! "

"Xiao Pi ... Where is Xiao Pi going? Yeah, Xiao Pi really picked up the bow and arrow!" Ye Xunyang said, even excited.

In sight, Jiang Xiao walked to the edge of the green field, beckoned to the coaches on the bench, inserted Fang Tianhua's halberd into the ground, tied his quiver, and carried a recurve bow on his shoulder.

"Hoohoo ~"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Battle! Battle! Battle!" With Jiang Xiao's posture of carrying a recurve bow, the audience ’s thorough enthusiasm was completely ignited. In the red Chinese camp that occupied half of the audience, numerous cheering and encouraging voices finally gathered. One word: war!

Qian million waved with a big hand: "Very good! Jiang Xiaopi said: I meet your requirements!"

"Hehe." Ye Xunyang hid his mouth and chuckled, and suddenly raised a question. "Xiao Pi and the previous national captain obviously had never faced each other before. His bow and arrow skills were released in the final battle. Stunning, the former European shield was defeated.

I also don't know, if Xiaopi and Hou obviously compete with each other purely for skills, in the end, how will they win? "

Qian Million said with uncertainty: "It should be better than the latter. After all, her star skills are all configured for bows and arrows. Jiang Xiaopi's bows and arrows, but pure skills, only one loves the aura can barely Match his bow and arrow? "

"Ah." Ye Xunyang sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, unknowingly, we always put higher demands on Xiaopi and have higher expectations on him."

"The game has begun!" Qian million shouted, "The Hairi ancient players moved quickly and fired quickly! Jiang Xiaopi's eyes turned red and it was raining! Will this familiar rain flood the opponents into mental breakdown? ? "

"The staff of the Olympic Arena has worked hard. The transparent defensive cover has been opened to cover the audience, blocking the rain. Everyone can watch it with confidence. We ... ah ... Ye Xunyang said and stopped.

On the green field, however, dozens of illusive arrows hung high in the air around ten meters, emitting white light and waving down illusive arrows.

However, the speed of these illusory arrows is not fast. The slightly white tail feathers at the arrow feathers make these slow, illusory arrows, especially like a piece of feathers.

"Purification of star-like skills! Hai Rigu's players took the lead to fill their own half with purge arrows!" Qian Million explained.

On the greenery field, Hai Rigu's rapid-fire position makes people look particularly eye-catching.

What is a man! ?

The mighty body, the wide back, the ape arm lightly relaxed, the arrow like a shooting star to catch the moon.

Hai Rigu's goal is very clear, within a few seconds of the opening, he changed his area into a "purification area".

Hai Rigu was running in strides, moving left and right, and the movement track was irregular. Obviously, he was dodging Jiang Xiao's blessing, but ...

In the seventh second of the opening, Hai Rigu narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Jiang Xiao in the enemy half.

From beginning to end, there was no blessing, no silence, and even the falling rain did not hurt, so this rain is Jiang Xiao's net tears? Purify quasi-star technique?

Regardless of the last World Cup or this World Cup, Jiang Xiao's tears and a series of star skills reported the net tears and tears.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Hai Rigu doesn't feel any harm caused by rain, and it is taken for granted that this is net tears.

"Okay!" Hai Rigu's narrowed eyes suddenly widened, a pair of narrow eyes bright and hot, looking at Jiang Xiao from a distance.

Hai Rigu seemed to understand what Jiang Xiao was going to do, and he seemed to know that Jiang Xiao wanted to fulfill his wish!

"Let me see what is the essence of human combat skills!" Hai Rigu shouted, his voice was so rough and imposing.

I saw Jiang Xiao suddenly raise his hand, a beam of blessing fell down.

Hai Rigu was startled, and hurriedly dodged.

"Hee hee." Jiang Xiao grinned.

Hairigu :? ? ?

What do you mean?

Isn't it pure art? Why use blessings again?

Most people, in most cases, are self-sufficient. Hai Rigu is an upright man. Jiang Xiaona ’s opening “hang up” behavior made Hai Rigu think that this was his exchange with Jiang Xiao At that time, Jiang Xiao's mind was changed. The other party was preparing for a pure show, but ...

Hai Rigu looked at Jiang Xiao's pippi smile, and suddenly felt that this guy was a bit abominable. In his mind, the image of Jiang Xiao's glorious shore suddenly changed?

Jiang Xiao wiped her tears, and sent a blessing. As a polite opening, I told you plainly, I do n’t need to, I will use star skills at any time, you should be careful when fighting.

Whether Hai Rigu had received Jiang Xiao's information, Jiang Xiao did not know, but the string of arrows shot by Hai Rigu was real.

It was a string of black feather arrows, a special arrow from the Great Mongolian Empire, and a signboard of Hou Mingming's life.

In the past, countless archery masters of the Great Mongolian Empire looked at that after the Chinese Empire, and used their kingdom's black feather arrows to shine in the World Cup. The hearts of the great archery gods were not particularly good.

However, the bow gods of the Damon Empire had misunderstood. The obvious black feather arrows did not come from the Damon Empire, but from the Damon Province of China, which is a real Chinese star technique.

Jiang Xiao yanked out the Fangtian painting halberd that pierced into the ground, a layer of strong star power wrapped on it, and a gorgeous halberd flower was thrown out.

Spike, pluck, pick, chop!

People just saw the gorgeous halberd flower, but most of them ignored the solid and exquisite basic skills in the shaken halberd flower.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

As Fang Tianhua's halberd tip and the crescent blades on both sides point, pluck, pick, and sweep, a series of black feather arrows exploded, exuding a thick black mist.

Jiang Xiao struck back, and a series of seven black feather arrows burst into layers of black fog, shattering in midair.

"My God! My God!" Qian million shouted, holding his head in both hands, "I was listening to the storytelling and reading, always thinking about how Lu Fengxian used this heavenly painting. Is there a professional who told me that Jiang Xiaopi shakes out this halberd flower?

Ye Xunyang said with excitement, "Are the audience wondering what the picture of Jiang Xiaopi vs. Mingming will be? Maybe this game will give you the answer!"

On the playing field, Hai Rigu was not discouraged, but those eyes were even hotter. When a pair of Danfeng eyes glared, it seemed to indicate what was about to happen.

Unfortunately, Hai Rigu is not Guan Erye. It is said that when Erye opens his eyes, there will be casualties?

Hai Rigu held the angle bow in his hand and fired wildly. A series of black feather arrows were fired again, in groups of seven, and three groups of arrows fired quickly.

Even if they are far away, each group of arrows is accurate enough to shoot some part of Jiang Xiao's body!

Skull, heart, right ankle.

Hai Rigu shouted loudly. On his side, a group of war horses suddenly appeared, and the flames spread out, and almost a moment, they burned the green grass of several meters around.

This horse is not tall, it can even be said to be slightly short.

The huge white mountain snow feather in the second tail is afraid that it can hold three warriors of ancient times.

Although relatively small, it is prestigious!

The head and neck are short, the chest is wide and the mane is long. Under the hoof, the dark hair is not a little mottled. The horseshoes emit a layer of fiery air waves. Wherever they pass, a flame tumbling, mixed with the river Xiao Nayu burst into tears and rain, sending bursts of water mist.

There is no doubt that this is a summoning star-like technique, not a star pet, otherwise, Hairigu will be sentenced to failure.

Hai Rigu has waited for so many years, expecting such a long battle, and of course he will not bury the battle himself.

Hai Rigu's light jump jumped on the dark war horse, his powerful legs tightly sandwiched the horse's belly, and he sipped softly, "Ha!"

At the same time, Jiang Xiao in the distance flickered among the black feather arrows. Numerous black tail feather arrows brought their own tracking effect, like countless black butterflies, flying around Jiang Xiao crazyly.

Hai Rigu rides on the fast-running warhorse, but the upper body does not rise and fall with the speeding of the warhorse, but is smooth and terrible!

The incomparable skill demonstrates an unparalleled beauty! Hai Rigu on horseback continued to bow and shoot arrows and rushed to Jiang Xiao.


"Melee!" Bursts of exclamation came!

Jiang Xiao's whole body is surrounded by black feather arrows fluttering wildly, the figure flashes suddenly!

The next moment, Hai Rigu rode on the horse's back, leaping back suddenly, the icy gibberish halberd, with a wave of star power, swept across the nose of Hai Rigu.


A series of black feather arrows tracking down shot on the horse's spacious chest, bursting in succession. Hai Rigu quickly broke away from the war horse and jumped to the side suddenly.

"Law law ..." A tragic hissing sound, the flamed horse accompanied by the black feather arrow, shattered together ...

Jiang Xiao landed on the grass that the horseshoe had stepped on, and stepped out, stepping out a flame flower.

Jiang Xiao's right foot crushed the muddy ground, turned his head, and looked at Hai Rigu who had climbed up. He held the Fang Tianhua halberd and pointed far away at Hai Rigu.

"Oh ..." Ye Xunyang sighed with a trembling voice, covering her heart with one hand.

Whirling air waves, dark fog.

Exploding black feather arrows, sorrowful hissing warhorses.

The majestic man slowly climbing up on the grass,

And the young halberd who stepped on the flame flower.

This battle, although wrapped in the shell of astrology,

However, the two men seemed to drag everyone back to the ancient battlefield, and back to the days of the Jin Getie Ma.


I recommend two friends' books, "Escape from the Author" and "Ask Red Dust". Those who are interested can check it out.

Three changes today, 12.17.20.

The Yukai will work hard to write a wonderful game and ask for monthly ticket support!

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