Job Change For All: Summoner? You Call God

92 The Reasons Why Major Forces In The World Target China, And The Role Of Epic Light! (Seek Full Or

12 minutes!

In this way, the increase is already quite large.

"No wonder you can summon a demigod. It turns out that your spiritual power has reached 8000 points, which is simply unbelievable."

Zhao Qing said in amazement that both he and Wushang were shocked.

"When I was at the second star of Epic, my mental strength was only 6000 points, Su Xiaofa, you are indeed very talented.

The Beast Master is equivalent to a branch of the Summoner, but its potential and future are stronger than the Summoner. You never know what the Summoner summons, but the Beast Master is different. The Beast Master can go to the secret contract of each copy Beast Familiar, but the goal is clear, and the choice is clearly there.

"Perhaps, this is the reason why little brother Su was able to successfully contract with the four-winged angel, haha."


Su Yu shrugged, "When will you go to the international battlefield?"

"If you're ready, you can go now.

Wushang and Zhao Qing both looked at each other, and the former nodded solemnly.

"I'm ready."

A blazing light flashed in Su Yu's eyes. The National Games battlefield is the place that every professional yearns for, and it is also the source of pride and pride for professionals from all forces.

Every time a new secret dungeon is opened in the National Games battlefield, it will be broadcast live in each secret dungeon, as long as professionals are in the secret dungeon, they can watch it live.

All dungeon secret realms, including the reincarnation tower and the abyss, will stop operating.

Of course, three days before the opening of the new secret realm dungeon, the Will of Heaven will be broadcast all over the world. At that time, the eyes of all professionals around the world will focus on the competition for the new secret realm dungeon on the National Games battlefield.

"The battlefield of national destiny is related to the fate of a country, and it is the ultimate place where all forces compete."

"The current battle between the major powers in the world is a battle for new and old dungeon points. Once the core of the National Games battlefield opens, the final battle will come

Zhao Qingdu's figure sank a lot, and he could hear deep worry in his words, but he suddenly smiled and patted Su Yu's shoulder.

"But it's different now. With Su Yu here, it's impossible for me, Huaxia, to be the bottom three. It's only a matter of time before I become number one."

"The bottom three?"

Su Yu noticed this, and asked with a frown.

"When the core battlefield of the National Games opens, the bottom three in the points ranking will be... erased."

Wushang's heavy voice sounded.

"In order to prevent the panic among professionals and ordinary people of the major forces in the world, the high-level leaders of the major forces have made a clear agreement and signed the oath of heaven, and this news must not be disclosed to professionals who cannot enter the battlefield of the National Games."

Zhao Qingdu looked at Su Yu and nodded slowly, agreeing with Wushang's statement.

"Now do you understand why all major forces in the world are so willing to target me in China?"

Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't have a deep experience in East Star City, but after reaching the abyss, the degree to which professionals from other alliance forces targeted China was a bit... outrageous

This is especially evident in the small abyss dungeon.

Not to mention between factions, even within the same faction there are monster-hunting incidents, and there are not many overt and covert conflicts among the major professional alliances.

The strength of the major professionals, headed by Ragnarok and supplemented by the Alliance of Three Gods, including Magic Kingdom, are all targeting China, which is a bit unusual.

So obvious, so undisguised.

Su Yu finally understood why.

"The alliance headed by Ragnarok wants Huaxia to disappear from this world.

"Yes, but they are delusional."

Zhao Qingdu sneered that the Huaxia Alliance has a lot of cards behind them. Even if Huaxia can't make it into the top five points, at least there is no problem in the top ten.

"At present, no one knows the rules of the core battlefield of the National Games. If the three parties at the end of each point ranking will be wiped out. …

"This possibility is unlikely. If the cycle continues, human beings will become extinct."

Wushang interrupted Zhao Qingdu's conjecture, and Su Yu couldn't agree with Zhao Qingdu's conjecture. It is like adopting a circular elimination system. It only takes twenty or thirty rounds before human beings will be completely extinct.

Then when the dark moon comes, why does the will of heaven want to start the era of job change? This obviously doesn't make sense.

Unless, there will be other professional pig forces constantly joining.

But where do other professional forces come from?

Su Yu shook his head slightly, not thinking about it anymore, he looked at Zhao Qingdu.

Zhao Qing understood, nodded to Wushang and said, "Su Yu, I can't accompany you there. My rotation is not over yet, so the third seat will take you to the abyss."

Wushang smiled slightly at Su Yu, ".|| Su Yu, mobilize the epic light in your body, and the epic light will take you to the National Games battlefield, which is why only professionals above the epic level can go to the National Games battlefield.

It turns out that this is the role of epic light...

Su Yu didn't expect that the Epic Light would have such an effect. When he was promoted, he had an impulse to go up the ladder, but he didn't go because of Chen Moli and being in the abyss.

"Generally speaking, once a professional is promoted to the epic level, they will be summoned by the National Games battlefield, and they will go directly to the National Games battlefield. I didn't expect you to hold back at that time."

Zhao Qing knew about this from Chen Moli. At that time, after he was promoted to the epic rank, he followed the guidance in the banquet and went to the National Games battlefield immediately.

Su Yu didn't speak, and began to mobilize the epic light in his body.

The heavy epic light rose slowly, and above Su Yu's head, a series of stairs slowly formed, and the dark summon appeared again (Dema's) Cang.

Almost at the same time, Wushang also had an epic light appearing on him, but it was thicker than Su Yu's.

"Following the guidance of the dark, we set off."

As he said that, Wushang stepped up the steps and went up.

After Su Yu glanced at Zhao Qingdu, he also walked up the stairs, and the two disappeared from Zhao Qingdu's sight one after the other.

After walking a few steps, it seemed as if he had entered another dimension. When Su Yu looked down, Zhao Qing had already disappeared.

"Keep going, we'll be there soon."

A voice came from beside him, Su Yu saw another staircase, Wushang stood on the staircase and said with a smile.

Su Yu nodded and continued walking, every step seemed to span an endless distance, after about twenty steps, he saw the National Games battlefield.

PS: Brothers who can give a full order and make a follow-up order, please give a follow-up order, thank you for your support. .

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