Nine Star Burden

Chapter 896: Xingwu Road?

Jing Xinyue could not help secretly whispering: "This scene is too cruel for the enemy team?"

The two hosts were still watching their own half. Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an were holding Tianzhu to assist, and in the middle circle, Xia Yan's roar suddenly came:

"Did I give you a face !?"

Jiang Xiao was startled. With this tone and content, Jiang Xiao almost thought that his high school class teacher had come ...

Oh yes, I'm already in college.

Eh? and many more......

Having said that, high school ... I have only been in the school for a year. I almost forgot what the class teacher called. The face is blurred, but why am I so impressed by this tone?

High school class teacher, it really is the big killer of China! Hidden Gong and Ming!

She is always hidden in the hearts of every student. She persists and never lingers.

In the middle circle position, a huge star power Xia Yan stood up, and her heavy knee slammed against Tian Zhumin who was half-kneeling in front of her chest.

"呯" ...

The giant Tian Zhumin fell to the ground after a heavy battle and slid backwards for dozens of meters, a piece of grass and star power turned.

As for the Tianzhu giant Minzhan, why was he half-kneeled on the grass just now?

Because Han Jiangxue was holding the "kite line" in her left hand, her gaze was always looking at the middle circle, and the ice roar in the right hand never stopped.

The lower leg of Tian Zhu Min's battle was already rolled and shattered under the baptism of ice roar.

Xia Yan wore a huge aura of nostalgia around her calf, and raised her knees violently. After knocking out the giant Min Zhan, she slammed her hand back and slashed the giant sword at the annoying giant shield battle Aga on the other side.

"Ahhh!" It was Aga's eyes that stared at the boss, like King Kong's anger, and the coercion not only oppressed the crowd on the field, but even scared the ordinary audience in the audience to death.

Tie Yan Luo, live King Kong!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

As a shield war, Aga should have gone through the shield war-force war genre, and had no awareness of holding a shield at all.

I saw that in each of his hands he held a King Kong drop magic pestle, and the golden star power overflowed, banging with Xia Yan's blue star power sword.

Under the battle between those two giants, the earth trembled.

Yu Phoebe brought the headset, and the highly infectious voice came out in a fiery red camp: "Oh, yeah ~ Yan God is not happy! Yan God opened the body of Star Power! Jiang Xiaopi Zhennai team guardian God, net tears guard the team in all directions without dead ends!

During the enemy's melee, all the soft control and interference that the Minute and Shield wars started, and all the negative effects mixed with the offensive star technique did not affect Yan Shen at all!

And at Zhan Shenyan's calf, the huge aura of nostalgia is also a masterpiece of Jiang Xiaopi! At this point, Zhan Shenyan should have plenty of energy! Star power is sufficient! There is no slight wound on the body! "

Jing Xinyue hid his mouth and smiled: "Yes, Jiang Xiaopi's fighting style in the team is very different from his fighting style in the individual competition."

Yu Phoebe raised her right hand and shouted out loudly: "The halberd moves mountains and rivers · singled out Xiaofengxian! Hanging pot to help the world · team battle is really brilliant!"

Jing Xin Yue froze a moment, and said, "Salt or sweet Jiang Xiaopi?"

This time it's Phoebe's turn to hold back. He doesn't know much about online vocabulary, but he can guess the approximate meaning of what colleagues say.

Yu Feibi learned Jiang Xiao's tone and shouted, "You want me, Jiang Xiaopi, all!"

In the course of the host chat, the situation on the green field changed rapidly.

At the rear, Shield War Astor found that things were not good, he was already half-knelt on the ground, and a pair of big hands slammed into the ground!

At the same time, in the half of the Huaxia side, at the feet of Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an, the earth shook and a pair of giant palms broke out!


Silent into the soul!

At the feet of Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an, the giant palms holding up their bodies haven't closed, and the palm movements have stopped.

Jiang Xiao suddenly appeared in front of the giant Astor and kicked out!


A huge muffled sound! Shake with the hood!

The tiny figure even kicked the giant Astor out of the air and hit it heavily on the hood.

Maybe Astor didn't get much damage, but ... but this picture is really amazing!

The huge body of Astora, like a towering diamond, was kicked out by such a small figure ...

In the halftime of Huaxia, that holding a pair of giant palms of Han Jiangxue and Gu Shi'an, quickly retracted into the land and disappeared without a trace.

Han Jiangxue's body steadily landed on the ground, but he frowned slightly. He looked up at Tianzhu, who was spitting blood, and said, "OK."

Gu Shi'an had just landed and wanted to hammer the hammer. He gave up the attack when he heard the order.

I saw Tian Zhu's auxiliary body, the torch whispered around him quietly annihilated.

Tianzhu, whose clothes are broken and vomiting blood, is like a dead dog lying on the lawn.

At the same time, an extraordinary scene happened in the middle circle!

"Ah, ah!" Shield battle Ajia shouted madly, a golden man flickering, the rich star power drop magic pestle in his hand, emitting a dazzling golden light, accelerated sharply, and fiercely pierced Xingli Xia Yan Chest!

Xia Yan's eyes were frozen, her mouth was slightly raised, and she had no weapon in her left hand, but she made a "chop" action!


At the heart of Xingli Xia Yan, the body Xia Yan's hand suddenly appeared a deadly sword!

A piece of white Jian Mang passed by, attracting people's hearts.

Xingli Xiayan was broken directly by the golden giant magic pestle, and Xingli Xiayan was pierced with a hole!

However, Xia Yan, the body of the heart, disappeared without a trace ...

"Ah, ah, ah!" A loud wailing came, ringing the world.

Along the trajectory of the white sword, everyone saw the big sword that was about to die, and tore the rich golden star power bluntly, and a sword penetrated Ajia's eyes!

You know, Xia Yan is holding a huge sword!

The broad sword was even wider than the enemy's head. How could it possibly pierce the opponent's eyes alone?

If it is really pierced, it must be the other person's skull cut in half.

However, Agana's steel and iron bones made a contribution!

He resisted Xia Yan's doomed sword, but he did not really resist.

The point of Xia Yan's giant sword penetrated directly into Ajia's eyes, but her orbit and nasal bone blocked her progress.

Agana's huge golden star power body only has a shell, his body, from the skull, was brought out by Xia Yan's great sword!

In the Chinese half, Han Jiangxue reached out with **** and pressed down gently.


A gust of wind swept across, and Xia Yan and Ajia in the high air had an upward trend. They smashed into the defensive obliquely, but were suppressed by a gust of wind and fell vertically to the ground!

Xia Yan immediately understood the meaning of Han Jiangxue, and no longer needed the help of the wild wind. The desperate sword in her hand lit up again, stabbing Ajia's head, speed was extremely fast, and pierced the ground.


The two exploded into a deep pit, star force wanton, mud and turf flying around.

The doomed sword was shattered, and Xia Yan turned the steel sword in her right hand, stepped on Aga's chest, and stabbed at his bleeding left eye.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Isah ..." Ajia's body was struggling fiercely, shouting wildly, but it sounded much better in Xia Yan's ear than when he was interviewed.

"Uh-huh ..." The screams turned into weird groans.

A ray of light rubbed on Xia Yan's scalp, covering Xia Yan's palm holding the handle of the sword, and landed precisely on Aga's head.

From this moment on, Aga no longer struggled.

"Oh ..." Xia Yan sighed soothingly, holding the palm shrouded in the blessed beam of light, and seemed to be experiencing the taste of washing her hands with Holy Light.

Her stern eyes slowed down a lot, but her movements were not treacherous. She was holding a giant sword with one hand and still pressing down.

The nostalgic halo on her body only slightly added her physical strength, and then quickly closed, then filled her star power crazy!

Rich star power rushed into Xia Yan's body along Aga's wound, along the blade of the steel giant sword.

Her actions are not gratifying, and in the eyes of the audience, she may even feel cruel.

But in fact, Xia Yan is enough to keep her hands. She just wants to give the other party a lesson, and there is no real killer.

You know, if the sword in her hand is the big sword that turns the stars into military weapons, I'm afraid that Aga's head is already two halves at this time ...

Xia Yan turned her head to look at Jiang Xiao, but she saw what Jiang Xiaozheng was talking with Astor, and it was in harmony.

In a harmonious atmosphere, Jiang Xiao also raised his hands from time to time, and a precise blessing fell on A Jia's body, letting him be completely relieved by star power ...

In the tears perception of the domain, the enemy's sensitive battle, his clothes were already torn and fell to the ground.

Xia Yan frowned slightly, pulled out her big sword, and kicked Aga to one side. In her perception, the enemy Minzhan should still have a fight.

"Dudu! Huaxia victory!" The referee got the signal from Captain Asto of Tianzhu and blew his whistle directly.

Xia Yan's mind was a little bit wrong, and she stared at Min Zhan lying on the ground. She knew very well that when she singled out A Jia, this Min Zhan was miserable by Han Jiangxue.

However, the enemy Min Zhan apparently did not lose his combat effectiveness, and Han Jiangxue also stopped early and stopped attacking.

Is this some kind of tacit understanding?

This Min Zhan can't lie on the ground, right?

And Han Jiangxue is no longer offensive. Since the other party has chosen to lie on the ground obediently, there is no longer any sense of struggle, so Han Jiangxue is too lazy to do it?

After a few glances, Xia Yan also understood something. She stopped paying attention to the fierce battle, but turned her head and looked at Jiang Xiao and Astor again.

Due to the long distance, she couldn't hear anything. Although she could perceive Jiang Xiao's mouth shape, Xia Yan was a little shy. If Jiang Xiao was speaking Chinese, Xia Yan might be able to guess a sentence or two, but He is clearly speaking English.

Even more abhorrent, Jiang Xiao seemed to realize something, covering his mouth with one hand, covering the light rain of Lili Li, saying a few more words and patting Astor's shoulder.

Xia Yan was unhappy, looking at Jiang Xiao in the distance, and behind her came the voice of the medical team to cure Ajia.

As she wiped her eyes, the rain in the sky stopped, and the clouds gradually dispersed.

The foursome waved to the auditorium and exited in an orderly manner.

Jiang Xiao was stopped by reporter He Huan directly, and the reporters who followed the national team looked itchy ...

There is no way, who would let someone specialize in following the small poisoned milk, He Huan really took a good job.

He Huan hurriedly said, "Congratulations! Pishen! Another victory! I am curious, what were you communicating with Captain Astor just now?"

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "He is a humble star warrior. I respect him very much. I was just persuading."

Hmm ... I won't tell you, he is my little fanboy, squatting in the underground garage just to ask me for a signature ~

"Oh, that's why he raised his hand to concede defeat." He Huan looked suddenly surprised. "If you don't admit defeat, Zhu Zhu's injury will be dragged further that day, I am afraid there will be an accident."

"Well," Jiang Xiao nodded, "so Astor's choice is wise ..."

During the conversation, a fierce yelling came.

Jiang Xiao, who was interviewed alone, and Han Jiangxue, who was interviewed by the team, turned around and looked, but they saw Astor helping the cured Aga to stand up, but Aga did not receive it, but was angry. Cursing something.

They didn't speak English, it seemed to be their home language, and Jiang Xiao and others couldn't understand it.

But from the expression and tone of Aga, he could be heard that he was very angry, and Astor's complexion was blue and purple for a while, which was not good-looking.

"Oh." Aside, Xia Yan snorted dismissively, "It seems that I shouldn't keep my hands, some people are unreasonable and deserve to be respected."

He Huan seemed to understand Aga ’s words, and he said, “Aga ’s players seem to be complaining that Asto ’s opening did n’t protect the assistant, so the whole team was passive and did n’t play. Developed tactics. "

He Huan's proficient language was unexpected. He looked at Jiang Xiao and said, "You are the one who cut off the enemy's assistance and destroys the enemy's tactical engine. Is this also your team's tactics?"

Jiang Xiao, however, was always looking at the cursing Ajia, as if he didn't hear He Huan's inquiry, and shouted: "Hey! Mix!"

Agana's anger looked undiminished. He turned his head sharply, and looked at the sound, but saw that Jiang Xiao was calling him, and he suddenly looked at Jiang Xiao with anger.

Jiang Xiao shouted, "Before you blame your teammates, you are not really a failure!"

Everyone :! !! !!

This scene, this sentence, Gu Shian suddenly remembered, why did he not lead a team in the South and the North, but chose to bow down as a team member and join Jiang Xiao's team ... .

In weekdays, Jiang Xiao will also make some innocent jokes.

For example, Gu Shian was called a "weak point" in the locker room.

But in battle ...

From beginning to end, whether it is the domestic or foreign missions of the Land Reclamation Army or the World Cup journey, in countless team battles, no matter what happens, Jiang Xiao never seems to complain about any teammates ...

He Huan's palm trembled with excitement, and hurriedly asked, "Is this the way of Xingwu?"

Jiang Xiao froze, turned his head, and half-spoiled Jingjing came out again: "What are you?"

He Huan: "Xingwu Road! A star warrior, what he insists on and persists in his heart!"

Jiang Xiao scratched his head, hesitated for a long while, and said babblingly: "So ... uh, is it so profound? I just want to scold him."

He Huan: "..."

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