"No problem, just come.

After hearing Chu Ci's words, Gu Yuan agreed without hesitation.

He also wanted to see how strong Chu Cixin's talent was. Anyway, the stronger the opponent was, the happier he would be.

"Let me prepare first."

Chu Ci said, and then a spiritual sword flew out.

[Should the spiritual sword be consumed to condense the sword world? 】


As Chu Ci was confirmed, these spiritual swords were quickly fused, and at the same time a spatial fluctuation emerged.

Soon, a flash of aura appeared, and as a spiritual sword merged into it, the aura began to expand rapidly.

Until one million spiritual swords were integrated into it, a space of one hundred cubic meters appeared.

"Is a million handles that big?"

Chu Ci was shocked. This talent in [Sword World] consumes too much spiritual sword.

But Chu Ci soon became excited and was not afraid of spending the spiritual sword, because the more spiritual swords consumed, the more abnormal the effect would be.


Chu Ci immediately mobilized more spiritual swords to integrate into the sword world.

Ten million, one hundred million...

Chu Ci didn't stop until one billion spiritual swords were consumed.

Although he still has more than eight billion spiritual swords, the space in the sword world has now reached one million cubic meters, which is enough for experimentation.

"Lao Gu, let's go in."

Chu Ci said and stepped directly into the sword world. Although Gu Yuan was curious, he also followed.

As soon as he entered the sword world, Chu Ci immediately felt something different.

Unlike the space battlefield that was opened up, in the Sword World, he seemed to be able to control everything here, and he was the master here.

At the same time, he also clearly understood the various effects of the sword world.

"Interesting, this sword world can still allow living beings to survive. Isn't this the equivalent of the true god's kingdom?" Chu Ci thought and looked at Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan, who was sizing up Sword World, noticed Chu Ci's eyes and couldn't help but swallowed, and then said, "Be gentle."

He knew Chu Ci's terrible harm. Although he could be a guinea pig for the other party, he didn't want to be killed by the other party without paying attention.

"Lao Gu, don't be nervous, try leaving the sword world." Chu Ci said with a smile.

Although he already knew the effects of Sword World, he still planned to get familiar with it.

After all, knowing is one thing, but applying it is another.


Gu Yuan was relieved, as long as there was no fight.

Although he was now in the space created by Chu Ci, when Gu Yuan thought about it, he was still a peak legend, so it shouldn't be difficult to leave.

Immediately, Gu Yuan opened a space passage and walked towards it.

But when Gu Yuan walked out of the space passage, he was stunned.

"Why didn't you go out?"

Gu Yuan looked around. He should be in the secret realm now, but he was still in the sword world.

He turned around and saw Chu Ci with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, the space can be blocked."

Chu Ci knew clearly in his heart that the reason why Gu Yuan could not leave was naturally because he had blocked the space, so the other party could not leave.

"Lao Gu, try again." Chu Ci said.

Gu Yuan's expression also became serious. It was obvious that Chu Ci was extraordinary in the sword world.

Knowing that he could not leave, Gu Yuan set the exit of the space passage behind Chu Ci this time.

But when he came out, he found that Chu Ci was not in front of him, but was still where he was.

"It can also control the exit position of the space channel."

Chu Ci nodded secretly. These abilities seemed to have little effect, but they were extremely useful to him.

For example, when facing Yamata Snake in the gladiatorial arena, if he owned the Sword World, even if the opponent self-destructed, he would not be able to escape.

Now he has the strength to fight against the True God, but if the True God wants to run away, there is nothing he can do.

But the appearance of this sword world allowed him to shut the door and beat the dog.

"But can the Sword Realm withstand the self-destruction of the True God, or can it lock up the True God?"

If the Sword Realm cannot trap the True God, then my idea will not come true.

After all, Gu Yuan is only a level 99 peak myth, which is far from a true god.

"It's okay to find a true god and try it later, but it's impossible to escape under a true god." Chu Ci thought to himself.

Although he has sword spell skills, he can control creatures below the true god.

But the sword spell also requires the consumption of spiritual swords.

The sword curse is consumed once and used once, while the sword world is consumed once and enjoyed for life. Both have their own advantages.

“Then there are other effects.”

Chu Ci looked at Gu Yuan and said, "Old Gu, be careful."

Then the entire sword world shook, and a terrifying coercion fell on Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan stood there without any reaction, but there was a look of shock on his face.

"What effect?" Chu Ci stepped forward and asked.

"Speed ​​-30%, mana consumption +10%, HP limit -10%, all damage -20%, damage received +20%."

Gu Yuan said, "And every ten seconds, I will conduct a dizziness judgment. I don't know the probability."

Chu Ci nodded. He knew that the sword world would not be that simple. After all, too many spiritual swords were consumed.

But the effect made him very satisfied.

And that's not all.

Thinking about it, Chu Ci's mind moved, "What now?"


Gu Yuan looked at the new status bar and couldn't help but take a deep breath, "The effect is reversed. In addition, the judgment of dizziness has become the judgment of true damage."

Chu Ci nodded, not only can it debuff, but it can also gain.

If he were to use it himself, these effects would be of little significance. After all, his damage was already very high, enough to kill the enemy instantly.

But if his sword world is large enough to include the entire human race, it means that all races will receive buffs, and all enemies will receive debuffs.

"It's not bad. If we encounter alien siege again in the future, I don't need to take action."

Chu Ci secretly thought that although he could kill those foreign races instantly, most of the foreign races could not provide him with experience points, so killing them would be quite a waste.

With this sword world, he can definitely bring in a wave of aliens, and then let other humans kill them to increase his strength.

"If this sword world can trap the true god, it will be of greater help to me."

While thinking about it, Chu Ci asked Gu Yuan to cooperate again, which made him become proficient in the use of the sword world.

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