[Law Crystal]: A special item, worn on the body, can increase the speed of understanding the power of the law by 30%.

"nice one."

Chu Ci's eyes lit up. The power of law is something that only those who reach level 100 demigod can come into contact with it.

If a demigod wants to become a true god, he must continuously accumulate the power of the law. When the power of the law reaches a certain level, he can try to use the power of the law to recast himself and achieve the realm of a true god.

[Law Crystal] is not of great use to him, but for others, it is equivalent to increasing the cultivation speed by 30%, which is of extraordinary value.

“I didn’t expect the first pass reward to be so generous.”

Chu Ci nodded with satisfaction. With this thing, the demigods in Daxia will improve much faster in the future.

And there is another mythical dungeon that has not been entered, and there will be a first pass reward when the time comes.

But Gu Yuan's face froze on the side, with regret in his eyes.

"Shou Tong is such a good thing. If I had known, I should have gathered the people."

There are only 91 people entering the dungeon this time, and there are still 9 positions.

Gu Yuan thought it was nothing before, but now he regrets it. This is equivalent to Daxia losing 9 law crystals.

"It's okay, there is another mythical dungeon. Find nine people as soon as possible after you get out." Chu Ci said with a smile.

Gu Yuan sighed, that was all he could do.

The two waited for a while, and everyone who went to pick up equipment came back.

"Major General Chu, Minister Gu, good stuff, I picked up the good stuff that the BOSS revealed."

Before anyone arrived, a voice came from far away.

"Mr. Wu, what good thing makes you so excited?"

Gu Yuan also looked curious.

Mr. Wu did not hesitate and saw a jade bottle appear in his hand.

The jade bottle looks unusual, but the real good thing is what's inside.

[Legal Liquid]: A magical artifact of the law. Within three days after taking it, the speed of mastering the power of the law will increase by 5 times, and there will be a 10% chance of comprehending the special law. It is only useful for level 100.

No wonder Mr. Wu is so excited. Although this magic liquid is only effective for three days, the improvement of five times is not low.

After all, the Law Crystal has only been increased by 30%.

As for the value, it is not easy to compare the two. After all, the one with the highest value of the divine liquid of law has a 10% increase in the chance of comprehending special laws.

What is the special law?

Time, space, reincarnation, destruction...these are all special laws.

However, the value of law crystals is not low. The divine liquid of law is gone once it is used, but law crystals can be used forever, or even passed down as family heirlooms to others.

"Just keep it, this thing is of little use to me." Chu Ci said to Gu Yuan.

When he reaches level 100, he can just drink the mythical spirit wine and gain special power of law.

Gu Yuan nodded and put the things away, knowing that Chu Ci was not being polite.

In addition to the Divine Liquid of Law, others naturally gained a lot.

This is the first time to clear this dungeon. Whether it is other monsters or BOSS, it is the first kill, and the things that explode are relatively good.

There was no on-site inventory, and everything was handed over to Gu Yuan. Later, the other party would inventory it and take out some of the most valuable items for Chu Ci to choose.

Soon the group left the copy.

Gu Yuan also began to count the number of people who reached level 99 in this dungeon.

Before, there were only 36 people who reached level 99, but after this dungeon, there were 13 more people, for a total of 49 people.

As long as these people kill one demigod, they can complete the mission of breaking through the realm and become a demigod.

In addition, Gu Yuan's sword servant profession also improved a lot this time.

It was directly upgraded from level 1 to level 76. Without the mission to break through the realm, the human race would level up very quickly.

Even under the leadership of a strong person, it is no problem to become a demigod or even a true god one day.

It’s strange that Wanzu can rest assured at such a terrifying growth rate.

It's no wonder that all races are trying their best to add restrictions to the profession panel of the races in order to weaken it.

"I won't enter the dungeon now. I'll help people who have reached level 99 to become demigods first."

Chu Ci said, "Lao Gu, please call another group of people over."

"No problem." Gu Yuan nodded, and then began to notify the military department.

After Gu Yuan finished notifying him, Chu Ci gave Gu Yuan another billion spiritual swords, and then brought Gu Yuan into the sword world.

At this time, there are more than five hundred demigods in the sword world, and they are all still uneasy because Chu Ci killed the demigod Xuan Yu yesterday.

They knew they wouldn't survive, but the process of waiting for death was too uncomfortable.

When they saw Chu Ci coming in with a human, these demigods' expressions darkened, and they already realized what was going to happen next.

Chu Ci didn't care what these guys thought, he directly controlled one of the demigods with a sword spell, and then forced the opponent out of the damage-free state with a sword.

Then there was a burst of output from Gu Yuan. Gu Yuan was already at level 76 as a swordsman. In addition, Chu Ci had just given him a billion spiritual swords, so the damage was not low.

When the demigod's health bar bottomed out, Gu Yuan switched to his first profession and killed the opponent.

After the other party's death, Gu Yuan successfully completed the mission of breaking through the situation.

However, he did not rush to submit the task. After all, the process of becoming a demigod still takes some time.


Chu Ci didn't waste any time and pulled Mr. Wu in again.

Just like before, Chu Ci destroyed the injury-free means of a demigod, and then Gu Yuan and Wu Lao attacked together.

After the health bar reached the bottom, Gu Yuan stopped and gave the head to Wu Lao.

Then it was repeated.

One by one, the 99-level strongmen were pulled into the sword world, and one by one, the demigod aliens also fell.

Soon, after killing 49 demigod aliens, it also meant that 49 human beings completed the demigod's breakthrough task.

It won't be long before the human race will have 49 more demigods, and there will be more and more in the future.

"The second batch of people has arrived." Gu Yuan said.

Chu Ci also dispersed from the sword world. At this time, there were indeed many more people in the square, and 99 people were gathered.

Chu Ci sent a team invitation, and then came to the second mythical copy and led everyone into the copy.

Half an hour later, Chu Ci and his group came out of the copy, which also meant that the first pass of this copy was also taken.

The reward for the first pass of the copy this time was the same as the previous one, all of which were law crystals.

It's just that the things that the monsters dropped are different. Although they are still divine objects of law, this time it is an equipment that needs a demigod to use.

After this dungeon, Chu Ci's level just reached 95, and there were 6 more people at level 99.

Another half an hour later, these six people also completed the demigod breakthrough task with the help of Chu Ci and Gu Yuan.

Now Daxia has 55 peak myths who have completed the breakthrough task.

These people started to break through to demigod with excitement.

It takes a little longer to break through to demigod.

But it was only three hours, and Daxia had 55 more demigods.

And in the days to come, there will be more and more.

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