Nine Star Burden

Chapter 878: Yaowu Yangwei

Addition to the leader of the Red Snow.


"Ha!" Hai Rigu hadn't gotten up yet, but started straight off!

All I could hear was a roar of Hai Rigu, with endless excitement and expectations in that voice, his strong and powerful legs leaped violently, a dark flamed war horse appeared again, and Hai Rigu fell firmly on the horse Back on.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Hai Rigu used a bow to shoot arrows, and the black feather arrows shot out again quickly.

After a series of arrows, he saw his left hand lifted sharply.

"His ~"

"Law law ..."

A series of horses rang, and the sky was smashed with anger.

"This, this ..." Qian million widened his eyes, hurriedly stood up, looked away from the display on the table, and looked at the green field below.

It was to see Hai Rigu rushing on horseback, and on his left and right sides, one after another dark flame war horses appeared out of thin air, and the number was finally fixed at eighteen.

But these eighteen blaze war horses, it is the picture of running out of thousands of horses!

The scorching flames of flowers, accompanied by the sound of shattered horseshoes, led the Mercedes-Benz war horses to smash into the young halberd standing in the middle circle.

In the hands of Jiang Xiao, the halberds of the heavenly painting halberd waved, breaking several black feather arrows, and the mist was scattered by the "well" shaped halberd, but in front of him, it was a charming picture.

At this time, the shots given in the TV picture were simply unthinkable.

That's a close-up of Jiang Xiao's back.

As the black mist spread out in front of Jiang Xiao, in front of his solitary figure, a group of dark horses hissing and stepping on the flames, coming forward!

On the head horse in the front of the camp, Hai Rigu, who is holding a horned bow, is still bowing and shooting arrows.

This is a close-up, and the audience in the webcast room is almost crazy:

"This **** is my live wallpaper!"

"It's too flaming, this picture is too flaming ..."

"My agitated body is shaking, you say, those ancient generals, at this time, what are you thinking?"

"Pishen! Rush!"

And Jiang Xiao on the green field did not live up to everyone's expectations. He held the Fangtianhua halberd and stabbed it with a halberd.


Uh ...

The tip of the halberd was wrapped in rich green awns, and stabbed at the broad chest of the head horse. The head horse mourned, but under the effect of the green horse's repulsion, it flew backwards, overturning several flamed war horses in the rear.

The head horse, Hai Rigu, was a rise and fall, riding on another warhorse, and archery and archery again.

Dozens of war horses surrounded Jiang Xiao's regiment, the hoof sound was broken, and the flames were burning, the tumbling waves of flames rolled towards Jiang Xiao's body.

The hissing warhorse drew down the huge horse's head, like a red-eyed beast, biting towards Jiang Xiao's body.

Outside, Hai Rigu rides across the war horse, constantly replenishing the number of flaming war horses, and shooting bows and arrows around the edge of the encirclement, and the black feather arrow in his hand shoots out quickly.

From the beginning to the end, except for the breezy and blessing of Jiang Xiao at the beginning of the opening, almost all the star skills of the two are combat star skills, and there is no hard or soft control interference star technology.

Jiang Xiao's hand held the sky to paint a halberd, and the dance was impenetrable. A group of war horses howled and screamed, and were picked up to fly out. The black feather arrows exploded into layers of dark fog. Everyone soon could not see the inside of the battle circle. In the figure, you can only see a flaming warhorse that was overturned.

Hai Rigu's body snapped, and then he suddenly raised his right arm.


The sound of steel contact!

The icy halberd stabbed at Hai Rigu's head, but it hit his big sandbag fist, and made a sound of steel collision.

Hai Rigu was overturned directly, and his figure was crashed and flew eight meters away, but he saw his ape arm relaxed, grabbed the flame war horse next to him, but his tall body was extremely flexible, and turned over and straddled again. Above the war horse.

Jiang Xiao slipped his lips and landed on the flaming warhorse, his legs clasped tightly.

"The law of the crickets ..." The flames and horses fluttered left and right, raised their forefoot sharply, and tried to fall Jiang Xiao down.

"Shh ~" A whistle, Jiang Xiao's raging war horse immediately made a good appearance.

Jiang Xiaogang just flickered and moved away, but found that the situation was wrong?

Hai Rigu took a bow and fired an arrow and shouted, "It's yours!"

"Drive!" Jiang Xiao smashed his belly with his right foot and directly changed the battle routine. Your mind, I took it!

This flaming warhorse is too spiritual, automatically evading the arrows in front, carrying Jiang Xiao to Hairigu and rushing away.

The warhorses that once surrounded Jiang Xiao spread out and surrounded a flaming battle circle.

Hai Rigu can be described as an arrow, and Jiang Xiao really has no extra moves!

As Jiang Xiao rushed towards him, Hai Rigu watched Jiang Xiao pick up a black feather arrow. This ... so close, so fast? Can this person react?

The light rain in the sky is still under the water, although the flame flowers under the hoof of the undefeated war horse are poured, Jiang Xiao said in actual action: Yes!

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Hai Rigu hurriedly lowered his bow and arrow, pulled out the spear behind him, and for a while, a golden light on the spear: "Hey!"

Above Jiang Fang's halberd painting halberd, a thick green gleam flickered, and the sharp halberd sharply pierced Hairigu's head, but Hailigu was thrown away by a spear.

Such a spear collision should have been okay, but under the flash of golden energy at the tip of the spear and the light of the blue halberd, the two men should have been riding on war horses and staggered, but they turned back and forth. Direction, each moved out.

"His ..." A horse whispered, Hai Rigu's warhorse was pushed out sideways, but he saw his body swayed sharply, his spear pierced the ground, and dragged it deep into the grass. Long traces, try to control the balance of the flame war horse.

The dark horse's hoof drew several lines of flames on the grass, and even built a small mound of earth, it was worthy to stop.

Jiang Xiao rode across the flame war horse and was pushed out. Jiang Xiao stabbed on the ground and slid out of the war horse. The body stopped suddenly.

Under the secret of the two men's hearts, it seems that the battle at this stage is no longer a matter of life and death, but it is immediately dismissed.

I saw Jiang Xiao's body, the dark golden halo lit up, he took a bow and fired an arrow, in one go, and fired quickly towards Hai Rigu.

Hai Rigu made an amazing move, and saw his legs clasped the horse's belly tightly, and speared to the ground!


The mound exploded, Hai Rigu jumped up to three meters with a blaze of flames, and at the same time stood high, and his weird posture, bowed to shoot arrows.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Shooting quickly in the halo of self-dependence, the arrows with purple lines, one branch was broken by the black black feather arrows, the straight line between the two, in the mid-air position at the most central point, a dark fog exploded Come on.

The fierce horses flying in the air landed heavily, the flames and waves blasted away, and the two war horses were more than ten meters apart, and they even circled. This is the legendary marquee! ?

And the two archers immediately followed by bow and arrow, the needle point was against Mai Mang!

So ... who is the essence of human combat skills?

Qian million slaps his hands on the table and exclaims excitedly: "Pure skill! The purest comparison art!

Even if it is wrapped in the shell of star technology, people can only lament the skills of both sides!

I finally know what Hai Rigu said to Jiang Xiaopi before the game! "

Ye Xunyang clenched his fists and trembled, "Jiang Xiaopi really gave up his advantage routine. Is this his agreement with Hai Rigu before the game?

At this moment, the magical astrology has become a supporting role, and everything is back to the most essential battle. "

Qian million spoke words that did not match his name:

"The drizzle is dripping, and the horses step on the flames,

Spear and Halberd, bow and arrow!

Holding a strong bow, holding a spear, and a steed for several years, today, show off!

This is another showdown! This is the battle between two warriors at the pinnacle of skill!

Zhuanghuai is fiercely rising! Who is the hero? "

Ye Xunyang sighed softly: "Chaotianyu ... Yes, behind the two warriors, there are their own countries and their peoples, waiting for the news of their victory! For who is the hero, it is naturally clear! "

The audience did not see the picture they expected, but they saw a showdown far beyond their imagination:

"Uncle him ... what is this? What is this?"

"Are they challenging our knowledge of Star Warriors?"

"It's blown up! My scalp is numb, brother! This one million dollars is not worse than the host of the team match, Yu Feipi, this‘ Chaotianyu ’!? Sink !?”

"At the time of the Song and Yuan dynasties, if there was a star technique, would the battlefield be the same?"

"Don't care about the dynasty, go directly to the characters, this is Zhebei's first war!

Above the playing field, Jiang Xiao habitually drew his hand to the quiver, but caught an empty hand.

No more arrows?

Jiang Xiao's action was a little stiff, and he hurriedly dropped the bow in his hand, picked up Fang Tianhua's halberd on the side of his leg, and picked off a black feather arrow.

On the opposite side, the flame-shaped spinning war horse, Hai Rigu's action also stopped slightly, although he still has arrows and star skills to summon arrows, but at this moment, he gave up the attack?

Is this a secret?

I am here to learn your skills!

Since you gave up your superior star skills and chose to satisfy my wishes, then this bow and arrow is considered a tie!

Hai Rigu suddenly took a bow and fired an arrow, but shot into the air.

Three crimson arrows shot out one after another and hung high in the air. Then, Hai Rigu dropped the angle bow at will, which was considered as a complete abandonment of the bow and arrow, and he raised a spear.

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and looked up at the three red arrows.

Jiang Xiao is very familiar with this star technique. Hou Mingming has used it more than once. When he was in Xingwu, the imperial capital, when Hou Mingming and Zhao Wenlong competed for first and second, this star technique generally appeared on the stage. Destiny.

Bombing arrows! And it's still sky-high bombing arrows!

The next moment, three crimson arrows hanging in the air emitted a devastating light, and the arrows were like rain!

Pieces of bombing arrows sprinkled down, covering the entire half!

Dozens of war horses in a circle of flames hissed loudly. Under the exploding arrows, they turned into little stars, shattered, and disappeared without trace.

"Law law ..." His Majesty hissed his horse, his spirit soaring!

I saw him holding a spear in his hands, his strong legs slammed the horse's belly, and the fierce warhorse ran towards Jiang Xiao with a yell: "Battle!"

"Law law ..." Along with the exploding rear bumper, Jiang Xiaoyong hissed his horse.

Jiang Xiao kicked the horse's belly with his right foot, and raised Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand: "I can't believe it!"

In the dense arrow rain, the blast of the explosion was full of flames, the fire was soaring into the sky, and the soil and turf splashed out.

Under the arrows of the sky,

One person held the halberd and one person held the spear. With the hissing of the blaze war horse, the horseshoes stepped out of the flames.

The sturdy steeds rushed into the black fog that had not yet dispersed in the center, and the sound of a collision between a spear and a halter sounded.

Everything as said before,

Holding a strong bow, holding a spear, and a steed for several years, today, show off!

As for who can triumph in the end?

No longer care so much!


At 20 o'clock in the evening.

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