Nine Star Burden

Chapter 890: Takeji

At dinner, in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, a TV broadcast on the wall came to China News:

"Dear viewers, welcome to the special program" Star Wars World Cup. "

"As of now, the third round of the Xingwu World Cup team match and the individual match are all over. In the personal match that ended yesterday, Huaxia Jianer achieved 7 wins and 2 losses, and a total of 7 players advanced to the top. Four rounds! "

"In today's World Cup team match that ended today, the three Huaxia teams have achieved excellent results in three games! Please see the detailed report below."

"In the World Cup individual game that ended yesterday, the Chinese spectators Wu Haoyang, who was nicknamed" Second Lord ", played in the first place.

A flying dragon is in the sky, tearing the opponent's defense line, slashing Huashan with a single blade, and cutting off the Pampas eagle! "

"The poisonous milk disciple, Yi Qingchen, took 2 minutes and 37 seconds. With superb giant blade skills and explosive physical fitness, he crushed the Australian sea lions in all directions and advanced to the fourth round!"

"Jiang Xiaohou, Jiang Fengxian's Jiang Xiaopi, who is nicknamed by the majority of netizens, is worthy of brave and martial arts.

The opening time was only 7 seconds and 9 halberds broke the defense line of Captain Tonato of the Rice Country and dedicated a perfect promotion to the world!

Jiang Xiaopi also set the record for the shortest time spent in a single game in the individual World Cup!

As far as this World Cup is concerned, Jiang Xiaopi's influence is simply inestimable! Since the last World Cup won the title with a huge blade, a large number of star warriors with excellent fighting skills have sprung up, and they have come forward ... "

"Shhh ~" As the host broadcasted the whistle and the applause rang in the restaurant.

Jiang Xiaozheng was eating his donkey's meat while he was sulking. He really didn't expect that in this foreign country, he could drink donkey meat soup and eat his donkey's meat. The most important thing was that it was quite authentic?

What fairy chef did this hotel invite? Jiang Xiao is not even sure that there is no such thing as a donkey ...

Jiang Xiao heard the whistle and applause of his companions, and he couldn't say no.

I saw Jiang Xiao burning the donkey meat in his left hand and continued to eat with stuffy heads, but he raised his right hand high, clenched into a fist, and shouted vaguely: "Oli !!!!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Haha ~" came a laugh.

The team matches are over, and the team members present are all promoted, everyone is very relaxed.

The three Huaxia Legions all advanced to the top 28, which is a very good result.

However, as the rounds get higher and higher, people's opponents are getting stronger and stronger, and the chances of drawing teammates are getting bigger and bigger, which is also an unavoidable thing.

With the host's overall broadcast of the third round of the World Cup, Jiang Xiao also heard the broadcast of his team's game:

"In the third round of the team match, the Huaxia No. 1 seed team encountered the Kimchi Country team, and there were some surprises on the field.

The Kimchi Republican national team members even had internal strife on the court. The two players in the legal system and the medical assistant even scolded themselves in front of people all over the world. Such a scene was absurd. "

"Hmm ... keke." Xia Yan coughed, thanks to a sip of donkey soup ...

Han Jiangxue looked at Xia Yan with a strange look, really didn't know what to say about her.

She is obviously the King of Stars and Seas, still so frizzy, she doesn't have the style of a master at all.

Jiang Xiao was happy, and gave her thumbs up to Xia Yan, saying, "It's really amazing!"

Xia Yan wiped her mouth with a napkin and looked inconceivably at the TV screen. She said, "The host mother will say such things? Is it good?"

"Hurry up and go back to bed and sleep." Han Jiangxue said softly.

"Ao." Xia Yan pursed her lips and continued listening to the news.


The next day, in the early morning, Jiang Xiao and his teammates had breakfast and were escorted by Teacher Chen Dapang to the airport and boarded the plane.

Due to the background of the hosting of the World Cup, the host country will press the schedule very tightly.

If you follow the previous World Cup schedule, at this time, the team and individual competitions, those teams or individuals who have been promoted should play once every 5 days, because the loser group will also start qualifying and determine the final ranking.

But this year is different. The country of will is compressing the schedule frantically, and the game of the loser group is also put on the match day of the promotion group. Those countries of the loser group love to broadcast or not. Just don't extend the schedule, fight in three days, you can't beat it!

It is said that the organizer has released news and discussed with the Xingwu World Cup official. When the team round enters the fourth round and the individual round enters the sixth round, a special qualifying match day will be arranged for the loser. At that time, for the promotion, it was only 5 days.

This so-called Doomsday World Cup is indeed full of conditions.

On the plane, Jiang Xiao habitually put down the small table board, took out the headset, connected to wifi, and turned on the mobile phone live broadcast.

"Well? Friends, have you met again?" A slightly weird tone came from English.

Jiang Xiao froze for a moment, then turned his head to look, hehe? Isn't that the brother of Willpower? So coincident?

"This is a wonderful coincidence!" Said Young Will, with a look of surprise, and said to the uncle in the middle seat. "Sir, can we string the seats, I'm next to the window, in the last two rows. I want to be with my friends sit together."

The middle-aged uncle went happily to the window.

And Jiang Xiao also grinned, who is a friend with you?

Besides, I'm wearing a mask and peaked cap. How can you tell it at a glance?

Oh, yes ... It seems that hats and masks are too special, especially those masks worn by Jiang Xiao. The masks have a mouth printed on them, and their tongues are sticking out. They look awkward ..... .

Young Will sat down, stretched out his hand to Jiang Xiao, and introduced himself, "You can call me Lelis."

Jiang Xiao blinked and looked at the golden curly hair in front of him, a particularly well-behaved otaku-looking young man. He hesitated, reached out and shook himself, and introduced himself; "I'm a macho."

Relis: "..."

Jiang Xiao turned his head, opened the live broadcast software, and looked at the lottery ceremony.

Lelis asked curiously, "Aren't you an international student? How do you travel between the two cities on a regular basis? Do you, like me, go to the games?"

Jiang Xiao didn't return his head, his attitude was not very good, and he said, "Are you going to watch the game again?"

No way, if Jiang Xiao is an ordinary person, it doesn't matter. The point is that Jiang Xiao's identity is special, so he doesn't believe in such a coincidence.

Lelis was a little surprised and didn't quite understand why this oriental youth had such an attitude, but he could see that Lelis had a very good character and explained, "Yes, I just went to see Jiang Xiaopi's game."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Jiang Xiao still didn't believe it, saying, "You fly back and forth every day to watch the game?"

Lelis: "Of course! In his individual and team matches, I will not fail. I will put Jiang Xiaopi in my eyes and into my soul."

Jiang Xiao just felt a layer of goose bumps on his body ...

"Hmm." Lelis came forward with interest, and said, "Last night, the top five player cards for the 2017 individual tournament were announced! The game is about to be released! Guess Jiang Xiaopi's comprehensive character score How many points?"

"How much?" Jiang Xiao asked curiously.

"99 !!!" Loulis shouted, the passengers on the plane looked over, and Loulis had entered the realm of selflessness, and he didn't care at all. "652 individual players, 1040 team matches Player, there is only one with a comprehensive rating of 99! "

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao scratched his head and looked at the excited young man in front of him, as if his own idol had been recognized, and he was honored.

Jiang Xiao asked curiously: "What is the comprehensive score of the second place?"

Larry laughed and said, "European Shield-Neal! The pride of our country! The overall score is 97 points! The captain of the North Kingdom on the other side of the team match is also 97 points, just these two."

Jiang Xiao sighed silently.

Hey ... dumb boy, do you know that they can score 97 points because they can only get 97 points.

And my score is 99 because the highest score is only 99 ...

Lelis said excitedly: "It's so worthwhile to play a personal match. I don't want to borrow money to buy tickets! Jiang Xiaopi's flashing routines and halberds are amazing. I must develop that series! "

Jiang Xiao's mouth twitched and said, "Loan to buy tickets?"

"Ah, do you know how expensive a ticket for the World Cup is?" Lelis waved his hand casually. "Don't care about that, it's not necessary to use the money. It's most important to live comfortably now."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

While looking at the lottery on the screen of the phone, Jiang Xiao curiously said, "Isn't it the" Xingwu World Cup 2017 "? At that time, was Jiang Xiaopi's halberd skill?"

"Huh?" Leliston froze. He wiped his chin with one hand, thinking for a moment, and said, "You're right, but ... I don't think he just showed it, you see him. He can all use daggers, giant blades, bows and arrows, so the halberds should be able to!

Orientals, you know, they are all hiding and very bad. Correct! That's it, he already has the skill of halberds in 17 years! It must be like this!

I had to go back and suggest something to the game company, and let them immediately get Jiang Xiaopi's halberd skills out. "

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao said silently: You know me better than me!

In 17 years, I would draw a fart and draw halberds. In 17 years, I was still running like a dead dog in the playground.

"Come here!" Lelis's head came over and looked at Jiang Xiao's mobile phone screen. At the 1st position on the left, Jiang Xiao broke into people's eyes with a bright smile on his face.

Jiang Xiao remembered this and gave him a headset.

As soon as Leris put his headphones on, he heard Jiang Xiao's pure Chinese vocabulary: "Sit down!"

"Civil war ..." Lelis was happy, too. "That guy is fierce, too."

Jiang Xiao's nose was almost flat and crooked. Why don't I know that Wu Haoyang played a big sword?

In the figure on the right, the red star flag flutters high, and finally freezes in the upper right corner of the figure.

The figure is Wu Haoyang wearing the Chinese national team uniform.

I saw that Wu Haoyang's pair of tigers were so dazzling and energetic that he was not angry and proud of himself.

At the same time, in Bailin, the national team settled in the hotel's small auditorium.

The sound of cold air came in, and then there were wailing sounds.

Due to the casualties in the previous round, there were 64 students in the individual competition at this time.

Of the 64 people, 7 are Chinese national team members. The probability of drawing a group is not too low.

Wu Haoyang true dears! Jagged man!

His pair of tiger eyes were hot and hot, looking at the array table on the large screen in front of him, and clenched his fists tightly, slamming his fist on the table, and said, "This lottery is very good! I am very happy! What is it called? This will be a wonderful game! "

Obviously, Wu Erye was irritated by the sighs and sighs of his coaches and companions. He heard in his ears that this sigh was not aimed at the two Huaxia players.

These laments are specifically directed at Wu Haoyang, more like a regret for him.

Wu Haoyang yelled, and in the small auditorium was silent, Wu Haoyang nodded with satisfaction.

Poke ~

Wu Haoyang felt that his shoulder was poked a bit. He turned his head to look, but saw Liu Yang's careful appearance.

Wu Haoyang raised an eyebrow slightly: "Huh? How?"

Liu Yang clenched his fists and said weakly, "Congratulations to the second grandfather for mentioning the top 64!"

Wu Haoyang turned black: "我 特 么 # ¥ @ ¥% !!!!!!"

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