Nine Star Burden

Chapter 897: Pangu Tower

Jiang Xiaohuai returned to the locker room with the 100 skill points of the game victory.

"Finally, I can take a break." Xia Yan leaned the giant sword against the closet, with a rather relaxed look, and even stretched her waist, the perfect body line stretched out, Gu Shi'an subconsciously Skimmed his head.

How could Jiang Xiao turn his head? He looked strangely at Xia Yan's laziness.

She had just gone through a battle, not just waking up. What the **** is that stretch?

"Oh, Xiaopi, you can't rest. Your personal match is still a three-day battle, and our team battle has entered the top 14 and turned into a five-day battle." Xia Yan sat on the bench with her **** and turned Looking up.

"Uh-huh." Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "You're seated at home, and it's over to see how your little brother shows."

Gu Shi'an suddenly said, "Not counting today, is there any arrangement in the team for the next team fight five days later? In the last World Cup, how did you spend 5 days off?"

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "You think too much, these 5 days are basically the 5 days of the college entrance examination sprint."

Gu Shi'an :? ? ?

Jiang Xiaodao: "In the first few rounds, there were a lot of opponents, so we can only study our opponents after the lottery. Entering the top 14 also means that our opponent is one of those 13 teams. We can study every team in all directions.

Don't think about it, the coaching team will surely make us thoroughly understand the information of each team and each student. "

He heard that Gu Shi'an smashed his pout, subconsciously took out his pockets, and went to smoke again, but unfortunately he didn't.

Xia Yan poked her mouth and said, "I think it's the same whether I'm researching or not. It's not too cautious. This string is tense every day. After three days of battle, we need to relax.

Alas, by the way, let's go to the Star Beast Amusement Park in Bailin City? While it's still open, let's have a doomsday tour? "

Jiang Xiao's eyes brightened and he said, "The amusement park on the side of Will is different from the neon amusement park we went to last time. The species of star beast are completely different. Can we buy some interesting pets to go back?"

Xia Yan immediately thought of Jiang Xiao's Star Pet Amusement Park. Seriously, if she was allowed to visit the neon Star Pet Amusement Park again, she would buy dozens of rattles.

"Okay?" Xia Yan turned to look at Han Jiangxue, and her beautiful eyes were full of expectations.

Han Jiangxue raised his eyebrows slightly, but when he wanted to say something, he found that Jiang Xiao's body was stiff, and his smiling face stiffened instantly.

"Huh?" Han Jiangxue looked around subconsciously, alert.

The reaction of the sisters and brothers made Xia Yan and Gu Shi'an close to the enemy, and immediately raised their vigilance and looked around.

"Safe, no situation." Gu Shi'an possesses perceptual star-like technology. As long as Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan don't rain, he is the only scout in the team.

"What's wrong?" Han Jiangxue asked with concern.

Jiang Xiao shook his head solemnly and said, "It's all right, I suddenly thought of a problem, and I need to be quiet."

In the locker room, no one was talking. Even Xia Yan didn't think Jiang Xiao was pretending to be a ghost. She closed her mouth obediently and just looked at Jiang Xiao curiously.

The more you know, the more Xia Yan knows what Jiang Xiao is doing where people do n’t know.

It is obvious that the gardener's skin in the world of woe should not be in any danger. Could it be that the sparring skin that fought against Erwei was torn up by Erwei? Or is it......

Xia Yan finally realized what, if something happened to the exploration skin in the different dimension, it would be a big deal. The exploration skin has been dead many times, and this is just what Jiang Xiao told her.

Xia Yan knew very well that Jiang Xiao died more often than those who hadn't said it.


10 minutes ago, in the upper dimension, in the ancient tower.

The sky was hazy, and there was a light rain.

Obviously it was morning, but the sky was dark and terrible, and the sky was overcast with clouds. It seemed that the light rain could turn into a heavy rain at any time.

On the performance martial arts field, Jiang Xiao stood with his hands on the platform in front of him, and a pair of eyes glanced at the audience.

And there are two giant grimace monks nearly three meters high, standing behind Jiang Xiao, one of them holding Fang Tianhua halberd, the other standing with a knife, silently guarding Jiang Xiao.

Below, there is a team of nearly 300 people, grass lover, silver lover, gold lover, clothing lover, all kinds of grimace monks, and they all have a huge blade in their hands.

The training camp of more than three hundred people was divided into six camps. Before each camp, there was a golden companion as the team leader, who worked diligently to complete each action.

These six golden couples, of course, are also Jiang Xiao's disciples.

Of course, Jiang Xiao ’s seven disciples are the ones who stand on the stage and guard to the right behind Jiang Xiao. This is the most attentive Jin 59. At the time of formal worship, it was named by Jiang Xiao as “ Jinhui. "

On the performance martial arts, the grimace monks were trained in an orderly manner, and the drizzle of Zheli did not destroy their enthusiasm.

Grimace monks wearing dippers and robes never heard any strange noise.

The huge camp is filled with the spirit of killing, but if you change to another person, I am afraid that under this momentum, you are already trembling physically and mentally, let alone fighting.

"Go, look over Fang Tianji." Jiang Xiao said, jumping off the ring.

Behind him, Jin Hui held a huge blade in hand, and another grimace monk holding Fang Tianhua's halberd, followed silently the pace of Jiang Xiao.

When there is no battle, the grimace monk's body and dress are the same. They can't distinguish the species at all, and they can only be distinguished by the color of their eyes. However, they are used to pressing the brim of the bucket hat down. It's harder to tell.

One monk and two monks rushed forward, walked out of the huge performance martial arts field, followed the sound of shouting and killing, crossed a long antique street, and came to the gate of another performance martial arts field.

Unlike the deadly silent giant-blade monk group before, here is a shouting and killing sound. The hoarse roar of the grimace monks alone can make people burst into blood and excite their hearts.

The two grimace monks hurried forward, opened the left and right doors, and for the purpose, they were also neatly arranged square matrices.

In front of the six camps, there is a silver team leader, holding a huge Fangtian painting halberd, doing one basic action after another, stabbing, picking, sweeping, chopping ...

The six silver couples in the lead, plus the silver couple who held Fang Tianhua's hand next to Jiang Xiao, were the second batch of disciples of Jiang Xiaoshou who also gave their names.

One monk and two monks stepped onto the high platform in front of them, watching the monks trained below.

Jiang Xiao's eyes flickered, and he nodded secretly.

During these days in the ancient tower city, Jiang Xiao also understood the characteristics of various varieties of grimace monks.

Without exception, the common feature of the grimace monk is belligerence! And it's the kind of war that doesn't fear life and death.

Under this premise, each kind of grimace monk has its own characteristics.

The most courageous are the first golden couples who came to worship. They have a lower face, they are more affectionate, they are better at learning, and they are more eager to grow.

The most forbearing, restrained, and self-controlling enough, even enough to achieve self-abuse, and the courage to fight against the belligerent genes in the body, are the "guards" and "law enforcement teams" here: the silver couple.

Jiang Xiao's second group of self-disciplined disciples are silver couples with this characteristic.

Those who used long guns or used long-armed weapons close to the long guns were all transformed into "halberds" by Jiang Xiao, and they were also "fangtianhua halberds".

The cold weapon talents of the grimace monks are unquestionable, and even Jiang Xiao can't keep up.

Their physical fitness bodyguards have terrible strength attributes. Compared to the spears with fast speed and quick flow, Jiang Xiao believes that the overbearing Fangtianhuaji is more suitable for them.

In addition, one of the silver star's astrological skills is the "Mark of the Holy Power." The increase in strength is simply terrible. Last time, Jiang Xiaohe was singled out by a self-disciplined disciple named "Silver Cloth." The halberd smashed into the soil. What a shame ...

Standing on the high platform, all the halberds are training hard, except that they have silver eyes, the light is shining, and they look far away. It is Jiang Xiao's first disciple disciple: Silver Cloth.

Under such sight, Jiang Xiao couldn't help shivering.

Fortunately, Yinbu just took a look. As long as Jiang Xiao didn't open up to promise his challenge, it could bear it ...

"Yinyun, you and Yinbu were standing at the gate of my house for a night, and I heard that it was last night that you two were studying martial arts on the ring?" Jiang Xiao asked curiously.

Yin Yun put out her dark fingers, lowered the brim, and hissed, "Tie your hand."

Jiang Xiao was rather surprised, and said, "You two fight, I'm afraid you have to die or be injured. There is no reason to tie."

Yin Yun: "After Mr. He Yun rescued us, Ms. Sanwei took control of us. She said that this was the price of internal fighting, and even if she got approval and fought on the ring, she had to pay the price.

Tonight and two nights, Yinbu and I have to go to the gate of your yard to punish you for three days. "

Jiang Xiao was happy, saying: "How is the taste controlled by the ink flower?"

It was said that Yin Yun pressed the brim lower.

"Hey, hey ..." Aside, Jin Hui couldn't help hissing and grinning.

Jiang Xiao turned to look at Jin Hui and said, "You still have a smile on your face! If you did n’t allow the use of astral skills in the last battle, the seven of your golden couples were afraid to be picked by the silver couples one by one. Be my first disciples? "

Jin Hui no longer smiled, pouting, feeling very wronged.

Why do n’t you use Xingji? Our golden star and silver star are different. Do you blame us?

Rumble ...

Suddenly a loud noise came from the street far away from the ancient tower city.

All the ghost-faced monks on the Yanwu field stopped one after another, subconsciously looking in the direction of the sound.

Jiang Xiao stood on the high platform, looking over the courtyard wall and looking at the ancient building, but he couldn't see anything.

"Yinliao, Yinyu, take your square array with me to see!" Jiang Xiao said, "Others, continue training, this is an order!"

Said, Jiang Xiao suddenly turned into a crow, fluttering away with wings fluttering.

The silver liars, Yin Liao and Yin Zhi, who were called by name, rushed out quickly, leading the phalanx of monks with their mixed fish and dragons.

"His ~~~"


As soon as the black crow flew up high, they heard a roar and a roar, and a sound of violent bombardment, as if the land was shaking.

In sight, a store collapsed directly by bombing.

The pitch-black crow flew high, overlooking the ancient tower city, but the solitary eyes shrank slightly.

tunnel! ?

He was actually killed from the tunnel?

Skull Army?

This is a desperate family! ?

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha! I'll wait for you at last!" In another martial arts arena, several golden couples came out with a mixed array of fish and dragons.

Looking for the sound, Jiang Xiao saw the golden couple who took the lead and dared to kill.

Jiang Xiao didn't even distinguish carefully, just by listening to this sentence, he knew who it was.

Jiang Xiao quickly turned back into a human form and yelled, "Jin Yi! You take a step back for me! Let Jin Yong lead the team!"

The leader Jin Jin was startled. He looked up and saw Jiang Xiao glaring at himself in the sky. He couldn't help blinking a pair of golden eyes: "Master, I am golden wounded."

Jiang Xiao: "Uh ... that line, then you lead the team."

At the rear, Jin Yi raised the brim with a ghost's hand and looked up at Jiang Xiao.

Then, it spread his hands, opened his mouth wide, and looked up at Jiang Xiao with a grimace, as if the dark ghost's face was filled with question marks:? ? ?

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