Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 369 The White Wolf Clan, this is the time when a wolf is encountered and destroyed!

The battle in the Evil Beast Cliff is still going on.

And it involves the ancient god level, so it is impossible to end it in a short time.

Ao Meng waited in the Dragon Domain for half a month, but still did not see the true gods who entered the Evil Beast Cliff come out.

"It seems that if I destroy the seal this time, the losses caused to the Dragon Clan will be huge." Ao Meng thought to himself.

But he doesn't have a good place to go now. After all, he is now equivalent to a black man in the Dragon Clan, and he can't even leave the Dragon Territory.

He wanted to find a place to refine Ao Yun's body, but now that he was in the Dragon Realm, he was afraid that as soon as he started, he would be discovered by the true god who stayed behind, and then he would be in danger.

"Keep waiting. After the incident at Evil Beast Cliff is over, I will return to Evil Beast Cliff. There is the lingering influence of the ancestral dragon there. I don't have to worry about being discovered. I can refining Ao Yun's corpse with confidence." Ao Meng Secret passage.

Now in the entire Dragon Territory, the safest place for him is the Evil Beast Cliff.

While the Dragon Clan was busy dealing with the affairs of Evil Beast Cliff, Chu Ci was not idle either.

"Ao Meng is really good at causing trouble."

Chu Ci smiled, he already knew what Ao Meng was doing in the Dragon Clan.

The main reason is that the other party has been hiding in the Dragon Realm for the past half month and has nothing to do. I often chat with him remotely.

"It took the Dragon Clan half a month to finish the matter at the Evil Beast Cliff. It seems that there are quite a few true gods and even ancient gods and evil beasts in this Evil Beast Cliff."

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes. Unfortunately, he was too weak now to dare to go to the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, the evil beasts in the Evil Beast Cliff would be an excellent place for him to level up.

There are so many true god-level evil beasts, so he doesn't have to be busy catching mythical-level and demigods.

Chu Ci glanced at Sword World. He didn't waste a moment in half a month.

After leaving Shilin Mountain, he went to the Flame Swallowing Beast Tribe and the Cangyan Tribe, and directly captured all the mythical and demigods in the territories of these two tribes.

Nowadays, in the sword world, the number of mythical level ones has exceeded 100,000, and there are nearly 200 demigods.

"It's still not as fast as Yunwuhai."

Chu Ci thought about his experience in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mists, and regretted that he had killed all the foreigners.

If he can keep half of it, it will be enough for him to level up a lot, and even reaching level 99 is possible.

However, I did not have a sword world at that time, and it was only by chance that so many foreign races gathered.

"Time to move on to the next race."

Chu Ci glanced at the map. The next stop was the White Wolf Clan, which was quite far away from him.

Fortunately, he is now in the Cangyan Clan, and the opponent has a teleportation array here. Although he cannot directly hit the White Wolf Clan, the distance will be greatly shortened.

As the teleportation array was activated, Chu Ci quickly disappeared.

Five days later, Chu Ci came to a grassland.

White leaf grassland.

This is the territory of the White Wolf Clan.

There are also many races on this grassland, but these races are all ruled by the White Wolf Clan.

Chu Ci randomly captured a foreigner, and after some 'careful teaching', the other party finally told him the location of the White Wolf Clan with tears in his eyes.

Before leaving, in order to thank the other party, Chu Ci directly helped the other party join the queue on the road to reincarnation.

After flying for several hours, Chu Ci arrived in front of a valley, which is where the White Wolf Clan's ancestral home is.

"Let's keep it simple."

Chu Ci secretly thought.


Then a sword energy flew out and arrived in front of the valley in an instant.


As if sensing the danger, the valley shook and a barrier suddenly rose.


But the next moment, the sword energy passed by, and the barrier collapsed, turning into countless spiritual lights and disappearing.

"Who dares to break into our White Wolf Clan!!!"

At the moment when the barrier was shattered, a roar sounded, and figures quickly flew out of the valley.

"Only mythical level?"

Looking at these white wolves, Chu Ci raised his eyebrows, the mythical level was not enough.

"Let your clan leader come out." Chu Ci said calmly.

"Human race? How dare you come to our White Wolf tribe? I think you are ready to die... ugh!"

Before a mythical white wolf could finish his words, a sword light directly cut its throat and killed it.

Before the other white wolves could react, a spiritual sword was already placed on their necks.

The remaining white wolves also trembled in their hearts. They were not fools. They didn't know how powerful Chu Ci was.

"Go and ask your clan leader to come out." Chu Ci nodded at a white wolf.

The other party didn't dare to refuse at all, and quickly returned to the valley.

"Friends from the human race, I wonder where our White Wolf clan has offended you?"

Soon a voice sounded, and a white wolf with snow-white hair and a strong body appeared in front of him. The other person was Lang Peng, the leader of the White Wolf Clan, a strong demigod.

Behind him were three elders of the White Wolf clan, who were also demigods.

"Are you the leader of the White Wolf Clan?" Chu Ci asked.

"That's right, I am Lang Peng, the leader of the White Wolf Clan. I didn't know you..."

As Lang Peng was speaking, a spiritual sword quickly struck towards him.

Lang Peng's face changed slightly, and he immediately burst out with strength to fight back.

But the spirit sword instantly defeated his attack, and then passed across his body.


The next moment, an elder of the White Wolf tribe standing next to Lang Peng closed his eyes with reluctance.

"At this time tomorrow, gather all the demigods and myths in this area."

Chu Ci said, "Can it be done?"

Lang Peng, who was still in shock and fear, felt like waking up from a dream when he heard these words.

The look in Chu Ci's eyes no longer looked as bright as before, replaced by fear and apprehension.

How could he not know that he was meeting a ruthless person... No, the other party was more than a little or two crueler than the ruthless person, and he was even more brutal.

It’s simply a wolf killer!

"Report to your lord, I can do it."

Although he didn't know what Chu Ci's purpose was, Lang Peng didn't dare to refuse at this time.

Just kidding, the powerful elder was no worse than him, but he was still killed instantly by the other party.

He was sure that if he said he couldn't do it, he would become a corpse like the rich elders in the next second.

"Well, go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

"Don't think about playing tricks, otherwise your White Wolf Clan won't have any need to exist. But if you handle this matter well, your people will be fine."

Chu Ci nodded and said, the clansman he mentioned naturally refers to the other party's clansmen below the myth level.

As for those above the myth level, including this Wolf Peng, they are all his targets.

Lang Peng didn't know this, otherwise if he knew it, he wouldn't care about his clan members and would just run away.

"Don't worry, sir, I will do my best to handle this matter." Lang Peng said hurriedly.

Chu Ci nodded, stopped talking nonsense with the other party, and let the other party do things.

He had done this kind of thing before in the Flame Swallowing Beast Clan and the Cangyan Clan. When the regional overlord summoned them, the demigods and mythical level ones in the region would come quickly, without him having to catch them one by one.

"After we capture all the aliens here, it's time to go to the Xuanhu Clan." Chu Ci secretly thought.

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