Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 351 The damage is broken. Is this a mythical level?

Above Lighthouse Country.

As a shout rang out, more than a dozen figures appeared one after another, and at the same time, several powerful pressures fell towards Chu Ci.

However, Chu Ci looked calm, and the pressure of a true god was useless to him, let alone the pressure of a demigod.

Chu Ci looked at these twelve people.

The two leaders are the strongest and have reached the level of demigods.

And the other ten people are all at the myth level.

"Finally, the one who can make the decision is here, but..."

Chu Ci said as he looked at one of the demigods, because he looked Asian, "You are not from the Lighthouse Country, are you?"

Facing Chu Ci's question, the demigod just frowned and had no intention of answering.

Chu Ci is only at the myth level and is not worthy of being answered by them.

"People from Daxia, you came to our Lighthouse Country for no reason, and even killed three mythical people and more than ten legendary people from our Lighthouse Country. Do you really think that our Lighthouse Country is easy to bully?"

At this time, the blond and blue-eyed demigod old man from the Lighthouse Country said in a deep voice, "Even if Daxia is strong, if you can't give me an explanation for what happened today, then you can stay here."

Daxia is strong, but Lighthouse Country is not weak either.

What's more, they have many younger brothers in the Lighthouse Country.

If the two sides go to full-scale war, it is not certain who will win and who will lose.

Moreover, he knows the situation on the front line and believes that Daxia will never break out into a civil war because of one person, otherwise the human race will be destroyed by then.

In terms of justice, even if he is from the Lighthouse country, he still believes in Daxia.

Of course, he had no intention of actually killing Chu Ci.

The final result must be that they capture Chu Ci and then use this as a condition to negotiate with Daxia to obtain more resources and benefits.

As for the dead Fred and others...

Even if they die, in exchange for some resources for their lighthouse country, it can be considered as using their remaining energy.

Who would fight against Daxia over a dead person if they are not related to each other?

After all, their Lighthouse Country didn't want to start a war with Daxia because of this.

"Leave me here? Just you?" Chu Ci said disdainfully.

In the outer realm, he was weak, but in Blue Star, he struck hard.

Seeing Chu Ci's attitude, the old man was surprised.

Is this guy confident, or is he stupid?

You are a mythical person, but I am a demigod.


The total number of demigods in the world does not exceed twenty. Even if some countries hide it secretly, they will never exceed forty.

His own strength is equivalent to being among the top 40 in the world.

And what about the mythical level?

There are at least 500 mythical ones in the world.

Why do you, a Fortune 500 person in the world, dare to be arrogant in front of me, a Fortune 400 person?

What's more, there is a hurdle between the demigod and the mythical level, and the strength gap between the two sides is huge.

How dare you be so crazy in front of me, a demigod.

Do you know how valuable a demigod is?


"I have known for a long time that Daxia people are arrogant, but I never thought that they would underestimate them."

"Your Excellency Gran, we all know something about Daxia's mythical level, but we have never seen the person in front of us."

"Maybe he just broke through to the myth level and thought he was invincible, so he dared to come to your country and be so arrogant."

At this time, another demigod next to him sneered, "This person is already at the myth level. It is impossible not to know that there are strong demigods. From this, it seems that this person does not pay attention to the Lighthouse Country at all."

He is the demigod Sato Kenichi from the Japanese country. This time he came to the Lighthouse Country mainly to seek some resource assistance from the Lighthouse Country, and then discuss how to secretly stumble Daxia.

But before they could discuss it, Chu Ci came and killed many people directly, which alerted them.

Originally, he had no intention of speaking, but with Chu Ci's attitude, he naturally wouldn't miss it.

It would be beneficial to the Japanese country if the relationship between the two countries could not be good.

In fact, even if Kenichi Sato didn't provoke him, Gran was still furious at this time.

Ever since he became a demigod, no one at the myth level had dared to challenge him like this.

If he doesn't suppress it today, where will his reputation as a demigod go in the future?

Although you can't kill the opponent, it's not too much to injure him severely, show the majesty of a demigod, and let everyone know that a demigod cannot be insulted.

Thinking of this, Gran was about to take action immediately.

But at this time, Chu Ci glanced at Kenichi Sato, who was fanning the flames, and said, "You are a little noisy."


A flash of sword light flew out and slashed at Sato Kenichi.

Sato Kenichi was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unbelievable.

The other party actually dared to take action!

A mythical level, taking action against demigods...

How dare the other party?

At this moment, Kenichi Sato felt insulted, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He was planning to break the sword light casually, and then teach Chu Ci a lesson.

The next moment, Sato Kenichi punched out, looking at Chu Ci as if he were looking at a dead person.

Of course, he also had some reservations. This blow would not really kill Chu Ci.

After all, he was now in the Lighthouse Kingdom. If he really dared to kill Chu Ci, Gran beside him would not agree.

But even if this blow couldn't kill Chu Ci, there was no problem in injuring him severely.

"You dare to provoke a demigod even though you are only at the level of a myth, you are stupid!"

Sato Kenichi thought in his heart, but the next second he was shocked, with disbelief in his eyes.


I saw that just as his punch met the sword light, it was instantly torn apart by the sword light.

At the same time, the sword light continued to attack him unabated.

not good!

A chill ran down Sato Kenichi's spine, and he suddenly felt a breath of death envelope him.

He is a powerful demigod, one of the top forty in the world, but he actually feels the danger of death from a mythical person?

But at this time Sato Kenichi had no time to think too much.


Almost instinctively, Sato Kenichi immediately teleported and ran away.

But then the whole body suddenly became cold, and layers of ice enveloped the whole body.


No! ! !

Sato Kenichi roared in his heart, but it was too late at this time, and the sword light also cut down at this time.

-1.2428 trillion (true damage, nine times critical hit)

A blood-red injury floated from Sato Kenichi's head.

Gran on the side was slightly surprised when he saw this scene. He did not expect that Chu Ci, a mythical level, could hurt a demigod like Sato Kenichi.

But then there was disdain in my heart. The gap between the mythical level and the demigod was not small, and the opponent actually only dealt one trillion damage.

Just one trillion, I...

? ? ?


One trillion?

Gran's heart, which he hadn't cared about at first, suddenly trembled, and he looked at the top of Sato Kenichi's head again.

Although the damage was gradually fading, he could still see it clearly.

One trillion!

It’s really a trillion damage!

Gran's heart was shaking. If he remembered correctly, ten trillion is equivalent to one trillion, right?

In other words, this mythical young man from Great Xia in front of me can do a total of 10 trillion damage with one blow?


Even though Gran was already a demigod, his legs felt weak at this moment.

When he, a demigod, faced the mythical level, he could do more than a billion damage in one blow, and he could also do billions of damage in a full burst.

It's hard to even deal tens of billions of damage.

As a result, a mythical level actually dealt one trillion damage?

What a joke.

Are you telling me this is a mythical level?

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