Nine Star Burden

Chapter 881: How to form good habits

Adding more to the wind Luo Luo League.


Jiang Xiao flew to Muhei City by plane. After getting into the car of Teacher Chen Dapang, he was bored and turned to Weibo, and found something extraordinary.

Juliet tweeted. Under the communication between Weibo and the whole world, under the tweets of Juliet, there are one after another @ 江 小 皮皮 不 皮.

Jiang Xiao clicked in and couldn't help but be speechless.

Juliet threw a photo of her taking a selfie sitting on a bench next to Jiang Xiao with a sullen face.

On Juliet's face, the red flag painting was slightly blurred, while Jiang Xiao's face even had some red flag painting, leaving people with endless space for imagination.

The point is, Juliet's text for this picture:

"A bit upset.

How to tell a boy that worship and like do not equal love?

How to dispel misunderstandings without hurting his fragile mind? "

There is no Jiang Xiaopi's name throughout the text, but the picture is a photo of the two. Juliet is already pointing at Jiang Xiao's nose and talking.

It's so skinny! ?

I don't care about my skin. There are only three of us in the dressing room. Are you playing so much?

Is this going to be punished in public?

My grand poisonous milk king, can you easily manipulate it?

In the comments below, Jiang Xiao didn't find any comments, he was a bit unsure of the trend of this topic, because the message area was already occupied by @ 江 小 皮皮 不 皮 人.

Jiang Xiao thought and thought, edited the text, and directly responded with three words: "Forget me."

This time, Juliet ’s Twitter was completely exploded. Jiang Xiao ’s popularity in the World Cup is not comparable to others. At this time, Jiang Xiao is no longer a hot spot. He is simply a walking base station.

The reply of these three words was really no trick and no trick, directly killed Juliet in the corner.

At the same time, on a private jet, Sophia looked curiously at Juliet, who had gritted her teeth. She clucked her head and saw Jiang Xiao's reply.

Juliet's finger, which was "translation", was shaking slightly.

Sophia smiled and joked, "He's right, forget him, you can't hide his skin."

Juliet: "..."


Jiang Xiao rushed to the national team to settle in the hotel. This time, there were no crowds welcomed by the team, so Jiang Xiao's heart was relieved.

It was only when Jiang Xiao swiped into the door to wait for a small area of ​​celebration and welcome in the team.

Han Jiangxue, Xia Yan, and Gu Shi'an all watched Jiang Xiao's game in the morning. Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an's mood was normal.

However, Xia Yan's face was not very good-looking. Those eyes, staring at Jiang Xiao's face, looked left and right, as if she wanted to find the trace of the cat stealing.

"Don't watch," Jiang Xiao casually threw the schoolbag on the sofa, and said, "I know what's in your little head, send you a word, please call me merciless skin."

Xia Yan pouted her lips and said, "I believe you a ghost, you are a bad little ghost."

Jiang Xiao looked at Gu Shi'an and said, "Put things here first and give them to you after returning to China."

"No problem." After hearing the words, Gu Shi'an was relieved a lot, and he didn't ask any more words.

Jiang Xiao nodded, and started a conversation casually: "Tomorrow, we will cross the River Republic?"

Gu Shi'an responded casually: "Yes, that's the only team in their country."

Jiang Xiaodao: "Happy to send away?"

Gu Shi'an shrugged his shoulders and grinned, "Listen to you."

Han Jiangxue said softly: "Don't underestimate the enemy, be cautious, after all, they have passed the first round and will not be weak."

Xia Yan stood up and urged everyone: "Let's go, eat, and talk in the afternoon. It's time for dinner."

At the same time, Beijiang Province · Fincheng military base.

In the canteen of the base, Hou Ming was holding the dinner plate and came to the lonely Erwei: "Sir."

"Um." Both tails didn't lift their heads, and a string of fish bones was drawn from their mouths, and a nasal sound was made.

Hou Ming sat down clearly, in the large restaurant, no one spoke, only the small sound of soldiers eating.

Hou Ming murmured softly: "You didn't come to watch the game in the small auditorium in the morning."

There was a faint "um" from the tail.

Hou Mingming continued: "Recommended for you to see, Xiaopi's performance is amazing."

Erwei finally raised his head and said, "It's enough to watch the first and last games. I don't have time."

Hou Ming was stubborn, saying: "It's really exciting. This is a game that can inspire the world's star warriors, especially for Min Zhan."

"Oh?" There was a rare tone in Erwei's words, and she understood that this star warrior didn't often boast.

Erwei picked up the last fish in tomato sauce in the dinner plate, and the two of them disappeared, as if none of them felt salty ...

She threw the fish bones on the dinner plate at will, and stood up and looked at it clearly, saying, "Clean up."

With that said, Erwei left.

Hou Ming silently, bowed his head and started to eat, but every change to Hou Mingming a few years ago, I'm afraid it has been frizzed, but now ...

Obviously, her stubbornness and persistence are still in her character, but in many other aspects, she has been completely “stubborn”.

When Erwei walked into the dark little auditorium, the big screen was still playing Jiang Xiao's game against Hai Rigu in the morning.

It's just that the picture on that big screen is frozen, and in the front row, there are dozens of soldiers, who are discussing fiercely.

The two tails frowned slightly, and they listened side by side, but they heard "Jiang Xiaopi", "This action is more concise", "Should be played like this".

The two tails sat in the back seat, and they were quite curious.

The meal time at the base is very strict, and this group of soldiers don't even eat meals. Studying the World Cup battle video here?

You know, the soldiers guarding the dragon caves are no shortage of teams exploring the caves. The strength is absolutely world-class. They are actually studying the video of the game?

In Erwei's mind, studying Jiang Xiao's video is understandable. The problem is ... Jiang Xiao needs a qualified opponent.

Is there another hidden **** in this World Cup?

Erwei waited for a while, and the discussion in front was still fierce, even down to every small action.

Erwei thought about his training plan for the afternoon, and whistled: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The fiercely debated soldiers stopped and turned to look.

Eromichi: "Can you put it all over again?"

These soldiers are not soldiers under Erwei, but the party participating is her soldier.

Moreover, as the only tail feather group leader who has retired from the dragon caves and gained great results, Erwei is highly respected in this dragon cave base.

The soldiers said nothing, and replayed the second video of the morning.

Erwei sat comfortably in the chair, with his elbows on his armrests, his palms on his face, and watched the game begin.

After a few seconds, the two legs on the front seat of the second tail dropped.

After another ten seconds, Ermei's palm with her cheeks closed back, she sat upright, and her sitting posture became more and more straight.

In ten more seconds, Erwei's body leaned forward slightly, and her narrow eyes widened slightly, watching the large screen intently.

Until the end of the game, in the squealing sighs of the front-row soldiers, the two tails were sitting at the front of the chair with their elbows around their knees, their hands clenched into fists, their eyes bright and hot.

The next moment, Erwei's figure disappeared without a trace.

When the front row of soldiers turned their heads and looked, the little tail had long disappeared from the darkened auditorium.

A few seconds later, under the slightly faint starry sky, the star power was extremely strong in the training space.

I am practicing leather hand holding bows and arrows, and I am feeling the skills in my head.

The battle in the morning not only allowed Jiang Xiao to obtain 100 skill points, but also made his "bow and arrow mastery" come to gold quality lv.5, and also made his "fang fang mastery" come to gold. Quality lv.8.

Martial arts promotion of quality, of course, will not be successful overnight.

This game improved Jiang Xiao's skills, also because he trained hard behind the scenes, and the foundation laid was absolutely solid, especially the exploration skin in the different ball at this time, teaching the apprentices and playing against the grimace monks. Under the circumstances, Fang Tianji's mastery is simply rapid progress.

In the training space, Jiang Xiao didn't pay attention to the open door. He was already familiar with Erwei's work and rest time. He should have used lunch and determined that there was no mission information before coming in for a nap.

Don't underestimate the siesta. In this horrible shadow market, Erwei's body is being nourished all the time.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao opened his eyes and felt that the footsteps had not gone away, and he did not walk towards the corner of the iron bed, but the footsteps were getting closer.

At this glance, Jiang Xiao felt hairy.

The ruins of the Shadow of the Shadows are relatively dim, and the two tails with perceptual star-like technology don't care about these. There is not much modification to this training space, just throw in a bunk-type bed.

And under this dim starry sky, the narrow eyes of Erwei flickered with a faint light, like a fierce beast in the dark, severe and terrible.

Why is she holding a Fangtian Huaji in her hand? This was just taken from the base's arsenal?

"I ... didn't mess with you, right?" Jiang Xiao stepped back subconsciously, and said, "Calm down, I'm a bait, and I'll be gone when I die."

The hoarse voice of the two tail came over: "It was a wonderful game."

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao scratched her head, looked at Fang Tianhua in her hand, and said, "You once trained a long lance under the hands of the broken mountain army soldier Wendi. You and I know , Your talent for that kind of long-arm weapon, you now have a great pair of great blades, don't be greedy. "

Eruo: "You understand me wrong, I never wanted to learn that skill."

Jiang Xiao felt relieved and said, "Oh, what do you mean?"

Two tails: "Fight."

Jiang Xiao: "Now?"

Two tails: "Now."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "Come on, friend? I've been playing with you all morning, now is your nap time."

He nodded and said, "I can't wait."

Jiang Xiao said helplessly: "After watching a game, how can it be like playing chicken blood? Look at this picture you have never seen before!"

The two tails threw Fang Tianhua's halberd to Jiang Xiao at will, throwing his hands down, two bright golden blades of platinum gold quickly formed, exuding a thick mist outward.

Her voice was low and hoarse: "Then let me see."

Jiang Xiao was crying bitterly in her heart. She fumbled to take Fangtian Huaji and said, "Wait until I change the body and fight again. I don't have any astrology."

Erwei: "You didn't use star skills in the game just now, only pure martial arts."

Jiang Xiao: "You put ... keke, you talk nonsense! That Qingmang is not a star technique? Do you know how important Qingmang is? Let me wipe, you lightly ..."

Jiang Xiao was busy again and again. His words didn't fall. The fierce beast in front of the cold light, with two blades in his hands, had chopped it over!

Jiang Xiao backed up again and again, and said, "You want to restore the game, you have at least got everything for me!"

"Shhhhhhhh", the second tail stopped, his fingers in his mouth, and a whistle sounded.

"Law laws ..." A white Pegasus flew over from a distance, and the long and wide beautiful wings spread in the air, spreading a few pieces of ice crystals, and a wave of cold filled the air And landed beside them.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Erwei slightly raised his head to Jiang Xiao and motioned: "Go on."

Jiang Xiao couldn't help but grin his teeth for a while: "You're too big a horse."

The eyes of the two tails narrowed slightly.

Jiang Xiao saw the momentum was not good, quickly jumped onto the small horseback, and said loudly: "Icy roar! Get her killed!"

Two tails :? ? ?

Little: "..."

Jiang Xiao said loudly: "The opportunity for revenge is coming! Give me a roll!"

"Hmm ..." Xiaoxiao suddenly lowered his body, curled up on the ground, hung the huge horse's head down, and put his wings back.

Jiang Xiao kicked his heels on the horse's belly and hated iron and steel: "You are a platinum god! You have forgotten it !? After a while my body came back and filled you with a buzzing whale, and you got diamonds if you weren't sure.

Get up, don't pretend! Now she is not your master, she is our opponent. "

"Woo ~" Xueshan, a white horse, was clearly a horse, but Jiang Xiao made a whining sound, and his face was agitated.

Jiang Xiao frantically beat the chicken blood: "Brother! Today is the day when you and I became famous! We both convinced her. How many potato chips do you want?"

Little looked up at the two tails and snorted: "Well?"

Erwei ordered: "No flying, no star technology, come."

The little body curled up on the ground stood up immediately, and those deep blue eyes were charmingly glanced towards the tail.

Erwei: "Remember, in the process of performing tasks in the future, if I have an accident, I will summon you before death and not let you be buried with me. After that, Jiang Xiao will be your master."

Jiang Xiao also wanted to say a few words, and suddenly he heard such a word popping out of Erwei's mouth, and suddenly he wasn't able to beat one place.

This woman has been standing fg before, why did she raise it again today?

Jiang Xiao held the Fangtian painting halberd, pointed away at the tip of the nose of the two tails, and sent a poison attack: "You also remember to me, if I die, a small candlelight, a bite coat, a bear, and a buzzing whale It's all yours! Take care of them. "

Two tails: "..."

Jiang Xiao: "I will make a will in a while. If I do n’t have enough time to write it, I will write it every day! I have to cure you of this bad disease."

The two tails looked angry and felt the temples jump straight, extruding two words from the teeth: "Shut up!"

"Well?" Jiang Xiao seemed to suddenly think of something, and thought in his mouth, "I should be able to form a good habit of writing a diary ..."

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