The efficiency of the White Wolf Clan is quite high.

After Lang Peng issued the order, all the tribes in Baiye Grassland soon received the news.

Although the various races were confused as to why the White Wolf Clan suddenly summoned all the demigods and myths, they thought that other races were also going, so they were not too worried.

What's more, as the only royal family in the White Leaf Grassland, the White Wolf Clan also has extremely strong dominance over this area, and all the tribes dare not resist.

Until noon on the second day, the demigods and myth-levels of each race arrived in the White Wolf Valley.

"Chief Langpeng, I wonder why you asked me to come here?"

"Yes, are you going to attack the human race?"

"Attack the human race? After so many years, the human race is not so easy to attack."

Some demigods came to Lang Peng to ask, and when he heard everyone's words, especially when he heard about attacking the human race, Lang Peng's expression changed.

If you want to die, don't take me with you.

That strong man from the human race is now among their white wolf clan.

"Everyone, we have important matters to discuss this time, and there are still some demigods who have not arrived yet. I will wait until they all arrive." Lang Peng said with a calm smile on his face.

But in his heart, he had already sentenced to death those demigods who just said they were going to attack the human race.

The other demigods naturally had no objection and continued chatting with the familiar strong men of the race.

Those mythical demigods are waiting, so naturally they don’t dare to talk nonsense.

Time passed little by little, and more and more demigods and mythical ones arrived.

"Sir, all the demigods in White Leaf Grassland have arrived."

A demigod from the White Wolf Tribe came to report Chu Ci under the instruction of Lang Peng.

Chu Ci slowly opened his eyes and nodded, "There are quite a few people coming."

There are now more than twenty demigods outside. If the demigods of the White Wolf tribe are included, the number reaches more than seventy.

The White Wolf clan is considered powerful among the royal clan.

As for the mythical level, there are even more.

Including the mythical White Wolf Clan, there are fifty to sixty thousand in number.

"Let's go."

Chu Ci stood up and walked outside, and the demigod followed cautiously.

Soon, Chu Ci came to the square of the White Wolf Clan, where all the demigods and mythical ones gathered.

"Huh? Human race?"

Chu Ci's appearance quickly attracted the attention of the aliens, with surprised looks on their faces.

They did not expect to see the human race in the White Wolf Clan, and it seemed that the White Wolf Clan was quite respectful to the human race.

"Chief Langpeng, what do you mean? How come a human race appears here?"

Immediately, some demigods looked at Lang Peng, with vigilance rising in their eyes.

They themselves were confused about Lang Peng suddenly summoning them, but now the appearance of the human race made them feel something was wrong.

Lang Peng was about to speak, but Chu Ci was too lazy to waste time.

Sword world, open!

The next moment, the tens of thousands of aliens present felt their eyes flicker, and then they found themselves appearing in another space.

"Lang Peng, what on earth do you White Wolf Clan want to do!"

The sudden change shocked other alien races. Many demigods and mythical alien races gathered together to confront the White Wolf tribe.

At this time, Lang Peng was also confused.

Not to mention these aliens, he himself didn't even know what was going on.

"Stop arguing, you were also captured by that human race."

At this time, a voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look, and then their hearts were shocked.

Because they saw the leader of the troll clan, Mo Hai, and even the flame-swallowing beast clan and the Cangyan clan.

In addition to these three royal families, there are many alien races from other races in this space.

They are all mythical and demigod.

"Demon Sea? Why are you here too?"

Lang Peng asked hurriedly, "What did you say about being arrested?"

Mo Hai was not stingy and explained the situation immediately.

After listening to what the other party said, Lang Peng froze in place.

"You mean that human race is hunting down mythical and demigods?"

Lang Peng's face looked ugly. He would be stupid if he didn't understand at this moment.

The other party asked him to summon the mythical and demigods of the White Leaf Grassland in order to capture him, including even the White Wolf Clan.

"We have so many mythical and demigods, can't we rush out?" Lang Peng asked.

"Charging out? That person can kill even the true god. Do you think you can rush out?"

Mo Hai sneered and said, it's not like they haven't tried before. There are 100,000 mythical level and hundreds of demigods on site. Together, they can't break the blockade of this space.

"True God? Has he killed the True God?" Lang Peng was completely numb.

He knew that the other party was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

That was a true god, and he was actually killed by the other party.

Mo Hai nodded, "And if I'm not mistaken, that person is only at the myth level now."

"You can kill a true god at the myth level. How powerful will he be once he reaches the level of a demigod or even a true god?"

As he spoke, Mohai couldn't help but sigh, "I've heard before that the human race is endless. In every trough period, someone will stand up and lead the human race to the top and restore the ancient glory. Now it seems to be true. "

The human race has been rich and poor, but it has never been destroyed.

If he had known that such an existence had appeared in the human race, the trolls would have turned to the human race long ago.

It's a pity that I missed it. I didn't even have the opportunity to hold my thigh. Now I can only become a prisoner.

"Lang Peng, look at the good things you have done, no matter how that person wants to deal with us, we will deal with you first."

Many demigods in the White Leaf Grassland were about to take action against Lang Peng. If it weren't for Lang Peng, how could they have killed someone thousands of miles away.


But just as the two sides were about to take action, a spiritual sword fell from the sky and straddled the two sides.

"Settle down."

Chu Ci's voice sounded, just three words, which directly shocked everyone, and for a while they didn't dare to move at all.

Mohai was not surprised to see this, because when the Yanyan Beast Clan and the Cangyan Clan came in before, they were about to fight, but it was Chu Ci who came out to start a fight that prevented them from starting a fight.

The sword world soon became quiet, but many demigods in the White Leaf Grassland still looked at the White Wolf clan fiercely.

The White Wolf Clan, who were already in the wrong, were naturally a little embarrassed, and even some of the White Wolf Clan's demigods also hated Lang Peng in their hearts.

If it weren't for each other, how could they become prisoners.

Seeing that the sword world had settled down, Chu Ci ignored it.

He took out the map and took a look at it.

"It's time to go to the Xuanhu Clan."

Chu Ci found a teleportation array of the White Wolf Clan, and with a flash of white light, his figure disappeared from the spot.

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