Nine Star Burden

Chapter 884: Maka

For the surname Wang Ming Liping League leader Geng.


Xia Yan's body floated slowly, with a hint of joy in her voice, and said, "Is it ... communicated with my heart? Why do I know what I want to do?"

Jiang Xiao put on his cloak and said, "No, it just guesses what you want to do based on each inclination of your body. As you cooperate more and more, the tacit understanding gets better and better, and you will There is a feeling of freewheeling. "

"Hmm ..." Xia Yan nodded slightly, floating in the air, slowly turning around, the cape of the spacious cloak fluttered, dancing a beautiful melody.

Now, it's Jiang Xiao's turn to take a photo with his mobile phone ...

Watching Xia Yan fluttered for a while, Jiang Xiao also recruited her.

"Now let's start to configure Xingji." Jiang Xiao said.

"Um." Xia Yan looked forward, and the chicken nodded like a peck of rice.

Jiang Xiaodao: "I have thousands of Shadow Raven Star beads, which can be transformed into crows, summoning crow swarms, or blasting crow swarms. These were originally intended to be absorbed by you.

But if you look at it now, I don't really recommend you to absorb it, but I also want to ask your opinion, after all, I once promised to give you the shadow crow star. "

"Um." Xia Yan thought about it, "listen to you."

Jiang Xiao continued: "You have to tell me what route you plan to take. Is it a dark road on the road of violent output, or is it to improve your own system and grow yourself as a student of the World Cup individual competition?"

This question made Xia Yan hesitate for a long time.

Jiang Xiao didn't bother her, waiting patiently for Xia Yan's reply.

Xia Yan pondered for a long while and said, "It's configured according to our team's star skills, not my own."

Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "If you decide this way, you don't need to purify the star-like technique. You already have the core star technique of the Destiny series, and members of the Destiny family, in addition to the Devil, and the Destroyer. , Platinum-quality death bead, damage explosion, with stun effect.

And that supporting body is also a platinum-quality defensive star technique, and even adds immunity to stuns to enhance resistance to explosion-type damage. The combination is perfect, allowing you to act wildly in the enemy line. "

Platinum Doom: Throw explosive doom marbles, powerful, with a stun effect.

Platinum · Dead Body: Enhance your defense, strengthen resistance to explosive star skills, immune stun, passive skills.

Xia Yan nodded her head and said, "These two astral skills are very good. They can greatly increase my combat effectiveness. That is, the body of death is coincident with patience.

I have always thought that when the different orbs merge with the earth, my green brilliance and patience can be replaced with gold quality, even platinum quality. "

"Oh?" Jiang Xiao froze when she heard Xia Yan's words like this, what was her true thoughts inside?

Is she thinking about the fusion of the earth and the alien ball?

Is this ... reliable? All this was what she imagined, and no one knew what the end result would be.

If the alien ball and the earth are not fused, your defensive star technique will be a brass endurance?

There is a natural heart of platinum quality, but that is "law defense", not "physical defense". Not to mention the dead body also has anti-explosion and immune dizziness ...

and many more! In fact, this is also possible. Among the star skills that Jiang Xiao arranged for her, there can be the "hidden body" of the hidden dragon in the cave.

Jiang Xiao had to adjust his thoughts and said, "If you think so ... then I have to take into account all of your star skills. According to your ideas, all your star skills will eventually Replaced with 1-2 high-quality star skills. "

"That's right, isn't it?" Xia Yan, wearing a cape, floated in front of Jiang Xiao, asking curiously.

"Well ... no one can tell." Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "Those who don't mention first, the star beads of the vanity are necessary. A lot of star beads in the void have prepared a lot of inventory for you, which you must absorb. "

Xia Yan's beautiful eyes twinkled slightly, and her eyes looked at Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiaodao: "The ruins of the evil shadow can let you have your own storage space, escape space, training space, I can help you to fill your ruins of the evil shadow market with star power, this star technology is too powerful, you Must have. "

Xia Yan pursed her lips, a warm current flowed in her heart, and nodded gently.

Jiang Xiao continued: "Although you have a high-speed movement type of astrology, as our combat level gets higher, the essential difference between high-speed movement and teleportation becomes apparent.

The gap in time and space may change your core combat system, but this is no way out. Believe me, this kind of adventure is worth it. You can choose not to use it, but at a critical moment, it will save your life.

After all, fate is the most important! "

Xia Yan nodded gently, and said, "Okay."

"Um." Jiang Xiao nodded, took Xia Yan out of the training space of the gardener's skin, and flickered directly to the stone villa. His star beads inventory was at home.

In the basement of the stone villa, Jiang Xiao said, "Give some light. I dare not hang the sea soul lamp here. All the stars are here."

Xia Yan held out her hand, the flames covered her palms, and the beating fire provided a little light to the basement.

Jiang Xiao reached out and patted the "Void Scarecrow" guarding the basement. Of course, it is just a specimen ...

Jiang Xiao only has a small collection habit, like this powerful creature as a trophy.

He stepped towards the interior of the basement, opened a large wooden box, took out a small treasure box inside, opened it directly, and a full box of shadows and stars appeared in front of him.

Jiang Xiao came back with a small treasure chest, handed it to Xia Yan, and said with a smile: "Now, you are already a sensitive warrior, and you are more friendly to space system astrology. You do n’t have a psychological burden. Absorb until it succeeds. "

Xia Yan kept silent, nodded gently, holding a delicate small treasure box in one hand, and looked around. In the small basement of 50 square meters, there were some cabinets, tables, chairs and benches, not like a treasure hall. More like a utility room.

Only a few scarecrows in the void have improved the compellingness of this treasure hall.

Jiang Xiao understood Xia Yan's expression, and said, "I haven't had time to clean it up. When the ancient tower over there is finished, I will clean up here."

Xia Yan took a few steps back, leaned against the arms of a huge scarecrow, and another flame-burning palm, picked up a star bead from the small treasure chest.

Jiang Xiao seemed to be thinking of something. He walked to the left corner of the basement, squatted down, opened a cabinet drawer, and took out a string made of rubies into a bracelet.

A few minutes later, with Xia Yan's sigh, Jiang Xiao turned her head to look, she also slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to look.

"Sorry, I wasted a lot, 31 pieces." Xia Yan's face was a little embarrassed and she said quietly.

"There are more than 31? Are you afraid you don't know how difficult it is to absorb this space system's astrology skills? Your talent is really envious of others!" Jiang Xiao comforted.

Xia Yan lowered her head: "But ... Xuexue only used 5 star beads, and absorbed the black sky of the space system."

Jiang Xiao was happy, saying: "You compare with her? She is a legal system and may be more intimate than you! The most important thing is that there are 30 star troughs. Who can compare with her?

Not to mention the lucky element, you have to compare, you have to compare with the two tail, how many star beads she used at the time, I think about ... "

Jiang Xiao didn't face to say how many star beads was wasted by his gardener's skin, and he just learned the double star technique of Void Shadow ...

Jiang Xiaoshun threw a string of ruby ​​bracelets in the shape of water.

Xia Yan quickly extinguished the flame in her hand and grabbed the bracelet by feeling. After a few seconds, Xia Yan held the star jewelry box with her arm, holding the drop-shaped ruby ​​bracelet in one hand, and the flame ignited in the other hand. .

"Wow ..." There seemed to be little stars in Xia Yan's eyes, looking at this crystal clear, flawless drop-shaped ruby ​​bracelet, couldn't help but admire, "This is ... ? "

"Your reward for advanced Xinghai." Jiang Xiao said with a smile, "I have already given Xiaojiang Xue's reward, please take it."

Xia Yan blinked and said, "Why haven't I seen her wear it?"

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao groaned. "Do you know what these rubies are?"

Xia Yan asked curiously, "What?"

Jiang Xiao motioned behind Xia Yan.

"Huh?" Xia Yan turned her head and looked at the huge stone body of Void Shadow, and slightly raised her head, but found a drop-shaped ruby ​​above the head of the stone.

Xia Yan said in shock: "Removed from the shadow of the void?"

No way, the normal star warrior, let alone see the shadow of the void, even the void dimensional space is unknown.

"Face," Jiang Xiao explained, "the average person would not know the material of this bracelet, but the top group of people on the earth will always know the goods.

So you just need to pack this bracelet by yourself, don't wear it out, otherwise it may cause trouble. "

Xia Yan looked up silently at the stone head of Void, and said, "I want to wear it, but I can wear it anyway. I can wear it on my ankles, and it is wrapped in trouser legs."

Jiang Xiao advised: "You also have your own shadow market now. When I help you decorate, find a place for you to hang up. Don't wear it, safety first."

"Hum." Xia Yan snorted, stepped forward, and handed the delicate little treasure chest to Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao put the small treasure box in a wooden box, and said, "In advance, you have to set aside 3-4 star slots for the Dragon Cave Star Beads. I studied it carefully, and the hidden dragon's star skills are particularly suitable for you.

The first two astrology output damage explosion, a sword can pierce a dragon!

Last time, a hidden dragon attacked us, just one face to face, breaking a Xinghai shield battle! That hurts ... "

Every time Jiang Xiao thought about the scene, he couldn't help secretly whispering, he continued: "The last astral technique of the hidden dragon is the hidden body, which allows you to hide, hide all the breath of life, star power fluctuations, and It also strengthens your body's ability to repair.

To enhance your strength and perfect your personal system, just like the Star Void of Void Void, this is what you must have. "

"Uh-huh." Xia Yan nodded in succession, counting her star trough. "There are only three astrology skills. Why are there four star troughs?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "Why don't you leave a star trough for the dragon pet? How beautiful is the starry dragon of Xiao Jiangxue, don't you take care of it?"

Xia Yan: "..."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "So, now you only have 1 or 2 available star slots, let's study it carefully. You don't even think about Master Shadow Skills, after all, there are yellow in the star beads. The shadow apprentice of copper quality is too risky.

Do you like sea soul noodles? It's unimaginable for Minzai-Battle Warfare. It's unimaginable to increase your own speed, reduce the enemy's speed, and it also has a deterrent function. These are extremely deadly factors on the battlefield where life is dead. "

Xia Yan's body flashed suddenly, and she instantly appeared in front of Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao was startled, took a step back subconsciously, but stumbled on his feet, "plopped", and sat on the wooden box with one butt.

In front of Xia Yan, her face rejoiced and said, "This is the feeling of moving quickly?"

Research the matter now! Why did you play again?

Has the siberian wolf degenerated into a siberian husky?

Is this too fast?

Jiang Xiao said angrily: "Is it fun?"

Xia Yan, wearing a black cloak, flickered one after another, like a TV with poor signal reception, and showed what was called "ghostly" in front of Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao pouted his lips and murmured, "Like a ghost."

"Ha ha." Xia Yan smiled happily, suddenly leaned down, pressed Jiang Xiao's small inch with one hand, opened her hood with one hand, and pushed her lips together, printed heavily, "Thank you, Xiao Hide, mua ~ "

"Jiang Xiao. The river of the Yangtze River, the daybreak of dawn." Jiang Xiao wiped the drool on the small round inch, said, "I'm an adult. It's time to have a decent name. I can't always follow the name of Jin Mao."

"Okay, Jiang Xiao, Xue Xue has always called you this." Xia Yan said, the figure flickered in the basement one after another. With her who ate the soul of the sea, the total amount of star power also completely improved.

Below we summarize the technology:

First: Grab a hot-tempered young lady, don't discard it first, train her up.

Second: We build a training space, accompany her to practice martial arts, and make progress together, then prepare a large inventory of star beads, and then prepare her a few powerful star pet cubs.

Third: Crash is soulless. Cooking is the same as cooking. We need to be patient.

During this long period of time, she will be born and die with her, and experience the wind and rain together; in the years of companionship, she will experience her step by step growth and witness the improvement and change of her personality and personality.

Less than two years,

Xing Haiyan, who can go to heaven and earth, is finished!

After the technical summary is completed, let's start the tasting session.

Jiang Xiao looked at her dark, cloaked, mysterious and heroic look, watching the ghostly scene in the basement ...

After a few seconds, Jiang Xiao nodded heavily: Hmm! Really sweet!

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