Nine Star Burden

Chapter 904: Yelang arrogance

There was a sigh of sighs in the small auditorium, and in the last row of the small auditorium, three students claimed to be a squad and watched the draw ceremony silently.

These three are Han Jiangxue, Xia Yan and Gu Shi'an.

As members of the national team team game, after watching Jiang Xiao's first game, they did not choose to return to Muhei City, but continued to stay here, ready to watch Jiang Xiao's second game and continue to give Jiang on the scene. Xiao cheer up.

After the draw for the individual tournament, the highlights came.

Tomorrow is the individual match, and the day after tomorrow will be the promotion of the team winner.

14 into 7.

Everyone in the individual competition has become accustomed to continue to watch the draw of another competition after the lottery ceremony. After all, there is also Jiang Xiao. At this level of support, everyone in the national team's individual competition is still doing well.

Liu Yang's statement seems to be a reality.

"You crow's mouth!" Wu Haoyang sat in the middle, with Liu Yang on the right, and Jiang Xiao on the right, leaning against the aisle.

Wu Haoyang said, slap on Liu Yang's arm, pushing Liu Yang directly into Jiang Xiao's arms.

And Jiang Xiao was quite disgusted and pushed Liu Yang back ...

Liu Yang: "..."

The baby is bitter, but the baby doesn't say.

Sandwiched between the two fierce men, Liu Yang pursed his mouth, covered his face with his hands, and forehead rested on the table.

He really didn't know what to say, maybe Huaxia was really targeted.

Or maybe ... when Hua Xia was not targeted?

The entire history of modern China and China's rise is an indomitable history of living in the cracks and fighting against each other.

The Huaxia team won the prize!

On the picture in position 2, Gu Shi'an put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head, and smiled wildly. On the left and right sides behind him, the smiles of Jiang Xiao and Xia Yan were bright. In the position of the devil above, Han Jiangxue stood on his hands, small The red flag fluttered on the side of her forehead. This is the Huaxia No. 1 seed team.

And at position 1, four men and women who are terrible white, can even see the blood vessels under the skin, have confident smiles on their faces, and look at everyone.

Kingdom of the North!

Europe has always been a nest of French gods, which is recognized by the world.

And in this law and **** nest, the most terrifying star warrior must be the thunderbolt star warrior from the North Kingdom.

The history of the World Cup one after another tells people to change their stereotypes about the people of the North Kingdom.

At least for the Thunder Gods of the North Kingdom, they are very dry! Very fried! Very personality! In the last World Cup, there was a player from the North Road, but he blew up on the spot ... A jade came to burn.

Wu Haoyang couldn't help but sigh: "This is the real finals, these two teams should meet in the finals."

Jiang Xiao leaned his elbows on the table, leaned his chin on one hand, and looked up at the large screen in front, a thoughtful look.

On the other side of the aisle, a long arm came over and patted Jiang Xiao's arm gently.

Seems to be comforting and encouraging.

Jiang Xiao turned his head and saw Yi Qingchen, who was slightly worried.

She whispered, "Be careful."

The thunder and lightning in the Kingdom of the North Road, once attached, may not escape.

Not to mention the North Road player who specializes in Thunder and Lightning, is Han Jiangxue's Thunder and Lightning Star Technique. Once Jiang Xiao meets Jiang Xiao, it may be difficult for Jiang Xiao to escape.

Jiang Xiao looked at Yi Qingchen expressionlessly and said, "You worry about me because you don't understand me."

Yi Qingchen was a little embarrassed and hurriedly said, "No, sorry, I didn't mean that, I believe in your strength, I ..."

Jiang Xiao continued, "If you understand me, you are dead now."

Yi Qingchen :? ? ?

"Hey." Jiang Xiao changed his face, laughed loudly, raised his right fist, and soared with arrogance. "Stepping on the highest mountain should also let the eyes of the world look to the east."

In the rear, Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan heard Jiang Xiao's words and couldn't help but smile at each other.

Gu Shi'an stepped on the table, leaned back, and only two stool legs touched the ground, Yu You lingered, he put his fingers in his mouth and blew a sharp whistle.

Feeling the team's strong self-confidence, the depressed atmosphere in the small auditorium immediately became active.

The parties were not worried at all, but what about our audience?

Liu Yang looked at Jiang Xiao with a grim expression, then turned his head again, and looked at the three relaxed threesomes in the back, unable to help secretly whispering.

"Little skin."

Jiang Xiao: "Ah?"

Liu Yang: "These are the four north road thunder gods. Output explosions, defense explosions. You must not underestimate the enemy. This team and other teams are not in the same rank at all. This is a serious God-level team. Han Jiangxue is Xinghai ... "

Jiang Xiao patted Liu Yang's shoulder and said, "Thank you, I'll go back and prepare."

Said, Jiang Xiao looked around and found Zheng Xiyou, saying: "Don't be nervous, stay in good shape, come on."

"Well." Zheng Xiyou pouted her lips and made a nasal sound.

What makes Jiang Xiao named is, of course, the most worrying thing for everyone, except that after the team match opponents have been identified, people's attention has only shifted.

In fact, Zheng Xiyou's battle was the most dangerous.

Zheng Xiyou as an auxiliary, but the output mode that is taken is probably the line of the legal system, supplemented by certain fighting skills.

If it was Yi Qingchen who picked up the Apennine Peninsula-Malda, Jiang Xiao could still rest assured of the explosive level of physical quality of the poisoned milk disciple, but Zheng Xiyou ...


July 16, Bailin Olympic Stadium.

The vocals were overwhelming and lively.

The stadium, which is large enough to accommodate 75,000 spectators, has been occupied by the fiery red color.

Today, the four individual contestants of the Huaxia team played in this venue. The Chinese audience directly turned the stadium of this country into the home of China.

Your own cub, at a critical moment, must be strong!

In the dressing room, Zheng Xiyou, Yi Qingchen, and Xun were sitting on a bench and watching TV on the wall.

Under normal circumstances, Yi Qingchen and Yan should be separated, but when they are not fighting, they have very good characters, and they are sitting in the same locker room.

In the TV picture, Jiang Xiao and Gu Esha are warming up.

"Yangma TV! Yangma TV! Hello everyone! Today is July 16, 2019. This is the Olympic Stadium of Bailin City, the country of will.

Today, we are here to offer you the sixth round of the Xingwu World Cup-Individual! I'm the host Li Li! "

A female voice sounded in time: "I'm the host Ye Xunyang."

Li Li explained excitedly: "Today, in this stadium, there will be four Huaxia players! Three games will be played, one of which is the Chinese Civil War!"

Ye Xunyang: "The first student to be on the stage is the warm-up student Jiang Xiaopi of our country. His opponent is the King of the Sands from the Republic of Gou."

Li Li looked at the information and continued to introduce: "The second game in the morning was the star warrior Zheng Xiyou of the Medical Assistant Department of Xiangnan Military Academy, and her opponent was from the Apennine Peninsula. 'Cruel Dancer', Min Warring Star Warrior, Marda Merida player. "

Ye Xunyang replied: "The first game in the afternoon will be our China Civil War. I will play against Yi Qingchen. There is no doubt that today ’s match day will be a feast for the Chinese people. . "

Li Li lamented: "Yeah, I don't know how many people will be promoted to the Huaxia team after this round, but it is certain that we have locked a quarter-final seat. The winner between Yi Qingchen and Yu will be On behalf of Huaxia, participate in the battle for the top eight of the world. "

Ye Xunyang seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "Yes, Li Li, did you see Weibo posted by Xiaopi last night?"

Li Li nodded immediately, paying close attention to every Huaxia contestant, this is his homework, not to mention he is still a senior poisoned milk powder.

Li Li said: "Everyone is a red-headed man, Yelang boastfully calls God."

"Hehe." Ye Xunyang hid his mouth and chuckled, "I don't know who Xiaopi wrote these two sentences, but who is he talking about?"

Li Li thought about it and said, "I don't think Pi Shen is talking about today's opponents. I think Pi Shen should be talking about their team battle tomorrow, the North Kingdom Kingdom team.

You know, since the team battle opponents were identified yesterday, a large number of people advocating the North Kingdom team have appeared at home and abroad, which is simply a carnival!

Many people would like to see the championship coming ahead of time. It seems that in their hearts, only the North Kingdom can defeat the Huaxia No. 1 seed team.

And in the interview with Min Zhan of the Kingdom of the North Road, the arrogant words spoken also gave many people a reason to jump up and down. "

If it stops in the top 14, then the Huaxia team that owns Xinghaifa God Han Jiangxue will indeed be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"Hey ..." Ye Xunyang sighed with sigh. Of course she also paid attention to this situation. She can understand the crooked nuts carnival, after all, the Huaxia team has almost become a public enemy.

She can also understand the provocation of the North Road players, which may be a pre-match tactic.

But what Ye Xunyang couldn't understand was that a considerable number of people who advocated opponents, discredited the team, and waited to see the joke were Huaxia himself.

Ye Xunyang murmured softly: "All of them are red-dusted, Yelang arrogantly calls God. I don't know why the young skin of this age sent such emotions.

In the second half of this sentence, I can see the vitality and spirit he should have at this age, but in the first half ... "

"Huh ..." Li Li groaned a bit, and said, "What we see more is the state that they are sought after by thousands of people. It is their magical astrology, powerful martial arts, and after winning the victory. Smiles and waved greetings, but in fact, they hovered on the death line every game.

Up to the present World Cup, in the individual competition, three star warriors have been killed.

Let us turn our attention away from the World Cup. As a star warrior and a wastelander, Jiang Xiaopi may have experienced too much suffering, even life and death.

Maybe he is very young, but ... he should experience much more than ordinary people like us. "

Ye Xunyang didn't speak anymore. She had made a decision in her mind. After the match ended today, she planned to personally post a message to Jiang Xiao on Weibo and suggested that he change the text of Weibo.

Regardless of whether the text is sincere or not, but this slightly desolate thing is not suitable for the current environment.

Li Li shifted the topic back to the game and said with a little worry: "In this game, King Eisha's fighting characteristics and star skills were relatively restrained."

"Well ... it is true." Ye Xunyang nodded a little bit worriedly, and said, "Whether it is a blessing or a tear or rain, Xiaopi's star skills will all be rejected by the sky. Outside the door. "

Li Li: "Well, this is also the first time that Jiang Xiaopi has encountered a player from the Republic of Guété in the World Cup. I hope he can be prepared."

Ye Xunyang looked at Jiang Xiao ’s opponent, Sermon Ji, and Zheng Xiyou ’s opponent, Marda, and then looked at the third Chinese Civil War ...

Ye Xunyang's heart sighed heavily,

If it weren't for my love of the job, I would have scolded him! !! !!

Huh! I'm so mad, but also pretending to be an elegant smile ...

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