Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 350 I, Chu Ci, am not good at killing, but the most kind-hearted!

Fred knew he was talking nonsense.

After all, even if they are twin brothers, the older brother must be very young.

But he asked anyway.

It's not just that he can't accept that Chu Ci has reached the myth level at such a young age.

What is even more unacceptable is that Chu Ci did not die in the Black Abyss Secret Realm.

If the other party is not dead, doesn't it mean that he knows what happened in the secret realm of Black Abyss?

It is even possible that the people from both countries who entered the Black Abyss Secret Realm were killed by the other party.

"Fred, don't think so wildly. In the secret realm of the Black Abyss, I was the one who killed the people from your Lighthouse Country and the Japanese Country." Chu Ci said with a smile.

Speaking of which, Chu Ci is a person with a pure heart. Since the other party is going to die, he will naturally let the other party die clearly.

When he was still weak, he naturally had to hide it, but now that he has grown up, it is no longer necessary.

As for why the other party died?

He believed that when he asked for the lighthouse country's law artifact, the other party would definitely refuse.

When the time comes, he will always use someone to establish his authority.

Among these people, he is also familiar with Fred, and if he uses him to establish his authority, he will not refuse.


"It's really you!"

"I thought you died in the secret realm of the Black Abyss. I didn't expect that not only are you alive, but you are also the murderer of our Lighthouse people."

"Liars, Chen Bing and that bastard are also liars."

Although he had some suspicions in his mind, it was obvious that Chu Ci admitted it, and Fred couldn't help but feel angry.

Especially Chen Binghe.

When the other party brought out those pastries, he thought the other party was very nice.

But who would have thought that the other party would also lie to him.

If I had known this, even if I starved to death, I would never eat a bite of his pastry.

"Why are you so angry? We are old acquaintances and you don't want me to sit down?" Chu Ci said with a smile.

Old acquaintance?

Fred's face darkened, who the hell is an old acquaintance with you.

Did I say a word to you at that time?

Still want to sit down?

You are already at the myth level. If you don't sit still, will you die or what?

As the murderer who massacred their Lighthouse countrymen, it was good that he didn't take action directly.

If Chu was invited to sit down again, the entire Lighthouse Country might think he had betrayed.

They may even suspect that the changes in the Black Abyss Secret Realm were caused by him and Daxia together.

But even though he was angry, there was nothing he could do.

The other party is already at the myth level, and even if it is on the territory of their Lighthouse Country, he does not dare to make a move.

After all, it took just one year to reach the myth level, which shows how terrifying Chu Ci's potential is.

If something really happened in the Lighthouse Country, Daxia would definitely not let it go.

At that time, the last thing that may happen is that the Lighthouse Country will hand him over to take the blame, in order to appease Daxia's anger.

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you doing in my lighthouse country?"

Fred said coldly, "Maybe you think you have reached the myth level and are no longer afraid of our lighthouse country, so you come here to show off."

Originally, he wanted to chat with his old friend, but the other party was eager to seek death, and Chu Ci was helpless.

"It's not a big deal. I heard that your Lighthouse Country has a myth core. I'm here to take it." Chu Ci put away his smile and said lightly.

The core of the myth?

As a mythical powerhouse, Fred naturally knew about this thing.

But at the same time, I also know that the Lighthouse Country relied on this thing to cultivate a magical artifact of law.

There is only one law artifact in the entire Lighthouse Country, and it is also the biggest trump card of the Lighthouse Country. Its value is difficult to estimate.

But now that I want to ask for the core of the myth, doesn't this mean I want to take away that lawful artifact?


Just because you reached the mythical level?

Who the hell is not a mythical person?


Fred laughed angrily. He didn't know whether Chu Ci was ignorant or arrogant.

Daxia is strong, but do you really think that the Lighthouse Country is easy to bully?

"I heard before that Daxia's high-level officials were negotiating with us to get that law artifact. It turned out to be just for you."

Fred's face turned cold, and he stared at Chu Ci with cold eyes, "If you want the magical object of law, if you have the ability, just step over my corpse."


A sword light flashed across.

Fred's body froze, and then turned into a corpse.


At this time, everyone in the Lighthouse Kingdom was stunned for a short time, and the sound of inhaling could be heard throughout the audience.

Obviously everyone is at the legendary level at worst, but at this moment, I just feel a chill running down my spine.


Fred, a mythical strong man, died like this?

They didn't even see how Chu Ci took action, just a flash of cold light, and Fred was just gone?

That's a mythical powerhouse. He's not a leek. How can he cut it so easily?

Also at this time,

The spirit sword strung Fred's body to Chu Ci's eyes.

Chu Ci slowly raised his foot, stepped on Fred's body, and then stepped over.

Chu Ci looked calmly at the other two mythical powerhouses and more than a dozen legendary powerhouses, "Can you give me the law artifact now?"

Although he felt that the method Fred mentioned was impossible to succeed, he was a person willing to try.

After all, Chu Ci is not good at killing, and he is most kind-hearted.

If these people really kept their promises, he would not take action again.

He believes that there is still trust between people.

Facing Chu Ci's words, more than a dozen legendary powerhouses all focused their attention on the two mythical powerhouses.

At this time, the two mythical powerhouses felt like they were sweating profusely.

Oh shit.

See what we do.

Are we really in charge of this?


Fred said that after stepping over his body, he would give the law artifact to the other party.

But Fred is dead.

The other person's promises are none of our business.

Chu Ci frowned, "So, you want to break your promise?"

Although he is kind-hearted, he also hates people who don't keep their promises.

But everyone was shocked.

It was clear that Chu Ci had done nothing and had even restrained his aura.

But just a small movement of frowning made everyone tremble, and even the two mythical powerhouses couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

My life is at an end!

"In that case, let's change to someone who keeps his word."

After Chu Ci finished speaking, sword lights flew out one after another.

Even though everyone in the Lighthouse Kingdom was well prepared, only when they really faced these sword lights did they realize how weak their self-proclaimed strength was.

Someone tried to resist, but his attack was instantly annihilated, and he could only watch helplessly as the sword light fell on him.

Then his vision went dark, and his whole life passed like this.

"Who dares to commit murder in our lighthouse country!"

Just after these people were killed by Chu Ci, a shout of shouts rang out.

The next moment, the space shattered and figures flew out.

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