Nine Star Burden

Chapter 888: A halberd can tear the sky

"Uh ..." He Huan looked at the ghostly Jiang Xiao beside him, and responded for a while, and said blabberly, "Jiang, Jiang Xiaopi, please, please ... What just happened? "

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "I won."

"Uh ..." He Huan adjusted his situation very quickly, and his thoughts finally came back. "A lot of experts analyzed before the game, and the media in various countries around the world also predicted that most of them indicate that if the game ends in 1 minute, It should be you who wins. What is your opinion on this? "

Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "Experts predict it, just look at it. Don't take it seriously, Star Warrior does not rely on data to speak. This is not a game, not just looking at 'hard data', not just physical. There is a lot of 'software facilities' that need to be considered for data and star technology.

I have a friend, and I dare say that if she comes to the competition, most star warriors will be destroyed by her momentum, so don't talk about fighting power. "

"Ah?" He Huan froze for a moment, and said, "Why such a strong friend, didn't come to participate?"

Jiang Xiao raised an eyebrow slightly: "Are you sure this is your third question?"

"No no no." He Huan shook his head again and again, thinking, "What do you think of Tonado?"

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "I have no comment on him. But here, I will name Xia Yan."

Said, Jiang Xiao grabbed the camera lens with one hand, a small round head, occupying the entire picture of the lens: "Yan God, it's your turn."

Oh roar?

He Huan's eyes lighted up. Is this the little poisonous milk who is provoking Yan Shen next door?

It seems that this is really the case. Jiang Xiao on this side used all kinds of martial arts to defeat Hairigu of the Great Mongolian Empire. Xia Yan on the other side returned directly to a 1v4 in the team battle.

Now, Jiang Xiao here, Jiu Jiu joy sent away the captain of the country ...

Now the pressure is on Xia Yan's side!

I have a good show tomorrow! !! !!

However, He Huan is still unwilling and is still looking for a big news and dragged the topic back: "Anyway, Tonato player is also the captain of the national team of the country and the No. 1 star player in the team. You have nothing to do with him. Comment? "

Jiang Xiaozhang raised Fang Tianhua's halberd and resisted on his shoulder: "The general who defeated the army, dare to speak with courage."

Said, Jiang Xiao turned and left.

In the camera, the back view of his Yuyou Yuma is given,

Especially the blood-stained Fangtian painting halberd, at the tip of the "well" shaped halberd, there is a red halberd ear hanging from it. With Jiang Xiao's pace, he fluttered left and right. .....

He Huan could not help but secretly sigh: If you add a wine gourd to this Fangtian Huaji, it will be more perfect.

At the same time, the national team settled in the small auditorium of the hotel. Xia Yan, who was watching the game, was seated in her seat, covering her mouth with one hand, looking at the back view of Jiang Xiao and Yu You. Long legs stunned the back of the chair in front.

"Hee hee, sister! I was named by the skin god!" In front, Yuan Qinghua turned to kneel on the seat, her little head was exposed from above the seat back, with a sweet smile on her face, looking at Xia Yan with a smile.

Aside, Wang Yujun said, "It only took him 7 seconds, Yan God, if you want to surpass, it is a bit difficult."

"Nine halberds, seven seconds?" Xia Yan covered her mouth with one hand and murmured softly, "Xiao Pi is so fast."

Everyone: "..."

At the same time, Jiang Xiao, who had returned to the locker room, was also speechless.

Liu Yang was just a little wolf dog. When he saw Jiang Xiao coming back, he rushed straight up and gave Jiang Xiao a big hug: "Pishen! You are so fast!"

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Yi Qingchen nodded constantly and agreed with his face: "It's really fast!"

Jiang Xiao: "Recession ..."

Jiang Xiao pushed Liu Yang away, walked to the bench, and sat down with a buttock. He said, "My mobile phone? Hurry up, I have to check and check the assignment I just gave you."

"Now." Liu Yang threw the phone over, "I'm at work, rest assured!"

Jiang Xiao looked at tens of thousands of messages within a few minutes, and just nodded with relief, but found that the content was something wrong.

"How is Jiuji?" Jiang Xiao turned to look at Liu Yang, "how did you change my Weibo content?"

Liu Yang patted his chest and gave a thumbs up: "We have no merit. We only have two words: Rigorous!"

"Well, you are Liu Yanjing!" Jiang Xiao smiled and cursed, "Who have you ever seen to pretend to be rigorous?"

Liu Yang grinned: "Aren't you like the skinny god, just like those little bk!"

Jiang Xiao opened a Weibo message with an uncomfortable face, and the top-ranked message turned out to be an acquaintance.

Northern Military Academy-Wu Haoyang: "Seven seconds skinny man!"

Jiang Xiao couldn't help but straighten his teeth, and muttered in his mouth, "Why am I ruining your brother's hands ..."

"This rainbow fart is good." Liu Yang's head came over, pointing to the comment below.

"One stroke of halberd can tear the sky, Lao Tzu is Jiang Fengxian!"

"Well, get up and get up, get up quickly." Jiang Xiao pushed away Liu Yang, and said, "It's time you got on next!"

As he said, Jiang Xiao praised the rainbow fart without leaving his fingers.

Hey, comfortable ~

Jiang Xiaomei rummaged through the comments in the back, and the messages from the sand sculpture netizens made Jiang Xiaole unhappy.

"I thought Tonaldo was playing a fake match, and now I know he is a real dish!"

"Ah! Pippi, get up and play games? Ah? What? It's finished? Oh ... then you can sleep (disappointed)"

"He was pretty bullish when he raised his forehead with the little poisoned milk? I thought it was just the beginning, but found that it was his peak (smile)"

"My own astrology system is not perfect, have you come to the wrong place? You should go to the team fight next door ... but depending on his behavior, it is estimated that no teammates are willing to team with him?"

"Pipijiang, let's go and hit the children together."

Jiang Xiao's finger stopped for a moment because the net name of the commenter was "Light Dust".

Jiang Xiao turned his head and looked at Yi Qingchen. The king killed from the pile of grimace monks was paralyzed during the battle, which was full of murderous intentions, but he was shy and soft-spoken on weekdays. Why? On the Internet, is it so skinny?

How many faces does a person have?

Yi Qingchen quietly put away the phone, bowed his head slightly, and shyly reached out and rubbed his small round inch.

Jiang Xiao also smiled and rubbed his small round inch: "See you in the finals?"

"Well." Yi Qingchen made a nasal sound, the voice was very low, continued, "You will play Kimchi Country tomorrow, be careful, they have a special way to advance in the last round."

"I'll be careful." Jiang Xiao stood up with a smile and leaned Fangtian Huaji against the locker in the dressing room. "I'll go to Muhei City, then, the day after tomorrow, see you in our hotel."

"Be careful on the road." Yi Qingchen waved at Jiang Xiao, watched him walk out of the locker room, and left the leader teacher.

She walked to the locker room door, reached for the blood-stained Fang Tianhua halberd, and flicked the blood-red crescent blade gently. Would you like to learn this long-arm weapon too?

Can I switch from infantry to cavalry?

Looking for a mount star pet? In the last game, the way Hai Haigu and Jiang Xiao fought really shocked people's imagination.

In that case, do you want to go back and watch his video?

Yi Qingchen thought and thought, it was even more embarrassed, no video clip! See you again next time, and ask him for advice! The real person is here, what video!

Although Jiang Xiao has not always assumed himself as a "Master", Yi Qingchen's heart has regarded Jiang Xiao as an enlightenment teacher.

Although she has walked out of her own giant blade path, it is undeniable that when she first began to learn the giant blade technique, with the help of the family, they took all the actions of Jiang Xiao, all the skills, and framed it frame by frame Come down ...

What's more, Jiang Xiao, as a medical assistant, can be described as a slasher, which has opened up a path for the star warrior suitable for her, allowing her to fully release her nature and fulfill her physical talents.

Without Jiang Xiao, she would not be fighting now. Without Jiang Xiao, Yi Qingchen at this time might still be in a team, suppressing and aggrieving herself, and acting as a regular medical assistant.

Yi Qingchen thought to himself: Just now, he asked Pippi to teach him the skill of Fangtian painting halberd, then he is his own master.

Yi Qingchen's finger was on his lips, looking at Fang Tianhuaji in front of him, and thinking secretly, what kind of gift to worship? This gift must be more expensive, so it is worthy of all the little poisonous milk has won for her.

Stars in space? But his star trough is full ...

Liu Yang went to warm up, there was no one in the locker room, and only Yi Qingchen remained in a daze, but if anyone knows that the gift of worship in Yi Qingchen's mind is a star in space, I am afraid he will be scared. What a good deal.

What kind of family does this girl come from?

Jiang Xiao is not aware of this fashion. The gift he will receive from the teacher may be more precious than the World Cup award ...


Recommend a book "Magic Pro", interested friends can go and see.

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