Nine Star Burden

Chapter 886: Is it a second?

Add more for the widow of the dust.


The next day, early morning.

Everyone dine in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel in strict accordance with the prescribed time.

On the wall in the distance, the news of the news broadcast came from the TV. The national team team match, the three Chinese teams all advanced, but in the individual match, there was a player who stopped.

Poor Yao Chenguang, when a Taishan top was sent home to win the seal, but in the second round of the game, it was rushed by the opponent with a water cannon ...

In the restaurant, the Chinese team members listened to the news broadcast, but their eyes were from time to time toward the long table where the meal was chosen.

It seems to be afraid of suddenly opening the space door of a fairytale forest again, everyone seems to have some psychological shadows.

However, Jiang Xiao's table is different, and there is a personally active atmosphere. Of course, it was Yan Shen who advanced to the Xinghai period yesterday.

While humming Xiaoquer in her mouth, she peeled eggs for Jiang Xiao.

The sweet smile on that face didn't match her spirited face.

"Ride on my beloved little motorcycle ~" Xia Yan grinded the eggs on the table with her palm, humming in her mouth, and put the peeled eggs into Jiang Xiao's plate.

"Enough, Yanshen, enough ..." Jiang Xiao looked at the five eggs on the plate. He had already eaten three.

"Well, eat more, it's time to grow your body." Xia Yanying smiled, "Pop!"

Another egg was pressed on the table, her palms were running back and forth, and her mouth continued to hum: "It will never jam the car ~"

"It's really enough." Jiang Xiao's face was bitter, looking at Xia Yan pitifully, "I'll have to catch a plane later, I'm afraid I will spit out on the plane."

"Okay, you can converge." Han Jiangxue glanced at Xia Yan, but his attitude was not too severe.

In fact, Xia Yan had been happy all night, not because of her advanced Xinghai period.

Of course, Xia Yan is so happy that it has a certain relationship with the advanced Xinghai period, but the main reason is because of the phone call with his father Xia Shanhai.

Last night, after Xia Yan hung up the phone very smoothly, she completely changed her personality!

She was crazy as a whole, and couldn't be happier. She and Han Jiangxue said, "It's the first time I've heard Xia Shanhai's praise."

The two were girlfriends who grew up and grew up together. Of course, Han Jiangxue knew Xia Shanhai's severity to Xia Yan, and he knew how rigid the relationship between the father and daughter was.

As a girl, Xia Yan moved out and lived alone in high school, which is enough to show a lot of things.

"Okay." Xia Yan peeled off the egg, took a happy bite, and chewed continuously, watching her enjoyment, and ate the eggs out of the liver and phobia.

Jiang Xiao, as a follower, swallowed one at that time, but was suffocated enough.

At the table, Chen Dabang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already contacted the individual race side, I will give you an afternoon flight, and wait until after the lottery ceremony."

"Huh huh." Jiang Xiao nodded and took over the soy milk from Han Jiangxue.

At this time, the leader of the national team and the coaching team have all learned about Xia Yan's advanced Xinghai. After researching last night, the national team unanimously made a decision to conceal Xia Yan's strength and not disclose it to the public.

Xia Yan has no objection to this, so now, with the exception of the coaches, other national team members do not know what happened.

From time to time, they looked at Xia Yan with amazement, and they didn't know what madness Yan Yan had, right when she performed well yesterday, 1v4 killed the Quartet, so they were so happy.

Until Jiang Xiao's departure, Xia Yan was still happy and did not want to make the overall atmosphere of the national team is particularly pleasant, Xia Yan also has a faint trend to replace Jiang Xiao and become the new team favorite ... .

Xia Yan's emotions continued until the next day. Even before Jiang Xiao's personal match came, she sent a message to Jiang Xiao with great interest ...

July 7.

In the Olympic Arena of Bailin City, the Huaxia National Team locker room.

Jiang Xiao was sitting on a bench in the locker room, listening to the live broadcast voice of the host on the TV, holding a mobile phone, and looking down at the text message Xia Yan had just sent to herself, but couldn't help but smile: I am optimistic about you! "

"Juniangs ... Okay, sister, tap your sister ..." On the bench beside him, Liu Yang yelled, an unseen appearance, the other Holding his hand in front of Jiang Xiao, he was afraid of Jiang Xiao rushing out to celebrate.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Although Liu Yang stopped Jiang Xiao, he couldn't stop himself. He almost knelt and watched the live broadcast.

On that TV screen, Yi Qingchen has suppressed the enemy into the corner, on the green field, and the defensive wall propped up by the four sides leaves the opponent no room for retreat.

That Yi Qingchen, as a medical assistant, even crushed the students with the explosive physical quality and crushed the enemy's method, and finally smashed the opponent's chest with a stab.

"Beep! Beep!" The referee's whistle hurried, "The game is over! The game is over! China victory!"

The camera gave Yi Qingchen a close-up shot through the transparent hood.

I saw Yi Qingchen standing on the clean round inch head, with a little blood splashing on Bai Nennen's face, her face was extremely stiff, and she didn't have any expression at all.

She lifted her long legs, stepped on the opponent's lower abdomen, and slowly pulled out the giant blade.

The next moment, Yi Qingchen flickered and teleported back to the center of the venue.

And beside her, a dark, easy-to-dust outline, quietly shattered. Obviously, this is Yi Qingchen's shadow master star technique.

Yi Qingchen turned around in a perfunctory manner, waved to the audience, and disappeared without a trace, leaving a total of 75,000 spectators ...

The general manager congratulated Ren for being unwilling. Yi Qingchen released the pigeons of reporters on the sidelines. There were so many Chinese viewers waiting to see her interview, and there were so many Chinese viewers on the scene. Is it?

Christine Jen immediately stood up and quickly walked to the player channel. He knew where Yi Qingchen went.

At the same time, in the locker room of the Huaxia team.

Behind Jiang Xiao, a female voice came suddenly: "How am I playing?"

Jiang Xiao froze, turned his head, but saw Yi Qingchen's slightly nervous appearance.

Just on the TV screen, Yi Qingchen still looked like a facial paralysis, and at this time, with a sharp killing and bloodstained Yi Qingchen, he was like a student, nervously wringing his fingers, looking forward With Jiang Xiao's response.

Jiang Xiao smiled with admiration, and spoke a half-spooning Zhongyuan dialect, and gave a thumbs up: "It's not bad to snore!"

Yi Qingchen had a round and round head. With her bitter complexion, she suddenly turned into a cute and beautiful "small bun".

She looked at Jiang Xiao anxiously, and said, "Hate."

"Unlucky child." Liu Yang elbow on Jiang Xiao's arm. "Nun, why talk to my goddess?"

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao scratched his head, this Liu Yang has become Yi Qingchen's little fan.


The door of the locker room opened, and the leader Ren Rong walked in solemnly: "Yi Qingchen, come back with me for an interview!"

"Yes." Yi Qingchen wiped the blood on his face and stepped out.

She knows that Jiang Xiao is very busy, and basically has no time to watch the matches of her teammates. Today, she managed to get to the same playing field with Jiang Xiao, and she rushed back to the locker room the first time she played the game. Very urgent to get approval.

"Well ..." Liu Yang looked at Yi Qingchen's back while stunning his tongue, and kept shaking his head and sighing, "Proper champion picture! Didn't run!"

Jiang Xiao's words were quiet and he whispered, "I'm still sitting next to you."

Liu Yang: "emmm ..."

Jiang Xiaodao: "You can relax! Your girlfriend Cai Yao is still sitting in the auditorium."

Liu Yang was unwilling at once, and said, "This is my admiration for a powerful star warrior! She is really strong! Shadow Battery, Silent Body + Teleportation + Giant Blade Skill, it is terrible."

"It's really strong. Pray not to touch her." Said, Jiang Xiao looked down at the phone again.

Liu Yang turned his head and smiled and said, "You're going to hit Captain Mi for a while. The media has exploded in the past two days. Are you not nervous at all?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "I studied his star skills last night. I think I can break a world record."

Liu Yang: "What record?"

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "The world record for the fastest end of the game."

Liu Yang opened his mouth wide and turned into an "o" shape, and said with a look of astonishment: "That is the captain of the national team of the country! The strength is the first in the team!

Jiang Xiao nodded: "Ah, I know."

Liu Yang continued unbelievably: "Did you read the character information wrong? He is Tonado, the one who hit my shoulder first when we settled in the hotel on the first day, and then bumped into your head. "

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "I said, I know it is him! As far as his strength, return to the first in the team? The first fart!

That archangel Alice can abuse him eight times! There is also the proud star Black who wears basketball clothes No. 27 that day. That is the true character in the rice team. It is estimated that the captain can be laid down with one hand. "

Liu Yang looked at Jiang Xiao's self-confident look and couldn't help but murmured, "You ..."

Jiang Xiao banged on the screen of the mobile phone and gave it to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang took the phone in doubt, but saw the Weibo post page. Although this Weibo had been edited, it was not sent.

The content on Weibo is also very simple: "I'm up, it's a second, what is there to say?"

Liu Yang: "..."


At noon, Yu could not say anything unexpected, it would be four more.

Hmm ... something unexpected happened, it should be five more, so there will be one more (laughs).

Please issue a guaranteed monthly pass! please!

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