Nine Star Burden

Chapter 898: Brave!


With a muffled sound, a huge skull rammed into a building and plunged into a building next to the street.

This group of skeletons that came out of the ground seemed to be synonymous with "destruction". Everything they encountered along the way, no matter what they were, must be destroyed.

In the house, a grass companion directly opened the aura of thorns, and stepped out of the pale green mist.

"Hey," the grimace monk smiled grimly, tearing a ghost claw at the desperate skeleton that came in.

"His" also hissed, and the smirk on the monk's face stopped abruptly!

The grass couple couldn't even see the speed of the opponent's shot, and they were directly tied to the neck by the huge dead skeleton and stunned!

Among the different orbs, the family of grimace monks in the platinum band are tall, most of them are about three meters, and the diamond-runner in front of him, the size of the band is not too good, and is also more than three meters tall.

There aren't many gaps in body shape, even because the grimace monk has flesh and blood, it looks much more powerful and stronger than the dead skeleton.

But in terms of physical properties, the Grimace Monk in the Platinum ranks is not an opponent of the Destroyer at all.

It can be called the difference between cloud and mud!

"Ka-K-K-K-K-K!" The desperate walker opened his mouth wide, and the bony joints made a harsh rubbing sound, as if laughing in yin and yin, its white bone claw raised the grass mate, and the other bone claw slammed. Pierced into the grass companion's chest!


That picture is extremely cruel!

Caolu's dark grimace completely stiffened, and the bones of the desperate walker pierced the thick coat and pierced Caolu's chest, grasping the hot heart with one hand, and pulled it out!


The desperate walker was like throwing away trash, throwing the grass lover on the ground, holding a hot heart in the other bone claw, stuffing it directly into the mouth, chewing with a big mouth.

However, the desperate walker is a pure skeleton, it has no organs at all, let alone a "stomach".

The heart burst open in its mouth, splattered with black blood, dipped in its white skeleton, flowing down, and the minced meat fell to the ground along its bones.

This "chewing" and "swallowing" action seems to be a natural thing, but the behavior of the desperate walker is doing useless work, because it does not have a stomach at all, and it does not say "fill up".

The next moment, the desperate walker knelt down, and a pair of bone claws smashed the grimace monk's head stiffly, and finally found the grass star's star bead.

"Ha ha" shouted in despair.

It does not have a vocal cord, and it does not know how to make a sound, but the grass celestial star bead picked up in its white bone claws has turned into a strong star force, absorbed into its bone body .

The desperate walker stood up and stepped out of the half-collapsed house. Just standing at the door, there was a blade of razor.


It was the sound of the blade cutting into the flesh, and this wonderful sound excited the desperate walker.

As the blade of light passed by, two huge figures blasted into the stone wall.

"Ha" the doomed blade in the hand of the doomed ghost, pierced a grimace monk, and carried it with him.

A few seconds later, the doomblade in the hand of the doomed ghost shattered. It shouted excitedly, made a sharp hissing sound, the bone claws stretched out, grabbed the head of the ghost-faced monk, and twisted it hard Came down.

The gap between the diamond rank and the platinum rank is so large that it is unimaginable!

"Hisse?" The desperate ghost seemed to feel something, and drew his sword to block.

A blood-red dagger flashed, Jiang Xiao's also opened the star blade of death, and slashed at this huge skeleton frame.

What scared Jiang Xiaoxin was that the ghosts could even react! There is even time to block the knife! What level of responsiveness is this?

Bang bang

Although the doomed ghost reacted, he also raised the knife to resist it, but its doomed sword was chopped by Jiang Xiao's flower blade!

In the alien ball, the desperate sword of the desperate ghost should be diamond quality.

But even so, the doomed sword is still shattered by Jiang Xiao's star!

Not only was the fateful sword slashed, but even the half-dead body of the fateful ghost was cut by Jiang Xiao's blade.

Cut off the waist!

Jiang Xiao turned to look at the broken ghost, but her pupils shrank slightly.

You have your "cut off", I have my "don't care"!

Although the desperate ghost has only the upper body left, it still moves freely.

Without legs, it still has the "Dead Blade" star technique.

Suddenly, the desperate ghost with only a half body, a deadly sword was condensed again in the white claws of the bones, and the platinum-gold sword took its body to the horizon, and its direction of sprint It is exactly where Jiang Xiao is.

And is Jiang Xiao waiting to die?

When he turned around, he turned on the "Deathblade" again and killed the ghost. This time, the part he cut was the neck, and that part looked more fragile!


Under the rain,

The half-dead ghost and Jiang Xiao's figure approached quickly, passing by!


Jiang Xiao crouched heavily on the ground, splashing water splashes, and the flower blade in his hand shattered.

On the other side, the half-mutilated ghost was chopped from the neck, and a huge skull's head fell to the ground, and in its head, a star ball was still rattling.

In the doomsday cave on the earth, Jiang Xiao and his teammates have studied this doomsday family. They have skull heads, but in the place where the star beads are stored, they have a lot of space.

Each time the fateful family moved, the star beads would roll back and forth in their heads, rattling.

The blood-red flower blade was extremely sharp, and Jiang Xiao completed his "first kill", but in this ancient tower city, there were many killings, and the mourning sounds of the monks who faced the face were many, and the explosion was endless.


Jiang Xiao turned his head sharply and looked away from the street, but saw an explosion of fire, dust overflowing, and the house collapsed.

A desperate walker plunged into the group of grim-faced monks, and a surge of star power surged over the eerie bone claws, and a series of beads of death waved around the body, falling on the ground and in the group of grim-faced monks.

Instant explosion!

Injury one thousand, damage 800?

The grimace monks who came up were blown out, flesh and blood was unknown, but the dead walker stood proudly in the dust!

Astral Starcraft is a match!

Destiny Beads: Throw explosive doom beads that are powerful and stunned.

Destiny: Enhance your defense, strengthen resistance to explosive star-like skills, immune stun, passive skills.

"Go for help!" Jiang Xiao's face was extremely ugly. "Yinliao, go for help!"

Jiang Xiao shouted out loudly, "All the couples, put on the starlight for all the companions! All the silver couples! Give the companions the seal of divine power!"

As soon as Jiang Xiao's voice fell, the desperately standing distant walker in the distance, holding a pile of death beads in his claws, smashed hard at Jiang Xiao.

Resurgence! Destiny!

Before that piece of desperate bead dropped, Jiang Xiao's figure shuttled quickly, and under this dim sky, he pulled out a blood-red sword-mang.


The blood-smoothed flower blade chopped heavily at the neck of the desperate walker, and the desperate walker was slammed out, smashing the broken wall, the skeleton body rammed into the house, and smashed against the stone wall in the house. Just stopped.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao's eyes glanced over the broken house, staring at the desperate walker who sat against the stone wall inside the house.

The Skeleton Skeleton of the Deadrunner didn't break! ?

Unlike the Devil, the Devil Walker has a diamond-like defensive star technique.

Jiang Xiao was secretly surprised, but also quite confused.

Jiang Xiao's flower blade can cut that diamond-quality doom knife, but can't cut the diamond-quality doom body?

Is this the difference in the role of astrology?

The sharp-edged flower blade failed to cut off the opponent's neck, but left a deep knife mark on the neck of the deadrunner.

"Give me a seal of holy power !!!" Jiang Xiao roared angrily, aren't you my companions?

Am I just over a meter shorter than you and longer than you?


I do n’t know where the seal of Holy Power came from, and it suddenly appeared on Jiang Xiao ’s chest. The silver mark was semi-illusive, spreading outward continuously, extremely delicate.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao seemed to feel endless power. This feeling made him sigh out loudly: "Uh-huh"

Jiang Xiao's figure shuttled again, and the flower blade in his hand aimed at the head of the desperate walker, but the speed of the fast-moving figure suddenly slowed down!

I saw Jiang Xiao suddenly throw the flower blade forward, and let that flower blade spin and fly, stabbing at the skull.

However, Jiang Xiao's body quickly turned into a crow, fluttering his wings, and flying to high places by inertia.

And the desperate walker, who was sitting in the house and sitting against the wall, suddenly dropped a piece of desperate beads around his body.

The sharp flower blade stabbed heavily on the skull of the Deathrunner. Under the immense power of the Seal of Holy Power, the flower blade that Jiang Xiao threw out severely penetrated into the skull of the Deathrunner!

The sound of a dying bead exploded, deafening.

The dark crow fluttered its wings in the air, struggling to control its figure, and with that solitary red eye, saw a chaotic street.

In the ancient pagoda, there were glittering lights of platinum and gold, screams of grimace monks everywhere, and the screams of the desperate family.

This is not a fight at the same weight level at all!

This was a massacre. The number of casualties in the group of grimace monks increased sharply. In the ancient tower city, there were corpses and dark blood everywhere.

Those once-antique houses have now become ruined and desolate.

Jiang Xiao finally knew why the predecessors of He Yun tried to prevent himself from going to Yan Zhao, and why he regarded the land of Yan Zhao as a forbidden area for human beings.

and many more!

That is?

"Golden injury!" The dark crow turned into a human figure, a cry of indignation, patchwork of blades, the figure flashed rapidly.

On the other street, I saw a desperate ghost piercing a silver couple's chest fiercely, and while the silver couple was dying, they also threw a mark of divine power.

On the side, the golden wound blessed with the Seal of Holy Power, the thick star power flowing on the giant blade, smashed the dead ghost's chest with a knife!

Grimace monks are different from Jiang Xiao. Jiang Xiao only needs to transform the star blade into a martial arts blade to tear the body of the ghost of death, and with the seal of Holy Power and a full blow, he can destroy the ghost of the dead.

However, the normal attacks of the Grimace Forests are unable to hurt the desperate ghosts, and they can only compete with the help of the Seal of Holy Power.

It seems that, whether or not the mark of the Holy Power is blessed, the grimace monks cannot pose a threat to the deadrunners?

This is the terrible aspect of the human star warrior, which turns the star into a military!

However, from this point of view, the defense of the desperate and dragons is not on a level at all.

You know, Jiang Xiao used the flower blade to attack Xinglong, but it had little effect.

The speed of the desperate ghost is really too fast, and the speed is appalling.

In the previous picture, the desperate ghost is still piercing the silver couple's chest. In the latter picture, its bone claw has penetrated the golden wounded chest!

The actions of a ghost and a skeleton are almost exactly the same. Ghost claws and bone claws hold each other's shoulders, and giant blades and death blades pierce each other's body from the bottom up.

Jiang Xiao came hurriedly and completely slashed the desperate ghost in front of Jinshou. At the same time, the slain of Jinshou's chest lost his master's star power and was instantly broken.

Jin hurt that huge body, like pushing Jinshan down to jade pillar, and crashed down.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly resisted his huge body with his shoulders and said angrily, "What about your immovable star skills?"

Jin wounded the huge and dark ghost claw, grabbed Jiang Xiao's back, dark blood was flowing in his big mouth, and said, "I am Jin Yong."

Jiang Xiao was distressed to die, but he slashed out sharply and smashed a dead ghost coming from him.

He carried Jin Yong and turned his head to look.

Under the hazy sky, in the dense rain,

On the street, a dead skeleton threw away the corpse in their hands, and they were drenched with dark blood on that sensational bones, roaring angrily at Jiang Xiao.

But they didn't attack rashly. They seemed very afraid of the blood-stained flower blade in Jiang Xiao's hands?

A bite of black blood came from above, Jin Yong's injury could not be delayed, and behind Jiang Xiao was a grimace monk who had only come together.

On both sides of the street, the desperate family and the grimace family seem to be suppressing their nature with wisdom.

Grimaces are not afraid of life and death, but they have IQ.

When the battle was not a level at all, they all "calm down".

Jiang Xiao really wanted to take Jin Yong to heal, and he was able to leave quickly, but the group of grimace monks behind him was afraid that they would be torn apart by the desperate people in front of them like the cold corpses on the streets.

As soon as Jiang Xiao got off the shoulder, he threw Jin Yong's huge body on the ground, and said, "You take it to He Yun, to heal, this is the order! Go to other human star warriors, ask for help! Go!"

In the rain, Jiang Xiao didn't even dare to wipe his wet eyes with his hands.

His body arched slightly, holding the blood-red flower blade against his eyes, slowly across his eyes.

In the street in front of him, there were a group of desperate screams.

"Second Lord, in fact," Jiang Xiao bit his lip deadly, dripping with blood, murmuring to himself, "the warrior can die countless times in his life."


The blade is sharp, and it's coming again!

The blood-red knife light outlines the trajectory of a silhouette, breaking through the layers of rain.

On the path of the **** figure, the water splashed on both sides.

The little figure plunged into the huge desperate group

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