Nine Star Burden

Chapter 894: Finish it

On July 11, the Allianz Stadium in Muhei City, the players' locker room.

Jiang Xiao looked at the TV screen on the wall and couldn't help but grin and said, "Is this guy a bag?"

On TV, it was the pre-match interview of the Tianzhu team members, which was obviously not a live broadcast, but should be the interview that the Tianzhu team members accepted just after the news of yesterday or the day before yesterday.

Under the global background, the organizers can only continually reduce the competition schedule. Under such a premise, some groups have really exhausted all means for economic benefits.

Since the result of the draw, the Huaxia players strictly abide by the national team's discipline and absolutely do not accept any pre-match interviews.

In order to create contradictions in this battle, helplessly, the party held a spearhead and turned to the opponent of the Huaxia team, namely the Tianzhu Kingdom team, in the official name.

At the moment before the game, it was clear that the team was still warming up and was working hard to create a topic.

On the TV screen, a handsome young man with dark skin and big eyes said, "Yes, you are right, Huaxia has risen quickly, regardless of all sides. This is an undeniable fact.

As a simple example, I heard that the development level of their magic city is almost catching up with our country's Mengmai city. "

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Xia Yan sat on the bench with Da Jin Jin Dao, her elbows were on her knees, her head was tilted, her face was raised, she watched the TV on the wall and said, "Is he serious?"

Han Jiangxue elegantly overlapped his legs, sitting on the other side of the bench, leaning back on Jiang Xiao's back, instead of watching TV, he closed his eyes and raised his mind: "The reporter asked a lot of questions. trap."


As the closing bell sounded, Gu Shi'an smelled of smoke and walked out of the bathroom. He just heard the reporter's second question: "Aga, Huaxia was the last team and individual champion. What is the level of economic development and national strength? At least in the field of Star Warriors, they are ahead of your Tianzhu Kingdom. Do you think so? "

The Tianzhu player named Ajia groaned and said, "The star warriors in their country are indeed strong, but we are not weak. We have also created a special tactic for this Huaxia team, wait and see!"

"Hehe." The reporter continued, "As far as I know, you are the second-tier team of Tianzhu Kingdom. Are you confident that you will defeat the Huaxia No. 1 seed team?"

Aga: "Second-tier? Why are we second-tier? Now we are standing here, and the so-called front-line team in our country has returned home."

"Hmm ..." Xia Yan didn't hold back, she said loudly, "You're right, he really has a bag."

Jiang Xiao could not help but nodded and said, "Well, even the team in my country is embarrassed. It seems I blame him ..."

Aga continued: "Even if we are second-line, what about the first-line team playing against each other? Isn't it just fine? No team in this world is invincible, look forward to our game!"

The reporter's eyes brightened, and the smile was like a sly fox: "Last question, do you have anything to say to the Huaxia team? They will see it on the TV screen?"

A Jia looked at the camera with a serious face and said, "Hua Xia Xingwu team, your team has occupied too many seats in the top 28, and it is time for two or three teams to leave."

The words fell, and Aga's face was fixed for a few seconds, and the screen switched back to the acting seat.

A host and two guests looked at each other and quickly discussed.

Moderator: "This is what Tian Zhuguo player said in an interview yesterday. Seeing his full confidence, I am afraid that the Huaxia No. 1 seed team has been thoroughly studied. Maybe they have any secret weapons? What do the two guests have? view?"

Male guest: "He is just bluffing. The Huaxia No. 1 seed team, even if looking at the history of the entire World Cup, its strength can be ranked upstream. The Tianzhu second-line team where Aga is located is impossible to win.

Of course, the show group has its own way of survival. Whether it is effect or not, they really contribute a lot to the ratings of this game.

It seems that programs around the world are carved out of a mold.

The female guest objected on the spot: "No, I don't think so, I don't think Aga players are blindly confident! As the host said, they must have developed a method to deal with the Huaxia team.

The Aga players also personally showed that no team is invincible, maybe they found the weakness of the Huaxia team. "

In the dressing room, Gu Shi'an grinned, his face full of disdain, he took out his pocket, turned and opened the bathroom door.

"Weakness! Don't smoke, two connected!" Jiang Xiao's voice floated behind him.

Gu Shi'an acted stiffly, put one hand on the doorknob, turned and looked at Jiang Xiao, and said, "Me? Weakness?"

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "Am I a weakness?"

"Okay." Gu Shi'an nodded with a smile, and said, "I'm a weakness. I wish that the four of them would set fire on me. After a while, I dragged them against the enemy line, and Han Jiangxue roared at me, regardless of my life "Look at me and them who die first!"

Talking, Gu Shi'an drank a cigarette in his mouth, choked off his Mosigan hairstyle, opened the door and entered the bathroom.

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth wide, watching the bathroom door closed innocently, and he turned to look at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiao: "He is so cool, so good!"

Xia Yan: "..."

Jiang Xiao shook his head and sighed, "When can I be as cool and tugging as he is?"

"You?" Xia Yan picked up the giant sword under her feet and turned the handle of the sword, and said, "You are not enough to pull? Yesterday, the action of poking Wu Haoyang's face made you a bunch of fans and fans? Your Weibo is all blown up. "

Jiang Xiao looked at Xia Yan and said, "Do you still watch my Weibo secretly? Why not leave a message?"

Xia Yan shook her head and said, "If you don't leave a message, here are a bunch of people who want to worship me as a teacher, very annoyed."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

You Niupangang!

Than one drag!

Xia Yan put the giant sword on her lap horizontally and asked casually: "Yes, what is that Yi Qingchen? What does she mean for your Weibo message?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "Nothing."

"Huh." Xia Yan's slender fingers gently struck the sword body, making a clear sound, "It's better to be fine."

"Well?" Jiang Xiao blinked and said, "It seems that something really happened. She wants to worship me as a teacher and learn the technique of Fang Tian's drawing of halberds from me."

"Huh?" Xia Yan looked up and looked at Jiang Xiao. "You promised?"

Jiang Xiao's face was embarrassed and said: "I have no problem in guiding, instructing, studying, etc. The key is that she must worship the teacher with sincerity.

It's not the kind of modern looking for teachers or coaches, but the kind of gimmicks of ancient times to worship. Who can bear this! I can't stand it anyway. "

Xia Yan's eyes lit up and she said, "I can stand it."

Speaking, Xia Yan grinned and pointed at her feet, and said, "Come on, Jiang Xiao, you make up the ceremony of worship, come and come soon."

"Aha !?" Jiang Xiao leaned on the backside of Han Jiangxue, and said, "You found no, since she entered the Xinghai period, her former style has returned."

Han Jiangxue: "Huh?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "I was in the stardust period, when you two were in the nebula period, Xia Yan's cowardly, confident, and spirited state."

Han Jiangxue smiled and said, "Confidence comes from strength, which is normal. Her attitude has changed a lot. If it was like that year, how could you stand it."

Jiang Xiao grinned, and said, "Isn't my mouthful of milk given to her?"

Xia Yan :? ? ?

Jiang Xiao looked at Xia Yan and said: "You remember, when I scratch your head with you, it is definitely not a worship. The only situation is when we are together and the husband and wife worship."

Xia Yan grasped the huge sword on her lap, "Yeah!"

At the entrance of the bathroom, Gu Shi'an, who just came out, looked at Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan stupidly. At this moment, the two little guys looked at each other with fierce eyes and felt that someone was coming out, and they turned their heads at the same time. Looked.

Gu Shi'an smiled and waved, and returned to the bathroom: "You continue, continue."


The locker room door opened, and Chen Dabang beckoned to several people: "Time is up, I'm warming up!"

In the bathroom, Gu Shi'an just lit a cigarette, grinned helplessly, and threw it into the toilet.

The group of four rushed out and walked towards the player's passage. From the quiet building to the wide green field, the noisy sound gradually came to their ears.

"How did you plan to accept her as an apprentice?" Aside, Han Jiangxue's questioning voice came.

Jiang Xiao shrugged with a huge blade and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Teaching her is OK, but I do n’t really want to accept her. I heard it. Her family is very traditional. I'm afraid she will drag me back to Central Plains to worship The ceremony goes. "

"Go then." Han Jiangxue said.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao was slightly surprised, walked out of the greenery venue, habitually waved to the audience, and asked, "How can I have that time?"

Han Jiangxue: "Yi Qingchen is famous. I have followed her. She seems to be from a big family.

After our parents left, you and I stood on the platform of Emperor Xingwu by virtue of our own struggles, a game hosted by the country and the world, and then we have reached where we are today.

We can be a core fighter in our respective army, but multiple friends also have a way to go. You will never know when and what kind of help is needed. "

Han Jiangxue is very calm and his analysis is realistic.

Jiang Xiao has gone all the way to this day and always focused on personal growth and personal strength.

These friends and comrades he made were all due to Jiang Xiao's character, behavior, and practices, and in the process of growing up, he got a lot of "bonus gifts."

Consciously to expand connections and meet a so-called family, Jiang Xiao never did.

Han Jiangxue: "The world is getting more and more chaotic. We are no longer two people facing this world. We have come all the way to now, at least in your heart, there are already a lot of people who care.

You are strong, so strong that you don't care about it, but you are only one person after all, maybe one day, she and her family will help you, maybe you should become her master, what do you think? "

While everyone in the team warmed up, listening to Han Jiangxue's suggestions to Jiang Xiao, no one responded.

Jiang Xiao was sitting on the sidelines, splitting his legs, grasping the shoes with both hands, and stretching, he said, "Okay, accept your purpose, listen to you."

Han Jiangxue smiled, leaned over and rubbed Jiang Xiao's small inch.

In the moderator's seat, Yu Phoebe just finished the process, and then said: "Our Chinese Army looks very relaxed. Someone who talks and laughs shows the style of the strong!"

Jing Xinyue nodded in apologetic sympathy: "The expressions of the four were very relaxed, and they did not seem to have been affected by the interviews of the Tianzhu Guo members."

Yu Phoebe: "I always feel that the Tianzhu team is cheating. They send a team member to speak like this. It should be to attract firepower. We don't want to do anything!"

Jing Xinyue: "You can see how the national team can't see it, and they can play steadily and strictly in accordance with the team's combat plan. I don't think the Tianzhu team will cause us any trouble."

Yu Phoebe: "The Tianzhu team is obviously different from our Huaxia team. They are very dignified and both have a serious mind. What intrigues are they thinking about?"

"Hmm ..." Jing Xinyue's tone suddenly lowered and he said, "Audience friends, now insert a piece of news. In the match just ended at the United Stadium, the Huaxia team from the magic capital Xingwu, Unfortunately, they lost to the Northern Kingdom First Team, finishing in the top 14.

According to the previous news, there were no deaths on the teams of the two sides. The most injured Min Zhan Liu Xun and auxiliary Wang Yujun were now out of danger. "

Although the match day is the same day, in order to watch, the main events of various stadiums are mostly open time. There are always rest and warm-ups, and there are always starting battles.

Yu Phoebe hesitated for a moment, and said a rather grand discourse: "May all star warriors in this world go abroad to fight bloodshed and fight for the dignity and honor of the country, and return home safely. "

Jing Xinyue sighed deeply: "I wish them well."

Of course, the audience of the site did not hear the voice of the two Huaxia hosts, but the news was obtained by the audience through mobile phones and other channels.

Ten passes, ten passes ...

"Huh?" Xia Yan was moving her ankle, but turned her head to look at the flaming audience in the east.

Messy applause, noisy cheers and roars slowly converged into two simple words: Huaxia.

People shouted in unison, rhythmically shouting, a red banner dancing, the waves converging like waves:




Xia Yan frowned slightly: "What happened? There are more than ten minutes to start the game?"

Jiang Xiao looked up at the dancing red, his eyes flickered slightly: "I don't know, it's done."

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