Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 379 Beishan City, entering the Evil Beast Cliff again!

In the dragon domain.

"Come out, it seems that the matter at Evil Beast Cliff is over."

Ao Meng, who was hiding in the dark, noticed the return of a large number of true gods and learned about the situation.

I just don’t know what kind of price the Dragon Clan has paid in order to quell the incident at Evil Beast Cliff this time.

Although he wanted to know, he didn't dare to inquire.

Now that many true gods have returned, his situation has become dangerous, and he must find a way to return to Evil Beast Cliff.

Even though there will definitely be dragon warriors stationed at Evil Beast Cliff, it will still be much safer than the Dragon Domain where True Gods are everywhere.

"Next, it's time to find a way to enter the Evil Beast Cliff again."

There are many ways to enter Evil Beast Cliff.

One is that the powerful ancient god directly tears through the barrier between the two realms and enters.

The second way is to go to the entrance of Evil Beast Cliff and enter normally.

He will definitely not be able to do the first method. Now he is already a dead person in the Dragon Clan. If he goes to find the ancient god, it will be equivalent to dying again.

The second method is not possible. The entrance to Evil Beast Cliff is guarded by a true god. In addition, the riot in Evil Beast Cliff has just ended, so the entrance may be temporarily closed.

"That's the only way to go now."

The Dragon Clan is very strong, and there are naturally a lot of Dragon Clan.

Although the dragon clan has clan rules, there will always be some dragons who violate the clan rules.

Generally, after making a mistake, they will only be punished, but if they commit a heinous crime, their cultivation will be abolished and sent to the Evil Beast Cliff, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Although Ao Meng was also sent to the Evil Beast Cliff at the beginning, perhaps Ao Bo felt that Ao Meng would definitely die, so he did not abolish his cultivation.

"There is a specific teleportation array for these sin dragons to enter the Evil Beast Cliff. After all, the dragon domain is so large that it is impossible for every sin dragon to enter normally from the entrance."

The way Ao Meng thought of was to enter the Evil Beast Cliff through these teleportation arrays.

There are quite a few such teleportation arrays. There are many cities in Dragon Domain, and each city has such a teleportation array.

However, if you want to activate the teleportation array, you need the city lord's seal.

"Beishan City, this is here."

Ao Meng looked at the city in front of him. Naturally, he had not been idle during this period. He had already thought of a way to re-enter the Evil Beast Cliff.

Unlike the city where the five-clawed golden dragon is located, this Beishan City is just a remote town.

Among them, there are only more than ten thousand dragons, and they are all low-level dragons. Fire dragons, water dragons, flying dragons, etc. are all mixed in.

Aomeng came to Beishan City once before, when he was running errands in Mingpai Pavilion to report the funeral.

"If I remember correctly, the lord of Beishan City is called Ao Chi. He is also from the five-clawed golden dragon clan, but he has a broken bloodline like me."

Although the other party's bloodline was incomplete, the other party's son had pretty good qualifications and reached the true god level early. Unfortunately, he died while going out for training. This was why he came to report his funeral.

"Ao Chi gave all his resources to his son in order to help his son get ahead. If nothing else happens, he is still just a demigod."

This is also the reason why Ao Meng chose Beishan City. The city owner is only a demigod, so it would be much easier for him to use the teleportation array to enter the Evil Beast Cliff.

Then a flash of spiritual light covered Ao Meng's body, and he hid himself in the void and entered Beishan City directly.

Originally, he planned to go directly to Ao Chi and find a way to get the other party's seal, but as soon as he entered Beishan City, he found that it was quite lively today.

"Go to the south of the city quickly. I heard that the city wants to send two guys into the Evil Beast Cliff."

"What? What kind of crime did you commit to be sent to the Evil Beast Cliff? Speaking of which, since the establishment of Beishan City, the teleportation array in the south of the city has not been used."

"What crime? Of course they offended the city lord. I heard that those two guys wanted to ask the city lord for help, but the city lord kept refusing after accepting the gift. The two guys spoke ill of the city lord behind his back, and also mentioned the city lord's loss of his son... …”

Hearing this, several dragons nearby took a breath. Who didn't know that the last thing the city lord wanted to hear was the loss of a son.

No wonder those two guys were sent to Evil Beast Cliff.

Ao Meng quickly hurried towards the south of the city after listening to half of it.

He didn't care who was unlucky and who was right. Since Ao Chi was about to activate the teleportation array, he didn't have to go to so much trouble.

In the south of the city, a group of dragons stood below, all looking at a high platform in front of them.

A middle-aged man stood there with an indifferent expression. He looked like he was only in his prime, but his temples were already gray.

This person is Ao Chi, the lord of Beishan City.

"Everyone, these two guys actually dare to talk about our Dragon Clan's genius behind our backs. They even do evil things in Beishan City on weekdays. I don't know how many tribesmen have suffered from this. They even want to betray our Dragon Clan and collude with foreign races..."

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Ao Chi also spoke.

But all the dragons below knew that except for the first sentence the other party said, all other charges were made up by Ao Chi.

But it's useless even if he knows, who calls Ao Chi the lord of the city?

Moreover, he said behind his back that no one else would be happy if his son died.

"Based on the above thirty-five charges, these two guys should have been stripped of their skin, scales, and hearts. However, this city lord is kind, so today I just abolished their cultivation and sent them to the Evil Beast Cliff. middle."

"If they can survive in the Evil Beast Cliff for a month, they can return to the Dragon Clan."

Ao Chi said, looking at the two red dragons who were bound on the ground in front of them, with their mouths sealed, "Do you have any objections?"


The two dragons twisted their bodies crazily like maggots, trying to speak, but unfortunately their mouths were sealed.

"Since you have no objections, it's settled."

Ao Chi finished speaking, and then the seal flew out.


As the light lit up on the seal, a teleportation array in front of him was also activated, and a beam of light rose into the sky.

"I hope you two dragons can reflect on your actions after entering the Evil Beast Cliff, and continue to contribute to our dragon clan after you come out."

Ao Chi said with a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of hatred.

These two bastards dared to say behind his back that his son deserved to die.

Damn it, damn it!

His bloodline was incomplete, so he pinned his hopes on his son.

Although his son's bloodline is also incomplete, he is much stronger than himself.

With the resources he provided, his son successfully broke through to the True God, and even gained the favor of a peak True God, and entered the Dragon Washing Pond to replenish his bloodline.

But he never expected that when he received news about his son again, it was news of his death.

That's why he hated others mentioning his son in front of him, let alone these two guys saying so unpleasant things.

The reason why there was so much fanfare today was because he killed two dragons rashly and could easily be traced by the higher authorities.

The second is to shock all the dragons in Beishan City and let them know that they are the lord of the city.

The two red dragons looked desperate, knowing that they were finished.

The cultivation level has been abolished. If he is thrown into the evil beast cliff again, there is only one way to die.

"Go ahead."

The next moment Ao Chi waved his hand, and two red dragons landed on the teleportation array.

With a flash of inspiration, the two red dragons disappeared.

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