Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 382 The ancient dragon corpse returns to the human race!

"This is... the dragon corpse of a powerful five-clawed golden dragon ancient god!"

Looking at the dragon corpse in the ball of light, Ao Meng was shocked.

He really didn't expect that Taotie would be so generous.

First, he lent himself the devouring magical power, and now he gave him an ancient god-level dragon corpse.

And he happens to be from the five-clawed golden dragon clan.

"Well, we killed this guy a few days ago. He was not very strong, but he still insisted on getting in front of us. If we don't kill him, we will kill him."

"There were two other ancient god-level dragon corpses, but they were not five-clawed golden dragons and had different bloodline from yours, so we just ate them." Taotie Yun said lightly.

But Ao Meng was shocked.

All this time, he didn't know what price the Dragon Clan paid to pacify the Evil Beast Cliff.

In his opinion, it would be good to be able to kill more than a dozen true gods.

But he never expected that there would be other powerful ancient gods who also fell, and there were three of them.

Although he only exerted the last bit of force on the seal barrier, he was the one who finally broke the seal.

In other words, he, a mythical person, indirectly killed three powerful ancient gods?

Thinking of this, Ao Meng felt excited.

When the Dragon Clan abandoned him that day, he no longer regarded himself as a Dragon Clan.

The more severe the dragon clan's losses were, the stronger his inner joy became.

The little beasts transformed by Taotie have been paying attention to Ao Meng's changes. Although they want to take a gamble on Ao Meng, they cannot be defenseless.

Now that Ao Meng saw the corpse of the ancient dragon god, not only was he not sad, but he was actually a little excited.

This made Taotie nod secretly, he was a good rebel.

They like these kind of rebels the most, because they are vicious beasts that are cunning, cruel and cruel, and they are also rebels.

"Senior, even if I have the magical power of senior, it would be difficult to refine this ancient god's dragon corpse," Ao Meng said.

It's not like he can't refine the ancient god-level dragon corpse, but it will take an extremely long time.

"I'm not asking you to refine it immediately. Just refine it slowly. At least complete your dragon heart first, and then complete the bloodline to improve the purity." Taotie said.

Not to mention Ao Meng, even if he is also an ancient god, it will take some time to digest an ancient god dragon corpse.

Ao Meng nodded and immediately started refining it with Taotie's help.

Taotie also put up a barrier. Even if ordinary ancient god powerhouses passed by this place, it would be difficult to spot them if they were not paying attention.

"Taotie is willing to give up the dragon corpse of the ancient god."

On the other side, Chu Ci also learned about the situation on Ao Meng's side.

Without thinking any more, Chu Ci continued to add alien races to the copy space stone, and at the same time flew in the direction of the human race.

A month later, Chu Ci arrived outside Jiayuguan.

"Finally back."

Looking at Jiayuguan, Chu Ci had a smile on his face.

He was originally able to come back half a month ago, but in order to add alien races to the dungeon space stone, he captured some mythical alien races, which delayed a lot of time.

With a flash of sword, Chu Ci entered the Jiayuguan Pass.

"Mr. Shen, help me contact Lao Gu."

Without waiting for Shen Yushan to speak, Chu Ci said directly.

Shen Yushan nodded, and then hurriedly contacted Gu Yuan. Not long after, Gu Yuan came.

"What happened? You are so anxious to find me."

Gu Yuan looked at Chu Ci seriously, thinking that Chu Ci had encountered some trouble.

"Good thing."

Chu Ci didn't say much, and took out ten legendary dungeon space stones and handed them to the other party.

Gu Yuan looked at these copy space stones with curiosity. When he saw their effects, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

As the Minister of Military Affairs, he naturally knew the value of these copy space stones in an instant.

"It turns out to be a legendary level dungeon. With these dungeons, a large number of level 89 experts, even mythical level ones, will appear in our country in a short period of time."

Gu Yuan looked excited.

For a long time, because there were no dungeons above level 80, after the human race reached level 80, they had to go to the outside world to kill foreign races to level up.

Not only does it not have much experience value, it is also extremely dangerous, and countless people die every year because of it.

But now with these ten dungeon space stones, even though some people will still fall into the dungeon, the safety has been greatly improved.

Moreover, dungeons of different difficulty also have different experience values, which can allow humans to quickly improve their strength.

"Hahaha, great, great. With these ten copies, our peak legendary number in Daxia this year can be increased by at least five times, and even the mythical number can be doubled." Gu Yuan laughed.

Looking at Chu Ci, there was gratitude and relief in his eyes. It turns out that when a person is strong enough, he really has the ability to change the fate of a race.

Today's Chu Ci is only at the myth level. If he waits for the other party to reach the level of demigod and true god, to what height will he lead the human race?

Gu Yuan was looking forward to it very much.

"Lao Gu, look at this again."

Chu Ci said and took out the two purple copy space stones.

Looking at these two crystals, Gu Yuan's heart moved, could it be...

When he saw that it was as he thought, there were actually two space stones that could create mythical copies, Gu Yuan was so excited that he couldn't express his excitement.

After a while, Gu Yuan took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, looked at Chu Ci seriously, and said, "I will definitely keep an eye on these things with my own eyes, and there will definitely be no mistakes."

Compared with all kinds of words of thanks and praise, Gu Yuan was more willing to be serious and put everything Chu Ci brought back to practical use.

This is the respect for Chu Ci.

Chu Ci smiled and nodded. With the other party watching, he naturally wasn't worried.

"By the way, how many lifestyle occupations above level 90 do we have in Great Xia?" Chu Ci asked.

"Life occupations? There are not many. After all, you know that leveling up is difficult, but there are still some. They are all in the military department. There are 7 people in total." Gu Yuan thought for a while and said.

Chu Ci nodded. He originally thought there were only two or three people, but the number the other party said exceeded his expectation.

"Can you trust these seven people?"

Chu Ci asked, naturally he wanted someone who could trust him to learn the method of making the core of the myth.

The core of the myth is in the hands of the human race and can pose a huge threat to the alien races.

But similarly, if the core of the mythology leaks to a foreign race, it will also be a threat to the human race.

Seeing what Chu Ci said, Gu Yuan still didn't understand that the other party had something very important. After thinking for a while, he nodded, "I can trust you. They were all trained by Da Xia since they were young."

If you want to level up in life-related professions, you need the help of auxiliary professions and main combat professions.

It is extremely difficult for the main combat profession to become a mythical level, let alone a life-type profession.

Therefore, every lifestyle occupation that reaches level 90 or above has been carefully cultivated by Daxia with a lot of manpower and material resources.

If the loyalty is not enough, it is naturally impossible for Daxia to train the other party to level 90 or above.

After all, if a level 90 life-related profession is not controlled by Daxia officials, the other party will be able to disrupt Daxia's market with its own profession.

Daxia naturally would not allow this to happen.

"That's good, let them come over and learn this thing."

Chu Ci nodded and took out the myth core manufacturing scroll as he spoke.

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