Nine Star Burden

Chapter 879: happy!


Fang Tianhua's halberd slammed into the spear, but it made a clear sound. Two young men who had killed their heads and entered the dark mist group, each riding on a war horse, slipped backwards.

As His Majesty's warhorse lifted his forefoot high in order to stabilize his figure, Jiang Xiao's upper body hurried forward, clasping the horse's belly with his legs, and grabbing his stiff neck with one hand.

To make matters worse, an exploding arrow came straight down and came face to face!

As early as Jiang Xiao accepted the goodwill of the other side, when he rode on this flaming warhorse, the battle between the two had become "horse immediately", or it could be called "horse without horse".

Jiang Xiaoma's flaming warhorse is indeed a tool, but at this time it is also an important criterion for measuring victory.

I saw the blaze warrior slipping backwards, standing tall, and before he had stabilized his body shape, Jiang Xiaoyi circulated the green awns in his hands, adjusted to brass-quality green awns, and slapped him on the neck.

The flamed horse's body slammed, the four hoofs fell to the ground, and the vertical exploding arrows fell on the side of one person and one horse, touching the green turf, and exploded instantly.

The tumbling air waves pushed the flame war horse to the side a few steps again. In the extremely chaotic scene, Jiang Xiao heard the sound of the hoof from far to near.

"Driving!" Jiang Xiao roared, kicked the horse's belly with his right leg, and the horse quickly rushed away.

Fortunately, this flame warhorse is a summon, not a normal creature warhorse, nor a star pet.

It didn't panic from start to finish, and it didn't have much mental activity. Otherwise, with Jiang Xiao's ability, it wouldn't be possible to control it in such a scene.

Hai Rigu, who rushed to the horse, found that Jiang Xiao didn't meet directly, but chose to run in the same direction. Hai Rigu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the horse galloped, quickly approaching Jiang Xiao. Out.

Jiang Xiao's legs tightly gripped his steed, his body leaned back, Fang Tianhua's halberd stopped back, the "well" shaped Fangtian's halberd, where the tip of the halberd and the crescent blade on the right side, was worthy of blocking A blow from the spear.

With one spear and one touch, both sides were keenly aware that neither of them used the star technique of retreat.

At the moment, the goals of the two are the same. Jiang Xiao hopes that Hai Rigu will catch up, at least he can face the enemy side instead of fighting with his back. Hai Ri Gu also hopes to catch up, but he does not plan to go again and again.捅 Horse ass.

The spear and the halberd collided again, but they saw the rough big hand of Hairigu turned, and the iron hook on the side of the spear directly caught the square-shaped Fangtianhua halberd.

Jiang Xiao, who was lying on the horse's back, yanked backwards and backwards, Hairigu took advantage of his situation, and his horse screamed loudly, and he caught up in an instant. Hairigu made a mistake in his hands, and his skills were extremely exquisite. Directly separated the entangled spear and halberd, swept along.

Jiang Xiao's body lay forward, and he swung his head to the horse's head on the right.

Hai Rigu looked startled, hurriedly closed his spear to block, and used the long rod on the back to open the tip of Fang Tianhua's halberd to the horse's eye.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao also sat up straight ...

Under the bombardment of the exploding arrows of the sky, the two blaze warhorses went side by side and rushed fast in this messy green field.

The warriors on the two horses, as much as they learned in life, could not be killed.

All the way from the middle circle to the other side of the bottom line, in the course of this war horse galloping, the two seem to drag everyone and everyone back to the ancient battlefield, the picture is so shocking.

Most people can see it. At this time, the two are comparing pure skills, and they seem to have forgotten their "Star Warrior" status.

Jiang Xiaoyi slashed his heavy halberd, Hai Rigu held the spear and his two hands tightly and raised the block. You and I came and fought for several rounds, but their faces changed slightly at the same time.

If you follow the current speed, then the series of falling arrows in front will definitely bombard the two of them.

Jiang Xiao's body moved forward quickly, holding the sturdy neck of the war horse in one hand and pulling back.

This summoned beast is Hai Rigu, obviously he is easier to control, no need to manually, just a whistle, Hai Ri Gu's warhorse seems to have its own spirit, and quickly brake.

But it is this small difference that gives Hai Rigu a huge advantage. He does not need to be distracted to stop the horse. He clamps the horse's belly with his legs, fixes his body, and slams his upper body to the left. , Speared down.

The lance with the hook was hung directly on the horseshoe of Jiang Xiaoyong's war horse, Hairi yanked backwards!


"Oh my God......"

"What kind of force is this?"

With the exclamation of the scene, it was the hissing of the war horse under Jiang Xiaoyi.

"Law law ..." He raised his forefoot, and the unstable horse was caught by the spear, and his body suddenly swayed and fell sideways.

It was the moment before Jiang Xiao saw the horse roll over, and suddenly he squatted up and kicked his horse toward the horse's back. The whole person was like a shell, and the halberd was like a dragon!

Fang Tian's halberd stabbed towards Hairigu with a thick green awn.

Hai Rigu suddenly changed color, hesitated to collect the spear, and hurried aside, the cold halberd even stabbed him with the tip of his nose!

Shocked and scared, dangerous and dangerous!

But this is not the end. Although Jiang Xiao is stabbed in the air, his body is also a "cannonball" under inertia!

Between the electric light and flint, Jiang Xiao turned abruptly, a delicate and terrible maneuvering kick, right in the side of Hai Rigu!


With such a severe blow, Hai Rigu's head was stunned, his body was unloaded with force, and he was kicked out with a kick.

Jiang Xiao just turned back and sat down on the raging warhorse of Hairigu with his buttocks. He lay forward in front of him, swooping around the neck of the warhorse, and kicking the horse's belly gently with his right leg.

Turn, go you ~

Hai Rigu ’s flipped body fell to the ground, and his mind seemed a little hazy. In the midst of it, a shout was heard, including the sound of horseshoes approaching quickly.

Under the gaze of everyone's astonished eyes, the hand holding Fang Tianhua halberd, Jiang Xiao who came by the horse, and Fang Tianhua halter under a heavy stab, it stopped suddenly.

The sharp halberd flickered with a little bit of coldness and settled before Hai Rigu's head.

Neither of them sustained much damage from start to finish.

And this game is not based on life and death and casualties.

It has nothing to do with life and death.

From the moment Hai Haigu was taken off his horse, the battle between the two men had been divided.

The war horse under His Majesty Jiang was restless. The hoof hoisted up and down, making it difficult for Jiang Xiao to control. It was supposed to be an emotionless beast. At this moment, it seemed to be a little anxious.

Anyone with a good eye can see that this game is over.

"Leather God ... how good would it be if wearing armor, even a gown!"

"What armor to wear! The national uniform can't satisfy you? This is the battle robe of Pi Shen at this time!"

"As a young boy in fresh clothes! This gold, red and white national team uniform is not gorgeous enough !? Just get used to it!"


On the playing field, Jiang Xiao only felt that his body was clear, and the flamed horse disappeared without a trace.

Hai Rigu stood up, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his palm to Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao steadily landed, handed Fang Tianhua halberd to his left hand, probed out with his right hand, and held the rough big hand.

Hai Rigu, however, pulled back slightly, leaned forward, and bumped Jiang Xiao's chest: "This foot is unexpected."

Jiang Xiao's eyes flushed, and he grinned, but he said, "You once died of a **** of the Xinghai period. You are not lost."

Hai Rigu's complexion was slightly surprised, raising his eyebrows slightly.

The next moment, the two separated quickly, and an explosive arrow blew among them.

Under the fire, Hai Rigu nodded to Jiang Xiao, raised his right hand, and searched for the referee. In this wild bombardment, the rough and bold voice was extremely penetrating, Free and easy: "I confess."

"My God, the World Cup can be played like this ..." On the presidency seat, Qian Million was sitting in a chair with his buttocks, and he finished watching the second half of the game.

Ye Xunyang said: "In the last World Cup, Xiaopi used powerful skills to show people the importance of his skills. In this game, I seem to see thousands of people responding to Pi Shen's call, Hairi Paleo is just one of them. "

Qian million followed the words of Ye Xunyang and sighed lightly: "Maybe the ancient martial arts era will never return, but the combination of martial arts and astrology seems to be the future trend of the warriors in the war?

In the last World Cup, Jiang Xiaopi won not only nine opponents, but also seemed to pass something extraordinary to this world ... "

"The explosion arrow rain disappeared! The referee's whistle sounded! Huaxia victory! Huaxia team Yangtze River skin, successfully advanced to the third round of the individual game!" With the whistle sounded, Ye Xunyang said excitedly.

Qian Million seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He sat in a chair and looked at the auditorium beside him, with a look of intoxication: "Look at this boiling red color, it's worth it! Pishen, it's worth it .. .... "

On the lumpy green field, Jiang Xiao dragged Fang Tian's painting halberd, and while walking toward the side of the field, he waved to the hot area in the auditorium.

"Small skin! Small skin! Skin god! Here and here!" This year's World Cup has no iron cage, only the four sides of the transparent defensive hood supported by the staff.

Reporter He Huan waited anxiously at the side of the court. It seemed that he had not lost his mind. He stepped on the sideline and did not dare to cross the thunder pool. He could only wait for Jiang Xiao to wave forward and walk.

He Huan waited for Jiang Xiao to come, and said in a hurry: "Did you make an agreement with Hai Rigu before the game?"

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and said, "It's right."

He Huan: "In the first game, you played the Archangel of the Kingdom of the United States, and in the second game you played the Damon Empire bow god. Which game do you prefer?

Jiang Xiaodao: "I prefer this scene."

He Huan: "Why?"

Jiang Xiao raised a finger: "A thief? Happy!"

For a moment, He Huan was silent, and Jiang Xiao also subconsciously covered his mouth, it was over, and he was in trouble ...

After a few seconds of cold play, Jiang Xiaoyong baba said: "Three, um, there is a problem, I have to go to Muhei and participate in the team game."

He Huan repeatedly nodded: "Let's go, pay attention to safety on the road, I wish you a safe journey ..."

Jiang Xiao slipped away in a hurry and just took two steps, but suddenly he saw a huge rose in the fiery red auditorium in front of him!

The huge and flaming rose bloomed enthusiastically, but fleetingly, turned into petals and scattered on the audience.

Jiang Xiao did n’t want to notice, but he looked up, but saw the paint of the red flag on Juliet ’s face, and excitedly discarded the noble and cold, the golden long hair was a little messy .

Her face was full of admiration and appreciation, and she threw a kiss at Jiang Xiao.

After the air kiss, she seemed to say something aloud, but her voice was drowned in the cheering crowd of the noisy crowd.

Jiang Xiao put his hand behind his ear and listened as he listened.

However, this posture caused misunderstanding. The fiery Chinese camp in front of it was so loud that it boiled again ...

After the game, these pictures completely exploded the Internet.

One is a picture of Juliet summoning a huge rose flower, and the other is a picture of Juliet's excited celebration and an excited kiss.

But these two pictures are not the hottest. It is only Jiang Xiao who can suppress the popularity of world-class beauties ...

A picture shows Jiang Xiao dragging Fang Tianhua with one hand, putting one hand behind his ear, and listening to his ear. The text below is: "Be loud! You can't hear!"

The other picture is a picture of Jiang Xiao raising a finger, interviewing and talking to the camera. The text below the picture is: "Thief? Happy!"

And these two pictures are mostly matching ...


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