"it's me.

Seeing the bloody killing, Chu Ci smiled.

He had no intention of hiding, since the other party couldn't get out anyway.

"Human race, I should have no enmity with you, right? Why do you do this?"

Xue Sha gritted his teeth and said. At this time, he already had a guess in his mind, but he was still unwilling to accept it.

"Since you know that I am a human race, you should also know that this world is my human race territory."

"Do you know why you are still alive?"

The smile on Chu Ci's face disappeared and became indifferent, "It's just a test left by my ancestors of the human race."

Hearing this, even though he had already guessed it, Xue Sha's face turned pale.

They had been speculating before about why the First Emperor only imprisoned them but did not kill them.

When he saw the human race Chu Ci just now, he had a guess in his mind, and now he got the exact answer from Chu Ci.

"I, the Bone Demon Clan, lived in the abyss and have never had any conflict with your human race."

"But the First Emperor of your human race suddenly gathered an army to conquer all races, and our Bone Demon Clan was also forced out of the abyss."

"I, the Bone Demon Clan, just want to live, but why did your First Emperor let us go?"

"My people, my wife and even my children, all died in the hands of your human race. I managed to escape here."

"I have tried every means to survive until now. I thought this life would pass like this, but I didn't expect that you humans would still refuse to let me go."

Xue Sha roared, "Why, what did I do wrong?"

Chu Ci looked at the other party quietly. Judging from the other party's appearance, what he said should be true.

There are many races of demons, and the bone demon race is just one of them.

According to what the other party said, the other party is indeed innocent and an innocent disaster.

But he has no sympathy.

"You are right, and I am just the same as you were before." Chu Ci said.

To live.

It is precisely because of weakness that the other party has such an experience.

And he doesn't want to become the same as the other person, so he can only become stronger.

The spirit sword was still massacring in Lingyuan City, countless aliens fell, blood filled the sky, and the sky was filled with blood.

There was an infant alien child. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was not the blue sky and white clouds, but a flash of sword light and his mother lying beside him.

There was a couple who had just quarreled over trivial matters. When they turned around again, what they saw was the weeping corpse of their sweetheart.

There is an old couple lying on a chair. One second they were enjoying a peaceful life, and the next second they were gone to hell together.


This day is the end of Lingyuan City, and countless creatures are bleeding.

They are sad just because they are weak, so weak that they can be slaughtered by others.

They were also happy and did not feel pain when they were dying.

After all, Chu Ci’s sword is very fast!

Xue Sha still stood in front of Chu Ci, with only a light curtain between the two sides.

He didn't try to stop it anymore. Maybe he knew that stopping it would be useless, so he just gave up.

Because he knows that the weak are ultimately used to become the strong.

When he was a strong man, he never cared about the lives of the weak.

But now a being stronger than him has come, and he has become the weak one.

After being silent for a long time, feeling that his power was rapidly declining, Xue Sha suddenly said, "Is the First Emperor still alive?"

He knew that he was dead. Since it was the First Emperor who stayed here specifically to test the human race in front of him, no matter how he resisted, even if he was a powerful ancient god, he was still dead.

"I don't know." Chu Ci shook his head.

"Is Xian Qin still there?" Xue Sha asked again.

"It's not Immortal Qin now." Chu Ci replied.

Hearing this, Xue Kill's eyes were full of emotions, including shock, confusion, relief and joy.

"It turns out that even someone as powerful as Qin can be destroyed." Xue Sha's tone was full of complexity.

Qin, who once forced the Bone Demon Clan to escape from the abyss and was the only one who survived in the end, is no longer here.

Chu Ci said nothing and didn't know how to answer.

The two didn't speak again after that, just looking at each other through the light curtain.

As time passed, Chu Ci also felt that the aura on Xue Sha was getting weaker and weaker.


When half of the creatures in Lingyuan City were killed, Xue Sha's body trembled.

The strength has also dropped directly from the peak true god to the upper true god level.

"If I had known this, I should have practiced the law from the beginning."

There was regret in Xue Sha's tone.

Although the benefits of the Divine Kingdom are many, once the enemy finds the Divine Kingdom and massacres the Divine Kingdom, the Lord of the Divine Kingdom will also be greatly affected.

But it's just a pity. If he is given another chance, he will still choose the divine way.

Because the true god of the Kingdom of God, although his combat power is not good, his life-saving ability is top-notch.

Time continues to pass.

Without the resistance of the bloody killing, it was extremely easy for Chu Ci to slaughter the creatures in Lingyuan City. Wherever the spiritual sword passed, there was absolutely no life.

Finally, after the last creature in Lingyuan City was killed, the aura on Xue Sha's body became turbulent again.


This time, Xue Sha knelt down half-kneeling, and finally managed to stabilize his body.

After dozens of breaths, when the state stabilized, only the middle true god was left.

But without the kingdom of God, his combat power will be several times weaker than those of the median true gods who follow the path of law.

"You can do it now."

Xue Sha straightened his body and looked at Chu Ci calmly.


The sword light flashed across, and there was no resistance at all, and the blood bar disappeared instantly.

When he was about to die, Xue Sha looked back at his own kingdom of God.

It's just that the Kingdom of God is now devastated, with corpses everywhere.


A blood rainbow soared into the sky, streaking across the sky of the Black Abyss Secret Realm, illuminating the dark sky with blood red.

In Happy Town, they were taking the town residents to hunt monsters. Boss Fox, who had obtained the black gold, looked up.

"what is that?"

"Why... I feel inexplicably uncomfortable."

Boss Fox was confused. She couldn't control this discomfort at all. It seemed that some powerful existence had fallen, and Tiandi issued an obituary.

In the secret realm of the Black Abyss, countless creatures looked up.

Most of the creatures were wondering what the sudden appearance of the blood rainbow meant.

Only the True God experts from the other three main cities showed expressions of disbelief.

A true god has fallen.

But now there are only four of them true gods in the Black Abyss Secret Realm, and they are all peak true gods, so how could they fall so easily.

Who has the ability to kill the peak true god?

The three true gods fell into panic for a while.

Under the blood rainbow, Xue Sha stood upright.

Facing the broken Kingdom of God.

The blood-colored eyes were covered with a layer of gray mist.

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