
As the ice shattered, Sato Kenichi's figure was revealed.

However, this body seemed to have lost its vitality, and its wide-open eyes contained three parts of horror, three parts of unwillingness, three parts of despair, and one part of resentment.

"Good guy, with this eye distribution map, it would be a pity if you didn't become an actor."

Chu Ci couldn't help but said, and at the same time took the other party's body away directly.

After all, he is a demigod, so he must have a lot of things on him. Although they are of no use to him, they can still be thrown to Daxia to loot.

Gran watched helplessly as Sato Kenichi's body was taken away by Chu Ci.


Am I worthy?

If he wasn't afraid that Chu Ci would kill him with a sword, he would have run away long ago.

And he also discovered that Kenichi Sato was actually killed.

Although even a real god might not be able to withstand such a high amount of damage, Kenichi Sato must have some means to save his life and avoid injury.

But this injury-free method did not trigger, or it still had no effect after being triggered.

This was what frightened him the most.

If the injury-avoidance method is still useful, maybe he can use the time to avoid injury to kill Chu Ci, or escape.

But now the damage avoidance is useless, which means they don't even have a chance to fight back and escape.

All living beings are equal!

After putting away the body, Chu Ci also looked at Gran, "Demigod? Very strong?"


Gran swallowed.

If it had happened before, he would have been furious and clamored to teach Chu Ci how to behave and see the horror of demigods.

but now……

Stop making trouble, the demigod is really not strong in front of this living father.

"Ahem, I wonder what your name is?"

Gran bowed and cupped his hands towards Chu Ci, his face full of flattery.

He learned this etiquette from Daxia. Although it was a bit nondescript, he tried his best to do it the best, for fear that he would be struck by a sword accidentally.

"Chu Ci." Chu Ci said calmly.

Now there is no need for him to hide his identity. If he wants, he can just say: I don't eat beef.

"It turns out to be Your Excellency Chu Ci. I am in the Lighthouse Kingdom. I have offended you so much. Please forgive me."

Gran handed over his hand again, and there was a hint of Daxia's formality in his words.

"Since you are the demigod of the Lighthouse Kingdom, you must be able to make the decision." Chu Ci said directly.

Glen hesitated now.

He didn't know what Chu Ci wanted to do. He couldn't possibly want to be the president of the lighthouse country, so he should agree to it.

"I wonder why Your Excellency Chu Ci came to our Lighthouse Country?" Gran asked cautiously.

"I need the core of the myth." Chu Ci said.

The core of the myth?

Gran's heart trembled. The core of the myth had become the only legal artifact of the Lighthouse Country. The other party just wanted the foundation of their Lighthouse Country.

The Lighthouse Country dared to talk back to Daxia. First, it had many countries as its subordinates.

But the most important thing is because of the existence of laws and divine objects.

If Daxia takes action against the Lighthouse Country, it will definitely use legal artifacts, and the losses caused by that time will be incalculable.

But now Chu Ci actually wants to take away the only law artifact. Isn't this equivalent to taking away the only support of the Lighthouse Country?

He finally understood why Fred and others died before. It was probably because they rejected Chu Ci, so they were killed by Chu Ci.

But what if I understand?

Fred and the others are dead.

Now it's my turn to answer.

He was sure that if he refused, he would become a corpse in the next second.

Just when Gran was anxious and thinking about how to answer, Chu Ci's voice sounded again, "What? You can't make the decision?"

There was a coldness in the voice, which made Gran feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

Death is right in front of you.

"Your Excellency Chu Ci, I dare not hide it. Our Lighthouse Kingdom does have a law artifact, including a mythical core. However, this law artifact has been placed in the treasury and requires the consent of all demigods before it can be taken out. "Glan said hurriedly.

He was not lying. If any demigod could take something out, who can guarantee that every demigod has no selfish motives?

Demigods are already powerful. If they possess a magical object of law, the Lighthouse Congress will instantly become the private property of that demigod.

Anyway, Gran is sure that if he had a law artifact, he would definitely do this.

The other demigods in the Lighthouse Country will definitely do the same, after all, their character is not very good.

After saying this, Gran waited nervously for Chu Ci's response, and was even ready to run away at any time.

Although it may not work, you should try it anyway.

At this time, Chu Ci spoke.

"They'll agree, right?"

Chu Ci looked at Gran with a smile.

But this smile made Gran's heart tremble, and he said with a trembling voice, "Yes, yes."

Dare he say otherwise?

What the other party said was not a question, but an affirmation.

He could already foresee that if the demigods from the Lighthouse Country did not agree, they might be directly massacred by the other party.

This... seems pretty good.

After all, if he was the only demigod left in the Lighthouse Country, he would be able to completely control the Lighthouse Country even if there was no law artifact.

Thinking of this, Gran's eyes lit up.

The thoughts in my mind couldn't help but become clear.

"Your Excellency Chu Ci, I will lead the way for you." Grand said.

Looking at the suddenly enthusiastic Gran, Chu Ci wondered in his heart, could the other party have prepared something else to ambush and wait for him?

But he doesn't care, even if the other party can invite a true god, he still has the ability to kill the other party.

Thinking of this, Chu Ci nodded, and then Gran opened a space channel to lead the way for Chu Ci.

The ten myth-level powerhouses who followed Gran looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

But they knew that from this day forward, things would change in the Lighthouse Country.

Even the global situation will undergo earth-shaking changes.

These changes are all related to the Daxia man who looks young but is actually extremely powerful.

On the other side, with Gran, the demigod, leading the way, everything went smoothly, and soon the two of them arrived in front of the Lighthouse Country's treasury.

The treasury of Lighthouse Country is similar to that of Daxia, both are located in an independent secret space.

As the two of them arrived, three more space fluctuations soon appeared, and only three people appeared.

The one in the middle looks middle-aged, while the two on the left and right have dark skin.

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes. He had known for a long time that the races of the Lighthouse Country were complex, but he didn't expect that there were two black ones who had reached the level of demigod.

If there is another black demigod, it is not certain who belongs to this Lighthouse Country.

"Glen, why are you calling us back in such a hurry?"

At this time, the black demigod on the left asked dissatisfiedly. Judging from the fact that he was only wearing underpants, he obviously disturbed the other party's good things.

Although the other two people did not speak, they looked at Gran with dissatisfied expressions.

"Everyone, this is Your Excellency Chu Ci from Daxia."

Gran said with a smile, "I came to our lighthouse country this time to take away the mythical core."

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