Nine Star Burden

Chapter 905: Dried this bowl of yellow river water

Ye Xunyang calmed down his complex emotions and said, "I hope Jiang Xiaopi can use the sound of silence to create some opportunities for himself."

Li Li looked at the data and said, "According to the data, among the star skills of Sha Wang's sermon and Ji player, purification and control of star skills are readily available.

This is a very rare, self-contained, perfect student. This will be the biggest challenge Jiang Xiaopi players have encountered so far. "

Saying ten thousand and ten thousand, the restraint on the type of star technique is really disgusting.

"The trainees of both sides have finished warming up and are on the field. Let's hear if the two have any communication before the game?" Ye Xunyang interrupted Li Li's words and said.

In the cheers of the crowd, Jiang Xiao, holding two giant blades, embarked on the eastern half of Luyinchang.

Double Sword Flow · Jiang Xiaopi! Back again!

Ye Xunyang's eyes moved, and he hurriedly said, "In the weapon pile, Xiaopi chose the giant blade, and it is also a double giant blade. Is this his adjustment to this game? We are about to see ... "

Halfway through, Ye Xunyang suddenly stopped because the two players on the field spoke.

Sermon Kee has big bright eyes, unexpectedly white skin, handsome looks, and a proper look of fresh meat, saying a strange oral English: "Hello, defending champion."

Jiang Xiao turned the huge blade in his hand and nodded, there seemed to be no communication.

Sermon Gee continued: "You know, my astrology restrains you."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "I have a nickname."

The sermon raised a pair of thick eyebrows: "Huh?"

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Master of inverse attributes."

The sermon stunned, and then laughed, showing a white tooth, saying: "You have won the highest honor, I respect you, but your myths and legends can only stop there."

Jiang Xiao looked at the handsome guy in the opposite half and nodded thoughtfully.

Sermon: "This is no way out. This is absolute restraint in the expression of astrology. Please allow me to show you compassion."

"Ha ha." In a word, Jiang Xiao was pleased. "I? Need your mercy? Young man, speaks well? You continue, I listen."

Sermon: "I understand what you mean. If I really lose, it is my incompetence. I am willing to accept all criticisms and abuses. Under the premise of absolute restraint by Xingji, I lose. I deserve it. "

When preaching these words, Jiang Xiao said a little bit wrong, this boy ...

Sermon: "In the past two years, all participants in the World Cup have considered you as an imaginary enemy and have to turn over your mountain.

But in this world, I am afraid that only the Star Warriors in those countries in the northern Nile Basin can truly defeat you.

On the land of the Nile River, the star skills it breeds are as if they were created to restrain you, which is very unfair to you. "

The sermon thought for a while and continued: "You are a very good star warrior, and you must also thoroughly analyze the star skills I have. You know that you are in an absolute disadvantage. Under this premise, There is only one question in my mind. "

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

Sermon: "Why are you still full of confidence because you ... are still immersed in the glory achieved in the past?"

Jiang Xiao is really a little embarrassed, the way this **** speaks is too weird!

He exaggerated Jiang Xiao while damaging Jiang Xiao, often in the first half of praise and satire ...

Jiang Xiao is running into an opponent today!

Are you afraid that you are not an old yin and yang family?

"Win me, I'll tell you again." Jiang Xiao glanced at the referee who looked at his watch, and then, Xiao Xiao's eyes were reddish slightly, and clouds were gathering in the clear sky.

"Oh, it's useless." The sermon smiled disdainfully, and the ground trembled gently. On the green field covered with tender turf, tiny sand particles slowly emerged.

The referee frowned slightly, looking at the yellow sand emerging from his feet, and looked up at the dark clouds converging in the sky ...

The referee thought and thought, but still said nothing, continued to look down at the wrist watch, accurate to the second, the referee looked at the participants from side to side, confirming one by one: "Are the contestants ready?"

With the two nodded slightly, the flag in the referee's hand waved: "Beep! Beep! The game starts!"


Jiang Xiao waved his hand violently, and threw out a silence, almost at the same time, the figure flickered.


Jiang Xiao chopped the sermon on his body, splitting the sermon into two halves in an instant!


"Oh my God......"

"It's over?" A burst of startled voices came, and the audience stood up in surprise.

In the arena, Jiang Xiao frowned slightly and hurried away.

He could feel that it was not the feeling of the blade entering the flesh, but the touch of the giant blade chopping on the sand, and even the sound of friction between steel and yellow sand.

Sure enough, the sermon chopped in half suddenly turned into a pile of yellow sand, scattered on the green grass ground.

Where is the sermon?

Yanlili's light rain fell, but was soon stopped by a layer of yellow sand.

At the four corners of the Greenery Field, there is a column of yellow sand each spiraling up and rolled up, and in that high space, a layer of fine yellow sand is spread out to form a natural sand cover. Stopping the rain and tears from dripping.

Jiang Xiao quickly left his area of ​​silence, but was in the middle circle, and found people emerging from the ground.

To be precise, it is a person wrapped in a sand ball.

The shape of the sand ball is rather strange, not a complete sphere, but more like a broken egg shell. There is no fine sand permeating on the front of the egg shell, exposing the upper body of the sermon.

"Huh." Jiang Xiao snorted coldly, his body flickered, and the green blades flowed around the giant blade. The next moment, he appeared directly in front of the sermon, splitting it with a knife.

Obviously it was a broken fine sand shell. At the moment when Jiang Xiao's giant blade cut to the sermon's head, there was a little yellow sand in front of the sermon. Let that giant blade chop on the fine sand emerging from nothing on.


Even with people carrying sand shells, Jiang Xiao flew out!

A huge sand hand quickly emerged from the ground, holding the sand shell that collapsed backwards steadily, a clever twist, with the sermon in it, a perfect semicircular arc was drawn in the air, sliding directly Behind Jiang Xiao.


In the mid-circle position on the green field, a large amount of yellow sand suddenly emerged, which turned out to be like a fountain, which drowned Jiang Xiao's body instantly.

And Jiang Xiao ’s response was amazing, he flashed again, and actually appeared behind the giant sandman, stabbed out with a knife, and took it together, carrying a shell, and wrapping people into the middle circle Gushing fine sand fountain.

The sermon disappeared, Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, and directly opened the love aura.

However, the shape of the halo was not found in the "Yellow Sand Fountain".

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao stepped back, and the halo beneath her feet appeared from time to time. Jiang Xiao clearly felt that her star power was being disturbed.

The aura of love that needs to continue to use Star Force to maintain, without the support of the owner, flickering, it may extinguish at any time.

At the same time, a dust storm was blowing on this huge stadium.

Very dense sand storm, even people's eyes can't open!

Fine grain of sand swept Jiang Xiao's body, like a knife, tearing Jiang Xiao's shirt and rubbing it on his face.

Jiang Xiao's body flickered, and under intense operation, finally flickered away, standing on the layer of yellow sand in the sky.

The same intermittent rain of tears, layer by layer, finally fell on Jiang Xiao's body, purifying all negative states.

After that, the net tears no longer fell off and on, but continued to land.

The sermon was telling the truth. All his star skills came to restrain Jiang Xiao.

The sermon was indeed a sincere question. What exactly did Jiang Xiao rely on and still be so confident.

In fact, Jiang Xiao has many ways to break the situation. For example, he has never reported to the world and has not shown the "resentment" star skills to the world. Under such a situation of being continuously attacked, but where Jiang Xiao started resentment, the caster It will be a nightmare ...

This is not a hidden question. Jiang Xiao is just asking himself, playing the so-called "King of Eisha," is he really showing his grievances to the world?

Shouldn't this astrological technique be left to the star organization?

Just as the members of Huaxing hunted down Jiang Xiao's first two times, if they knew Jiang Xiao's knowledge, it might be another story.

At the edge of the arena, staff members carrying cameras rose into the air and flew above the sky, taking pictures of the game at parallel angles.

As a result, people saw a scene that surprised them.

On that layer of yellow sand, in the rain curtain,

The little snakes composed of yellow sand continuously jumped out of the yellow sand, biting at Jiang Xiao's body.

And Jiang Xiao's huge blades in his hands chopped and swept, and all the sand snakes coming from all directions were severed. No matter how dense they are and how difficult the offensive angle is, they can't even beat Jiang Xiao's clothes. angle.

A small step back, a simple side, and a pair of weird giant blades close to a dagger created an untouchable Star Warrior.

"Oh ..." In the dressing room, Yi Qingchen sighed deeply, couldn't help stepping forward, pinching the left and right sides of the TV with his hands, a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at the rain curtain yellow The warrior on the sand.

In the rear, Zheng Xiyou and his sisters looked at each other. They did not think that Yi Qingchen was "protective food", so that everyone could not watch it. They knew that Yi Qingchen could not help it.

Especially for her using the same weapon, she may be able to see something deeper.

However, this is a diamond-level giant blade technique. If Yi Qingchen can really understand it thoroughly, it is probably not far from the teacher.

If you know what they think, Yi Qingchen's answer may be this: This kind of thing may not be understood by laymen, but our insiders are also aggressive ...

In the mixed tears of Jing tears field, Jiang Xiao had already discovered the skull emerging under the yellow sand, but pretended not to notice it.

The sermon seemed to be enjoying the moment, watching the prey, and the prey was completely unknown.

Finally, the sermon that only exposed a head in the yellow sand layer slowly said: "It's useless, maybe I can't interfere with the simple star technique of launching Qingmang, maybe I can't trap you, but You are just wasting energy and wasting astral skills, and you are failing step by step. "

Jiang Xiao grasped the giant blade with his right hand, raised his left foot, and slashed the sand snake wrapped around his ankle. At the same time, he held the blade with his left hand, threw a knife flower behind his back, and cut off two sneaking sand snakes. He smiled and said, "How do I feel you have more star power than I waste?"

The sermon's mouth raised slightly: "You still have the confidence that you don't know where you came from. You are too arrogant and too arrogant. Maybe you are really immersed in the past glory."

Jiang Xiao: "Why not create a second battlefield? Why not lay a layer of yellow sand on top to block the rain? Is it because ... is beyond your casting range? You are just a sand body, right? ? "

The sermon's eyes were slightly frozen: "It doesn't make sense, you will still be standing on a higher layer of yellow sand."

"Hehe." Jiang Xiao smiled dismissively, "So? Deadlock?"

"Oh, no ... I don't think so." During the sermon, Jiang Xiao's feet suddenly fell empty and fell quickly.

However, Jiang Xiao responded very quickly and reappeared on the yellow sand layer on the other side, stabbing into the sand body preaching below.

The next moment, yellow sand rose in the sky ...

That layer of surging yellow sand scattered all over.

Jiang Xiao closed his eyes tightly, the rain was mixed with dust storms, and he was all stained. He fell naturally in the air and fell into the thick sand storms that people couldn't see.

The rain and tears of the rainstorm level finally fell down and fell into the tumbling land below.


A loud noise and a pile of thick yellow sand slap on the transparent hood on the south side, which scared the audience.

And in the sand storm, Jiang Xiao held a huge blade, splitting the tumbling yellow sand ground with his sword!

In the last session, Jiang Xiao had broken mountains and broken the sea.

In this session, Jiang Xiao was in charge of cutting Shahe.

Jiang Xiao held the blade with both hands, the two knives slashed wildly, completely transformed into an excavator, and rushed downward obliquely.

Each knife will split a path that is several meters long.

And the tears in the field that were writhing under the yellow sand, each drop of rain was telling Jiang Xiao's enemy's position.

The sermon felt that something was wrong, and immediately decided to jump out of the ground!

Jiang Xiao's figure rushing wildly under the ground suddenly flashed, suddenly appeared under the sand shell, and slashed sharply.


"Impossible! How did you find me !?" shouted the sermon that had been flying up.

This scene is very magical. When you are attacked, you don't want to resist, but ask your opponent how to find yourself?

From this perspective, the extremely arrogant heart of the sermon was completely blown!

Only a particularly heavy blow will allow the sermon to ask such words at this moment and have such a response.


Jiang Xiao's body flickered again, and the knife enclosing the sermon's eggshell was again directed to the sky: "Because I do not believe in evil!"

I tell you the real reason,

Because I only reported net tears and hurt tears, but not domain tears!

Because I go!

Two World Cups, I still do so!

Do you know the truth of this world?

Win, you are the truth!


Ghosts flickered, blades fluttered, green mountains flowed, silence fell into the soul!

Jiang Xiao stood in the air, looking up at the sermon in the silence and the broken sand shell.

With a blessing,

The beam of light falls instantly!

Sermon: "Uh ah ..."

Jiang Xiao's roar also rang through the sky: "I heard that you are restrained by the Nile?"

Domain tears, net tears, all canceled,

Rainstorm-level tears fall suddenly!

His body lay high in the sky, falling down, those eyes, watching the sermon in the pillar of blessing ...

Jiang Xiao reached out and wiped the wet yellow sand on his face: "Dried this bowl of Yellow River water! You talk to me again!"


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