Nine Star Burden

Chapter 882: Xing Haiyan

At 5 pm on July 5.

There was a burst of exclamation and cheers in the Allianz Stadium in Muhei City. The red flag dedicated to Huaxia fluttered in every corner of the auditorium.

In the setting sun, with the afterglow of the falling west, a beautiful orange red sprinkled on the arena.

Yu Phoebe covered her head with her hands, and her very infectious voice spread through the screens to hundreds of thousands of households in Huaxia: "After a boring day of competition, this last match is simply wonderful!"

Jing Xinyue smiled mildly, admiring with a look: "Yan God really gives us glory."

Yu Phoebe: "Yesterday, Xiaohou Hou Jiang Fengxian just emerged, and today Xia Yan will be a hero!

She snatched back the limelight of the defending champion! This level of desperate blade, my God, what Yan God is going to do, Yan God ... wow! !! !! "

On the greenery field, Xia Yan drew a perfect “z” shape, avoiding countless attacks, while the platinum golden doomed sword was a shield battle that flew directly in front of him.

Her short chestnut hair fluttered in the wind, revealing that amazing face, and plunged into the enemy's hinterland, splitting into the defensive hood that was propped up!

The doomed sword was shattered, and the translucent shield was covered with debris, which made people secretly worried that the shield might be broken at any time.

"Hey!" Xia Yan drank softly, and the huge star power rose up. The wide and long star power sword in her hand was like a fly, and she shot the sensitive battle that flew out.

In his own half, Jiang Xiao looked indifferent, covering his face with one hand, looking through the fingers, watching the giant Xia Yan who killed the four parties in the half.

"Sink ... Sink ... This girl is so fierce! Is this bad?" Jiang Xiao grinned for a while, then stepped back subconsciously.

Han Jiangxue's palm was stuck in the air, and he turned to Jiang Xiao and said, "Go and guard her."

"I still use it to protect her? She pressed the other four against her!" Jiang Xiao grinned. "This is too violent ..."

Han Jiangxue's voice was serious: "You have calculated the silence time, don't make mistakes. Without your silence, she can't hold back the other person."

Gu Shi'an, with his hands on his hips, looked like he was doing nothing, and said, "How did this cross the river republic break into the second round?"

Han Jiangxue: "Shut up! Listen to the command!"

Gu Shian: "..."

When your little poisoned milker talks, you and Yan Yueshuang, I say a word and you train me?

You ... Okay, you are the commander, you are the last.

Gu Shi'an subconsciously wanted to smoke from his pocket, but the hand inserted into his pants pocket was slightly rigid. Then he remembered that this was in the World Cup.

Jiang Xiao flickered, went directly to the enemy half, and opened a halo for Xia Yan.

Now that the commander has spoken, Jiang Xiao is pondering, so he must always make himself useful ...

The enemy's assistance will help you control, and give you some battery life.

Jiang Xiao lifted his head and looked at the huge star power Xia Yan, muttering secretly in his heart: Yan God, are you satisfied?

Facts have proved that Yan Shen has no time to ignore Jiang Xiao at her feet, and she can't care about the huge halo under her feet.

She lifted her foot and slammed into the shattered hood.



The huge star power boots were heavily smashed, and the defensive hood supported by the French system of the River Crossing Republic was shattered, and the pieces of the defensive hood were connected, carrying the entire person of the River Cross legal system, and Xia Yan stepped directly into the soil .

And the big sword in her hand was aimed at the enemy's helpless escape, and the sword stabbed.

Jiang Xiao flickered again, appeared directly in the air, came to the side of Xingli Xiayan's heart, and saw the body Xiayan within the heart of Xingli's body.

Jiang Xiao reached out with one hand, and a bell bell threw out face to face.

Xia Yan's almost crazy eyes finally calmed down.

Xingli's body + heavy damage + violent, this is the best match mode of ape ghost king!

The most important thing is that with the help of Jiang Xiao, Xia Yan not only does not have to worry about star power endurance, but also has a clear head.

These two items were given to her by Jiang Xiao, and she also possessed a combat skill far superior to that of the Ape and Ghost King.

This kind of scene is probably not suitable for 1v4, but it is more fair for 2v4.

Of course, the vast majority of viewers are not Star Warriors. They just saw Xia Yan kill the Quartet and ignored Jiang Xiao's role.

It doesn't matter, anyway, Jiang Xiao doesn't care about these ...

"Beep! Beep!" The referee's whistle sounded. "Stop offense! Stop offense! Huaxia, win!"

The defensive walls in all directions disappeared, and the medical staff of the two teams hurried to the field and shouted for Xia Yan to lift her feet and leave.

Xia Yan jumped up and down, and jumped back to the middle of the field. The big sword in her hand threw a flower, looked at the audience in all directions, and she waved her hands with a look of anger.

It's strange that the body of Xingli portrayed the body too vividly. Xia Yan's aggressive face of Xingli frightened many audiences.

Jiang Xiao threw a bell for her again. If nothing unexpected, she should have turned off the "Furious" star technique, but who knows what this second goods can do, throw a bell to calm her down, it ’s good. Disadvantages.

"It's over! The opening time is only 58 seconds! It's over!" Shouted Yu Feibi, "The Huaxia No. 1 seed team easily won the second round! The speed is incredible! Yan God is really a pioneer! Too much exploded!"

Jing Xinyue sighed: "When it comes to skill, Jiang Xiaopi is certainly the number one.

In this World Cup, I am afraid that only Xia Yan players can look forward to it. After all, the two have been regular players since high school, and Xia Yan is even the first teacher of Jiang Xiaopi's giant blade skills.

People only saw Jiang Xiaopi kill the Quartet at the World Cup, and this year, Master Xia is here!

In the second round of the game, a wonderful 57-second battle was presented to us, completely destroying the participating team of the River Crossing Republic! "

Yu Phoebe has a different attitude: "Xia Yan's players still use star skills mostly. It can be seen that her star skills and martial arts are well combined, but the star skills of the doomed line and the ape-ghost line are really Too popular, the effect is too strong.

I hope that in the next game, we can see the true martial arts of Xia Yan players. As Xin Yue said, Master Xia should not be bad! "

Jing Xinyue lamented: "Compared with the Iron Corps of the Russian Federation, the strength of the River Crossing Republic team is still worse. Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an have not shot much from start to finish."

"What?" Yu Phoebe called out suddenly, "There are two players still present? I was still wondering just now, why did two spectators buy tickets and came to watch the game?"

Jing Xinyue: "..."

In a word from Phoebe, the cyber barrage is also a laugh:

"This is cheaper, I like it ..."

"Haha, it's gone! Baby Phoebe! Don't you want to work?"

"Xiao Wenhou · Jiang Fengxian! Pioneer · Xia Yan! Hey ... this Yu Fei has a better level than the nickname, and the little poisoned milk has a new name!"

"I also give two nicknames: eating melon · Han Jiangxue. Edge ob · Gu Shian."

"That's it? World Cup? Hehe, I can do it for me!"

On the greenery field, Jiang Xiao looked at Xia Yan who was firmly on the ground, and said with a smile, "Happy cutting?"

Xia Yan's complexion was a little tight, and she said, "Back, back."

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

Xia Yan turned her head to Jiang Xiao and said earnestly: "I think, as soon as possible, go back to the hotel."

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly. Although Xia Yan is not the kind of person who is particularly showy, she certainly won't miss this opportunity. Why not celebrate the victory?

Looking at Xia Yan's bright eyes, Jiang Xiao seemed to realize something, and his eyes widened slightly.

Xia Yan nodded in detail.

"Go, let's go back." Jiang Xiao greeted Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an in the distance, and the group of four quickly left.

On the edge of the arena, the reporter He Huan, who followed Jiang Xiao, stopped a few people directly.

"Stop!" Jiang Xiao made a stop gesture and said to reporters from Huaxia, "You interview Gu Shi'an. His information is more accurate. Bystanders are clear ~"

Reporters: "..."

I'm skinning, even my teammates vomit?

The function of shield battle Gu Shian, covering the wind and rain, spread from the field to the field ...

Gu Shi'an, who was interviewed, was left, while the trio walked out of the player's channel while negotiating with Chen Dapang.

Hearing Xia Yan's meaning between the lines, Chen Dapang was shocked and immediately arranged a lounge for Xia Yan.

"No, no, this is too messy and not quiet enough." Xia Yan shook her head again and again. "I want to go back to the hotel.

When everyone came to the corner, Han Jiangxue directly opened the black sky instant guard, and said to Chen Dapang, "Mr. Chen, we are waiting for you at the hotel, rest assured."

As soon as the voice fell, the defensive hood of the black sky was closed, and the trio disappeared without a trace.

Chen Dabang scratched his head awkwardly. I was also inside the black hood. Wouldn't it be nice to take me?

Chen Dapang looked with a lot of thoughts and turned to the greenery field.

And at the edge of the field, Gu Shi'an is still introducing his experience of watching the battles up close ...

The trio returned to the seventh floor where the Chinese team members were stationed and returned to their room.

Jiang Xiao directly opened the shadow of the disaster, and Xia Yan hurried into it.

Han Jiangxue said, "Go, I'll be here, come back early."

"Um." Jiang Xiao didn't say anything, he jumped in directly, and the gate of the ruins of the shadows closed directly.

When Xia Yan saw Jiang Xiao, she was about to speak, but she felt a flower in front of her, and Jiang Xiao's figure disappeared without a trace.

In the lush forest and on the edge of the lake, Jiang Xiao's figure just appeared. In the calm lake water, a behemoth rushed out: "Om ..."

Jiang Xiao flickered and buzzed the whale into the star chart, and flickered again. In front of Xia Yan's figure, it was a flash of countercurrent: "Come! Don't hesitate!"

Xia Yan: "Hmm ..."

Jiang Xiao: "Child, is it enough? Enough? Children?"

"Shut up, shut up ..." Xia Yan's face tightened, and she said babblingly, a lot of star power poured out Xia Yan's body, and her tall body shivered violently.

In front of Xia Yan, a star map of a two-handed sword slowly unfolded, with 28 star slots arranged among them, a silver-gold, platinum-gold star slot twinkling.

Unlike when Jiang Xiao poured Han Jiangxue at the beginning, Han Jiangxue ’s terrible white fireworks seemed to be devouring beasts and devouring star power.

When Jiang Xiao's star power rushed to Xia Yan's huge two-handed sword, the two-handed sword seemed to be rebuilt.

The strong star power continuously flows from the big sword star map, a steady stream of star power flows through the huge sword body, and the thick two-handed sword becomes brighter and brighter.

Xia Yan's body shivered slightly, looking up at the sky, a drunk look, as if immersed in a dream.

Jiang Xiao recognized that kind of look, and to be precise, he also had that kind of look.

Although he did not rise to the Xinghai period, when he used the flower blade to transform the star into martial arts, the crimson flower blade was tested again and again to teach Jiang Xiao ’s giant blade skills, and he forced Jiang Xiao to relive and even teach Jiang Xiao's giant blade skills.

As the star map in front of Xia Yan became more and more dazzling, Jiang Xiao had to close her eyes, but she was not slow in her hands, and the light of the current never stopped.

"Oh ..." Xia Yan sighed and put one hand in front of her, holding the illusive sword of Xingtu.

Jiang Xiao opened her eyes carefully, but she saw that Xia Yan actually held the illusive sword, pulled it out, and waved it.


Jiang Xiao was directly overturned by a wave of star power, and his body was like a splash of water, flying up one after another on the ground.

He covered his eyes with his hands, his body slipped and stopped slowly.

In the distance, Xia Yan looked thoughtfully at the big sword in her hand, looking extremely dignified.

So ... is this an advanced Xinghai, or is it turning into a star?

Jiang Xiao was a little dazed and explored: "Are you into the advanced Xinghai period?"

In the distance, the majestic female war **** looked over, and a cold mang passed by his eyes, attracting people's hearts.

She nodded heavily: "Xinghai!"

"Pretty!" Jiang Xiao clenched his fists and waved fiercely!

Xia Yan looked at Jiang Xiao in the distance, her dignified expression eased slightly, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

The smile was extremely wanton, with a trace of pride, and a trace of wildness.

The light was shining.

Jiang Xiao had to admit that in these few seconds, what he saw was no longer a Husky, but a real wolf!


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