Nine Star Burden

Chapter 893: Want to be a teacher

Wu Haoyang's body collapsed on the grass, drunk and confused, looking at the figure above.

Slowly, he felt the cold halberd poke his face.

Wu Haoyang blinked, recovered a little Qingming, looked up at Jiang Xiao, and after a few seconds ... he looked angry, tilted his head sharply, and got up.

"Hum." With a soft hum, Wu Haoyang picked up the blue dragon and the moon knife that had fallen to the ground and turned away. He waved to the referee on the side and signaled that he would lose.

"Dudu! The game is over!" The referee blew his whistle in a timely manner. He could still grasp the situation on the court. "Huaxia No. 1, victory!"

As the whistle sounded, for a while, applause rang out in the auditorium.

The TV shot showed Jiang Xiao waving around, and also played back the last scene on the screen on the left.

Li Li: "It's over! Jiang Xiaopi's players are still superior, and Wu Haoyang's players don't have any extra words, they just choose to admit defeat! Little poisonous milk wins again! Strongly advanced to the fifth round! Entered the top 32 Seat! "

Ye Xunyang sighed, shook his head and sighed: "Clean and clear, without compromising. In the last World Cup, Jiang Xiaopi players challenged the world and won the game again and again.

In this round of the World Cup, everyone regards Jiang Xiaopi as the big devil.

Jiang Xiaopi's players have received more attention, and their treatment has been significantly different. There has even been a vague trend of `` public enemy ''. The only constant is Jiang Xiaopi's progress!

No matter whether it is the last World Cup or this World Cup, no one can resist the footsteps of Jiang Xiaopi players! He fights steadily, step by step! Going to the top again and again! "

Li Li lamented loudly: "Hua Xia, it is such a lucky thing to have such a star warrior!"

Obviously, for Jiang Xiao at this time, he was already a national-level star warrior in the eyes of everyone.

But if the world knows Jiang Xiao ’s true identity and what he has done in the vigil and the wasteland army, then the world will understand that Jiang Xiao is already a “national-level” star warrior.

Yang Ma's two hosts were sighing aloud, but in the network platform, it is completely another style:

"Hate, why do you poke someone's face and hit you ~ (` ⌒ ′ メ)"

"How do you feel ... my body is awakened with wonderful attributes?"

"I really want Wu Haoyang's perspective just now. Pippi held the halberd with one hand and poked at the person's face, really ... um ..."

"Medical Star Warrior is too fierce, right? This ..."

At the same time, on the greenery field, Jiang Xiao was stopped by the reporter He Huan waiting on the sidelines.

He Huan held the microphone and almost didn't get into Jiang Xiao's mouth: "Congratulations, Pishen! Congratulations on your entry to the top 32 in the world! Is there anything you want to say to the Chinese audience?"

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao's body leaned back slightly, and said, "Stop arrogance and irritability, keep working hard!"

He Huan blinked, what happened? How do you feel you are opening it incorrectly?

What about your cool energy?

Is it because the opponent is Wu Haoyang, so the small poisoned milk is so serious?

He Huan thought for a while and said, "Recently, a point of view has spread on the Internet. It probably means that because the medical department star warrior is too precious, his talent has been suppressed by the world."

This view is novel, Jiang Xiao said for a moment: "Oh?"

He Huan: "In the profession of Star Warriors, the proportion of Star Warriors in the medical department is too small, and because of its particularly powerful function, every time a medical department appears, it will be regarded as a treasure. Classmates, teachers, and team owners are taking care.

Because of this, the Star Warriors of the medical department were restricted from growing and playing. They only treated patients in the team to save people, and did not tap their own fighting talents. "

Jiang Xiao scratched his head, this ...

He Huan: "Your appearance confirms this point over and over again. The medical department star warrior can absorb medical department star skills that other professions cannot, which represents the endurance of battle and the powerful ability to instantly restore combat effectiveness.

Even if it is badly hit, the Star Warriors of the medical department can restore their combat power in an instant and continue to fight.

In addition, the medical system star warrior can absorb other functional star technology, hard control, soft control, any auxiliary system star technology.

Even all the star wars of shield warfare, sensitive warfare, and law systems can be absorbed by the medical star warriors, but the cost of absorption is relatively large and the effect is relatively weak.

From this point of view, the Star Warrior in the medical department is a profession that can truly stand on its own, and it is the most powerful profession.

Warfare, law and other professions have inherent shortcomings. There are disadvantages when it comes to star warriors in the medical department. They can't win. "

After a lengthy discussion, He Huan asked the key point: "Do you think so? The medical department is the king of the Xingwu world?"

Jiang Xiao thought for a while, looked at the camera seriously, and said, "I think that for a real Star Warrior, there is no weak occupation, only people who are not working hard enough."

He Huan opened his mouth slightly and looked at Jiang Xiao stupidly.

I never thought that I could hear such words from Jiang Xiao's mouth.

He Huan even thought that this sentence was far more significant than Jiang Xiao's victory in the game.

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and continued: "For those adult star warriors, if you also think this view is correct, then I have nothing to say.

I know that many children are watching me, and maybe there are children who are just awake watching me.

You have to understand that when I stood in the World Cup for the first time as a medical department, everyone was watching my jokes, and they all thought that I had gone wrong.

Now, some people think that the medical department is the king of all professions. Do you see the problem?

Some people are born losers. They will always make excuses for their failures, always.

In my opinion, the star map restricts the occupation of the star warrior, not the life of the star warrior.

There are few star troughs, then make up with skills! Talent is low, then go to different dimensions to kill him hundreds of times.

The school trains students to enter the space of different dimensions, and the tickets are all state subsidies. Do you dare to be harder on yourself! ? You don't even dare to go to the lowest level of snowfield, so don't talk about professional differences.

Sweat, blood, tears, these things can define the life of Star Warrior. "

Jiang Xiao didn't become a sister-in-law in this archway.

He has an inward star map, but if you talk about the level of effort and you're welcome, Jiang Xiao can even yell at star warriors around the world.

Because of the star map, he worked harder.

Not to mention the gardener skins that make cities in the world of evil, nor the exploration skins that teach skills in the ancient towers.

Just talking about the sparring skin in Erwei's training space, he never stopped training. Every minute and every second of his existence, even inspired the very self-disciplined two tail, making her a harder person.

And this exploration skin, this so-called "he", is not someone else, he is Jiang Xiao himself.

In fact, the star map can be called a talent.

So now the question is coming, my poisoned milk king has a higher talent than you, and I work harder than you, so ... how can I lose?

"Very ... um, a wonderful answer, thank you for the interview." He Huan said.

Jiang Xiao nodded, facing the camera, clenched his fists: "rua!"

He Huan: "..."

Jiang Xiaozhuo held Fangtian's painting halberd, and he fisted his hands in front of the audience, gestured, and left the field. When he reached the player's passage, he found the trio smiling and waving, and also saw the sisters of Luluming. None of the writing on their faces was erased.

After talking with the team leader for a while, Jiang Xiao heard that at the request of Wu Haoyang, the two coaches took him back to the hotel first.

Jiang Xiao didn't say anything. He opened the door and walked into the locker room. He planned to mobilize Yi Qingchen before the war and encouraged this small round inch. Unsurprisingly, he saw that she was wiping the giant blade.

Looking at her concentration, Jiang Xiao didn't dare to bother her, but leaned Fangtian Huaji on the closet and quietly sat on the bench.

"Jiang Xiaopi."

"Ah?" Jiang Xiao froze for a while. Since the two were familiar, Jiang Xiao has never heard her call her full name.

Yi Qingchen wiped the giant blade, looked at the cold blade, and said quietly, "Can I worship you as a teacher and ask you to teach me my skills?"

Speaking, Yi Qingchen added four more words: "Fang Tian painted the halberd."

Jiang Xiao froze and said, "Why do n’t you worship the teacher? No, we just need to exchange and learn.

"No, I'm serious." Yi Qingchen turned around, staring at Jiang Xiao with a burning gaze, "said to learn from the teacher."

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao scratched his head and said, "After the World Cup, I can guide you, you ..."

At this time, Jiang Xiao had inertial thinking. When he talked about worship, he immediately remembered the ghost-faced monks in the ancient pagoda. Their worship ceremony was very close to China, and it was still the style of worship as close to ancient China.

What kind of thought, Yi Qingchen, made Jiang Xiao completely stupid.

Yi Qingchen: "The type of steamed buns and toasted tea."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "Light dust, in 2019, I am not a century-old shop, where are some gimmicks to worship, you don't scare me, no, no, absolutely."

Yi Qingchen: "I have a master who taught me the skill of a dagger. The worship ceremony was performed under the witness of my parents and dozens of family members."

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

What do you mean, you have to worship and have to drag me back to Central Plains? Back to your house to worship?

Is n’t Xi Xi a master?

Why is it so fine? And a master who teaches daggers?

Yi Qingchen stood up, walked over, looked down at Jiang Xiao, with a serious face: "I want to learn from you how to use Fangtian Huaji."

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiaodao said, "No problem, I'll teach you just that, no matter what kind of worship, we don't have a gimmick to worship tea, there is a man under his knee ... well, a daughter too."

Yi Qingchen looked at Jiang Xiao with a stubborn look, a look of indifference.

"You do." Jiang Xiao took her arm, dragged her to sit on the bench, and said, "Let's take the modern teaching mode, you ask me to string twice, and pay 1,800 yuan for tuition, Let me give you a few lessons. "

Yi Qingchen :? ? ?

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