Nine Star Burden

Chapter 906: Not afraid of ghosts

"Beep! Beep!" The referee had already been dragged outside the defensive wall by the staff to avoid accidental injuries.

Only the referee blew his whistle, and the small flag in his hand waved repeatedly: "Stop offense! Huaxia team, victory!"

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao raised an eyebrow slightly and turned his head to look, but he saw the coach of Gu'e was standing behind the referee, apparently the negotiations had been completed.

Jiang Xiao's heart was a little bit confused. This ancient Republic of Egypt ... a bit of something, even confessed immediately.

Is it so decisive?

The world thinks that the poisoned milk king has been thoroughly researched, and everyone sees the picture at this time, everyone knows that the sermon cannot be won, and may not even survive. If this continues, there will inevitably be danger to life.

In this particular world context, perhaps the Republic of Guéné cherishes the missionary life very much, and the coaching team has unanimously conceded.

The sky is still hazy, but the torrential rain is gradually slowing down, and Jiang Xiao slams the bell on his chest and steadily lands.


There was a muffled sound, the sand was splashing, and the sermon fell on the ground where the tears and the yellow sand merged.

The light of blessings has dissipated, and the sermon that has been freed from the side effects of blessings is a side effect of being unable to get rid of the wet rain and tears.

Obviously, the sermon at this time was out of control. He gave the most common reflection after being hurt by tears. It wasn't to rise up, but to tremble and cry.

His body curled up on the ground, trembling constantly, eyes full of despair and pain, a team of medical staff hurried forward to heal his body and soothe his mind.

Is this bowl of Yellow River water more powerful than the Nile?

Jiang Xiao glanced at the sermon in the distance, then retracted his gaze. He held the huge blade in his hands and waved in all directions.

This time, he didn't have to look to the east first, because the stadium was full of boiling red fire.

Li Li shouted loudly, changing the previous haze: "Victory! Victory! The coaching team of the Republic of Guee chose to concede defeat! They replaced the players instead! Very quickly and decisively!"

Ye Xunyang's face also bloomed a smile. Compared with the professional elegant smile before, her smile was more sincere.

Before the game, who didn't worry about the little poisoned milk that was perfectly restrained?

Ye Xunyang said, "Huaxia players have occupied the first quarter-finals! Jiang Xiaopi used real actions to reassure the people of Huaxia!

As he said in the last session, if everything is a comparison of strength on paper, then there is no longer a need for real combat in Xingwu Athletic, including all sports competitions! "

"Jiang Xiaopi, as the captain of Huaxia, made a good start for Huaxia players!" Li Li sighed, "He also called himself the" inverse attribute master "in the pre-match communication session? It turns out that what he said It's true, this rain has broken the yellow sand in the end! "

"Small skin! Small skin! Here!" He Huan stood on the side of the field, stepping on the wet sand and waving hands to Jiang Xiaolian.

The environment outside the course was of course affected by Jiang Xiaohe ’s preaching star skills, but at this time Jiang Xiao has closed the tears and rain system, otherwise, He Huan stepped on the wet ground, and it is probably not happy .

He Huan turned the microphone directly to Jiang Xiao, and Jiang Xiao was already familiar with his style.

I saw Jiang Xiao's head tilted back slightly, everything was so logical.

No one even noticed anything wrong!

The masters' tricks ... are invisible ...

He Huan's face was excited: "After two years! Enter the quarterfinals! Do you have anything to tell people?"

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "I won't answer this question first. I'll keep it for you and wait for the interview after the championship."

He Huan's mouth opened into an "o" shape. Jiang Xiao was adapted to He Huan's interview style, but He Huan never adapted to Jiang Xiao's answer style ...

Jiang Xiao reached out and pushed the microphone in front of his face without leaving a trace, and finally stood upright.

He Huan sorted out his thoughts and continued to ask, "If I remember correctly, this is the first time you have used the tearful star technique in the series of Tears and Rains in this World Cup individual game?"

Jiang Xiao nodded.

He Huan was even more excited, his eyes glowing, as if he got a big news look: "Why use tears? In the first few rounds, you only won by relying on powerful skills, supplemented by controlling star skills.

Why did you make a killing move in this game? Is it because they are restrained by the opponent ’s star skills? "

Jiang Xiao's complexion was slightly strange, saying, "Have you heard the conversation between the two of us in the pre-match communication session?"

He Huan nodded again and again, his headset was connected to the live radio: "Of course, I heard it, the preacher repeatedly asked why you are so confident."

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "Not this, I mean, he told me about the Nile water."

"Uh ..." Crane thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, the preacher showed that the star and star skills in the northern area of ​​the Nile River exist to restrain you."

"Oh." Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "So I asked him to dry this bowl of Yellow River water first, and then come to me b ... b ... Bihai Qingtianyexinxin, calm and calm, and speak well."

He Huan: "..."

Jiang Xiao held his hand against the giant blade with his hands on his hips, a little embarrassed, and said, "At present, the Yellow River water should be more powerful than the Nile River water, right?"

He Huan ’s palm with his microphone trembling. He wanted to laugh, but he was professionally trained. Well, unless he could n’t help it ...

He Huan: "Hey ..."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Hey, how about your sister, don't you work?

Would it be so uncomfortable for me to speak for you?

Jiang Xiao said, "The last question."

He Huan asked, "Hua Xia is about to usher in the second battle and the third battle. What do you expect from this? Do you have any questions for several students?"

Jiang Xiao nodded, pondered for a long while, and said, "I'm going to Muhei soon, to prepare for tomorrow's team match. You know, Xiao Jiangxue stayed in the black sky for an instant, we can teleport to Muhei, but It ’s a country of will. There ’s no way. We have to abide by the rules of others. We have to go by plane ... ”

Although he said so in his mouth, Jiang Xiao did not take it for granted, and they had broken the commandment several times.

However, it was all transmitted in the same city, but it was different from the transmission in other cities. After all, the eyes of the whole world focused on this, and Jiang Xiao's four-member team still had to abide by the rules.

If you are caught for investigation or punishment because you don't follow the rules, you will lose the game tomorrow.

He Huan found that Jiang Xiao was voicing, and hurriedly winked at Jiang Xiao.

"Ah." Jiang Xiao scratched his head. "I can't support my teammates at the scene. I hope Zheng Xiyou can play steadily and play his own tactics. At the same time, don't put too much pressure on myself.

I also hope that Xun He Yi Qingchen can play his own style. Xingwu's career is not just a game. After the World Cup ends, there is a long life waiting for us.

After returning home, there are still more responsibilities that we need to assume. "

He Huan heard what Jiang Xiao said, and many people understood what Jiang Xiao meant.

After all, the first half of Jiang Xiao's sentence was for Yi Qingchen and Hei Duan. It doesn't matter if people don't understand.

And the latter half of the sentence, the Chinese audience listened very comfortable.

Jiang Xiao's so-called "After returning home, there are more responsibilities that we need to bear", the meaning is obvious. In the final analysis, these star warriors are based on the land of China, giving back to society and the people, and holding up a sky.

If a star warrior like Jiang Xiao has a national name, if someone really chooses to stay overseas at such a moment, it will be a real mess.

Jiang Xiao bid farewell to He Huan and retired from the audience with applause.

He walked back to his locker room, and after hitting punches with three teammates, he took a bath in the bathroom, changed into dry clothes, carried a schoolbag, and was led by the general leader, respectfully, Quickly walked out of the stadium.

After all, the teammates of the team match are still waiting for him in the car.

However, when Jiang Xiao and the coaching staff walked out of the stadium, Jiang Xiao whispered to Gong Juren: "Guai's approach is very wise, the coaching staff chose to surrender."

Christine looked at Jiang Xiao thoughtfully. He understood what Jiang Xiao meant. Strictly speaking, the coaching team was far more aware of the strength comparison between Zheng Xiyou and Marda than Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao could not persuade himself to surrender, which was an insult to a star warrior.

Of course, Christine Ren also would not say clearly, he patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder and said, "Every day you prepare for tomorrow's team match, each of you Star Warriors participating on behalf of your country is a valuable asset."

Jiang Xiao nodded in peace, and while waiting at the airport, Jiang Xiao's mobile phone was connected to wifi, and he was watching the warm-up situation of Zheng Xiyou.

A notification popped up above the phone, which should be someone who paid special attention to Weibo.

Jiang Xiao turned on the cell phone, but was a little surprised, Ye Xunyang?

what's going on?

Isn't Ye Xunyang hosting the game? Still have time to play with your phone?

This special Yangma reporter is better than one! Do n’t want to work one by one?

Ye Xunyang said ... The partners around me have changed batch after batch. In the midst of it, my own **** is guarding me, we are not afraid!

"Well? There are so many people in your special attention? I thought it was only me and Xiao Jiangxue." Xia Yan gathered her head and looked curiously at Jiang Xiao's mobile phone screen, continuing,

"I'll get a new phone for you? I bought this phone for you when the World Cup was two years ago."

"Ah, yes, you can use it if you can." Jiang Xiao said casually, and also saw Ye Xunyang's private letter, and could not help but be silent.

In a private letter, Ye Xunyang gave Jiang Xiao a suggestion. As Jiang Xiao, who has tens of millions of fans, especially during the World Cup, Jiang Xiao had a great influence at this time.

And his last Weibo, "Everyone is a lifeless man, Yelang arrogantly calls God" seems to have a desolate meaning, the impact is not very good.

Jiang Xiao thought and thought, and felt very reasonable.

Although he felt it, Jiang Xiao chose to come here to give people confidence. The last Weibo conflicted with his purpose.

Xia Yan took out her mobile phone, looked at the webpage, and said, "How about rice?"

While editing the text, Jiang Xiao casually said, "What rice? Rice mobile phone?"

Xia Yan: "Ah, yes, this brand name is more grounded."

Jiang Xiao smiled, edited the text, chose to send, and said, "Can you eat two for a meal?"

Xia Yan had just refuted, and a message popped up on her mobile phone, which also came from Weibo with special attention.

Xia Yan opened her eyes and saw the meager Jiang Xiao just released:

"Jiang Xiaopi is not skinny

Just from Warwick p10plus

Heng Ge jumped the horse and boy, and he was not afraid of ghosts and gods.

ps: The fifth round of teamfights. See you tomorrow. In addition, give you a task and help me calculate, how many days have I liked Xiaojiang Xue ... "

The following messages quickly poured in. Since the end of Jiang Xiao's game, many people squatted in front of the computer and on mobile phones to guard Xiaowei's Weibo.

Jiang Xiao flipped through the message, and his face became even stranger.

"Don't bb! Do this bowl of Yellow River water first! You talk to me again!"

"Happy! When floating big ... Huang!"

Hong Yan: "I think rice is good, do you want it?"

Jiang Xiao turned his head to Xia Yan and said, "Can't you talk to me directly?"

Xia Yan poked her mouth and said, "I'm talking to you. You are all in the wind. I'll leave you a message. You have a special attention reminder."

Jiang Xiao faced a bitter complexion, and Xiao Yuan's head matched this expression, making him look like a small bun: "You are really a clever ghost."

Xinghai · God of War · Yan raised her head and issued a nasal sound: "Hmm ~"

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