Nine Star Burden

Chapter 880: Forget me no result

"Good work! Good job! Good job!" In the player's locker room, the general manager slaps Ren Xiao on the shoulders of Jiang Xiao, his face is full of praise, and he sighs with sigh. From the moment of the halberd, we have been worried. I never thought that you had hidden such a hand. "

The general manager, accompanied by the teaching assistant, escorted Jiang Xiao to the game to **** him.

If it wins, it should be.

But if Jiang Xiao loses, the consequences ... not to mention Jiang Xiao, even the commander-in-chief will not be better, so Christine Ren has been holding a sweat, looking at it with a lot of worry Jiang Xiao competed with his opponent in the greenery field.

If it was a real sword, Jiang Xiao should be fine.

The key is that Jiang Xiao really agreed to the other party's invitation, put aside all the hardware facilities, and chose a comparative skill with the other party. In this way, Jiang Xiao could really lose.

Until the end, the horse became the sole criterion for measuring victory. Christine Ren was even very certain that Jiang Xiao would not use the space-time star technique, but he did not expect that it would be a kick like a flying celestial body. Games.

"Well." There was a knock at the door of the locker room, and Jiang Xiao and the three coaches were all stunned.

A teaching assistant walked over and opened the door, but saw a familiar face. Does the sun fail?

"Hi ~ Xiaopi ~" Zhu Liye's eyes crossed the assistant teacher and waved to Jiang Xiao inside.

Juliet's Chinese accent has become more and more authentic. At least the two words "little skin" have already passed the pass, and they are no longer "cut farts".

Jiang Xiao blinked and said, "How did you get in through layers of guarding?"

Juliet pursed her lips and said quietly, "Don't you invite me in?"

Such a noble and elegant sun-drenched female goddess revealed such a pitiful appearance, Jiang Xiao could not help but grin.

As early as last summer, when Jiang Xiao participated in the Elite Star Pet Master Invitational Tournament, for Xiao Lie, Jiang Xiao had a heartfelt evaluation from his heart: This person is afraid of being!

At that time, Jiang Xiao thought to himself that he liked the noble and glorious Juliet when he was unfamiliar with the two sides.

Give her a cherry and almost wiped out my arms.

You guys listen, is this what people do?

Jiang Xiao looked helplessly and said, "Congratulations, can I talk to her?"

"Well, pay attention to time, we have arranged for you an hour later," Gong Juren said.

"Don't worry about boarding time, we have a private jet, we can take him to Muhei." Outside the door, Sophia's voice came.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

What is Pai Noodle?

When Jiang Xiao saw the second princess behind Juliet, she knew what level she was in.

Jiang Xiao said: "During the competition, I still obey the team's arrangements."

In a word, congratulations!

Young man, that's right, it sounds very comfortable!

It seems that you are not deceived by beauty!

The three coaches went out. Sophia nodded to Jiang Xiao as she took off her sunglasses and said, "Cut fart."

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "You can't speak up, you have to practice it when you go back."

Juliet closed the door with her hands, turned around, and spread her arms toward Jiang Xiao.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Jiang Xiao was busy, just got up, but was attacked by a human bomb, and stepped back several times.

"It's so exciting! The game just now was so exciting! In my Star Warrior career, I have never seen such a wonderful game!" Juliet said excitedly, as if she had just called out in the audience huge Rose flowers are extremely warm.

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao's hand didn't know where to put it, he just scratched his head habitually, "Thank you."

Juliet took a step back, looking at Jiang Xiao with a pair of bright blue eyes, but couldn't help Yingying smiled and reached out and wiped the painting on Jiang Xiao's face.

The red flag on her face was painted, and it just hit Jiang Xiao's face: "You don't know how much such a fight has impacted me. It has broken my imagination. I have never seen it before, even I never thought of such a battle picture. "

Jiang Xiao crooked his head and looked around for mineral water. He said, "You Westerners, talking is exaggeration, not only exaggeration, but also unrestrained ..."

Jiang Xiao pursed his mouth, picked up a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the bottle cap, held the water in his palm, and wiped it on his face, saying, "How do you two have time to sneak out to watch the live game?"

With a slight smile on Sophia's face, she finally said, "Congratulations on your victory."

Jiang Xiaolian waved his hands again and again: "Don't say this, tell me quickly, is there something fun on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?"

Sophia raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "You got news?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao looked for a moment, then looked happy, and said, "I guess, is it really fun?"

Sophia nodded and said, "Do you remember the book we found in the Lost City?"

"Book?" Jiang Xiao motioned for the two to sit down, and he sat down on the bench with a slump. "We found the huge book under the bed? Did you find a way to open it?"

"Well." Sophia didn't sit down and nodded. "It should be a children's storybook, more like a children's storybook for giants under the sea, a bedtime reading to coax a child to sleep."

Jiang Xiao suddenly became interested: "Oh?"

Sophia said: "But the storybook presented in children's books should tell the story accurately."

Jiang Xiao looked up at Sophia and said, "Why is that?"

Sophia had her arms around her chest, her right arm and her forearm raised, and her fingers rested lightly on her jaw: "We have confirmed where one of the stories happened.

On the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, another extradimensional space was found, which is very similar to the urban environment depicted in the storybook. "

Jiang Xiao was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Is there a whale in there? It's the kind we encountered last time."

Sophia shook her head and said, "No."

On one side, Juliet was sitting on the bench, her legs were overlapping elegantly, and she looked at Jiang Xiao with a smile, and said, "But there are many colorful crabs."

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

North Atlantic Ocean floor? Colorful little crabs? Just kidding?

Which creature in the deep sea is not fierce and evil, who has no strength, who dares to confuse in the deep sea?

Colorful little crabs? This name is so cute, where can it be strong?

"Look what you are doing." Juliet put her hands on her legs, as if she was remembering something, playing with her fingers unconsciously.

Looking at Juliet's appearance, Jiang Xiao was confused and hurriedly asked, "Did you go there to explore?"

"No," Sophia responded. "The creatures caught by the underwater exploration team are very interesting."

Jiang Xiao nodded his head silently, his face searching: "So ...?"

"Sophia wants to go exploring again, you know, how bad the environment is in the deep sea, and she is a body of money, she must find a strong bodyguard, doesn't she?" Juliet said with a smile.

Sophia glanced at her girlfriend, always feeling that she was mocking.

"Hehe." Julie covered her mouth and chuckled, and stopped speaking.

Sophia turned to Jiang Xiao and said, "There are many cities, many scenes, and even many other civilizations in the storybook.

Not surprisingly, the submarine city we found was just a small part of the lost civilization.

That submarine civilization may even conquer most of Europe, and they leave a lot of things behind.

According to the storybook, we also have the direction of exploration, not searching around without clues. "

"How? Are you interested?" Sophia asked softly, smiling.

Are you interested?

Of course there is!

As long as the money is in place, the glass is all broken!

Even if Xingzhu is not paid, Jiang Xiao will certainly go, in case he finds a partner for Humming Whale?

Uh ... this possibility is very small. After all, the Humming Whale lives on the bottom of the North Atlantic for a long time, and according to its search ability, if you have a companion, it will have been found long ago.

However, a thousand words turned into one sentence ... what if?

"Click!" A shutter sound of the phone camera.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao froze, turning his head, but seeing that Juliet was taking a selfie with him in thought.

Juliet saw Jiang Xiaona turn her head and looked stunned, and took another photo.


Jiang Xiao: "..."

Sophia lowered her head, looked at the two men sitting on the bench, and said, "After the World Cup is over, we will contact again to keep the communication open."

Jiang Xiao thought for a while, and said, "I'm very willing to go, but depending on the specific situation, I can't give you a guarantee now."

Sophia nodded thoughtfully: "Well, you can."

Jiang Xiaodao: "Where is Prince Binow? Why didn't he come?"

The elegant smile on Sophia's face was a hint of sarcasm: "Where is the Xinghai period?"

Jiang Xiao blinked and said, "What is your expression?"

Sophia snorted. "I don't like him. Give him another two years."

The World Cup players who can represent various countries are elites among the elite. They can break through the Xinghai period at the age of 25, and they can only be the top star warriors in this group.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Is he 25 this year? Give him another two years? Is he worthy of his talent of top star warrior?"

Juliet said, "The talent is really terrible. Your sister is only 21 years old this year, and it is already Xinghai period."

Jiang Xiao was happy, turning to look at Juliet: "What about you?"

"Hmm ..." Juliet leaned back, holding her bench in one hand, "Maybe I need a hearty battle? Who knows, Card Realm has been a long time and I'm a little upset."

Jiang Xiao wondered: "Heart fighting? Your good girlfriend is a furnishing? Are you looking for Sophia?"

Juliet turned her head and said quietly: "I can compete with her as the Xinghe period. I'm afraid there is only you in the world. Sophia is easy to beat the star warrior in the Xinghe period."

As she said, Juliet frowned, and frowned: "And she and I are both in the legal system. She is all over me and there is no dead end to crush me. There is nothing to fight."

Jiang Xiao looked at Sophia, and said, "You'd better keep it close, that's a really sweet girl! If you start to show no mercy, you really pressed her to rub it on the ground?"

Sophia :? ? ?

Juliet looked red, stretched out her long legs, and pinched Jiang Xiao's calf: "Don't translate Chinese directly into English to speak to us, we can only understand the meaning of that sentence by literal meaning. Anyway, she is a princess, give her Some respect. "

Jiang Xiao leaned down and patted his legs, and said, "Aren't you also a nobleman? Have you forgotten etiquette?"

"Oh ..." Juliet sighed deeply, stood up, and said, "The joy of reunion, three or two words are completely gone, really annoyed and gone."

Sophia smiled and shook her head, looking at Jiang Xiao, and said, "Then we will contact after the World Cup. We will see you again in the final."

Jiang Xiao: "Yes."

Sophia: "Are you really not required to take you for a ride?"

"No more, no more." Jiang Xiao repeatedly waved his hands and said, "I'll listen to the arrangements in the team."

"Come on." Juliet hurriedly stood at the locker room door.

Jiang Xiao smiled, and said to Juliet: "I will let you see what a scum man is today."

Talking, Jiang Xiao stood up, walked in front of Sophia, and stretched out his palm.

Sophia raised her eyebrows slightly, hesitated, and passed her right hand.

Jiang Xiao picked up her palm, lowered her head slightly, and her lips were gently printed on the back of her hand, saying: "All the way, Her Royal Highness, we will contact you after the game."

"Um." Sophia couldn't help turning her head, took a look at Juliet with a smile, pulled her palm back, and turned away.

In the direction of Sophia walking, Jiang Xiao saw Juliet standing at the door.

"I'm an emotionless fighting machine." As he said, Jiang Xiao threw an air kiss at Juliet and blinked his left eye. "Forget me, no result, unless you can skin me."

Juliet :? ? ?


Recommend two friends' books, "The Tomorrow of Tomorrow" and "Super God Mechanic". Those who are interested can check it out.

Three changes today, 12.17.20.

By the way, tonight ’s Weibo prize draws. The prizes include starting coins, physical badges, QQ dolls, etc. The last day is welcome. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Weibo Name: The Love of Writing

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