Nine Star Burden

Chapter 885: Shian

In the hotel room, a space door suddenly opened.

Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan floated down in black cloaks.

Sitting on the sofa, Han Jiangxue blinked in front of his eyes and looked at the two figures floating down from the living room and the door of the space.

Xiahe period Xia Yan has no available star trough, and at this time, she is wearing a soul that eats the sea. Therefore, Xia Yan is most likely to be upgraded to Xinghai period.

Can't rule out the possibility that this wild sea-eating soul was defeated, but looking at Xia Yan's look, Han Jiangxue knows that his friend has finally kept up with the team's rhythm.

Xia Yan put the soul of the sea into the star journey, with a smile on her face, she drew a scissors hand to Han Jiangxue: "Yeah ~"

"Hehe." Han Jiangxue was in a good mood, "Go to take a bath and change clothes."

"Oh, okay, let me tell you, I have absorbed the ruins of time and space and time." Xia Yan said as she walked towards the bathroom.

Aside, Jiang Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly.

Sure enough, the Hazel Wolf is only temporary. At this time, Xia Yan's attitude and tone of speaking to Han Jiangxue are like a child like a mother begging for praise, and she has a few big characters on her face: praise me! Praise me!

"Uh-huh, okay." Han Jiangxue was also very cooperative, and she could see that she was really in a good mood. "Come on, let's talk later."

Listening to the sound of the bathroom door closing, Han Jiangxue sat on the sofa and looked at a silent Jiang Xiao, saying, "What star skills have been assigned to her?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "It is the double star technique of Void Shadow. She now has her own storage space. After returning to China, I will renovate her space and build a home or something."

Han Jiangxue: "Yes."

Jiang Xiao: "The sea soul surface did not absorb successfully. The sea eater soul was successful. She used 3 star slots. Now there are 5 available star slots. I let her leave 3 or 4 star slots. Hidden Dragon. In the evening, let's study it further, and I will go back and wash. "

Han Jiangxue said, "You go and report to leader Chen Dapang. He should be very worried and have been waiting for our news."

"No problem." Jiang Xiao withdrew the sea-biting soul, his body flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Ten minutes later, Xia Yan wore a large white t-shirt and hot pants, and walked out carrying her slippers.

Han Jiangxue pressed the remote control with one hand, turned down the volume, turned her head, and saw the ruby ​​water drop bracelet on her ankle at a glance.

Han Jiangxue said slightly, "Do you know what it was made of?"

Xia Yan nodded, sitting on the sofa with her buttocks, and set her long legs on the coffee table in front of her. She shook the white and tender feet from side to side, and said, "Of course, the ruby ​​eyes of the shadow of the void."

Han Jiangxue nodded: "Just know it, don't wear it out. It will cause trouble if someone cares about it."

"That's why I put the bracelet on my ankle ..." Xia Yan poked her lips, shifted the subject, and a smile on her face, said, "I can go to Long Grotto with you ~"

"Ah ..." Han Jiangxue sighed softly, looking at the excited Xia Yan, couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her head.

This silly boy doesn't know how dangerous it is.

Xia Yan took the palm of her head with both hands, held Han Jiangxue's arm in her arms, pouting, and whispered, "I'm so tired to keep up with you."

"Well, I know, you have been training hard all the time, I have seen it." Han Jiangxue softened her heart and softened her voice. "When you configure the hidden dragon star beads, you can stand in the most of this world. Peak. "

"Hmm ..." Xia Yan moved her buttocks, found a comfortable position, snuggled up on Han Jiangxue's body, and said softly, "You have purification, Xiaopi ... Jiang Xiao also has purification, you say, Do I still need purification star skills? "

Han Jiangxue thought for a while and said, "It's okay to have one, things are unpredictable, especially in battle, we can't guarantee that we will always stay together."

Xia Yan said: "Why not?"

Han Jiangxue thought for a while and said, "Because the enemies we face in the future are not as simple-minded as the star beast, you can have no control, but it is better to have purification, which will increase your chance of survival."

Xia Yan suddenly lifted her long legs and shook the water drop bracelet on her ankle. She said, "He said I don't need to think about purification."

"Hmm ..." Han Jiangxue groaned for a moment, and said, "Maybe he thinks he can always be by your side. With his current ability, he is qualified to say this sentence.

In the evening, I will talk to him again. You can also ask Uncle Xia. He has more experience than us, participated in more battles, and experienced more battlefields of different difficulties. You should listen to him. opinion. "

"Well, don't talk to him." Xia Yan pouted her mouth, but seemed to think of something, said, "Yes, I have to call him to stimulate him! Now I am with him!"

Han Jiangxue nodded and said, "Don't be so aggressive when you call."

"It's annoying, how can you speak like my mother? Every time I want to talk to him, she has to tell me for a long time." Xia Yan stood up and looked around for the mobile phone, but she couldn't find it for a long time. "Mom, what about my cell phone?"

As soon as the words came out, Xia Yan realized that something was wrong, her face flushed, and she embarrassed to find a place to drill in.

Han Jiangxue: "..."

After a few seconds, Han Jiangxue silently picked up the remote control and double-clicked with his fingers, crazyly increasing the TV volume ...


Rub it ~

As soon as the metal lighter pulley rang, Mars nodded, Gu Shi'an stood at the window, leaned out of the window with a half body, took a cigarette in his mouth, and took a comfortable breath.

"Hoo ~" Gu Shi'an exhaled a smoke, fiddled with his mobile phone, crackled at the keyboard, and Jiang Xiao's voice came from behind.

"Life is very comfortable." Jiang Xiao held a towel in one hand, wiped his wet little round head, and said with a smile.

Gu Shi'an was typing on the keyboard, and he said, "The next time you flash back, meet me in the living room. I was changing clothes just now, and suddenly I was found having a bath in the bathroom, which scared me. "

"Your man is afraid of a bird, do you not know the ratio of men and women in our current China?" Jiang Xiaoyi sat on the sofa and said, "As a man, you must remember five big characters!"

Gu Shi'an: "What?"

Jiang Xiao raised a finger and looked earnestly: "All visitors are guests!"

"Cough, cough ..." Gu Shi'an was not lightly smoked, and he coughed for a long time, and said, "Oh, I'm also a student of Imperial Capital Xingwu, a member of the national team, you really think I can't find it. To the object? "

Jiang Xiao looked curiously at the mobile phone in his hand, thinking about how he crackled and tapped the screen just now, and said, "You are in contact with Miss Will? That flight attendant?"

"Huh ..." Gu Shi'an extinguished his fingers with his fingers, and then popped the cigarette butts into the basket next to the coffee table, saying, "No, there is no such care."

Jiang Xiao grinned: "Still, I haven't seen anyone you texted."

"Um." Gu Shi'an turned around, leaning his back against the window sill, grinning, and the smile turned bitter. "The people at home saw my game, and my uncle sent me a message."

"Oh." Jiang Xiao stopped talking, "Your home ..."

Gu Shi'an grinned and said, "My dad doesn't want me to be a star warrior, nor does it want me to go to martial arts school, including Xingwu High School and Xingwu University. I didn't listen to him before I entered junior high school. At that time, I ran out secretly, holding the star ball that my uncle gave me.

My dad didn't hesitate and tried to take me home again and again. With the help of my relatives, I fled across the river and turned to study several times, not to mention. "

Jiang Xiao nodded. When Emperor Xingwu started school, when Gu Shi'an fought with the white cricket of Guixi Province, the two took out the bauhinia knife at the same time. Emperor Xingwu, all students in Guixi Province, Bai Ye are familiar, but have never heard of Gu Shian's name.

Then Gu Shi'an said that: I leave home early.

It was unexpected that there was such a story.

Gu Shi'an waved his hand and said, "At the age of 16, when I awakened the star map, it was counted as heavenly care and I got what I wanted.

Later, I was admitted to Emperor Xingwu, and my dad was reluctant to be persuaded by my family. Later, I heard that I joined the wasteland army in the Imperial Capital Xingwu. My dad was completely angry, and deleted my contact information. It has been a long time since I spoke to me. "

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and searched, "Is it because Uncle Gu is worried about your life? The career of Star Warrior is really dangerous."

"Well, my dad also has a star map, but he is not a star warrior. He is a trader and has always lived as an ordinary person." Gu Shian said, as if smoking addiction had been committed again, he took out a fake snake from his pocket, and gently Flicked the cigarette case, pinched one in his mouth, and turned to face the window.

Jiang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Share with me?"

"Hoo ..." Gu Shi'an held his cigarette, turned his head, and narrowed his left eye under a thin smoky smoke, saying, "My grandpa is also a star warrior, it is said that my dad At the age of 12, my uncle died at the door of his house when he was 10 years old. He died in front of the brothers, and the incident moved them a lot.

My uncle desperately became stronger. Since he awakened the star map, he has been working hard to be the best one. He is now a senior officer of the guardian army in our hometown. As for my dad ... "

Gu Shi'an shrugged his shoulders and said, "My dad is very resistant to the profession of Star Warrior, and it is crazy to prevent me from becoming a Star Warrior."

Jiang Xiao bit his lip for a while, and didn't even know what to say.

"Hehe." Gu Shi'an grinned, and the chic smile that was always sullen and sullen was somewhat reluctant and slightly bitter.

He whispered: "I was able to sneak out of the house and transfer to and from school. It was my uncle's help. When he saw that I was doing well, he sent a message to congratulate me."

Talking, Gu Shi'an elbow leaned on the window sill, and his upper body reached out the window. The smoke that seemed to narrow his eyes and wiped his eyes with one hand.

On the screen of the mobile phone on the windowsill, there were few messages, and the dense text occupied the entire screen.

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips and whispered, "At that time, holding the Xingwu Championship trophy, with the highest honor, I will accompany you home and return home."

"Oh." Gu Shi'an snorted, looking at the exotic country with a very different architectural style outside the window. "Early away from home, I have forgotten what my hometown looks like."

Jiang Xiao said, "Shi'an, Uncle Gu has given you such a meaningful name. It would be a shame to return home without clothing."

"My mother gave me a name, and she has been away for many years. Later, I heard that she walked in the year I awakened the star chart."

Speaking, Gu Shi'an seemed a little irritable, extinguished the smoke in a random way, and shook his head, "No more, no more."


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