Inside the Evil Beast Cliff.

As a white light fell, three figures appeared.

"Finally back again."

Ao Meng looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar sight in front of him with a smile on his face.


At this time, a low voice sounded, and Ao Meng also looked at it.

The two red dragons were still restrained and their mouths were sealed.

But at this time, the two of them were looking at Ao Meng in confusion.

Ao Chi didn't notice it just now, but they saw that during the teleportation, they suddenly felt that there was an extra person.

I thought it was an illusion, but I didn't expect it to be true.

They really couldn't figure out how someone could take the initiative to enter the Evil Beast Cliff.

"I forgot about you two."

Ao Meng looked at the two red dragons and smiled, "It must be painful for you to do this."

Hearing the sound, the two red dragons also reacted.


At this time, they no longer cared about why Ao Meng would take the initiative to enter the Evil Beast Cliff, they just wanted Ao Meng to save them.

"We are all dragons, so I will naturally save you."

"Since you are in so much pain, then I will help you end your pain."

Ao Meng smiled, and before the two red dragons could react, two sword lights passed by and harvested the two dragons.

Then Ao Meng waved casually, and the bodies of the two red dragons were thrown in front of several evil beasts in the distance.

"Click, click, click..."

There was a harsh sound, and several evil beasts started eating happily.

Seeing this scene, Ao Meng smiled. It was just a red dragon, but it was still a crippled red dragon. It was not worthy of being tasted by the sword master.

"Let's find a place to hide first. There may be strong ancient gods from the Dragon Clan guarding the Evil Beast Cliff now. We need to find out first."

"Now the sword master is on his way back to the human race. He will soon start to level up. Then I can continue to level up."

Ao Meng thought secretly.

Because he didn't know the current situation at Evil Beast Cliff yet, he didn't dare to fly with his sword. Instead, he shuttled between the mountains and forests on his way.

Although he will encounter some evil beasts, he is enveloped by a layer of spiritual light and these true god-level evil beasts cannot detect him.

"Thanks to Huo Lin's treasure, otherwise there would be some trouble."

Ao Meng smiled, but it was a pity that when he left Evil Beast Cliff, in order to avoid accidents, he took back all the spirit swords, otherwise he could return to the cave where he lived before with a sword flash.

Fortunately, it was not far from the cave, but after driving for an hour, Ao Meng stopped.

He looked around with a confused expression.

I saw potholes all around, some even covering tens of thousands of miles.

"Is this...I'm lost?"

Ao Meng was silent. Judging from the scene in front of him, the battle between the dragon clan and the evil beast was extremely fierce.

I'm afraid the cave he lived in before has been destroyed long ago.

"That's all, just find a place."

Ao Meng shook his head, and then started to run back again, because everything in front was razed to the ground, there were only deep pits, not even a hill.

"Boy, you came back very quickly. I thought I would have to wait for you for a hundred and eighty years."

But just as Ao Meng turned around, an uninhibited voice suddenly sounded from behind.


Ao Meng disappeared in a flash of his sword without even looking back.

A small beast the size of a human head couldn't help but become silent when it saw Ao Meng disappearing.

"This kid runs too fast."

The corner of the little beast's mouth twitched. He thought about all the scenes of the two parties meeting, but he didn't expect that the other party would run away just before he spoke.

Not even looking at him.

"But that's the only way to live a long life."

The little beast grinned, its mouth already occupying half of its face. Then it jumped slightly, ripples appeared in the space in front of it, and the little beast disappeared.

"Who was that just now?"

"He knows me?"

"I didn't even feel his presence. At least he is a true god."

"It would be fine if it was just a true god, but if it was an ancient god..."

On the other side, Ao Meng looked solemn.

He didn't know what the strength of the owner of the voice just now was, but since he couldn't feel it, the other person was at least a true god.

If it was half a month ago, he would not be afraid of the True God. Relying on the protective effect of the First Emperor's remaining power, it would be easy to kill the True God.

But now that he has left Evil Beast Cliff for a month, the previous shelter effect has been refreshed.

Although these new protection effects are also very good, they cannot allow him to kill the true god.

"Do you want to leave?"

Ao Meng has an extra teleportation token from Evil Beast Cliff in his hand. He only needs to crush it to teleport away directly.

"I think you are too cautious."

Just as he was thinking about it, the voice sounded again.

Ao Meng immediately planned to run away again, but suddenly found that he could not move.

"Don't bother. I am also a peak ancient god after all. I just let you run away accidentally. If I let you run away again, then you won't respect me very much."

Hearing this, Ao Meng felt cold in his heart.

It’s just an ancient god, he’s the pinnacle ancient god, how can he run away?

"Senior, what do you want to do with this junior?" Ao Meng asked cautiously because he couldn't move and couldn't see him.

After calming down, he also knew that if the other party was really malicious towards him, he would not be able to resist.

Since he didn't kill himself directly, there was some discussion.

Although he didn't know what a peak ancient god wanted to discuss with him, he still had a chance to survive.

At this moment, a small beast appeared in front of Ao Meng.

Looking at the little beast in front of him, Ao Meng was surprised. The other person was the peak ancient god?

The little beast flew around Ao Meng and looked at him for a while.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, even though your boy was born with incomplete blood, he is indeed a pure five-clawed golden dragon. How could you be protected by the First Emperor?"

"And your kid's situation is quite special. You obviously don't have a dragon heart anymore. Logically speaking, even if you don't die, your strength will be greatly reduced. But in the end, you still have mythical strength. You seem to have two powers in your body."

"And your boy's combat power, which is obviously only at the myth level, is actually capable of breaking the seals set by many ancient gods of the Dragon Clan. Although the seal has been secretly eroded by us for a long time, 99% of it is not yours, which is at the myth level. Destroyed.”

The little beast said while watching.

And every word the other party said shocked Ao Meng's heart.

He didn't expect that the other party would see through all his details after just looking at him for a while.

It's just that he didn't directly say that he was a human being on the career panel.

And from the words of the other party, he also knew that the other party was not a dragon, but a strong ancient evil beast from the depths of the Evil Beast Cliff.

"That's all, it's okay if you can't see through it. Only in this way can there be variables."

The little beast didn't hesitate too much, and looked at Ao Meng, grinning widely, as if smiling, "Young dragon, do you want to become stronger?"

Ao Meng stiffened, not because he was frightened by the other person's face.

But...he seemed to have heard the other party's words somewhere.

Oh, right.

When he first met the sword master, the sword master asked him the same question.

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