Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 346 Sword World, Sword Seal of Heaven and Earth!

The first is the free attribute points. In addition to the 200,000 for the mission, there is also 100,000 for him to upgrade to level 90.

A total of three hundred thousand, all of which were allocated to his strength.

[You successfully used the profession-specific talent awakening scroll and obtained a new talent: Sword World. 】

[Sword World]: As a sword immortal, you have the power to open up the sword world. You consume spiritual swords to open up the sword world. The more spiritual swords you consume, the stronger the effect of the sword world.

Looking at his new talent, Chu Ci was confused. This introduction was quite general, and he had no idea what the effects of this sword world were.

"Try it later."

Chu Ci was not in a hurry and looked at the exclusive equipment again.

[You have obtained new exclusive equipment: Heaven and Earth Sword Seal. 】

[Sword Seal of Heaven and Earth]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Immortal profession, a sword mark condensed with the original power of heaven and earth, which increases your affinity for the law by 89%. The current effect is level 89. Requirements for growing to mythical level: 90 level (satisfaction), myth core.

The next moment, Chu Ci saw a flash of sword light pouring into the center of his eyebrows. Soon a bright silver mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and then the mark slowly disappeared.

"It turned out to be a mark."

Chu Ci was surprised. He was no stranger to marks, because he still had a Suzaku mark on his body.

I thought I would give him an exclusive piece of equipment that would increase his attributes, but I didn't expect it would be a mark.

"Can this mark increase the affinity of the law?"

Chu Ci frowned. He was only at the myth level now and could not come into contact with the laws under normal circumstances.

However, he has the Divine Orb of Law, so he can mobilize the power of law inside and use it.

"No, what if I don't get the Law Divine Orb?"

Chu Ci thought, his mind moved, and then a jar of mythical spirit wine appeared in his hand.

In addition to the Law Divine Bead, he also has the ability to obtain the power of Law, which is to drink mythical spiritual wine.

However, he has always felt that it is more cost-effective to use the [Sacrificial Wine] talent to use the mythical spirit wine, so he has not drank it.

But now the appearance of this Heaven and Earth Sword Seal reminded him of the mythical spirit wine.

Will there be any different changes if I drink the mythical spiritual wine now?

Thinking about it, Chu Ci sat down again. Instead of guessing, he might as well try it himself.

Then he opened the mythical spirit wine and drank it directly.

[You drank the mythical spirit wine, triggering the [Jiu Xian] talent. The powerful spirit wine awakened the power of the Jiu Xian, and entered the world of swordsmanship laws. 】

As the prompt popped up, when Chu Ci opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a starry sky, with countless dazzling stars twinkling all around.

And those so-called stars are actually sword lights.

This is the second time Chu Ci has entered the space of kendo rules, but he is still shocked.

Here, he realized his own insignificance more clearly, and any sword light could easily kill him.


Just like the first time, a spiritual sword soon flew towards him like a meteor, and this time he didn't think about avoiding it.

Because there is no way to hide.

The next moment, the spiritual sword slashed down, and Chu Ci felt that his vitality quickly dissipated, and an aura of death filled his body.

"Sword of Death!" Chu Ci understood in his heart.

But after this first experience, this time he stared closely at the spiritual sword that was slashing towards him.

Although I don't know if this is useful, but maybe I can see something clearly.

But until the sword of death disappeared, Chu Ci had not gained anything.

Before he could think about it, another spiritual sword slashed down quickly.

This spiritual sword gave him a feeling somewhat similar to that of the Death Sword, but it was fundamentally different.

The sword of death only wiped out his vitality, but the spiritual sword in front of him was going to destroy everything about him.

"The Sword of Destruction."

Chu Ci felt that his body and soul were rapidly disintegrating.

In the face of destruction, nothing survives.

This sword came and went quickly.

Seeing that the Sword of Destruction was about to dissipate, just when Chu Ci thought he would gain nothing, he suddenly felt something change in his body.

"This is... the power of the law of the Sword of Destruction!"

Although it only had the power of ten strands of the law of the Sword of Destruction, it already surprised him enough.

After all, when he first came here, he also obtained the Baili Sword Law, and it was also the most common Sword Law.

Before Chu Ci could think about it, another spiritual sword struck.

This time it was the sword of reincarnation. Although it was only for an instant, Chu Ci seemed to have experienced countless reincarnations.

As time passed, the spirit swords seemed to have found a target, and they slashed down at Chu Ci in an orderly manner.

It's a pity that Chu Ci didn't gain anything else later, until the starry sky shattered and Chu Ci also left the world of sword law.

"428 wisps of sword law!"

Outside, Chu Ci opened his eyes, felt the power of law in his body, and his face showed joy.

Before he entered the world of sword laws, he only obtained a hundred strands of sword laws.

Perhaps because he was too weak at that time, or perhaps because he had the Heaven and Earth Sword Seal, this time he obtained four times more kendo laws.

And there are ten strands of power that contain the law of destruction.

"If a demigod wants to become a true god, he needs to accumulate enough power of law. Some demigods find it difficult to accumulate even if they take thousands of years."

"But now I have obtained the power of law so easily. If those demigods knew about it, they would probably die of envy."

Chu Ci smiled, saying that after he reaches the level of a demigod, it will be countless times easier to become a true god than other demigods.

However, Chu Ci couldn't help but put away his smile when he thought that all races had sealed the human race's path to becoming a god.

"It's so easy to become a god. No wonder all races have sealed the path to becoming a god." Chu Ci secretly thought.

He does not feel that he is comparable to those powerful ancestors of the human race, such as those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, whose talents are probably more terrifying than him.

It's so easy for him to become a god, let alone these ancestors.

If he were from all races, he would definitely want to interrupt the human race's path to becoming a god.

But understanding is understanding, but as a human race, we still have to resist those who should resist.

He is now at the myth level and is not far away from becoming a god.

Chu Ci no longer drank the mythical spirit wine, and now he only had fourteen jars left on him, so he might as well save it and summon his ancestors to do it for him.

Moreover, he now also has the Divine Orb of Law, so he does not lack the power of Law.

"There is also the Wine Fairy Gourd. After I upgrade it to the mythical level, I will no longer be short of mythical spiritual wine."

Chu Ci glanced at the gourd on his waist.

He rarely used this piece of equipment, mainly because he could only make legendary spirit wine before, so it didn't help him much.

But now he has reached the myth level. He only needs one myth core to upgrade the Jiuxian Gourd to the myth level and mass-produce myth level spirit wine.

"Minister Gu." Chu Ci said.

The next moment, Gu Yuan, who had been waiting for Chu Ci a hundred miles away, also appeared in front of him.

"Myth level?" Gu Yuan looked at Chu Ci and smiled.

Chu Ci nodded, "I have something else that I need to ask Minister Gu for help with."

"You are now at the level of a myth. Don't call me Minister Gu anymore. It's weird. From now on, call me Lao Gu."

Gu Yuan said, "Whatever you say, as long as I can do it, Daxia has it, it's no problem."

"It's not that troublesome. I just got a new talent and want to try the effect."

Chu Ci was talking about the talent of [Sword World].

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