Time flies, and a week has passed in the blink of an eye.

[Your team kills the level 100 BOSS monster, and you gain +65 experience points, and an additional 13 million experience points. 】

[Your level has reached the upper limit and you can no longer gain experience points. 】

[Your level meets the requirements. Do you want to activate the mission? 】

As the beeps continued to sound, a smile appeared on Chu Ci's face, finally maxing out his experience points.

However, he was not in a hurry and left the dungeon with the 99 people in front of him.

After that, Chu Ci followed suit, and soon three more people successfully completed the mission of breaking through.

During this week, in addition to leveling up the dungeon twice a day, he will also enter the dungeon with Daxia's mythical level.

Every day, at least a few people, or as many as a dozen people, reach level 99, and then complete the boundary-breaking mission with his help.

Including the three people in front of me, a total of 215 people successfully completed the mission to break through this week and became demigods.

A week ago, there were only seven demigods in Daxia.

But now, Daxia already has 222 demigods.

There are so many demigods, even among the royal families in the outer regions, they can be regarded as top-notch existences.

Unless you encounter someone like the Xuanhu clan who hides their true god.

"It's time to see what my mission is."

Chu Ci thought about it and opened the panel, then received the mission to break through.

[We are giving you a random mission...]

[Randomly successful, you get a new mission to break through: Recover the mountains and rivers. 】

[Recover the Mountains and Rivers]: Hell level, level 100 boundary-breaking mission. As the Wine Sword Immortal, you will lead the human race to its peak. The once broken mountains and rivers are waiting for your recovery. Please recover a territory that was once the human race. Mission rewards : Special law crystal core*1, free attribute points x500,000.

Although Chu Ci had already guessed that his level 100 boundary-breaking mission would be different from others, he did not expect that the gap would be so big.

"They actually asked me to regain a territory that was once a human race's territory."

Chu Ci began to think.

He didn't know what Chu Ci's territory was in the past of the human race. After all, he didn't have a map of the human race at its peak as a reference.

But one thing he was sure of was that the tens of thousands of miles beyond the Great Wall once belonged to the territory of the human race.

So if he occupied these territories, he would probably be able to complete the mission.

But the problem is that he can't do this.

It is easy to capture, but difficult to hold.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Great Wall that the royal families and even the gods in the outer realm are reluctant to attack the human race.

But if the human race captures the place outside the Great Wall, all races will definitely react, and maybe even the peak true god will come.

No matter how strong he is, the defense line of the Great Wall is already long. If the true gods appear in every direction, he will not be able to do anything at all.

On the contrary, it will lead to heavy losses for the human race, and the newly cultivated demigods may die.

To regain territory, we don't just have to conquer it, we have to hold it.

"You can't go to those places outside the Great Wall, otherwise it will easily start a war between the human race and all races. With the current strength of the human race, there is no chance to resist against all races."

"Even if there is to be a war, at least I have to wait until I reach the level of true god and have the ability to kill the peak true god."

Chu Ci secretly thought that as for the ancient gods, there should be some restrictions that prevented the ancient gods from coming out, so as long as he did not go to those saints, it would still be difficult to meet the ancient gods.

"Since it's not possible outside, we can only..."

Chu Ci's eyes lit up. He thought of the Black Abyss Secret Realm, and then looked through his tasks.

[Recover the Territory]: The only mission is to lead the Shenzhou, unify the four directions, restore the lost land, and regain the lost territory. You have been appreciated by the ancestors. Please recover the Black Abyss Secret Realm and rejoin the territory of Great Xia. Mission reward: Unknown.

This mission was issued to him by the ancestor of the First Emperor in the Black Abyss Secret Realm.

There are a total of five cities in the secret territory of Black Abyss. Tianyuan City among them has been destroyed by the ancestor and brought back by him. Now Daxia is still sending people to develop the resources of Tianyuan City.

Although Tianyuan City is no longer there, there are still four other cities.

This means that there are at least five true gods in the Black Abyss Secret Realm, and they are very likely to be the peak true gods.

However, when the ancestor of the First Emperor suppressed the true gods in those four cities before leaving, even though some strength was still retained, it would definitely not reach its peak state.

"What's more, those true gods are not majoring in law, but the true gods who established the Kingdom of God. Their combat power is weaker in comparison."

"And even if I can't defeat those peak true gods, as long as I kill the creatures in their kingdom, I can greatly weaken the opponent's combat power. Coupled with my many trump cards, it's not impossible to kill them."

Although it is difficult for the true god who established the Kingdom of God to die, as long as the Kingdom of God is immortal, the other party will not truly perish.

But the power of this true god also comes from the Kingdom of God. Once the Kingdom of God is destroyed, the True God, as the master of the Kingdom of God, will also suffer heavy losses.

Thinking about it, Chu Ci immediately made a decision. Even if he couldn't succeed once, the worst he could do was spend more time.

Then he looked at the Breakthrough mission again, and only then did he realize that the rewards for this mission had also changed.

The talent awakening scroll and exclusive equipment are gone, replaced by a special law crystal core.

"Since it can be used as a mission reward, this special law crystal core must be very precious. After all, it is a special law."

Chu Ci couldn't help but feel hot in his heart when he thought of entering the world of laws twice and being slashed by various powerful laws.

Mastering any special law will greatly improve his strength.

After closing the taskbar, Chu Ci had an extra token in his hand.

The Black Abyss Token was given to him by his ancestor Wuhou when he was in the Elf Clan.

After using the token, you can directly enter the Black Abyss Secret Realm.

"Let's go in in a few days and arrange other things first."

Putting the token away, Chu Ci led another group of people into the dungeon.

In the next few days, Chu Ci continued to level up with others.

This has also allowed the number of demigods in Daxia to continue to increase. Even though it can only increase by a few every day, the total number is still considerable.

Five days passed before Chu Ci stopped training.

"The two of you will take them to level up later."

Chu Ci looked at Liu Changhe and Shen Jiangyun.

Naturally, he will not forget the two of them, and now both of them have reached level 99 in their Sword Attendant profession.

However, the other profession has not yet been reached, so you can continue to farm monsters and gain experience.

"Old Chu, are you leaving again?" Mother Liu asked.

"Well, this time we have to complete the mission to break through the realm. If everything goes well, we will soon become demigods." Chu Ci said with a smile.

If he does not complete the mission of breaking through the realm, his four sword attendants will always be stuck at level 99.

Liu Changhe nodded, knowing that Chu Ci was going to do business.

After that, Chu Ci told the two of them a few more words, and before leaving, they each gave a billion spiritual swords.

Both of them have two billion spirit swords, and the damage bonus has reached 200,000 times. There is no problem in completing the mythical level dungeon.

After doing this, Chu Ci left with a flash of his sword. When he appeared again, he was already in front of Gu Yuan.

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