Nine Star Burden

Chapter 887: Anything to say?

Adds more to the Sydney lord of the Yaya family.


Jiang Xiaodao: "He is strong in making snowballs, and it is a large-scale, large-scale group attack. Such people should go to team battles, and single-player matches are just looking for abuse.

He didn't even have his own defensive star skills, not even a shield, and he was so famous for making a joke about the bomber king.

This guy's star skills are not systematic, and I don't know how it got mixed in.

What else is it that it is purely flexible based on the wind system, boasting that his speed is first-rate, hehe, when he meets me, where can he be flexible?

Believe it or not, he hasn't finished playing yet, and the game is over? "

Liu Yang also had a bitter face, and said, "Ah, what are you doing for me?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "Weibo is not sent regularly. You should be a personal machine. You don't need to watch the time, regardless of the situation of the game. In the opening 30 seconds, you can send me the Weibo directly."

Liu Yang :? ? ?

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "The second elder had warm wine and chopped Huaxiong. Today, Xiaowen Hou is also crazy! It's time to get some excitement!"

Liu Yang looked at Jiang Xiao with a sneer look, and said, "Hua Xiong was cut by Sun Jian ~"

Jiang Xiao slaps on the back of Liu Yang's head: "Why am I telling you a romance, you can tell me the true history! You are a stunner!"

Liu Yang tiptoed and said, "Wu Haoyang told you the romance, wouldn't you also tell him the game?"

"Aha?" Jiang Xiao covered her chest with one hand and leaned back ...


With the cheers and applause, Jiang Xiao ran back to the bench after a long warm-up time, picked up Fangtian Huaji, waved to the stadium auditorium, and walked towards the greenery field.

"The little poisonous milk is here! The third round! It turned out to be the captain of the national team of the United States, tornado codenamed Tornado! Really, the road is narrow!" Qian million said, "Xunyang, you remember Jiang Xiaopi before Is there a skirmish between the player and Tonado? "

"Of course I remember." Ye Xunyang looked at Qian Million with a faint look, and said, "That incident happened during my interview."

Qian million: "..."

Ye Xunyang didn't want to embarrass his colleagues. He continued: "I didn't expect Xiaopi to meet the Mi player again in the third round, and he is also the number one player in the personal strength of the Mi team. Want to come, this will be a hard battle . "

Qian million shook his head and said, "I watched a lot of experts' pre-match analysis. Tonado's proud speed was perfectly restrained by Jiang Xiaopi. This game, we seem to have some Advantage."

"Hmm ..." Ye Xunyang nodded and said, "I also saw the predictions of authoritative experts. Many experts said that if the game ends in 1 minute, it must be a victory for China.

If stalemate lasts for 3 minutes, the outcome is difficult to predict.

If the game is delayed for 5 minutes and Tonado's players completely rise, the country will win. "

With a look of self-confidence, accompanied by the deafening cheers around, Qian million cried out loudly: "Then the problem is now! Jiang Xiaopi, an experienced player, will really make Tonado's player start. Is he really going to give Tonado a chance to fight back? "

After hearing that, Ye Xunyang's slightly worried expression eased, and he said, "With the experience of broadcasting the last World Cup individual match, I did see a lot. If I choose the most reliable star, The words of practitioner Wu, in my mind, that name must be Jiang Xiaopi. "

"Yes, the King of Poisonous Milk will never let us down!" Qian Million nodded again and again and shouted, "The game is about to start, and it has entered the pre-match communication session. Let us hear what they are saying what?"

The next moment, a loud laugh came from the audience ...

"Uh ..." Ye Xunyang's very rare words were a bit stubborn, because the scene on the green field was really unexpected. Her face was weird, and she was obviously holding back a smile. "Jiang Xiao Pi said that he didn't want to talk to the other person. At this moment, he just wanted to fix his hair.

Qian million's mouth twitched slightly, fixing his hairstyle? What did he do to sort out the whole world? Where's the hairstyle! ? This move is obviously scaring people!

It turned out that on the field just before, the pre-match communication link was entered. Tonado was about to start spraying and saw Jiang Xiao suddenly raise his hand!

Tonado was startled. He stifled the spurting utterances suddenly, and his body turned abruptly, apparently hiding his blessing.

And Jiang Xiao ’s raised palm closed it and stroked the hair on the side of his brain with one hand.

There was a hilarious sound inside and outside the greenery, and in the live broadcast room of Huaxia Yangma, layers of barrage also floated out:

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Crouch, is it so cool?"

"Too **** to have a fan ..."

"Pippi, you're naughty again ..."

On the greenery field, Tonado's black face was terrible, and he suddenly yelled: "Shit! Hybrid! You are raised by this bitch! I% ¥ ## @ # !!!!!"

When the organizer saw that the momentum was not right, Mike shut down and stopped listening.

Jiang Xiao kept his mouth shut, stroked the crescent blade on one side of the halberd, turned his head to look at the referee, waiting for the sound of the whistle.

Until the referee holds the whistle in his mouth, ask the players for readiness.

Jiang Xiaoyi raised Fang Tianhua's halberd, and his body arched slightly.

"Dudu! The game is starting!" The flag in the referee's hand waved!

"The game has begun!" Qian million suddenly slaps himself on the table. "Look!"

Ye Xunyang: "..."

It is difficult to describe Ye Xunyang's mental state at this time, and countless thoughts flashed in her heart.

But at this time, she couldn't think too much. Not only was she unable to remedy, the point was that her attention was also attracted by the scene that happened on the greenery field.

I saw that in the green field, Jiang Xiao's figure appeared directly in front of Tonado, and he was picked up in the air by a halberd!

Tonado's speed is indeed very fast. At the moment of the whistle, the figure had already blown out five meters away with the strong wind, but he was as fast as he could be.


Golden Green Mansions! A blood hole! Eight meters away!


Golden Green Mansions! A blood hole! Eight meters away!


Golden Green Mansions! A blood hole! Eight meters away!


Jiang Xiao's figure was everywhere on the field. Every stabbing of the halberd would leave a blood hole in Tonado's body, and flew out Tonado directly!

However, after Tonado was stabbed to a distance of eight meters, behind him, there would be another Jiang Xiao waiting for him!

Tonado is like playing music, there are "walls" named Jiang Xiao everywhere, and everywhere are the cold halberds of Fang Tianhua halberd!

Wind system?


Are you passing my teleport?

In the domain tears, I can break the haste with teleportation! You haven't reached the level of swiftness, just being the boss?

Huh! Huh! Huh!

What is a thriller?

That series of sounds, although not transmitted to the auditorium, can make up for all the audience's brain.

Tonado's body flew left and right in the air, scurrying up and down, dripping with dripping blood.

People can't determine whether Jiang Xiao is killing people, but what can be confirmed is that Jiang Xiao must be worried!

The ubiquitous Jiang Xiao assassinates Tonado in the air, and Tonado has been blown off 7 times! Did not fail, but every time, the tip of the halberd did not stab his heart or skull.


The Eighth Halberd! Another blood hole! Eight meters away!

Jiang Xiao's eyes were frozen, and the flashing speed made people even see afterimages, as if everywhere.

Nine, this number is pretty good!

Then nine!

The ninth halberd! No Green Mansions!

Jiang Xiao stood in mid-air, and the halberd reached out, without any effort, but let Natonado fly to the tip of the halberd.


Fang Tianhua's halberd pierced Tonado's chest and hung above that Fangtian's halberd ...

"Beep! Beep! Stop the attack! Stop the attack!" The referee's whistle hurriedly, "The game is over! Huaxia victory!"

Jiang Xiao threw it at will, tossing Tonado to the ground, his body flickered and appeared directly on the edge of the field.

Reporter He was startled!

Jiang Xiao nodded to He Huan with a smile, and the cold killing air on the field disappeared without a trace, saying: "Ask."

Holding a microphone in his hand, He Huan stared at Jiang Xiao with a stunned expression.

There was also no return to the audience, and the audience was present. The audience that was supposed to be cheering and boiling, was silent and silent at this time.

Such pictures rarely appear at the World Cup ...

In the moderator's seat, Qian million looked at the stadium below stupidly: "Is the opening ... started? Or, is it already ... already over?"

Regarding this war, I warmed up all day before the game!

The major media scrambled to report, experts from all walks of life rushed to analyze, and netizens from all over the world frantically blasted ... Then what?

Is this over?

Ye Xunyang asked: "A few seconds? Has the fastest record appeared?"

Qian million looked subconsciously at the screen in front of the table, and wanted to find a return visit, but the return visit had not yet come out ...

At the same time, Huaxia's locker room.

Yi Qingchen touched his small round inch with one hand, only feeling scalp tingling.

"Slum, slum!" Liu Yang muttered, his fingers hurriedly tapping on the screen of his mobile phone.

However, Liu Yang's questioning did not receive any response.

Liu Yang turned his head, looked at Yi Qingchen, and asked again: "Yi Qingchen, ask you, is Xiaopi eight attacks?"

Yi Qingchen stared at the TV screen tightly and responded, "Nine times, nine times."

"Oh!" Liu Yang tapped the screen with his finger, changed "one" to "nine", and immediately sent it out:

"Jiang Xiaopi is not skinny

Just from Warwick p10plus

I got up!

Jiujii seconds, what is there to say? "


In the early hours of the morning, I hope to make a good start in December!

These two chapters are added, and the update time tomorrow is normal, rest assured.

I ask you a guaranteed monthly pass! Please vote for the little poisonous milk! please!

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