Outside Lingyuan City.

Chu Ci looked calmly at the aliens who turned into corpses under the spirit sword.

Massacre of the city was nothing to him.

It’s not like they haven’t been slaughtered.

"It's time for the true god to appear." Chu Ci thought to himself.

However, no matter whether the opponent appears or not, it will not delay his slaughter of the city. Even the peak true god cannot stop it.

"The sky barrier imposed by our ancestors is very good. I can stand outside and massacre the city boldly, but the aliens inside cannot come out."

Chu Ci smiled. Even the peak true god could not hurt him. He could only watch helplessly as he slaughtered the entire Lingyuan City.

Thinking about it, Chu Ci's mind moved, and another billion spiritual swords flew out.

Counting the previous spiritual swords, there are a total of two billion spiritual swords.

Now that his mana has reached more than 700 billion, he can still withstand even tens of billions of spiritual swords.

And when Chu Ci controlled two billion spiritual swords and slaughtered the living beings in Lingyuan City like a bulldozer, the bloody killing was finally felt.

"Strange, why has my strength dropped so much in a short period of time?"

I was somewhere thinking about how to break the restraint of Blood Killing, when I suddenly felt my strength drop.

This shocked him.

As the true god who established the Kingdom of God, part of his power comes from the Kingdom of God.

The more prosperous the kingdom of God is, the stronger his power will be, and it is even possible to become a powerful ancient god.

But similarly, when the kingdom of God declines, his power will also decline.

In the past, there were alien races in the Kingdom of God who were born, old, sick and died, but they would always be maintained in a balanced state.

But now his power has suddenly dropped, which means that a huge change has occurred in the Kingdom of God.

Immediately, the blood-killing mind was moved, and he patrolled the entire Kingdom of God. Then he saw countless spiritual swords invading the Kingdom of God, and they were killing his people crazily.

Seeing the people of his Kingdom of God falling in a pool of blood in large swaths, Xue Sha's already red eyes were so red that they were almost bleeding.

"Damn it!"

Xue Sha roared, and the entire Kingdom of God was shaken, and the heaven and earth in the Kingdom of God even collapsed.

This is his kingdom of God, and he is the god here and controls everything.

"God, it's Lord God!"

Countless aliens who were fleeing for their lives were not surprised but overjoyed when they saw the shattered world.

Their god has come and they are saved.

Chu Ci smiled faintly when he saw this scene, your gods can't save you.

"Master, what happened?"

At the same time, four figures also appeared in front of Xue Sha, it was the other four demigods.

Xue Sha said nothing with a sullen face, but his heart was filled with shock.

This is his Kingdom of God, and he has the power to control everything in the Kingdom of God.

That roar just now actually used his own power to destroy those spiritual swords.

But he never expected that those spiritual swords were not affected at all, but continued to slaughter his people.

In just a few breaths, he felt that his strength had weakened by one ten thousandth.

He is the pinnacle true god. Even if he is one ten thousandth, he is enough to suppress or even kill the lower true gods.


Xue Sha waved his big hand and immediately disappeared from the spot with his four men. When he reappeared, he was already in front of the spirit sword.

"Invasion, there are actually creatures invading our Kingdom of God."

Seeing those spiritual swords, the four demigods didn't know what was going on.

No wonder the owner was so angry.

"Give me the town!"

Xue Sha flipped his right hand, the power of the law gathered, and an invisible force appeared, moving towards the spiritual swords to suppress them.

Tsk tsk tsk...

But when this force came into contact with the spirit sword, tearing sounds were heard.

Xue Sha's expression changed even more. These spiritual swords were actually breaking away from his power.

"How is it possible? Could it be that the peak true god took action?"

Xue Sha knows very well that only the peak true god can break free from the suppression of his own power.

As for the powerful Ancient God, let’s not talk about whether there is one in the Black Abyss Secret Realm. Even if there is, the opponent can directly destroy his kingdom with a slap, so there is no need to bother.

"Who are you, sir, and why do you treat Lingyuan City so cruelly?" Xue Sha said coldly.

At the same time, he secretly increased his power, making those spiritual swords temporarily unable to move.

But it was only a matter of time before these spiritual swords broke through his power. At this time, the power of his laws was rapidly being consumed.

"He is indeed the pinnacle true god."

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes when he saw the bloody murder, and then a sword curse fell.

The next moment, the blood-killing body froze, and a control effect was applied to it.

This shocked Xue Sha, and he quickly mobilized the power of law to remove the control.

Although these controls were eliminated in an instant, after such a delay, the suppressed spiritual swords flew out again and started to kill the aliens.

There were even several spiritual swords coming at him and then slashing them down.

Seeing the spirit sword fall, a barrier suddenly appeared in front of Xue Sha.

"Boom boom boom..."

The terrifying power was released in all directions, and the four demigods were even blown away, their health bars almost bottoming out.

At this time, Xue Sha was calm on the surface, but he was surprised inside.

Even though his barrier was not broken, the strength of these spiritual swords was extremely terrifying.

If you are only a low-level true god or even a mid-level true god, you may not be able to withstand it.

These few spiritual swords are so terrifying. If all the spiritual swords attack me, can I resist it?

"The peak true god is really impressive."

Chu Ci was equally surprised.

He had mobilized the power of law in the sword spell just now, and thought he could control the opponent for a few seconds.

Unexpectedly, the opponent would remove the control effect almost instantly.

Even after the opponent was on guard, when he used the sword spell again, he could no longer control the opponent.

Moreover, with his own damage, several spiritual swords were slashed together, and even the opponent's barrier could not be broken.

Although he knew that if he mobilized more spiritual swords, he would definitely be able to defeat it, but as the peak true god, the other party must also have a lot of means.

"Let's just massacre the city as expected."

Chu Ci secretly thought, and then waved his hand, and another five billion spiritual swords flew out.

There are seven billion spiritual swords, the number of which is already comparable to the number of living beings in Lingyuan City.

Aren't you able to suppress my spiritual sword? Seven billion spiritual swords. Let me see how you suppress them.

Xue Sha, who originally planned to suppress all the spirit swords again, turned dark when he saw that there were five billion more spirit swords.

He can also suppress seven billion spiritual swords, but these spiritual swords will make him consume the power of the law crazily.

If things go on like this, when the power of the law is exhausted, these spiritual swords will explode again, and then he will be completely unable to stop them.

"No, we must find the enemy."

Xue Sha looked forward. The five billion spirit swords flew from that direction just now.

Immediately, he stepped forward and disappeared in one step.

However, after he left, the four demigods were also killed by the spirit sword, but he could no longer care about them at this time.

Soon, Xue Sha came to the front of the sky.

"Human race?"

Looking at Chu Ci in front of him, Xue Sha said with a gloomy expression, "It's you!"

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