Job Change For All: Summoner? You Call God

91 Su Yu, Is Your Profession Really A Summoner? (Seek Full Order And Follow-Up Order!)

"In the list of equipment in the Huaxia equipment library, spiritual equipment is listed separately, the lowest is the king level, and the highest is the legendary level.

In front of a large screen, Zhao Qingdu stood side by side with Su Yu, and the legendary beast master Wushang introduced with a smile on his face.

"Su Yu is only at the epic level, and the equipment that requires the legendary level can be screened out first."

Zhao Qingdu looked at two of the pieces of equipment and said, but he couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Su, according to your upgrade speed, you may be on strike soon."

Wushang at the side couldn't help but sighed with a smile, "Even Daojun's promotion speed is far slower than yours. I've always been curious about how you contracted that four-winged angel at that time."

"Yes, I have always been very curious. Even the Pope of the Holy See Union has never owned the angel family. Of course, if it is inconvenient for you, you don't need to say that every professional has its own secret."

Zhao Qingdu looked at the young man in front of him. For the summoner, the strength of the first summoned creature in the contract is almost related to how far the summoner can reach 19 in the future.

Whether it's him, Wushang or other legendary levels, the powerful four-winged angel can help Su Yu subdue more summoned creatures of the same level of strength. The summoned creatures of the same level don't need too many, only one or five of them will have a chance Surrender to a more powerful being.

and so on,

It will be a matter of time before Su Yu contracts with a god-level existence.


No summoner professional in the world is as lucky as Su Yu.

Before Su Yu appeared, the world's most powerful summoner and the strongest contractor in his hands were only king-level.

At first everyone thought it was accidental, but gradually, everyone didn't think so.

Four-winged angels, ghost-killing ibuprofen are at least as strong as demigod Alicia, etc. The most important point is that Su Yu's contractors are all humanoids, or human races from different worlds.

This is because it is not common anymore.

The Chinese legends now agree that Su Yu is definitely not a four-winged angel contracted by chance, maybe not a simple summoner, or maybe not a summoner at all.

It's a brand-new, never-before-seen profession similar to a summoner.

Facing the questioning of Wushang and Zhao Qingdu, Su Yu didn't intend to reveal that his occupation was a 'God Summoner', because even if he did, would anyone believe it?

what a joke!

Among the thousands of professions in the world, there has never been a profession that surpasses the gods and drives the gods.

There are many professions that have gods or are related to gods, and the strongest one is Chen Shanhai and Xiao Qianxue's "God's Agent", but it is not above the gods.

"Probably luck, I thought she made a contract with me."

Facing Su Yu's answer, both Wushang and Zhao Qing were not surprised, and smiled politely.

Every time the dungeon secret realm is cleared in the National Fortune Battlefield, there will be a point ranking list. On the point ranking list, there will be detailed information about the passer, including occupations.

That's right.

Su Yu is looking forward to what kind of shock it will cause when the word "God Summoner" appears in the eyes of professionals around the world.

Summoning the gods, driving the gods is scary enough.

"The Heart of the Sea, the Wuxin Crown, and the protective goggle that requires 8,000 spiritual power to use, these three are the most suitable for you and the best choice, all of which are unique

The increase effect is the largest. "

Wushang reached out and clicked a few times, and there were only three pieces of spiritual equipment up and down on the big screen.

[Heart of the Sea: Necklace/Accessory, spiritual power increased by 50%! Wearing requirements: epic level (unique)]

[Unintentional Crown: crown/accessory, spiritual recovery +50%! Wearing requirements: epic (unique),

[Heartguard: Equipment/Armor, Mental Power +2000! Wearing Requirement: Epic Rank (Unique)]

"Although there are still two pieces of legendary-level spiritual equipment, the wearable requirements are legendary-level, and you can't wear them yet.

"However, you can take those two pieces together, and exchange five pieces of legendary equipment for five pieces of spiritual equipment above epic level. This is a good deal for both buyers and sellers."

Zhao Qingdu took Wushang's words, nodded to Su Bao and said.

Wushang at the side glanced at Zhao Qingdu and shook his head slightly.

In the original negotiation result, it did not say that Su Yu should be allowed to take away the two pieces of legendary equipment, but to compensate some wealth value. Now that Zhao Qing has opened his mouth, Su Yu should take these two pieces of equipment away.

Su Yu, more than any equipment.

Moreover, it is the 20th time that Su has appeared in the China Alliance!

The Huaxia Alliance, including those on the bright side and those in the dark, has a total of 20 legendary ranks!

The ranking is not based on strength, but on the speed of promotion to the legendary level.

Of course, except for the first seat.

"it is good."

Five pieces of legendary equipment in exchange for three pieces of epic + two pieces of legendary spiritual equipment, this is a good deal for him.

Spiritual equipment is more difficult to explode than other equipment, and Su Yu once worried that he might only get one or two pieces of epic spiritual equipment.

Unexpectedly, there are two pieces of legendary spirit equipment.

A few minutes later, Su Yu installed the three pieces of equipment

【Occupation: God Summoner】

[Level: Epic Two-Star]

[Titles: City Savior, Devil Rat Fearer, Abyss God Hunter (in progress)]

[Experience: 4652640/30 million]

【Charm value: 46】

【Power: 3352】

【Physical: 3353】

【Agility: 3550】


[Equipment: Rat Fear 557 Fear Set, Sea Strange, Heartless Crown, Heart Mirror]

[Backpack: Fragment of Reincarnation Order*4, "Abyss Years"*3, Demon Arland's Treasury Key*1, Eternal Salvation (Legendary Level), Spiritual Domain (Legendary Level)]

[Professional Skills: God Summoning, Heavenly Dao Contract, Soul Domination, Summoning Fusion, Absolute Purification, God's Breath, Time and Space Stop, Time Reversal]

【Summon Space: 4/10】

[Summoning the World: Yuanshen (Tivat), Cthulhu (Secret), Mythology (Journey to the West)]

[Freely assign attribute points: 0 points]

[Mission: Abyss God Hunter: Kill the 48th Pillar Demon God —— Demon King Arsur (2/49)]

[Wealth value: 121.293 billion]

"The spiritual power has finally broken through 10,000, and it has almost increased to 15,000 spiritual power. This is a good deal."

Su Yu was all smiles. Even among the legendary level, there are very few summoners who can reach this level of spiritual power. After all, there is no legendary level summoner in the world.


Compared with mental power, most professions will assign free allocation attributes to other four dimensions.

If 100 points of mental power can sustain the summoning time for 5 seconds, Su Yu's current continuous summoning time is

720 seconds!

PS: Sorry for not updating yesterday. .

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