Nine Star Burden

Chapter 889: I have a word ...

Jiang Xiao, who arrived in Muhei, had a dinner and was dragged back to the room for a meeting by the coaching staff.

Not only did the meeting, the four-member team of Emperor Xingwu, or even the assistant coach Bai Yin, reviewed the rules of the game again.

Good people see everything is good, but this world is not beautiful. And the Huaxia leaders are not suffering from persecution delusions, because those disgusting people, disgusting ones, are real.

In fact, the previous round opponent of this Kimchi team, the team of the Apennine Republic, is still protesting and complaining to the event organizer ...

The fate of the Apennine Republic is really rough. In the Xingwu World Cup, everything that happened at the Football World Cup was repeated.

At this time on the China Network, some netizens' messages were particularly interesting: "I have watched this episode, it seems that it was in 2002 ..."


The coaching team of the national team did not leave until 10 o'clock in the evening.

Xia Yan couldn't help but let go of her lips and said, "It makes me so nervous."

"Normal." Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "I experienced this once during the 17th Star World Cup. It is OK to play normally. Try to avoid follow-up actions. Once the whistle is directed, stop the attack immediately."

"Yes, Xia Yan, your fighting style and character may suffer a little. When playing tomorrow, guard Gu Shi'an with me." Han Jiangxue said, "I will attack tomorrow."

"Well, listen to you." Unexpectedly, Xia Yan was very obedient, casually, "Anyway, there are many rounds behind, there are opportunities for me to play."


Allianz Stadium, Muhei City, July 8.

Yu Feibin's infectious voice was transmitted to millions of households on the TV screen: "The first game! From China's No. 1 seed team! The imperial Xingwu foursome can give us a A beautiful starter? Let's wait and see! "

Jing Xinyue said, "Only from the strength on paper, the kimchi country is comparable to the previous river crossing country.

Before the game, the major media also released news that the Huaxia-Didu Xingwu team got a good sign. Let us look forward to the good news of the Huaxia athletes. "

"The players on both sides are ready, they are on the field!" Yu Phoebe looked at the students on the field, staring closely at the formations set by the two sides. The kimchi players are also 2-1-1 formation.

Let's hear what kind of dialogue they will have during the pre-match communication session. "

Yu Phoebe and Jing Xinyue stopped to understand and listened carefully to the microphone, but ... there was no communication between the two sides, but the members of Kimchi Country were communicating.

The voice of that communication was originally very low, but the voices of the quarrels became more and more fierce because of disagreements among the team members.

Such a scene made the two presenters look at each other, and also made Jiang Xiao and others a little overwhelmed.

what's the situation?

Why are you playing and arguing? Contradictions within the team are resolved outside the field? How did you get here?

For what? What tactics and routines to play should not be decided before the game?

What are they arguing about here?


Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, did the other party play a routine?

Thinking, the foursome of the Imperial Capital Xingwu was stunned because they saw the refereeing team.

Three referees, two of them showed in the profile, but the referee ...

Under normal circumstances, the Xingwu students in the battle will not study the referee, but because the object of the game is special, Jiang Xiao and others studied the three referees after studying the rules last night.

What is going on here?

How did the referee change?

The audience may not know it, but the trainees know it, and the host who holds the list also knows it.

"There seems to be some minor changes in the game. Isn't the referee the one identified before?" Uffibee carefully compared the referee list, saying curiously.

Emperor Xingwu's group of four looked down the field and looked at the coaching team of the bench.

The commander-in-chief Zuo Yi personally supervised the army, his hands were around his chest, his face was serious, and he showed nothing.

Beside him, the assistant teacher Bai Yin smiled at the group of four and gave a thumbs up.

Changing referees on the spot?

Looking at Bai Yin's smile and posture, should the Chinese referee take the initiative to put pressure on the party and change the referee?

"Well ..." Jiang Xiao really didn't hold back, and he was happy.

"What's wrong?" Han Jiangxue turned to look forward.

Jiang Xiao repeatedly waved his hands and said nothing.

In fact, in his mind, he already remembered the comment he saw on the Internet yesterday:

"I've watched this episode, as if it was in 2002 ..."

It's also a green football stadium, but the type of game is different. Change the referee on the spot and do a good job!

Jiang Xiao turned around the huge blade in his hands, and was originally in a good mood, but suddenly felt a irritability.

I don't know if there is any conspiracy or tricks on the opposite side. This pre-match communication session has become a debate game within their team!

It's not just a debate match. Look at their tense looks. Is this an internal fight?

Gu Shi'an stood with his hands on his hips and stood in front of Han Jiangxue, turning his head: "Are these people playing us here? What are they talking about? Xiaopi? Translate for me?"

Han Jiangxue: "Don't worry about anything, just follow our established tactics."

I do n’t know if it ’s a real or fake performance. On the bench over there, the leader of Kimchi Country ran to the edge of the field and shouted something loud.

The team opposite was quiet, but looking at the anger in the flames of two of their team members, it seemed to be extremely uneasy in their hearts, but they were pressing the anger.

Gu Shi'an knew that Jiang Xiao could speak Korean because the foursome, as a wasteland apprentice, had gone to Jindal to perform a mission together.

However, Jiang Xiao ’s Korean is not very good, and he also follows Jin Dalai ’s way. He does n’t understand the soft accent and some language vocabulary of kimchi. After all, Jiang Xiao is a crash course for several months. Or a Kindalai child.

"Listen to me", "Hit so", "You were wrong", "We discussed last night" ...

This is just the phrase Jiang Xiao heard just now, and he doesn't know if he's right. Now, the other party doesn't speak, and Jiang Xiao has no chance to understand.

Jiang Xiao shook his head helplessly, his eyes were also slightly reddish, and dark clouds gathered in the sky.

"Are the players on both sides ready!" The referee looked at the two sides in turn. After they were determined one by one, the flag slammed down. "The game started!"

Xia Yan's body arched sharply, like a sharp sword about to come out of the sheath! Instantly attracted the attention of the enemy foursome!

Under the eyes of the enemy's extremely vigilant eyes, Xia Yan didn't open her two long legs, but smiled a little, and she was full of ridicule in the extremely chic gesture.

I saw Xia Yan violently wield the giant sword, and the red-red sword blade arc was thrown out, tearing the green turf all the way and killing the enemy.

And before that sword-arc reached the opposing camp, Han Jiangxue's ice roar had rolled over!

I saw her digging out, and the heavy platinum ice roar exploded directly in the opposite camp.

In Gu Shi'an's dark eyes, each eye suddenly turned into a pair of pupils, and looked at the enemy teammates in front.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao's tears and domain tears also fell.

And Jiang Xiao has more responsibilities, he raised his hand is a platinum silence.

No one moves in the group of four, two outputs and two controls, and a structured and highly organized cannonball is built!

Output in place!

The enemy camp was sprayed with a thick mist of water, and it seemed that Jiang Xiao's silent area was quickly purified, and what Jiang Xiao had never expected was ...

In the field of tears in the field, Jiang Xiao only felt that the green grass under his feet was a bit strange. His body slammed to the side, and a jet of water spurted out. The extremely powerful water column wiped Jiang Xiao's side and directly went up into the sky!

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

What does it mean?

Attack me! ?

Are you afraid that you have lost your mind?

I'm so ghostly, can flash the audience, these are the things that the whole world knows, you even come to attack me?

Xiao Jiangxue waved her hands two more times. Are you afraid that she will be crushed by her? Are you coming to attack me?

Look down on our Xiaojiang Xue?

What made Jiang Xiao even more aggressive was that as this water column rushed up, in the opposite camp, there was a burst of screaming and shouting in the dense water mist!

Maybe Jiang Xiao's Korean is not good enough, but he can fully understand the words of curse!

This is a very strange phenomenon. When learning the language of a country, Jiang Xiao always knew the swear words of that country first ...

"You are stupid, Han Jiangxue is the target,% ¥ # has been discussed! You ¥ # ¥%! Silly x !!!"

"You %%! The coach gave the main point of attack, it's only right!"

"I'm the commander, listen to me on the court! We said yes last night! The coach's tactics were wrong! Then you won't win!"

Jiang Xiao is also drunk. You still have a teammate who has been crushed by Han Jiangxue. Are you still arguing?

Han Jiangxue's battle IQ is really high!

She didn't even bother with the two quarreling players, and quickly adjusted the battle plan on the field. She didn't even need to growl with ice, for fear that the two quarrelers would be affected.

She immediately chose to use the dark blue scepter to kill the enemy's sensitive battle!

In order not to disturb the two, they even ordered Xia Yan to change the offensive target, ignore the two ...

Off the bench, on the bench, Kimchi ’s coaching team was completely angry, and they all stepped forward and reprimanded the players who sprayed each other on the battlefield.

The scene also made the audience dumbfounded.

The pickle shield battle was controlled by Gu Shi'an, disrupting Xingli.

At the same time, the kimchi shield battle was also struggling to resist Xia Yan's continuous sword blade arc.

The kimchi's sensitive battle, first of all, was unable to take care of himself by the life of the ice roaring roll, but now it was chopped by Han Jiangxue with a thunderbolt.

The other one was yelling at each other angrily, clamoring to a state of almost selflessness, and had forgotten it was on the field.

Jiang Xiao, with his hands on his hips and not attacking, looked at the other side so far. Like the other three teammates, he did not disturb the two people's idea dispute.

From the words of the other party, Jiang Xiao seemed to understand the point of the quarrel.

The kimchi country auxiliary player seems to have an idea, and he is also the conductor of the team. He should feel that the coach assigned Jiang Xiao as the main attack point, and it was a completely wrong decision.

However, the commander did not seem to raise objections when the coach formulated the tactics, but chose to communicate with the team members in private at night, changed the battle plan, and changed the main attack point to Han Jiangxue.

I don't know how the Kimchi law system told the commander. After playing, the law system still obeyed the arrangement of the coaching team to interfere with Jiang Xiao ...

Then it caused the result as it is now.

Han Jiangxue looked at the kimchi Minzhan that was dripping with blood and completely unconscious by thunder and lightning. She immediately changed her attack target and aimed at the kimchi shield battle that had been harassed by Gu Shian and bombarded by Xia Yan.

Jiang Xiaoqiang held back a smile, lifted it, and blessed it on the kimchi shield warrior who was struggling to resist.

For the first time, Jiang Xiao ’s blessings were so comfortable. Do n’t look at the light beam of silver blessings, but they completely covered the enemy ’s shield battle.


In an instant, the enemy's shield battle lost its combat capabilities.

And the remaining legal system and support may feel that there is no hope of victory at all, and no changes have been made, and they are still noisy!

Emperor Xingwu's foursome stopped and turned to look at their teammates, looking at each other ...

Let the foursome be like the enemy and the opponent who meets in the middle of the night?

In the not-so-dense water mist, the screams continued to flow.

"# ¥% You stupid thing, hold on ..."

"Aiyixi ¥% ¥ * 西 八 儿% ¥% ......"

Jiang Xiao felt only 10,000 flies around his ears.


He raised his hand violently! A silence! The raven is silent!

Jiang Xiao said loudly, "I have a word! Please listen!"

Jiang Xiao reached out with both hands, frantically smashing the silence, and robbing the continuous mist of water to seize control of the area, forbidding the other party to speak any words, maintaining the scene's silence.

However, Jiang Xiao's face looked like a compassionate man, and continued: "In the past, when Emperor Xi and Emperor Ling, the Han dynasty declined, eunuchs caused disaster, the country was chaotic, and the Quartet disturbed ...

Everyone: "..."

The network live broadcast platform suddenly floated a massive barrage:

"Prince? Is it you? Prime minister?"

"Shou Shou! Little poisonous milk is going to tell" Way to Watch "to Crooked Nuts!"

"Your language teacher can hear the words from you, and you can lift the coffin board and come out to kick you! What are these sentences in your" Teaching List "?"

"What the **** is going on? TV series don't dare to do it like this? The script doesn't dare to write it like this! This is the World Cup! Infighting on the field? Noisy on the field?"

"A dog with a broken spine dared to bark before our army! I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"I've never seen such a brazen person !!!"

As the barrage screen swept wildly, Jiang Xiao on the greenery field also said this, and shouted at the other half, "I've never seen this happen ..."

"Beep! Beep!" The referee's whistle finally sounded. He received a signal from the Kimchi coaching team and directly announced the result of the game. "The game is over! China victory!"

The trio of Emperor Xingwu, all with a low-brow look, quickly left the field.

Jiang Xiao didn't finish his lines, so he was interrupted by the whistle and the referee's shout, but he was stunned enough.

Han Jiangxue, who quickly left the field, felt that there was no individual. She turned around quickly, dragged the exasperated Jiang Xiao, and quickly left the field ...

In the process of exiting, Jiang Xiao really didn't hold back, quietly whispered bb: "Shameless person!"

Han Jiangxue: "..."

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