Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 381 Ao Meng’s chance, his natal magical power, swallowed up!

"Senior, I wonder why you are looking for this junior?"

Ao Meng did not answer, but asked cautiously.

The opponent was an ancient god who was sealed by the Dragon Clan within the Evil Beast Cliff. Logically speaking, he should be full of malice toward the Dragon Clan.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed a dragon, but he didn't believe that the other party would have a good impression of him.

"You're quite vigilant, so I won't talk nonsense. I want you to rescue us," the little beast said.

"Senior, you are a peak ancient god, but I am only at the myth level now. You can't even come out with your strength. So what if I help you?"

Ao Meng said, "Senior, don't forget, I am also a dragon. How could I do something that would harm the dragons?"

"Oh? If that's the case, then I'll kill you." The little beast joked.

Ao Meng's expression froze, that's not what he meant.

"Hmph, you didn't show any mercy when you killed those three dragons. I think the reason why you broke the seal was to blame those evil beasts for the death of those three dragons."

The little beast said and sneered again, "Furthermore, you have lost your dragon heart. With the power of your dragon clan, if you really value you, it would be easy to help you make up for the dragon heart. It shows that you are not favored by the dragon clan." See you soon.”

"Yes, after all, all races value bloodline inheritance the most. As the top race, the dragon race will only attach more importance to it. It is normal for you, a waste with incomplete bloodline, not to be welcomed."

Listening to the other party's words, Ao Meng's face gradually calmed down.

"Now that the seniors know it, the juniors will no longer quibble. However, with the strength of the juniors, there is really nothing they can do to save the seniors." Ao Meng said.

In fact, he doesn't mind releasing the other party, even if the entire dragon clan is destroyed, it doesn't matter to him.

It's a pity that my strength is indeed not enough.

When he first broke the seal barrier, he was still thinking whether the seal barrier was too weak, but it was actually broken by him with a mythical level. How could he seal so many true gods and evil beasts?

But now I know that the seal barrier has long been eliminated by the powerful ancient evil beasts inside. He was just lucky enough to get the final blow.

In front of the ancient god, no matter how high the damage is, it is useless. The ancient god only needs one thought to make him disappear into ashes.

"Of course I'm not asking you to rescue us now, but we are optimistic about your potential and decided to train you."

"But although we are not in a hurry, we should try our best to rescue us within ten thousand years."

The little beast said that the five ferocious beasts were fine, but the other ferocious beasts that had been sealed and fell into deep sleep could only last for ten thousand years at most.

"Senior, aren't you afraid of regretting it when I become stronger?" Ao Meng asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Hmph, what do you do in this world that isn't gambling? If you really regret it then, we will lose." The little beast said disdainfully.

If they lose, they will die. Many years ago, if they had not encountered the First Emperor, they would have died.

The reason why I chose Ao Meng was not because I believed in his character.

Mainly because the other party was able to obtain the protection of the First Emperor, and because the other party was quite special.

Ao Meng remained silent.

At this time he was thinking about a question.

Does he need training from the ancient gods?

If he had had such an opportunity before, he would have been ecstatic.

But now that he has a human career panel, he can become stronger by killing monsters.

It is indeed good to have the training of strong ancient gods, but if not, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"What? Could it be that you look down on investments from ancient gods?"

When the little beast saw that Ao Meng was silent, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

A mythical level, rejecting investment from an ancient god?

Are you kidding? This is a huge opportunity.

"Senior, wait a moment, I need to think about it."

Ao Meng closed his eyes as he spoke, and then contacted Chu Ci.

At this time, Chu Ci was in a purple fire demon cow tribe.

"It's still a little short, just grab some more on the way back."

Chu Ci looked at a legendary copy space stone in his hand.

Of the ten legendary dungeon space stones, four of them had already been added to the alien race on his way back. He only needed to activate them to form a dungeon directly.

Thinking about this, Chu Ci planned to leave. All the legendary powerhouses from the Purple Fire Demonic Cow Clan in front of him were thrown into the dungeon space stone, and there was no point in staying.

But then he received news from Ao Meng.

After hearing what Ao Meng said, Chu Ci narrowed his eyes.

"Does this guy Ao Meng still have such a chance?"

Chu Ci didn't expect that the other party would be attracted by the ancient god sealed inside the Evil Beast Cliff, and would also want to make a deal.

"Promise him, you won't suffer any loss anyway."

Chu Ci thought for a while and said, "This kind of old monster who has lived for who knows how many years, even if it is sealed, his background is definitely not bad. He looted all their good things."

There is no reason to refuse an opportunity that is presented to you for free.

If it were him, he would definitely refuse, but Ao Meng didn't have to.

Even if something unexpected happens in the end, at most one Ao Meng will die.

This may make you look cold and callous, but aliens are aliens after all.

The reason why he made Ao Meng his sword attendant was not because he admired him.

It was just to gain an eye on the Dragon Clan. If Ao Meng could disintegrate the Dragon Clan, it would be the best.

From beginning to end, Ao Meng was just a tool to Chu Ci.

On the other side, while the little beast was waiting, Ao Meng also opened his eyes.

"Senior, I promise you." Ao Meng said.

The little beast remained calm on his face, but he was relieved in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he, a majestic ancient god, would have mood swings because of an ant-like mythical level.

"Since you agreed, I won't play tricks with you."


After the little beast finished speaking, a flash of spiritual light flew out from between his eyebrows and sank directly into Ao Meng's body.

The next moment, a prompt popped up in front of Ao Meng.

[You have received a gift from Taotie and gained a special ability: Devour. 】

[Swallow]: It is the natal magical power of the Taotie clan, which can swallow everything and turn it into one's own use.

"Senior, what are you..."

Ao Meng was shocked. He did not expect that the other party would be so generous and directly gave him his magical power.

At the same time, he finally knew the identity of the other party.

Taotie, this is a ferocious beast from ancient times.

"Don't think too much. This magical power is only temporarily lent to you for use. I can take it back at any time."

Taotie said with a smile, "Speaking of which, the ancestral dragon of your dragon clan imprisoned us for our natal magical powers. Although he did not succeed, you can still be considered as reluctantly fulfilling his last wish."

"Ancestral Dragon? Did Ancestral Dragon imprison you because of your natal magical powers?"

Ao Meng said, "Senior, this junior actually has a doubt. Aren't all the evil beasts in the Evil Beast Cliff devoid of intelligence? Why do seniors seem to have no influence?"

"Don't compare us with those ants. Since ancient times, there will only be one of our ferocious beast clan. Unless the last one is annihilated, these ants are not our clansmen."

"As for why we were not affected, it is naturally because the First Emperor kept his hand, and we are strong enough."

Taotie said, seeing that Ao Meng still wanted to ask, he immediately interrupted him impatiently.

"Stop asking, let's get down to business first."

The next moment, Taotie opened his mouth and saw a ball of light emerging, and in the ball of light, there was a shrunken dragon corpse.

"Come on, use your magical power to refine it first." Taotie said.

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